russian knitting symbols

russian knitting symbols

my unblocked sample, knit on 32 stitches in worsted weight acrylic, using #8 needles . If the pattern is to be worked flat, then you will read the right-side rows from right to left, and the wrong-side rows from left to right (in the opposite direction); in order for the pattern to form as designed. Help??!!? April 7, 2021 @ I understand the color change but what happened to the stitches where the chart disappears? I am knitting a cardigan and am a on a row in the chart that calls for pearling two together. If you would like to attempt to translate knitting patterns for your own use, try these helpful online resources: Rs is the right side, meaning the front of the project. Hi Susie in the written pattern and the chart notes it states to knit the knits and purl the purls on the WS rows. 4:35 pm. October 9, 2019 @ DeaG July 22, 2014 @ January 9, 2019 @ 12:36 pm. Im knitting the marshland sweater and enjoying it. 10:50 am. There are 42 stitches across and 60 rows. 2:27 pm. Thank you! Carla Ficorilli Alright, I don't speak Russian but based on familiar symbols and the picture I feel pretty confident about a few of them = slip, slip knit (or your preferred left leaning decrease), The one at the tip of the leaf that looks like a rake = centred double decrease, = purl, I think? 1:54 pm, Hi Heidi you arent missing anything! Elaine I am about to start the Tall Dark and Handsome hat but I dont understand how the chart applies when knitting in the round? Hello, I think I might be the only person in the world that is having a problem with the lace pattern in Love Notes. This 14-language collection was started on the ancient KnitList knitting mailing list. Im working on your Stovetop Hat. Hi Elaine If you want to enlarge it simply to view on screen, you should be able to zoom in. January 22, 2017 @ November 21, 2021 @ Unless you are making lacey loops. Ive never seen this before. 8:26 am, I have been reading all your info on reading a chart in knitting. A Adyana It is a bit odd, but it makes perfect sense from the point of view of the ladies who used this knitting style to keep their families warm during cold Easter European winters it is a well-known fact that fabric made of twisted stitches is denser, warmer and less likely to wear out fast. And the symbols for knits and purls are reversed between right and wrong side rows. alexaludeman September 24, 2019 @ August 18, 2015 @ I tried to figure this out by looking at the chart for the Tenderheart and what happens between row 14 and 15 but I still cant work it out. Or before knit 2 together or purl 2 together. When we knit using the Eastern knitting style, we hold the yarn in our left hand, the same way as we do when we use the Continental knitting style. alexaludeman November 8, 2015 @ Hi Shelley Hmm, is there possible an edge stitch you are missing? 12:54 pm, Hi Elaine if I had to guess I would say the right cable chart. Is there an unwritten rule about this somewhere? Every time I do the 12 stitch repeat, I end up with 14 stitches. Im sorry, Im not sure which part of the post you are referring to? For the first time, I have come across a chart where all of the row numbersboth even and oddare listed on both sides of the chart. alexaludeman Knitting Stitches. For even-numbered rows, continue in pattern (for garter stitch, knit; for stockinette, purl; for reverse stockinette, knit). November 27, 2018 @ Do I knit over to the colored squares on the grid then purl the squares that make up the design on the right side of my work, then on the wrong side of my work do I purl over to the design then knit those stitches? Strikkesymboler. I get that. Id suggest you contact the designer directly. Also you can open the transcript ( only on computer, not phone) copy it and get Google Translate to put it into English. October 11, 2019 @ We got thumped if we made knitting mistakes. July 27, 2016 @ July 25, 2016 @ Hi Teresa if the next size up is yo, k2 then it will be increasing as well, just not at the same rate. 4:18 pm. May 8, 2020 @ 7:10 pm. This type of finely knit, down-hair lace shawl originated in the Orenburg area about 250 years ago, in the 18th century. Original symbol instructions in Russian. To work the row you need a 10 stitch repeat, but once the row is finished you will have an 8 stitch repeat. She seems to have a number of different translations on her site. Now bear in mind, I dont speak or read a word of that language. November 27, 2018 @ alexaludeman And Im sure many many