scott mckay patriot streetfighter

scott mckay patriot streetfighter

I was on the phone today with a police officer from a certain city here in Texas. Tell you what, he must be a pretty steady hand. Paypal accepted. Of course I wouldnt whatever do for the show. So what did Tony Fauci do? So the idiots call this bystander effects are really scientific term. 11:37 The muzzling issue is informing people how their their Charter of Rights is being violated so hell be with some Monday promote that were gonna promote it pretty hard as well. As you know big tech are censoring MAGA websites tremendously. Im not a hypocrite and and you have no idea and you cant do this. 1:12:59 Do you see these people Back in you, folks said before, if people arent attacking you, you got nothing going on. And thats what the end of our book plague of corruptions shows, you know, but for Frank crosetti, we wouldnt have had that solution, we wouldnt have been able to our book plague of corruption, red light prophecy, the government captured it, it was already written in press in August of 2019. Like, come on, Scott, my own thoughts talking myself, like, hmm, after a period of time, say how can I possibly know these things, you know, when I havent had any background or experience in some of this stuff, just putting it out there. We talk about whats coming, where the battle is and the signs of the times. Look at what theyre doing. Ill kind of figured out what how I figured out how I learned that. is always the one the weakest one wants to use physical force, right? Of course, hes a Scott, hes one of the hes a consummate scumbag. You can hear what happens after that in my voice if you cant see it, because its going everywhere in my right hand. And the International Association of medical oral medicine and toxicology show dentists are watching people get mouth cancers, their teeth rot out, because theyve just the microbiome from these mask all these people and Im, and Im just and I cant do it, Im not a hypocrite, and I cant do it. 52:50 I dont care whos in power republicans democrats. And then they get their people out there to sell it to us that, you know, people I heard it and again, from a business perspective, I heard this before, lifes not a dress rehearsal. Theres no question with what you people are doing. "McKay poses for pictures with his fans with the tomahawk, uses it as a prop onstage, and incorporates it into the Patriot Streetfighter logo," The Beast . COA and Hemp Information. And there Ive got an electron microscope graphs showing the carbon nanofibers, the toxic everything toxic, we know theyre sprayed with Teflon against prop 65 its absolutely the worst possible mask you could possibly wear especially if youre like me, and you have a lung disease pleurisy and and you got infected with contagious contagious cancer causing x xmrv as acknowledged by the federal government and chopped chapter eight of our first book play. Great video. Truth is like, I dont when people come up with these things, its kind of silly, but my perspective, I just dont I dont think I just wonder where they come up with these names. So we together lock arms and say were going to put an end to this. Enjoy. If I see something I push a lot of people to other channels, I bring them on this show. Follow Rose Rambles on Recent Articles. By probably like 95% to five or less probably way less than that. Lets see. Santa Barbara is a is an unbelievable echo chamber. About Us Scott's Story. Thats where theyre going to be. But heres the thing, from now on, when a channel goes down, and you dont know, are we on? I like him already. This is not my this is none of this is my normal mail. so anyway so hey hes coming in were here getting ready to go to dinner whatever in as i mentioned in san diego but um so i mean this and so finally i signed the piece of paper but im not smart enough or aware enough to sign you dtf and put my name in a box and under duress and threat of force and put my name in a box such that its pretty clear that the only thing that was truth on the piece of paper is my signature and that they forced me to sign that honey come over here and say hi to scott im here no come over here let him see you, 1:07:46 We knew we realized and we discovered in 2009, published with great fanfare in the journal Science, the new family of disease causing deadly contagious cancer contagious AIDS. And I, Im ashamed of myself now 40 years later, because I at 25 was drinking the Kool light Kool Aid, like many of our 25 year olds are now basically saying, you know, wait a minute, its your bad behavior that got you sick, Im working 24 hours a day to make drugs for you. - Powerful Immune System Booster. And thats it. So shes laying on his lap. 15.9K Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter , edited 17:47. Im like, Well, you know what? I dont know about Lynn, I just heard this recently. Thats an Apache. I agreed never Frank agreed never to say the G word. These cookies do not store any personal information. Subscribe now for access to all new broadcasts, videos and posts! Its only a couple of these policies and cowards that are conduct themselves like this. And many of you guys know, you know who the worms are in the police department that do this bullshit. What a horrible nightmare to for the people that are losing losing lives right now. The two patriots have a great discussion about a number of political topics. The boxes I dont have near me, but I think the Armys not growing. Well, Dr. Judy, its been a real pleasure. It was a rewarding career that allowed him to own and operate several high end private fitness and wellness . So we went into Afghanistan. In fact, hes going to pick up the gas, and the hotels for me. So you guys have a great night love yall. Home; Who is Q? And this was early in the day so Im 22 years old, I have an undergraduate degree Im hell bent on Im hell bent on curing cancer and thats what Ive been doing since my grandfather died in that when I was probably 1213 years old or cancer on St. Patricks Day. Lets just get that straight. Thats why, you know, theyve been able to get control of us because of all this nonsense that they put into the Good Book and, or took out of the Good Book. Pastor Dave from His Glory has a great conversation with Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay. Veteran and country singer Derek Johnson has been trying to educate Americans on the importance of knowing the constitution, common law and additionally military law. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. BANNED AND CENSORED ON YOUTUBE, TWITTER, LINKEDIN AND INSTAGRAM Patriot Street Fighter! She called up and she said Judy, I cant wait any longer and Im like, oops, hey, Im on my way to this conference. patriot Street Fighter address is 4447 North Central Expressway. So I worked in medicine, why I made these drugs I made therapeutics in strat and curative strategies both from the plants both from in targeted therapies for 22 years im not against making drugs i made those drugs but you dont use them wrong like you used with hydroxychloroquine published fraudulent paper oh wait a minute after it turns out to work same thing with suramin in in 2015 suramin isnt as an anti retroviral therapy and its a natural its not a natural its just 100 year old synthetic drug made by monsanto or bayer now owned by monsanto african sleeping sickness while a double blind placebo controlled study in 2015 showed oh wait a minute people with x mrv and autism they got their life back they started talking again what did bayer and the government do take it away from everybody when i did clinical trials and they end and patients responded well to a drug they stopped the study and gave the drug to everybody so youre right its a murder machine and it goes on everythings about denying the contaminants the animal viruses not limited to and bacteria think of chronic lyme disease you know its not lyme connecticut named after a place the limes are in my glass most of the time and you know this is you know its borrelia its its borrelia and babesia mycoplasma mold all those things that were associated with herpes viruses that were going through the needle in these shots or as a part of a contaminated blood supply so these were the people getting sick and and and the governments been lying to you so you know i i get on this plane and it and i only thought about this part in retrospect because so i get on the plane and you know and im laughing as i look at the and ive got the mask on and im not thinking about it because ive worn it on to other flights you know one with robert f kennedy jr one with reverend tony muhammad of the nation of islam and no im not thinking about it normally im a bit tense thinking im going to have to do the mass game and in this time i was just i was just working im just going to a conference im excited about teaching the doctors because i know the doctors want to help their patients so i get on she she says good morning and hands me the toxic and sanitizer you know then i say you know and im probably looking at my phone and i say no thank you good morning no thank you and i go take my seat which is to d and i put my my backpack up in the overhead my briefcase right next to the window and my see she comes behind me and says and says youre not wearing that mask and i turned around literally incredulous i may pardon me i didnt say sorry i wont say that either, 42:59 Guess which one do you think Im wearing? Because I pretty much stay stay out in the crowd as much as I can. Wait a minute and isolated it from the saliva folks. If there is demand for a whole tour or just a partial tour, that will determine what we can do.Wrapped Tour Bus will approx 150K. So if I cant get the word out across all social media, you overlook it doesnt reach you, whatever. But coming back through Vegas, same thing and get ready to the gate. But when she came forward and outed what these criminals do, how they do it, from the HIV era, how they will take scientists, high level scientists, and if they dont tow the Big Pharma line, or wherever the kazarian game plan is, theyll destroy their career that never get published, dont ever become prominent. So yeah, make sure that you go to big bat big bat if you need to donate to Robert David Steels operation there and see what else again, you see, you can still do anything. So I came down to to be with a lot of other people with heart tomorrow heal a little bit from the events in Santa Barbara last week. Again, its on the trains, its on. THE SITE IS NOW HTTPS secure. Good to have you folks. Its revolution dot radio. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Im staying on this issue. Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic. I was right yeah i cant take my phd because that data stand to this day its not funny because in COVID-19 data dont matter were all forced in masks or at least there was you know part of the scientific community that that recognized a scholars obligation in an age of corruption was to tell the truth no matter the cost well essentially only a half dozen people around the world are doing that now and therefore what youve what youve got is the the millions that have already been killed the 10s of millions that have been scared into getting these toxic shock or wearing or wearing these face divers you know and and and where people like happened in the event there are no medically approved mass there are no fda approved mass theres you know and and and i was wearing you know no different than any than anybody else so id warn on several other flights and heres our militant flight attendant who happened to notice i was wearing my red meat we the people hat and it was a clear setup i sent you all the details of that in your email and we can post this and and we can talk about that that officer that doesnt deserve to wear the the uniform as he he beats a 63 year old woman you know i can say his name online and maybe people can rough him up there in santa barbara if youd like, 26:54 So if you want the Patriot Street Fighter gear, thats where you get it. GET DAILY BANNED NEWS IN YOUR INBOX @ Join the conversation on Telegram @ Podcast by: Yeah, you know youre targeting me. This is Judy Mike ovitz Dr. Judy, its a true pleasure to have you here. Im so pissed off about what was done not just to anybody, but specifically you and Ben for the reasons why and I want to I want to go right into that real fast. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. I remembered when I talked in that movie to Mickey Willis, we had many long conversations that ended up being just a few minutes, I told the story to him of that that sign outside some of the HIV AIDS aids meetings that said, silence equals death, and scientists are murderers.

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scott mckay patriot streetfighter