when does vera find out about jake on wentworth

when does vera find out about jake on wentworth

With Bea and Allie finally out as a couple, Kaz forms an alliance with Tina's Asian crew to help take Bea down. Jake makes it outside where he is still frantic to find Vera until he sees her come from the distance, he hugs her. As rumblings against Kaz increase, Ferguson manipulates Lucy to up the pressure on the top dog. Although she does become stricter she still a bit lenient as governor. Kaz and Rita form an alliance. A surprise letter sets Franky on a radical new solution to her problems. S9 E8 Ferguson delivers Vera her coup de grace. S2 E2 The fourth season of the television drama series Wentworth premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. S2 E8 Bea Smith goes from housewife to inmate and finds out the hard way that retribution in prison has fatal consequences. There are ten episodes included in Season 9. Checkmate, S2 E1 S6 E1 Vera is also dealing with her ailing mother and the stresses of looking after her and being demoted back to deputy governor, Vera goes under the wing of Ferguson who teaches Vera all that she knows. S5 E8 Fear Her. Vera later tells Marie that she will not let her destroy Will. My second most hated character is Allie, and finally, my third most hated character is Allie. He soon became used as a pawn by Ferguson after she helped him with his drug debt. With Marie onside, the plan is underway - but may have terrible repercussions for Allie. Vera asks Jake if he's been sexually assaulted he says that he doesn't know but was hit in the head. Neither is aware that Ferguson is tracking them carefully. Vera later tells Will about what happened and she says she needs to report her once and for all. Jake is also there when Liz wants to tango with someone but not one of the prisoners know how to, Jake decides to tango and tick of an item on Liz's list. Doreen shocks everyone by turning her back on Bea and Liz is assigned to look after a new inmate. Vera asks where the police found it and they confirm it was in Ferguson's hovel. But when Jess makes a sudden, drastic move, all plans are thrown out the window and the stage is set for a dramatic showdown. Vera Bennett's story thoughout Season 7 hinged on her pregnancy and relationship with Jake Stewart. As Fletch readjusts to work life, Bea must forgo closely held morals as she engages in a secret plan to use Jodie Spiteri to bring down Ferguson. He manages to make it too the boiler room to see Vera has delivered there child safely and Vera names her Grace, Grace is seen touching Jake's finger and its revealed to Boomer and Liz that Jake is the father. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. S7 E3 Vera and Rita wait for news as the two talk, Rita informs Vera that the injury was her fault, as the night goes on, Rita and Vera get to know each other better and Rita tells Vera that she'll make a great mum, Vera holds Rita's hand and puts it to her belly to feel the baby kick. Nearing the point of stepping down as top dog, she is thrown a lifeline from an unlikely ally. Franky and Allie draw closer on their quest to find a viable escape route, but their growing bond sends Bridget off the rails. Vera threatened to sack Jake at the end of season 5, but Jake made his move and said he could lift the lid on Vera for allowing Bea to escape. Jake is later in the kitchen when Eve and Joan are talking. S9 E1 Like Kate Atkinson, who plays Vera Bennett, said: " [ Wentworth 's] just . A shocked Vera finally discovers the identity of her stalker, who has one last ultimatum. The Ties That Bind. The arrival of new inmate Kelly provides Fletch with hope of unmasking Ferguson for what she is. Will confronts Jake and makes him realise what he did for Joan. After being publicly accused by Harry Smith of an inappropriate relationship with Bea, Will comes to believe that Harry is behind his campaign of harassment. Liz prepares for her imminent appearance as Witness X, living in fear Sonia will surely catch her out. Jake almost slots May as a result of her being drunk in her unit. 100%. Jake informs Allie that they have CCTV of the killer and that they were wearing a hoodie when they committed the crime. Lovers And Fighters. Will is in a happy place and seems to finally be able to put the past behind him is shocked when he is the focus of a murder investigation. Nickname In Season 9 of Wentworth, Ann Reynolds died in a way that was much more appropriate for the villain she turned out to be than Judy Bryant, who was discovered dead in the wreckage after being pierced through the chest by falling debris. Whatever it Takes. Metamorphosis. Ferguson is rattled when she discovers that Bea will be supporting Jesper's evidence in court. In episode two, Jake runs to the unit to check on what is going on, he calls in other guards for help as he tells Lou he's gonna open the door. Vera reveals to the women that Marie is working with Sean and its an escape. Stewart would begin a relationship with Vera Bennett under the orders of Joan Ferguson. Allie remembers his death occurring on the day Judy stabbed her, after stealing Reb's surgery funds, because it was on the television . Jake then later tells Joan to stay away from his family and baby. Rita Bennett (mother) Grace Bennett (daughter) Vera