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lauren baxley pictures

As a result of not 1 but 2 grand juries refusing to indict Deshaun Watson, he will be suspended 0 games. Hitting > pauses the slideshow and goes forward. She then continued by claiming Watson had instructed her not to use her forearms or knuckles, but "my fingers for digital stimulation". And how convenient for the NFL that he comes back against the Texans. I am heartbroken for your family, for your loved ones, for those coming to terms with the fact that your charitable work and good-guy persona are nothing more than a meticulously designed faade to keep your victims silent and second-guessing themselves.. Following Solis' press conference, Deshaun Watson's attorney Rusty Hardin released a statement. I am the remaining plaintiff against Deshaun Watson, the Cleveland Browns quarterback who harassed and committed indecent assault against me", she wrote. His name would have come up repeatedly. Many describe a similar pattern that the Houston Texans quarterback initiated contact via Instagram to arrange for a massage session, then caused them to touch his genitals during the session. The first woman to file a sexual misconduct lawsuit against Deshaun Watson came forward Tuesday to tell her story publiclyand saidthe NFL quarterback assaulted and harassed her March 30, 2020, in her home. We will fully cooperate with the Houston Police Department., Hardin previously noted the lack of evidence submitted to police in these cases and said it was because Buzbees parade of anonymous allegations could not survive the rigorous inquiry of trained investigators or the need to attest to the truth of the allegations under oath., Hardin also released a list of 18 named therapists who said Watson never made them feel uncomfortable or demanded anything outside the scope of a professional massage.. When the time came to begin the session, Solis said Watson was naked on the massage table, with a small towel he had brought covering his groin. Talk soon.". Baxley will not be attending the game Sunday. Rudy Guiliani claimed he was physically assaulted in that grocery store. Hes gotten away with this, but a leopard cant change his spots. by NBATitleChase April 7, 2021 0 Comments. Solis alleged thatDeshaun Watson assaulted her on March 30, 2020, in her home. Now THAT is integrity, Goodell. "When you requested a pre-consultation phone call, I was happy to oblige," Baxley wrote. I dont think theres no doubt shes going to win in court. She might but Im not sure. "I am a survivor of assault and harassment, Deshaun Watson is my assaulter and my harasser. Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at: Your search did not return any results. If we find matches from your Facebook friends, we'll connect you to them right away. A SECOND woman to go public with claims of sexual misconduct against Deshaun Watson said she "tried not be be sick" after the Texans quarterback told her grab his genitals during a massage last year. I said you could shower beforehand," the letter read. This incident has affected me in many ways, and those ways are hard to describe. She then continued by claiming Watson had instructed her not to use her forearms or knuckles, but "my fingers for digital stimulation". Another grand jury in Texas has declined to indict NFL quarterback Deshaun Watson just two weeks after a separate grand jury in a different county declined to indict him in a series of sexual misconduct cases against him Allegations does not equal guilt. Lauren Baxley is the second accuser to make her identity known to the public. I said you could shower beforehand," the letter read. Payback is a well you know, pioniere says: Email us at or call 212 416 4552. "Any allegation that Deshaun forced a woman to commit a sexual act is completely false," Hardin said. No worries, joining is easy. They want it over. "My name is Lauren Baxley. Buzbee said the report was not from Solis but another client. I wanted to go shower and scrub myself until I bled. And this is why [] All of Watson's accusers apart from Solis and Baxley continue to use an alias. Don't have a Myspace account yet? It also remains possible that the league will decide that he has failed to comply with this aspect of the agreement, resulting in an extension of his suspension. He will eventually commit another crime, and wont get away with it. The judges language was baffling and disgusting. Ashley Solis and Lauren Baxley Go Public With Their Allegations That Deshaun Watson Sexually Assaulting Them During Massages; Video of Solis Reading Statement a Press Conference and The Letter Baxley Wrote to Watson About Her Trauma (Video) NFL selects Atlanta for potential Bills-Chiefs AFC Championship (96) Lauren Baxley explains her refusal to settle with Deshaun Watson: He shows no remorse Posted by Mike Florio on August 19, 2022, 1:57 PM EDT Getty Images Fox 26 Houston She had filed the lawsuit under an alias due to the fear of a public backlash -- but says she feels empowered to go public and tell her story herself. First, why this hate on the NFL over this and absolutely none for the NFLPA who was pushing for ZERO punishment? This is your profile URL. No idea. Watson and Solis agreed to set up a massage for March 30, 2020. NFL should extend the suspension at least two years. Getting in is easy. The Texans are complicit in this they clearly enabled Watsons behavior. I found that a little strange, but if you were coming from a training session, not abnormal. Three others allegedly took place in California, Georgia and Arizona. I just wanted him gone.. I agree completely with Ms Baxley when she states that he will continue his destructive behavior. Ashley Solis, a licensed massage therapist, was the first Watson accuser to reveal her identity among the 22 who have filed lawsuits against the Texans QBsince March 16. 