j2 haplogroup famous

j2 haplogroup famous

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 for his role in elaborating the Marshall Plan of U.S. foreign aid to Western Europe after WWII. They became the ancestors of a number of samurai clans, such as the Akizuki, Chsokabe, Kawakatsu and Tamura. This dynasty is known as the House of Bjelbo, and all six kings were presumably members of haplogroup I1. The Clan Gregor DNA Project identified the main MacGregor line from Argyllshire as belonging to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z39589 > L1335 > L1065 > Z16325 > S744 > S691 > S695 > BY144 > S690. This deduction is based on the results from the Washington DNA Project where most bearers of that surname belong to various clades under DF13. Haplogroup I2 M438. The Hattians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Canaaites, and Carthaginians all had bull deities (in contrast with Indo-European or East Asian religions). Another notable descendant of the same John Hancock of Chesterfield was Union general Winfield Scott Hancock (1824-1886). [permanent dead link This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 16:40 (UTC). The Phoenicians, Jews, Greeks and Romans all contributed to the presence of J2a in Iberia. As part of the same analysis, mitochondrial types were determined for four further individuals, thought to have been the Royal Physician and servants. [44], Doras Folger, one of Benjamin Franklin's mother Abiah Lee Folger's six sisters, passed on her mtDNA to her 9th-great-granddaughter, Charlene Chambers King, indicating that Franklin belonged to mitochondrial haplogroup V, with the following mutations: T16298C, 315.1C, 309.1C, A263G, and T72C. The American financier and banker J.-P .Morgan (1837-1913) descended from Sargent Miles Morgan who migrated from Wales to Massachusetts. His grandfather was Henryk Sienkiewicz, a journalist, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate. 902 public Y-DNA members . This region corresponds to the BactriaMargiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), also known as the Oxus civilization, which flourished between 2300 and 1700 BCE. [45], There are no living males known to descend directly from Genghis Khan, or any of his nearest male relatives. The Earl is the hereditary clan chief of Clan Boyle, whose ancestors came from the Norman town of Beauville near Caen. Mike Nichols (1931-2014) was a German-born American television, stage and film director, writer, producer and comedian. He also served as first governor of South Carolina after the Declaration of Independence, while he brother was the 10th governor. E1a and E-M75 are found almost exclusively in Africa. In the case of males, their mother's direct female lineage descendants are tested. Cordell Hull (1871-1955) was an American politician from Tennessee and the longest-serving U.S. Secretary of State, holding the position for 11 years (19331944) in the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during most of World War II. Check the Donald Clan Genetic Genealogy Project for more information. Y-DNA testing may be carried out on male relatives. Matt Lauer (b. The House of Grimaldi also produced three doges of Genoa, a prince of Salerno, and several archbishops and cardinals. The clan chief have held the title first of Lord Campbell (from 1445), then Earl of Argyll (1457), Marquess of Argyll (1641) and lastly Duke of Argyll from 1701 to this day. They claim descent from the 4th-century Irish king Niall of the Nine Hostages. [citation needed]. Union general William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891), who played a key role during the American Civil War, shared a common ancestor with Roger Sherman in the person of Henry Sherman (1511-1590) from Dedham, Essex. A large percentage have also done the BigY700 or SNP (mutation) testing to identify their exact branch under L26. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (b. Elvis's paternal grandfather was born out of wedlock and got his mother's surname. During his presidency, McKinley led the nation to victory in the SpanishAmerican War, raised protective tariffs to promote American industry, and kept the nation on the gold standard in a rejection of the expansionary monetary policy of free silver. Other Drakes also turned up with the same haplotype. The origins of the clan are unclear, but one hypothesis is that Donal Dubh, the first chief of Clan Cameron was descended either from the Macgillonies. Freskin's great-grand-son was William de Moravia (c. 12101248), became 1st Earl of Sutherland, a title that the clan chief who keep until 1535, when it passed to Clan Gordon. J. Richard III, last king of the House of York and last of the House of Plantagenet, was YDNA G-P287, in contrast to the Y haplotypes of the putative modern relatives. His Y-DNA test showed numerous exact matches with the Wallace surname in Scotland, who within haplogroup I belong overwhelmingly to the rare haplogroup I2c1a2a1a1a (F2044). A few samurai clans descend from Japanese emperors through imperial princes. Solo and with The Police combined, he has sold over 100 million records. Several of the tested participants descend from the 4th Earl. Descendant testing at Family Tree DNA showed that that lineaged belonged to haplogroup O2a2b1a1 (formerly known as O3a2c1a), the most common lineage among Han Chinese, and specifically to the O-CTS10738 subclade found in both China and Japan. According to the Y-DNA testing of two illegitimate descendants of Prince Albert of Prussia (18091872), Geoffrey Rockel and Franz Rockel, the House of Hohenzollern would belong to haplogroup I2-P78 > Y7219. Nicholas II belonged to Y-haplogroup R1b and mt-haplogroup T2. He also drove the construction of Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Henry Clay (1777-1852) was an American attorney and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the Senate and House