later tells Will that she is so worried about Ferguson she tells him to ring the courthouse, where they learn Ferguson has been committed to stand trial and that she is coming back in the prison in the brawler. Wentworth. The women and staff of Wentworth are reeling in the aftermath of Bea Smith's murder in a new era for the prison. Allie returns to Wentworth seeking vengeance against Ferguson. S9 E6 Vera is asked to ID Ferguson as she had no family left Vera confirms her identity. As the forces align against Ferguson, she begins to unravel, realising she is in a fight of her life, professionally and personally. Vera tells Ann that she needs help and Ann just brushes her off and blames Vera for not being there when her daughter died. He is later seen in the shower block when Allie shivs her own legs.. Jake is last seen when Ann says she would like a car ride home as her "calf is playing up". Twist the Knife. Vera returns to work after her mothers funeral with an entirely new personality. Franky and Allie formulate a detailed plan of escape, requiring ingenuity, courage, and some help from an unlikely source. did hephaestus divorce aphrodite Order Supplement. Main Menu , TV Show Recap. Later when the riot takes hold Vera runs to the creche where a traumatised Linda is and takes her baton to end the creche side of the riot. Mother. Simmo's attempt to kill Bea ends in tragedy, while Liz faces her greatest dilemma to snitch or not to snitch. . When the lab results point to Doreen being pregnant, Ferguson threatens to have Doreen's lover, Nash's, parole revoked unless lies about the father. When they learn that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are still unaccounted for including Joan, Jake just says Joan is no longer their problem if she is dead. Jake is also present when Ann announces the closure of the protection unit. Vera asks if Jake was assaulted, and he says no. Vera's life away from Wentworth was anything but quiet, she looked after her mother Rita Bennett in which she wouldn't allow Vera to do anything, this lead Vera to making up a boyfriend named "Adam". Is told to get the hurry on by Linda about Ruby not returning. S7 E6 Battle lines are drawn. Liz is charged with looking after a young Korean drug mule who doesn't speak English whilst Franky's determination to maintain power pushes her to extreme lengths. Vera watches with Jake, Joan's treatment in the psych unit. My most hated character is Allie. None of us are thanks to you.". Jake also takes Reb to medical after he suffers a reaction. Screw Lover. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. In episode 5, Jake sides with Vera and says that the memorial is a bad idea and during the memorial he talks with Linda who holds a fire extinguisher who tells him that the prison "isn't burning down on her watch." 8. In episode one, Jake is first seen telling Ferguson that she has an appointment with Dr Miller, while he takes her to the appointment Joan fantasizes about snapping his neck. Season 5 took its fans through twists and turns, especially in episode 11. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving . Or does she ask her sister to take care of Joshua, and get him out of Ferguson's reach for good? When Harry visits Bea to ask for a divorce and settlement of their affairs, Bea agrees on one condition - that Harry takes revenge on Brayden. Vera sleuths on the prison computer the results of her drug test. Vera's battle with Ferguson pushes her to the edge of a moral abyss and Rita turns up the heat on Judy, seeing her as the weak link. Angel Of Wentworth. Under the pump and certain that Ferguson is planning to ambush her chances, Franky offends former lover Kim, who retaliates by planting drugs, in the form of heroin-filled balloons, in Franky's cell. (Picture: Foxtel) It's a nightmare that Vera Bennett, Will Jackson and Jake Stewart never imagined they would have to relive but thanks to the input . Meanwhile, Franky is preparing for her release. S5 E1 Even if . When Ferguson takes her revenge on the prisoners by bulldozing the garden project, Doreen turns her anger on Franky. Do Doreen and Nash stay together? When Bea discovers Allie has fallen back into drug addiction, Bea decides to remove Allie from Kaz's control once and for all. Revenant. The stakes ramp up for Will when the media learn he is the prime suspect in the police investigation of Harry Smith's murder. While Allie and the crew are watching the news in their block, the investigation of U.S. Defence Secretary Martin Schwartz's death appears. Bea is dealt another devastating blow but is buoyed by the inmate's support, while Jacs's power further diminishes. Jake is still seen on extremely shaky ground with Vera, and in the premiere is very protective of her, stopping a game of basketball due to Kosta becoming rowdy and throwing a ball at her and says "you could've hurt Vera." Vera gets a call from Ann who is crying in the car. Will and Vera talk where Vera says she is calling it off as she doesn't want to put anyone else at risk. Vera was sent home to 'take care of her mother', which she does by overdosing her on pain medication. Does Joan Ferguson kidnap Vera's baby? Jacs realises she has to make a final play to break Bea. Conspiracy to Attempted Murder, Corruption, Illegal Euthanasia, Blackmail, Conspiracy