johnstown flood bodies found

johnstown flood bodies found

Blue spotted calico dress. Before hitting the main part of Johnstown, the flood surge hit the Cambria Iron Works in the town of Woodvale, sweeping up railroad cars and barbed wire. White. Slate pencil and door key. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Male. Female. Black hair. Child. Taken to Cambria City. Chased band ring. Diamond ring on third finger left hand with garnet. Female. Age twenty-two. Black and gray mixed coat. Main street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold watch and chain with charm. Age about fourteen years Weight 90 pounds. The Johnstown Flood Antique Book History 1889 by Herman Dieck Illustrated RARE. Prospect, June 14th. Two small bags. Age twenty. Butchered husbands, slaughtered wives Found near Sang Hollow. McAuliff Little girl baby in her arms when found. Catholic. Fur cape around neck. Light complexion. $2.10. Calico dress. 56 cts. Age fifty. Residents were caught by surprise as the wall of water and debris bore down, traveling at speeds of 40 miles per hour (64km/h) and reaching a height of 60 feet (18m) in places. Blue gingham dress. Russell all above-named articles. Thirty years. Age about forty. Blue eyes. Blue eyes Black Hair. Female. Weight 150. 49, No. Black and gray barred woolen goods. Gray pants and coat. Button shoes with rubbers on. Eyes unknown. Prospect, June 11th. Another 50,000 were rendered homeless as a result of this "100-year flood". Thirty-six years. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Calico dress cut in two at waist. Weight 148 Smooth face. Two plain band rings. Black ribbed jersey Black dress. Female. At the Conemaugh Viaduct, a 78-foot (24m) high railroad bridge, the flood was momentarily stemmed when debris jammed against the stone bridge's arch. One bar pin. Dark hair. Hair-pin. Piece of tape. Buttoned shoes with spring heels. Blue cloth knee pants. Scapular around neck. Identified by watch and bunch of keys with name on them. Large. $5 bill. Wore truss and had false teeth. Long black hose Red bandana handkerchief. Red flannel skirt, with blue and white checkered waist attached. Dark hair and eyes. White handle pocket-knife. Male. Blue dotted waist and new buttoned shoes. Female. Ring on forefinger of left hand. Supposed to be Manfield. Breast-pin. The high, steep hills of the narrow Conemaugh Valley and the Allegheny Mountains to the east kept the development of Johnstown close to the riverfront areas. Female. Age six. Black ribbed hose. One with set and the other with inscription. Scarlet underwear. Gold charm. Female. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Supposed to be the daughter of Daniel Convery, of Greensburg, Pa. Child. Valuables given to John Marshall, his brother. Spring heeled shoes. Red flannel drawers. Female. Heavy woolen stockings. in pockets. GC-PP: Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends GCS: German Catholic Cemetery (Sandyvale) LYC: Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery Weight 140. Male. Dress alternate black and red with black flowers. Plain string and bag around her neck. Red flannel underskirt. Silver watch and chain. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Brown hair. Weighs about one hundred and eighty. Plain gold ring. Gingham apron. Blue waist. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Satteen Polonaise. Age eight. Light brown hair. Age eighteen to twenty Height 5 feet 6 inches. The idea was to let more water out of the lake to try to prevent overtopping of the crest, but without success. . Men's home-knit socks. Black skirt Red underwear. Height 5 feet. Check marked J? Very dark brown hair. Male. Age fifty-five. Age about twenty. Hair mixed with gray inclining to curl. No collar or neckwear as near as could be told. $5.08 in pockets. Bunch of keys with tag marked "E. M Thomas." Black wool skirt with stripe. Short black hair. Black hair. $3,742,818.78 was collected for the Johnstown relief effort from within the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries, including Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, and the Ottoman Empire. Black and white skirt. Brown hair. Male. Light hair. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Height 5 feet 7 1/2 inches. Fifty-seven minutes after the dam collapsed, the flood hit Johnstown. Age about ten. Age about twenty-five. Handkerchief in coffin. Knee pants and brown and black striped, good. Adding to these factors, slag from the iron furnaces of the steel mills was dumped along the river to create more land for building. Male. Manhood age. G.B. Purple suit. Red dress, trimmed with lace. Gray woolen shirt. No valuables. Small, round, black ball. Black hair. Weight 175. Black dress. Overcoat. Lead-pencil. Button shoes. Ring on finger. Colored. Catholic. Ticket of admission to Johnstown Opera House Prospect, June 11th. St. Louis, Mo Lady's gold open-faced watch, stem-winder. Buttoned shoes. Unger ran outside in the still-pouring rain to assess the situation and saw that the water was nearly cresting the dam. Light brown hair. Dark colored shoes. Blue eyes. Red hair, cut short. Height 5 feet. Buttoned shoes. Summarizing the floods impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Male. Black stockings. Fair complexion Long black hair. Thirty-eight years. Barred underdress. Red woolen hose with black feet. Front teeth wide apart and protruding. Female. Ex-policeman. Bright steel buttons. 16518. Female. View of lower Johnstown three days after the flood, Copy of the preceding picture was resold 11 years later as part of the Galveston Texas storm of 1900, Floods have continued to be a concern for Johnstown, which had major flooding in 1894, 1907, 1924, 1936, and 1977. No valuables. Sex unknown. Female. Heavy wool shirt. Blue and white flowered sateen basque. Between 2:50 and 2:55p.m. the South Fork Dam breached. Fourth Ward Morgue. Female. High gum boots. Striped flannel shirt. Male. Red and black striped flannel skirt. Heavy brown hair, plat, and tied with black ribbon. Zoom in Zoom out Rotate right Fit screen Full expand. Said to have been Mary Hamilton or Miss Mollie Richards, but afterward found to be wrong. Supposed to be Mr. Evans, Machinist. Button shoes. Chain with cross attached. Age about twenty-five. Blue dress with small stars. Three bunches keys. Pair cuff buttons Bunch keys. Gold band ring. Dark brown hair. Female. A Wood & Morrell store-book. Blue spotted calico dress. Supposed to be son of Andrew Baker, Johnstown, Pa. Woman and child. Initials R. A. W. Valuables. Blue shirt waist. Red striped stockings. Walter Frank first documented the presence of that emergency spillway in a 1988 ASCE publication. Dark brown hair Weight 65. Maroon colored dress. Plaid skirt. Brown auburn hair. It's a story of great tragedy, but also of triumphant recovery. Two purses containing $19.45, one $2 bill, rest in silver, all halves and quarters except $2 and four nickels. Female Height 4 feet 9 inches. Son of J. L. Smith, marble cutter. Hazel eyes. Kid gloves in pocket. Weight 130. Age seven years Plaited waist. Ring on third finger of left hand with set. Knife. Age fifteen. 424 Bedford street. Female. Male. Height 6 feet. Light complexion. Black and blue plaid dress. Buttoned shoes, spring heels. Two pocket-knives. Light dress. Age eleven. Male. Key ring with Yale flat key and two door keys. To Sandy Vale for burial. Brown hair. Black hair mixed with gray. Full face. Plain gold ring on first finger of left hand. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Light complexion. Now the lake is draining due to drought and climate change. Police and Johnstown firefighters were dispatched at 1:40 p.m. Saturday as the result of a welfare check call made by family members of the . Boy two years. Imagen de la librera. Auburn hair. Female. Red stockings. Black alpaca dress White underskirt. [3] This fatal lowering of the dam greatly reduced the capacity of the main spillway and virtually eliminated the action of an emergency spillway on the western abutment. Light brown hair. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Age sixty. Gold ring with form of woman on set. Female child. Most remained on top of the dam, some plowing earth to raise it, while others tried to pile mud and rock on the face to save the eroding wall. Racine, Wisconsin. So did the grim work of recovering the bodies of the dead. Weight 120. Weight 200. Short sack coat. Pair of cuff-buttons. Dark flowered calico waist. Age six months. Gingham apron. Full round face From Merchants' Hotel Identified by A. Adair. White. Dark hair. Female. Brown and white gingham basque. Plain gold ring with initials, "K. L. R." Plain gold ring and earrings with stone setting. Fair complexion. Bunch of keys Small book and papers. Age eleven. Black pants. Middle-aged. Dark coat Gold watch, open-faced, with a short chain. Red and black striped skirt, stripes one inch wide. Age about seven. Female. Door key and pocket handkerchief. Laced shoes. 7. Wore a scapular. Wire bustle. Paper with Chinese letters. Black ribbed stockings. Height 3 feet 8 inches. Watch-chain with keys attached. Cotton shirt, brown and white stripe with small pleats in front. Female. Knife. Keys. Identified by her husband, Mr. Henry Viering, formerly reported from Nineveh, was incorrect. Gray jersey cloth vest and jacket, with large metal buttons, swan stamped upon them. Small key. Female. Female. A . Aged. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Schubert's body was found beneath a pile of broken timbers. Male. Small tooth-pick. Blue eyes. No valuables. Identified and taken by friends. Brown hair. Pair of steel knuckles Key. Supposed to be Richard Worthington, a laborer, judging by receipts found on his person. Ten years old. Between twenty and thirty houses were destroyed or washed away, and four people were killed. Hand-knit open-worked sacque. With George O'Brien, Florence Gilbert, Janet Gaynor, Anders Randolf. Purse $1.57 Pocket-knife. Age six. Red suspenders with drawers supporters. Emblem pin of A.O.K. Dark red hair. Moreover, a system of relief pipes and valves, a feature of the original dam which had previously been sold off for scrap, was not replaced, so the club had no way of lowering the water level in the lake in case of an emergency. Received the above described ring: Mrs. Allison. Black jersey, large buttons. Male. Silver open faced watch. Female. The festival will take place Aug. 4-5. Boy. It began to prosper with the building of the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal in 1836 and the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Cambria Iron Works in the 1850s. Black hair. Black or gray wool skirt with two broad ruffles at bottom. Canton flannel underwaist. Red and white striped skirt. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Saloon-keeper, Clinton street. Gold ring, small. 2 1/2. Blue calico dress with small crescent dots. Locating the bodies was a challenge. Black overcoat. Blue overalls. Height 5 feet. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Brown hair Gray eyes. . Weight 100. Receipt to Robert Bossett, from Geo. About 5 feet 6 inches height. Male. Papers, etc. Female Age twenty-five. Female. Button gaiters. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Pocket-knife. The small town of Mineral Point, one mile (1.6km) below the viaduct, was the first populated place to be hit with this renewed force. Dark clothes. Female Age about six months. Valuables turned over to Mrs. Lee. Plain gold ring. Medium build. Red and black barred blue woolen stockings. Female. Mark on stomach looks like a burn. Valuables. Cash $6.21. Blue and white polka dog tie. Incredibly, bodies continued to be found for months and even years after the flood, some as far away as Cincinnati. Female. Age about six months. Fourteen years old. (Age eighteen to twenty?). Blue eyes. Black knee breeches with white thread running through the material. Identified as Robert Buchanan. White muslin skirt. Male. Weight 125. Weight 80. Female Age eighteen months. Catholic prayer-book. Wife of H. K. Smith, of Osborne, Green co, Ohio. Male. About fifteen years. The work to find survivors and rebuild began almost immediately after the waters subsided. Blue cloth knee pants. Button shoes. Comb with glass beads. Female. Weight 125. Dark hair and stubby beard mixed with gray. Black hair. Female. Short black pants. Knee pants. Small plain ring on left hand. Dark red hair. White. No socks. No valuables. Black diagonal coat and pants. No valuables. Female. Life insurance agent. Dark dress. Weight 110. Gray eyes. Pair of shears Eye-glasses. engraved thereon. Died in Prospect hospital. But ever since the . Red dress. Age about thirty-five. Light hair, plaited, tied near middle. Weight about 15 pounds. 165 pounds. Age fifty or fifty-five. Female. 3, 335363. Died at hospital. Button-hook. One of the first outsiders to arrive was Clara Barton, the founder and president of the American Red Cross. Weight 65. Weight 140. Sex unknown. Striped flannel shirt. Engraved hoop finger ring. Female Dark hair. Age sixteen to eighteen. Morticians traveled by railroad. Blue and white barred gingham apron. Age twelve years. Height 2 feet 6 inches. [1] Barton arrived on June 5, 1889, to lead the group's first major disaster relief effort; she did not leave for more than five months. Summarizing the flood's impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Weight 185. The flood had suddenly taken the life of one of every nine people in Johnstown. Workers lowered the dam, which had been 72 feet high, by 3 feet. Gingham apron. Aumentar la imagen HISTORY OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD WILLIS FLETCHER JOHNSON. About eight years. Brown eyes. Black hair. Red underwear Two pair stockings, one white cotton, the other black woolen. Foot of female. Dark hair. Square-toed shoes. Pocket-book $7 35. Height 5 feet Light complexion. Large; about forty years old. [9] Unger, Parke, and the rest of the men continued working until exhausted to save the face of the dam; they abandoned their efforts at around 1:30p.m., fearing that their efforts were futile and the dam was at risk of imminent collapse. Age eight years. Ear-rings, with five point star set with glass. Collar and tie remained on neck. Age about twenty-six. Johnstown, Pa. Age twenty. Age eighteen to twenty-five. Weight about 150. Brown or hazel