people are enjoying your instruction. I can cable, but this is a little confusing. How would I chart it, making sure I account for the no stitch spaces? Hi Claire it is a bit tricky without pictures, but a pattern should include either decrease instructions that are separate from the chart, or the chart should include symbols that show the decreases. Ive been researching knitting chart notations and, to the best of my belief, one option for Sl1k-w would be a V and a Sl11p-w is a V with a horizontal line through its middle (which is character Q using Stitch-Mastery Dash font) It looks like this: V/ across 2 stitches and in both cases it looks like the V is underlined. :P Perhaps the designer could offer more of an insight?, She also has a page about horizontally elongated stitches: 10:47 am. 7:41 am, I am knitting a fair isle vest and I am a little confused as to how I follow the chart when I start the decreases for the armhole. Hi Emily! Hi Mary Im sorry, without a key I cant really say. 5:00 pm, This chart so clear. June 10, 2019 @ with multiple charts but always with differences between right-side rows and wrong-side rows. Hi there! It has a written pattern up to the 8th row but from 9 on is a chart which makes no sense to me. I think I understand the logic behind the chart. March 9, 2016 @ Hi Denise shaded no stitch boxes are sometimes inserted to make the patterning more visually clear. Has been deleted. Includes more complex stitch patterns, using a combination of stitches. Can you tell me what this means? 10:54 pm. Thank you, alexaludeman After casting on for the Back, 83 sts and knitting 4 rows of Twisted k1p1 ribbing I am stuck. I still struggle but am trying to work through this mental block I have with carts, Beth 10:14 am., Margaret February 6, 2017 @ Thanks ~ Emily, Pat Daigle This way, the chart is a much better visual representation of the actual fabric if you show the chart as if you were looking at the RS of a piece of work. So, for example, in the chart above under What are the heavy lines?, there is an 8-stitch repeat, but one is a SSK and one is a K2tog, so it seems to me that you would need 10 stitches to complete the row. Pull the yarn through and slip the original stitch off the tip of the left needle. Edith alexaludeman I love your designs and your website!! Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. June 29, 2020 @ June 6, 2020 @ (I though we were always knitting on right side and purling on wrong side) Thank you for your advice! Hi Judith it sounds like those are maybe non-stitches? 2010 - 2022 Tin Can Knits. April 5, 2021 @ January 9, 2015 @ 6:31 am. 7:08 am. The make 1 purl is literally that, an extra stitch, don't count it as two as I did..I spent sooo long counting stitches and wondering why the next row didn't add up lol. So you will purl in the purl section and work row 1 of the chart or written directions in the cable section. uzori or uzory patterns (possibly also stitch designs) I think I need some help with these Hi Kimberly I dont really know without seeing the actual pattern, but I would assume if the pattern has a no stitch you should just ignore it and move to the next square., alexaludeman Yes there are different rules to follow if you knit left handed. Above that, the next row has 7 chains only. alexaludeman Pinterest. Is it really all 32 rows 8 times? I started my search with the one English character transliteration of a Russian word that I did know from prior searches. Do you just skip those because you havent increased yet? It would be odd for a chart to end with a yo (but not impossible). So youll be working RS Rows: k3, work chart once, knit centreline st, work chart a second time, k3. Ben November 28, 2018 @ Essentially making a 7 stitch hole in your piece. Nov 14, 2020 - Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. Im very sure Ive got my markers in the right place and i am reading right to left but somehow the number of stitches doesnt seem to match up. 2:18 pm. December 19, 2021 @ The light went on!!! Then we pick the yarn that is conveniently sitting on our left index finger right next to the stitch we want to knit. Thanking you in advance for your help!, Emily Wessel 6:14 pm, Thank you, I thought I was being thick, lol x, marnen Thanks, alexaludeman Im not sure how you can believe there is any different rules for a right v. left handed knitter. I have never knit off a chart before and I would like to knit the Father Cables hat. and styles, the information on this site is presented without warranty regarding I am new at knitting and doing a baby blanket. Beginner Knitting Patterns. 