9 Veronika Rajek stuns in sports bra as Tom Brady admirer hits the town, Stephen A begs fans to 'relax' as they slam 'disrespectful' exchange with Qerim, Olivia Dunne and LSU teammate have fans 'falling onto their knees', Spiranac reveals whether shell post nude pics as she recalls naked photo leak, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Deshaun Watson is the quarterback for the Houston Texans, Solis claims she was assaulted by Deshaun Watson on March 20, 2020, Watson denies the sexual assault claims against him, claims that there are now 22 alleged victims under consideration at his firm. HOUSTON The first woman to accuse Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson of sexual assault and harassment in a lawsuit spoke publicly Tuesday, alleging she was terrorized by her encounter with. Watson denies claims of sexual assault or misconduct and alleges to have turned down settlement demands from early accusers. The fact that he shows no remorse and stands by his innocence will not help him when he goes for his behavioral evaluation and treatment. The licensed therapist and business owner says that Watson made sexual advances when he came to her home for a massage session in March of 2020. ", Follow reporter Brent Schrotenboer @Schrotenboer. That woman isnt here. Yes. Anyone with any credibility would give details not fluff statements. Other days I feel like a failure.. "This happened multiple times - and the remainder of the session was spent trying not to be sick, to not have an outburst, and to keep you covered," she alleged. Texan fans gonna ready and rowdy!! This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Tony Buzbee then delivered a packet of DMs, Plane Tickets, Texts, and other materials that back up the 22 accusers claims that Watson preyed on them during massages. Dont jump to conclusions based on what the media distorts with their own biased opinions. Drop music and videos into the areas below. "Any allegation that Deshaun forced a woman to commit a sexual act is completely false," Hardin said. You can always edit this or any other info in settings after joining. Theres been no justice and now another wealthy abuser is being rewarded. Some days I feel like a hero. Watson still refuses to admit that he harassed and committed indecent assault against me. All 22 women who filed lawsuits against Watson have similar stories. Advertisement I was forced into quitting for the sake of my health and life; I have not felt safe providing therapy since before June of 2020. "This happened multiple times - and the remainder of the session was spent trying not to be sick, to not have an outburst, and to keep you covered," she alleged. We based it off your Twitter details. She added that she was also heartbroken for his family and legions of fans after learning that his "good guy persona is nothing more than a meticulously designed facade to keep your victims silent and second guessing themselves.". "[When] I entered the room, I was both shocked and sickened to find you completely nude face down. We've emailed you instructions on how to reset your password. ", Hardin's firm also showedan e-mail exchange in February between a representative for Watson, Scott Gaffield, and two attorneys for Solis: Buzbee and Cornelia Brandfield-Harvey, an attorney with Buzbee's firm. Hitting < pauses the slideshow and goes back. And inherent and unspoken threats are just as damaging to the psyche as explicit threats. He looked disgusting. He claimed that Buzbee and the accuser sought a $100,000 settlement - in his words, "hush money" - months before making the matter public. "It is difficult to . Lauren Baxley is one of the 22 plaintiffs who have active civil lawsuits against Deshaun Watson, and she was one of the first to reveal their identity. Ashley Solis spoke out and Lauren Baxley had a letter she had written read aloud by a lawyer from Buzbee's firm, which represents all of the plaintiffs to file claims against Watson, during an . Let your Facebook friends know youre on Myspace with an update. That is false. ", "I can no longer practice the profession I love most," she said. I promise if you added a prison sentence to this hed stand a chance of being a new man post release. Theres an old saying that goes Nothings illegal unless you get caught. Lauren Baxley, a licensed massage therapist who accused Watson of exposing himself to her and touching her with . Baxley's alleged encounter with Watson was shared in a letter read out by her attorney, Cornelia Brandfield-Harvey, during a press conference in Texas yesterday, amplifying claims from her lawsuit. In a press conference, licensed massage therapist Ashley Solis identified herself as the first woman to file litigation, while another woman, Lauren Baxley, allowed an attorney to read a letter . Baxley's letter followed on from a tearful statement delivered by fellow massage therapist Ashley Solis, who recalled the "terrible things" Watson is capable of after he allegedly "assaulted her" . Watson's lawyer, Rusty Hardin, issued a statement March 23 denying the accusations. I