eyes. Small gold ring. Red flannel skirt. Taken from body and placed with valuables. Plain cloth dress. Barred calico dress. Could not be removed. Gray woolen undershirt. Brown, white and blue plaid skirt. On the morning of May 31, in a farmhouse on a hill just above the South Fork Dam, Elias Unger, president of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, awoke to the sight of Lake Conemaugh swollen after a night-long heavy rainfall. Was to have been married on the next Tuesday. High-buttoned shoe. Pregnant. Large. Ear-drops, square one-half of the face of the ear-drop checkered, the other half engraved with a vine. Blue and white barred cotton dress Brown hair, plaited with ribbon. Female. Very bad condition. Conemaugh Borough. Heavy build. Black and gray striped pants. Red dress. Pricing & History. Black and white flannel petticoat. Pearl buttons. Checkered dress. Working shoes. Age about sixteen. (Epilogue: Page 403) 17 likes. Barred cotton dress pleating in front, buttoned behind. Black pants. Blue calico waist with white dots. Memorandum book of slaughter house, having a list of hides in it. Black jersey. Charred in Pershing's field in a burnt drift pile beyond recognition. Watch. Supposed to be Miss Gordon of Hager Building. Calico waist. Male. Age seventeen. Weight 150. Weight 110. Johnstown was the eastern terminus of the Western Division Canal, supplied with water by Lake Conemaugh, the reservoir behind the dam. White dress. Age fifteen. Black merino stockings. As it hit Johnstown, all hell broke loose. Light hair Dark brown eyes. Blue waist, brass buttons. In an updated, the newspaper reported that Pennsylvania railroad officials said "that over 200 dead bodies have been counted floating down the . Figured wrapper. Woolen cloth waist barred gray and black. Age fifteen. Height 5 feet 1 inch. Small piece of green ribbon. Dark blue vest. Dark woolen stockings. Steel spring gaiters. Female. Age thirty to forty. Papers marked W.E Kegg found upon him Mother lives in Harrisburg. Age thirty. [17], The total death toll from the flood was calculated originally as 2,209 people,[1] making the disaster the largest loss of civilian life in the U.S. at the time. Checkered waist. Height about 5 feet 3 inches. Belt of same goods as coat. Age two and a half years. One ring with red set. Brown badge, O. O. S. of A. Spring heeled shoes. Home-knit socks. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. Height about five feet 3 inches. Age twenty-two. Survivors of the flood were unable to recover damages in court because of the South Fork Club's ample resources. by Mr. Hayes' order. Striped calico dress. Buried on lot of A.J. Found at Conemaugh furnace. Age thirty-eight Weight 145. Brown hair. Black woolen socks. The committee visited the site of the South Fork Dam, reviewed the original engineering design of the dam and modifications made during repairs, interviewed eyewitnesses, commissioned a topographic survey of the dam remnants, and performed hydrologic calculations. Wife of J.H. Blue calico dress with star figures. Male. Weight 115. Age eighteen to twenty. Claimed. Blue stockings. Ladies' hunting-case gold watch. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Dark blue waist. One set of black stones. Fair complexion. Male. Knife. Female. Female. Davis T., C., Coleman, Neil M., Meyers, Reed A., and Kaktins, Uldis (2009). Male. White ribbed stockings Leather heel protectors on foot. A determination of peak discharge rate and water volume from the 1889 Johnstown Flood (Presentation 76-10). Height 5 feet 9 inches. June 15th. Two gold rings. Son of Henry Viering. Weight 90 to 100. Height 4 feet. His family survived the flood. Blue clothes. Silver watch, open-face. Son of Mrs Thomas Howe. Female. Found hear Sheridan station. Gum rubbers. Age thirty-five. Of Maple avenue, Woodvale. 160 pounds. "Prospect," 6/10. Red and white striped dress. Boy. Male. Piece white tape around body. $2,500 in bills, $600 in gold, $4.23 in silver and coppers. Scalloped vamp. Female. D. Rees, his nephew, June 4. Leather boots. Female. 99 entire families were wiped out, 396 of them, children. Weight 100 to 120. Alex. Male. Apron with red bar. Supposed to be Maggie Hipp. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. Button shoes. (106) 6.8 1 h 4 min 1926 ALL. Two pocket-knives. Age thirteen. Apparently not old. New buttoned shoes No. Auburn hair. When the flood hit, it picked up the still-moving locomotive off the tracks and floated it aside; Hess himself survived, but at least fifty people died, including about twenty-five passengers stranded on trains in the village. Hazel eyes. Female. Age ten years. Blue calico dress. Two photographs. Black pants with white thread. Pearl buttons. Full face. Woolen underskirt. Age eight or nine. Female. Weight forty. Light brown hair. Six years old. Reese. Light brown hair plaited. Gold watch Breast-pin. Stocking supporters. Male Age thirty-nine. Age about twenty-five. Dynamite was eventually used. Rubber finger ring in pocket. Supposed to be Katie Fitzharris. Congress gaiters. Gold head ring. One cuff-button and large key. Male. Red flannel skirt. Breast-pin. Ring on possession of J. W. Young, clerk of County Commissioners, of Westmoreland county, Pa. From club house. Female About thirteen years. Supposed to be Mrs. Christie. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Nothing but the bones. Female. Female. A round Harrison and Morton badge. Identified by brother. Gingham apron. Heavy gray beard on lower part of face. Age about eight. Sister of David Faloon. Dark brown hair. Postal card and envelope addressed to M.J. Murphy, 1030 Callowhill street, Youngstown, Ohio Valuables taken by M J. McAndrew. Male. Female. Male. Napkin ring. Identified by the husband, Mark Drew. Male. White cotton stockings. Red calico dress. Age four years. Weight 140. Small gold ring. Spring heel button shoes. Ring with set and name inside. Female. Age ten years. Handkerchief marked "E. Weight 120. Freight filler or car coaler. One small ear-drop. Female. Female. Large hair-pin. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Blue waist. Breast-pin. Two gold band rings. Number 4 shoes. Age about forty. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Brown dress with small steel stripes. Small plain gold ring and one thimble. Blue eyes. Three keys and a bunch of keys. Blue eyes. White muslin. A house that was almost completely destroyed in the flood. Bunch of keys. Weight 50 or 60. Height 5 feet 6 inches Weight 160 to 175. Valuables given to his son-in-law. Age fifty five. Dark, luxuriant hair. Blue and white striped shirt. Pipe. Light eyes. Pocket book and papers. Plain ring on finger of right hand. 2:05. Silver watch. Buried in Sandy Vale, June 11th. Sandy hair. Cow-lick on right forehead. A Pittsburgh man. 932,645. Boy. Striped coat and pants. Full face. Black wool underskirt. About twenty years. Brown mustache. Very large breasts. Hair turning gray. Prospect, June 14th. Garnet earrings. Male. Dark hair. Scapular. Age fifty. High heeled button shoes. Weight 65. As railroads superseded canal barge transport, the Commonwealth abandoned the canal and sold it to the Pennsylvania Railroad. Jacob Nolen says that John Thomas (?) Lisle thread mitts. Button shoes. Four gold collar buttons Given to O J. Bishop. Male. A presentation on the diaries will be given this coming week, marking the 118th anniversary of the flood, before the collection is made a part of the Johnstown Flood Museum's permanent exhibit by 2009. Weight 140. Two bodies. HISTORY OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. Gray eyes. Brown hair. Age eighteen. Identified and removed by her mother. Full face. Hazel eyes. White and black barred flannel skirt. Buried in lot of Henry Hesselbrie, Sandy Vale, June 9th. Large front teeth not close together. Black stockings. Male child. Supposed to be Meredith, above Caldwell's store. false. One cloth slipper flowered. Cuff-buttons in wrist band of sleeve White cotton socks. Leather belt Piece tar rope around waist. Badge marked C. I. Co., employment. Dog Treats in Hollsopple on Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Open-faced silver watch. Black stockings. Letter found on body addressed to Minnie Linton, Lincoln avenue, Johnstown, Pa Signed, S. Clark Dougherty, Female. Male. Light underwear. Silver watch. Plain gold ring, received by her mother, Ellen O'Connor. Weight 130. A list of the Johnstown Flood victims is listed below and is organized by last name. Mineral Point. Hair sprinkled with gray. Gray woolen coat. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. One small gold ring. Female Age about ten Weight 75 Spring heel shoes Blue and brown barred woolen waist Black and red barred flannel skirt. Grand Army Badge. Watch and chain. Weight about 45 pounds. Female. Papers, keys, etc. Male. Age thirty-one Weight 140. The flood caused 17 million dollars in damages. Red flannel underclothing. Dark pants, striped. Large pocket-book with papers. Buried at "Prospect," June 9. Age fifty-five. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Female. Spiral garters. Light calico dress with dark diamond spots. Weight about 150. Long hair. Buttoned shoes and patent heels. Heavy head of hair. $75 in money. Weight 150. Brown hair, turning gray. Wore No. Male. Two pocket combs. Blue eyes. Portions of the Stone Bridge have been made part of the Johnstown Flood National Memorial, established in 1969 and managed by the National Park Service. Blue shirt. The fire burned for three days.

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johnstown flood bodies found