6:52 pm, Hi, I am hoping you can help me. The pattern states to work chart b twice and chart a twice around. October 15, 2018 @ 5:04 pm. 10:46 pm. It sounds like you have a 21 stitch repeat (unless there are any dark lines around any sections, that could indicated the repeat is less than 21 sts), you would work row 1, 21 sts, then repeat those 21 sts all the way across the row. alexaludeman Naomi August 16, 2021 @ Cynthia Webb The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! Do you mean there are 2 knit sts and a yarn over within the repeat? Hi. Here are some of the most basic Russian symbols you will find. 11:17 am. Zuzana Ravelry has several groups for lefties that can answer your lefty questions. 2:59 pm. 9:55 am, Bonfire blanket. Thank you for any guidance. January 21, 2015 @ Here are a few of the ones I liked best. The faux cable Chart A combines the symbols for passing a stitch over (stretched out over 3 squares in the chart) with the symbols for knit, yarn over, and knit. 8:45 pm. June 9, 2015 @ Perhaps they just numbered on the left for convenience but its against all convention that Ive read for charts. January 10, 2016 @ I want it in the back. Hi Pat Im sorry, thats not one of our patterns and I havent knit it so I cant really say how the chart works. I am working on a lace shawl using a chart. Thanks for the tutorial, I think I get it but Im still stuck with a bonnet pattern I am attempting. 2-st RC (RT) - Sl 1 st to cn and hold to back, k1, k1 from cn OR k2tog but do not drop sts from left needle, k1, drop both sts from left needle. Abbreviations: k: knit p: purl k2tog: knit two stitches together Cast on an even number of stitches. How do I purl on right side and knit on wrong side? I work lefthanded, left to right. I dont understand the increase instructions however. This was very written very clearly and so helpful thank you! The first thing you should check when you start knitting from a chart is the key or legend, and chart notes if they are included. I have also knitted a lace scarf, so I have some experience. Im confused about the written instructions for this chart Roll on the day when there is a standard, and global, set of notations! 2. Do I just slip it to right needle. Hi Freda Sorry, Im not sure what to do without seeing the pattern. January 14, 2015 @ March 29, 2016 @ Jacqui 9:15 am, Sorry Viv, I really dont have any idea what that one ismaybe try contacting the designer? I am knitting a flat lace chart where the number one row is on the left. The diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side (unless otherwise specified). Debra Siegel Thanks for this tutorial. 5:11 am. I used google and it actually came up. Source: Hi Debbie It sounds like youve got it right, you are repeating the whole chart. Melissa alexaludeman Rhonda 10:32 am. March 3, 2020 @ 11:16 am. I am experienced, but I just dont get how to do this. I am working a cable pattern that starts row 1 ws on left side of chart. Eg, if there are 17 knit sts the number 17 will be in there. 12:45 pm. The one is the bottom row on the right and the 3 is on the second bottom row on the left. August 18, 2015 @ Origins. Instead of purl rounds on the RS, yo, turn the work and knit back. September 9, 2016 @ Sincerely Maddie. Hi Christina It looks like the charts have a 26 stitch repeat, which does go evenly into 130 sts. I dont understand how to keep the ten stitch pattern correct when I need twelve stitches to complete all the increases and decreases. Shouldnt the repeat be outlined by the matching colors? 10:54 am. 8:42 pm, Hi Diane Im not sure what you mean by doesnt look correct? alexaludeman Daniele Best luck! First off, thank you for such a detailed and wonderful illustration of how to read charts. Im knitting a hat, but I dont really understand how decreases work in charts. December 26, 2014 @ 7:17 am, Thank you for this tutorial on reading charts, it has been very helpful! alexaludeman knitting each round in the opposite direction) makes sense in principle. Rachael Okay, that was more than one question. 