am the lone. The complaint said she "found it somewhat peculiar that a NFL player would request a massage from her" because she didn't have a pre-existing working relationship with Watson or another Texans player. The idiots who thumbs down must be maga supporters. She said Watson first reached out in a direct message on Instagram to line up a massage on March 28, 2020. "I quickly covered you with a hand towel as you tried to insist that you were both uncomfortable by the towel and you didnt mind being exposed. Lauren Baxley, the one woman (out of 24) who refused to settle with Watson, calls out the NFL and its fans for their complicity in the Cleveland Browns QB's return. "I got into massage therapy to heal people. "I hope he knows how much pain he's inflicted on me emotionally and physically," she concluded. Your full rear was exposed, as was your scrotum," Baxley alleged. Deshaun Watson assaulted her on March 30, 2020, in her home. Then you asked if you could shower before your service. ", Pondering what Watson's remarks meant, Baxley said: "If all you wanted was professional work then maybe other therapists were star-struck by your local celebrity. Lauren Baxley Explains Why She Has Refused to Settle Lawsuit with Deshaun Watson Doric Sam August 19, 2022 Nick Cammett/Getty Images Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson has reached. In her lawsuit against Watson, Solis alleges that when she began massaging the 25-year-old player, he started telling her specific places on his body to do her work and to always use her hands instead of her fists or elbows. Lauren Baxley gave permission for a letter she wrote to Deshaun Watson to be read publicly at the press conference by one of the attorneys. Things like show remorse, admission to having a problem and actively dealing with said problem. The pair agreed to meet on June 2. Also Read: Who Is Deshaun Watson's Girlfriend, Jilly Anais? Deshaun Watson's accuser Lauren Baxley age appears to be somewhere around 30 to 35 years old. But the cynical part in me says the settlement amount wasnt enough. Enter your email or username. Its reprehensible that he even still has a job playing football. Cornelia Brandfield-Harvey, an attorney for Baxley, read a letter her client directed at Watson: A letter from another woman who has filed suit against Deshaun Watson is being read. The nfl should have required Watson only use male massage therapists for duration of career. The woman, who was not present, was revealed to be Lauren Baxley. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Good for her! MORE VIDEOS. SPACEBAR resumes the slideshow. Pick one that's hard-to-crack, only known by you, and at least 6 characters long. She is one of the 22 women who have filed a lawsuit against Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson. Any settlement offer he has made has been a dismissal of his evil actions, and I know that unless there is an authoritative intervention, he will continue his destructive behavior. Shes not wrong, thats for sure, however at least a couple of the therapists went back and provided additional treatment(s). Is hard reset only way to salvage Jets QB dilemma? Like Solis, Baxley said in a letter read by her attorney that Watson reached out to her through Instagram to obtain her services. If we find matches from the people you follow on Twitter, we'll connect you to them right away. so you will maintain both your moral and economic status. Vasteelerfan says: During a news conference, Ashley Solis said she [] Deshaun has settled almost all the women who sued him for sexual assault except Baxley and she's got reasons why she won't settle. If your client is inappropriate you end the session and immediately report him/her. I find it odd that if she allegedly what she said was true, that a grand jury would not have indicted him. Baxley blasted Watson for allegedly crossing what she called "every boundary from therapeutic and profession to sexual and degrading". For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson has been accused of sexual misconduct by 22 different women in separate lawsuits, in the past month, Attorney Cornelia Brandfield-Harvey, left, reads a statement by accuser Lauren Baxley during a press conference in Texas on Tuesday, While Baxley didn't appear at the conference in person, another accuser, Ashley Solis (right), did - tearfully recounting similar allegations of inappropriate touching in March 2020, Watson has denied that he has ever treated women with anything but the 'utmost respect' and has rebuffed the claims, A statement published to social media by Watson last month is seen above, Solis said Watson made lewd advances toward her at her home office on March 30 of last year, Baxley blasted Watson for crossing what she called 'every boundary from therapeutic and profession to sexual and degrading', Watsons lawyer Rusty Hardin said in a statement after Solis' press conference on Tuesday that her attorney, Tony Buzbee, 'sought $100,000 in hush money' for Solis, All of Watson's accusers apart from Solis and Baxley continue to use an alias, Deshaun Watsons second accuser Lauren Baxley tried not to be sick after he demanded she grab his genitals, Headteacher sacked 'after sending parents a list of striking teachers' as school launches probe, Isle of Innisfree ferry: Blaze breaks out on boat carrying 183 people in English Channel as lifeboats scramble to scene.

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