to Evidence Tampering, Assault, Interference with a Corpse, Conspiracy to Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy to incite a Riot. Panic Button. Will discovers something about Meg that sends him on a downward spiral, pushing him dangerously close to the edge. The Danger Within. in . Finally exposed as Allie's attacker, a desperate Judy makes an audacious play for Lou's protection while Ferguson fuels Eve's obsession with Jake. Franky's under fire. In episode eight, Jake is first seen talking with Ann where she again wants to have sex with him. No Place Like Home Kate Atkinson has stated in interviews that Vera will get nasty over time, and this has been correctly proven in Episode's 8, 9 and 10. The Pink Dragon. Vera informs Rita that she cannot see Ruby as Will has denied the request, and when Rita goes to jump the fence, she gets caught in it and Vera radios for help telling Rita not to move. Jake later takes care of Grace when Vera goes on a night out with Ann. When Jake saves Liz's life in a selfless act, Vera is forced to reassess her opinion of him. 2. Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the . Wentworth isn't Ferguson's prison - it's Bea's. A desperate Judy seeks her father's help, but his callous rejection pushes Judy to commit a vicious act. As Sonia tries to spin her "Angel of Wentworth" PR into an innocence campaign, her past crimes threaten to derail her. Meanwhile, Liz has a difficult reunion with her daughter Sophie and is unsure when Doreen proposes she be the alternate carer when the baby comes. Vera stops Ann from hitting Judy anymore and orders Linda to take Judy to medical as a result. Franky is on the run. However, this attitude to the prisoners didn't go unnoticed, as Meg Jackson observed. The Girl Who Waited, S1 E4 S4 E10 In episode five, Vera is in the staffroom when Ann flies off the handle about the camera in the prison. S8 E10 hessy wa kayole pictures. The women of H Block return to Wentworth after the rebuild to find a new dynamic in play - Vera is Governor, Will is deputy and Kaz Proctor has established a power base. Vera later talks with Will about Ruby and Marie, and says that she did it for Rita and what Rita did was for Ruby, Vera learns that Danny's death was an accident, and makes sure she takes the paperwork when Ann asks where it is. When Bea hears that Simmo's daughter is working for the Holts, she plants paranoia in Simmo's mind and fuels it to further her own plans. Finally, after much agonising, Vera is unable to deny to herself the truth about Ferguson. Wentworth explores interesting social dynamics in a prison setting. Vera later makes Ferguson clean up vomit on the prison floor. Vera doesn't say anything. Freak Show. Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. The news of Ferguson's survival rocks Wentworth. With the prison in lockdown, tensions reach crisis point. Karen. Vera refuses Jake's idea and says that she needs to stop running from her past. Wentworth's Final Sentence: Second Episode. First Blood. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. But when Jake smuggles a new batch of drugs into the prison for Tina, Bea gets wind of the stash and orders Tina to flush the gear. S3 E7 Vera later watches the rise of a new top dog. Vera received the role after Ann Reynolds suggested Vera come back to work after her maternity leave. Thankfully, Bridget manages to help her gather the evidence needed to clear her name, and while Franky is still suffering from the bullet wound, she finally wakes up in a hospital where detectives let her know that they're dropping all charges against her. Meanwhile, Ferguson draws closer to achieving her quest to destroy Vera. Rita faces an impossible dilemma, while Kaz gets the better of Marie and Vera learns the gender of her baby, casting doubt over her mothering skills. Playing a dangerous game of her own, Allie claims responsibility for the accident to convince Tina of her allegiance. Meanwhile, Vera is forced to choose between professionalism and her love for Jake. Plan Bea. In episode five Jake is with Vera and Will when they learn of Ferguson's "total memory loss" and is later present at the presentation that Ann is giving, Jake laughs at it and later lets Ruby out on day release and has a shift in the laundry. Jake discovers that Vera is pregnant, but she tells him that he will have no part in the baby's life. The Pact. Whilst there was an officer in the original series with a similar name, A throwaway line in season 4 from Will telling Linda that Jake is gay and Linda repeating it Vera. Stewart before his time at Wentworth served as a warder at Long Bay Prison and Walford Prison, in which his time at Walford he had a sexual relationship with Sean Brody. Franky's trapped by her past, Vera takes desperate measures to foil Ferguson's self defence plea, Liz starts to regret her decision to testify . Rita is caught in a trap set by Marie and Drago, and must compromise Ray in order to maintain her cover, whilst Ruby questions Allie's loyalty when she believes her to be spying for Marie. Vera later helped bring down Ferguson taking her complaints to the board. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'.

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when does vera find out about jake on wentworth