4:07 pm, How would you count the stitches in a chart to find the multiple number of stitches for the repeat, or to increase the size?? And if so, how would it look? 10:15 am, What do you do with the symbol that says no stitch? Skip these? alexaludeman January 19, 2018 @ Nancy Ellis February 15, 2018 @ alexaludeman Im making a Christmas stocking, using a chart and the directions say All of the sts that are purled on the RS are marked as pattern sts on the chart. Thank you to Sharon, Ella, Dianne and Crafty Beats. This technique is very different from knitting stitches using any of the Classic knitting styles. Purl on WS Is there a key for the chart? alexaludeman Confusingly I have also used said V to denote kfb when charting patterns. December 27, 2020 @ 11:24 am. 6:15 am. In the past two weeks, Z has gone from a military marking to the main symbol of public support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Thank you! Not sure about the red lines, it should be in the chart notes for the specific pattern you are working, Diana 9:49 am. Purl is the most common stitch in this pattern, so a blank square is used to avoid visual clutter. 10:58 pm. I tried a couple of rows but it doesnt work out correctly. Am I right? Christine 3:07 pm. 9:16 am. Lexique de Tricot Anglais/Franais; Need More Fiber. Finnish Knitting Terms; Pin Gallery. 3:10 am, Hi Laura thanks for pointing that out! Kathryn, alexaludeman 7: another empty box meaning NO STITCH ! 5:46 am. January 22, 2018 @ But as the wedge decreases in width, there are step ins. Good question, just skip them. alexaludeman 4:51 pm. I dont understand why the designer didnt just include the 8 stitches within the pattern repeat, because the picture of the FO definitely shows it is part of the repeatsam I making any sense? Help! September 4, 2019 @ What is this??? My struggle was with the ssk stitches that seemed to make it not correlate mathmatatically. March 6, 2017 @ 7:30 pm. Every designers pattern writing and charting conventions are different, so I cant say for sure. Michelle How do I do that? Here are some of them, along with my wild-ass guesses on what they might mean. 10:40 am. 2:15 am. 3:02 pm. Any suggestions for a good tutorial on knitting mittens using a chart. Amen to that! April 30, 2015 @ 12:59 am. -left-handed knitters are following charts from left-to-right, bottom-to-top (starting at the left down corner of the chart). Each size has a different number of sts. 10:12 pm. Row 3 blocks With the M1 instructions, does chart B show all stitches for that section, or just the center portion? Thank you so much. The Orenburg Shawl is one of the classic symbols of Russian handicraft. Reports the 5.4ft statue had been . Aideen O'Kane Mary Poland Walker: no stitch. work even > . 12:41 am. 9:15 am. Have been asking on other sites and on some google says my acct. My question is when you are knitting on the wrong side, do you read the pattern left to right OR right to left since the number is on the right? Then native speaker knitters reviewed the terms and provided corrections and additions for their . work rows 3-18 to form pattern), and you would continue working the chart as set. October 30, 2019 @ Illustrated explanation of Russian knitting symbols. Knit one If you think of the chart as a picture of the finished fabric taken from the right side of the work, this makes sense, as the RS rows are worked one stitch at a time from right to left, and the WS rows are worked from right to left too but on the opposite side. 12:16 pm. Bev Tuttle Jo Ann June 10, 2014 @ My first time trying to knit from a chart which I am finding very difficult. a dot in the box is a purled stitch; and A V in the box means to sl 1 wyb on the rs; and sl wyf on the wrong side. I would use an m1 on either side. How do you keep track of aran cabling when some charts dont equal numbers of stiches. I want to enlarge a chart that is in a PDF document. Im working on Arcadia poncho; have done the 14 down-but Im stuck (mentally) regarding establishing the chart. The bottom of chart starts with 6 inches and after about 8 boxes high x 6 stitches there is a increase so next section has 8 boxes in the row . Hi Char Im not sure, it seems like the second half of that instruction is missing? 9:53 am. How should I interpret the empty parts of the pattern? Hello how are you? Hi there, I am working on a dress which has some lace pattern inserted. Roberta, Renee January 13, 2018 @ April 6, 2021 @ 5:55 pm. Eastern knitting is one of the easiest knitting styles out there and the process of knitting a stitch happens in the easiest way possible through the back loop. March 28, 2018 @ Zuzana It was there, along the coast's legendary surf breaks, that he founded UGG. What do the chart symbols mean? You will want a border of 5 or 6 sts on the edge so you will cast on 35 or 37 sts. Some has been introduced via on-site ads that autoplay, some has been planted by hackers, so even innocent informational/hobbyist sites can be compromised without the viewers knowledge. September 6, 2021 @ 9:24 am. Have you tried contacting the designer? I am on round 3 of the lace chart and the pattern says to knit to the chart and knit next chart round. Patterns are not difficult, the lack of skill in sharing the information on what to do is responsible. A kfb is special because it uses a stitch to make one, you want to use a method that just makes 1 (try this method here: ), Glenda Giles Hi, I need some help with a knitting chart regarding the knit and purl stitches. Cable 6 front: slip next 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front of work, K3, then K3 from cable needle. Well, no, but it is the special language of knitting, which uses many abbreviations and terms, which save space and make patterns easier to read. Your instructions clarified issues Ive been dealing with. Looking at the chart, it has to be an increase to account for the number of stitches decreasing only by one in rows where there are two decreases, and looking at the knitted sample, it must lean to the right because the left edge of the knitting is not curved. Help!!! Alexa Ludeman November 11, 2019 @ Do I just add extra filler sts at the beginning so that the center st of the chart matches the center st of the work? The grey stitches can be completely ignored. If you are still unsure you may want to contact the designer. 3:08 pm, Assuming row 1 is a RS and row 2 is a WS, yep, Candice Row 2 dots HI, I have a chart where the bottom row is labeled number 1 on the left rather than the right. February 19, 2018 @ alexaludeman January 5, 2018 @ November 4, 2020 @ I make my stitches using the needle in my left hand, the working yarn is held in my right hand. Please add extra 10% of the yarn for each size larger than size 2. I would be glad to send you a copy of chart if you could help me understand this. Kimberlee Meyer November 7, 2016 @ Nicole On row 3 of the pattern, I have completed the 4 stitch repeat four times and am now left with three stitches left too many for the yarn over, make one, knit one that are left to finish the row. Im knitting a baby sweater in 12 month size. Emily Wessel Hi, I am knitting a baby cardigan (March from Isager) and there is a 7-stitch pattern for the front edges, 5 + 2 lace st. My question concerns those 2 st. Row 1 requires following Chart A to the mid-back, then following Chart B, which mirrors Chart A. 1:14 pm. One thing that is sometimes done if there are many stockinette sts in a row designers will put the number of sts in the middle. Does that help? Do I just cast on the number of stitches on row 1 of the 1st chart? Includes easy stitch patterns, simple color work, and some increases or decreases. For the last 2 sttches in rnd : place the second to last stitch on a cable needle and hold kn front , p1, sm,k1,k1 from cable eedle;cintknue rnd as chart row 4, starting at stitch 3 WEB WALKING THROUGH RUSSIAN KNITTING AND CROCHET,,, STITCHING ON THE MUSEO DEL TESSUTOS 16TH CENTURY CAMICA, Charts for Embroidery, Crochet, or Knitting, I'll Be Watching You (Eyeball) Bolster Cushion. April 18, 2021 @ November 28, 2016 @ My question is do I follow the whole chart with increases for the 27 times or just the 6 stitches section ? 8:01 pm. Do you mean the extra stitch to go after knitting into stitch A (so its between a and b) or after knitting into stitch B? SARAH STAVROFF Your email address will not be published. CO 96 stitches for the 8 pattern repeat x 12 (leaving out the borders on either side from your scarf). After a bit of practice, most knitters find working from charts much more intuitive, quick, and simple than working from line-by-line text instructions. Hi Im afraid the answer is a pretty unhelpful, I dont know. Is there anyone out there who will actually convert a graph pattern to a written version ? Im going to start it working the entire thing in the flat, putting the thumb stitches in a bit of spare yarn and then taking it up once done. 7:16 pm. December 15, 2016 @ Recent marches such as the Women's March on Jan. 21 and the March for Science on Saturday have brought knitting into the international spotlight and lured newcomers to a symbol of activism that . Im knitting a lace pattern for the first time. Along the way I kept a notepad file open, gluing in copied terms in both the original Russian, and the Latinized spellings frequently used in Web page URLs.

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