and served as 9th Secretary of State. Mathieson et al. After the war he became the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, which has made him a controversial figure in American history. Distribution of haplogroup J2 in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. A few much younger clades are also found in western India and Pakistan, such as L534 (TMRCA 2,800 ybp) and YSC246 (TMRCA 1,750 ybp) and would have come to India in historical times, for example with the Mughals. The Fujiwara clan was a powerful family of regents who dominated Japanese politics during the Heian period (7941185). Sir David Attenborough (b. Other European Haplogroups. Their lineage was assigned to haplogroup L1a-M76. Two of his descendants tested with Family Tree DNA and both shared the same haplotype under haplogroup O2a2a1a1b, also known as O-SK1700 (or F4010). J2-M172 All Subgroups. His half-brother was Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury. This makes sense considering that they were the first to arrive, founded the greatest number of cities (including Gadir/Cadiz, Iberia's oldest city), and their settlements match almost exactly the zone where J2 is found at a higher frequency in southern Andalusia. Famous members include Richard Lee I (16171664), founder of the family and wealthy landowner, Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and General Robert E. Lee (1807-1870), who was commander of the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. The original researchers also stated they had not been consulted by iGENEA before it published the haplogroup information. BritainsDNA J2 Haplogroups and SNPs. Or it could have been one of the lineages of Chalcolithic Southeast and Central Europe. STR markers are used to specify. Nick Donofrio belongs to Y-DNA haplogroup J2. Both belong to the Nakh ethnic group, who have inhabited that territory since at least 3000 BCE. Mikls Horthy (1868-1957), was Regent of of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1920 to 1944. His maternal haplogroup is H.[5], A lock of hair kept at a reliquary at Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume basilica, France, which local tradition holds belonged to the biblical figure Mary Magdalene, was allegedly assigned to mitochondrial haplogroup K. Ancient DNA sequencing of a capillary bulb bore the K1a1b1a subclade according to the author Grard Lucotte, who concluded that she was likely of Pharisian maternal origin. 1940) belongs to haplogroup I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 > S2364 > S2361 > Z78 > CTS8584 > Z185 > Z180 > L1198 > S20905 > Z190 > Y4869 > CTS12706 according to WikiTree. A cadet branch of the Huntly became Earls of Aberdeen (1682), then Marquesses of Aberdeen and Temair from 1916. The most likely estimate is 1873 BCE, . His haplotype, although not confirmed by SNP testing yet, is predicted as E-V13. [38], Charles Darwin belonged to Y haplogroup R1b based on a sample from his great-great-grandson. Because mtDNA breaks down more slowly than nuclear DNA, it is often possible to obtain mtDNA results where other testing fails. Another branch descending from that ancestor tested on the Hancock DNA Project (Group 01) and was found to belong to R1b-DF27 > Z195 > Z198 > Z292 > Z262 > Z201 > Z202 > Z205 > Z206 > Z208. The skeleton's DNA matched exactly the mitochondiral haplogroup (J1c2c) of modern matrilineal descendants of Anne of York, Richard's elder sister, confirming the identity of the medieval king. This is a list of haplogroups of historic people. Dodik was the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska from 1998 until 2001 and from 2006 until 2010 and the President of Republika Srpska from 2010 to 2018. They identified them as a members of haplogroup R1a. It is likely that J2 men had settled over most of Anatolia, the South Caucasus and Iran by the end of the Last Glaciation 12,000 years ago. There is a high diversity of J2a in Italy, but the most common branch found all over the peninsula and therefore most likely linked with a Roman diffusion is L70, and particularly its subclade Z435. (2022) analysed the DNA of the remains of John Corvinus and his son Christopher Corvinus, the two last members of the Hunyadi family. Winston Churchill lauded Marshall as the "organizer of victory" for his leadership of the Allied victory in World War II. 1957). John Witherspoon (1723-1794) was one of the Founding Father of the United States and the president of Princeton University from 1768 to 1794. In 2002 he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons following a UK-wide vote. It could have been present in the Steppe and tagged along the predominantly R1b branch of the Proto-Indo-Europeans that moved to the Balkans and Central Europe. Both J2b1 and J2b2-L283 are also found at high frequency in Greece and in regions that used to be part of the ancient Greek world (Ionia, Magna Graecia). It seems to have formed 6,000 years ago, but its TMRCA is very young at 900 years before present, suggesting a medieval founder effect. His mtDNA haplogroup is K1a9. This was determined by testing his grandson, Alexander Burdonsky (his son Vasily's son). Deepak Chopra (b. [51] Given the sample size, however, this result cannot be regarded as conclusive and further testing of other documented descendants is necessary to help confirm or refute this finding. Genealogies show that Charles II of England had the same matrilineal ancestress as Queen Victoria, namely Anne of Bohemia and Hungary. 1922), the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981, appears to belong to haplogroup I1 according to the testing of a close relative as indicated on Geni.com. The remains of Philip Calvert (c.1626-1682), 5th governor of Maryland, were analysed by Reich at al. This has not been officially confirmed yet. Custer was descended from This places him in Group 2 in the Kastner Y-DNA Project, who belong to R1b-U152 > L2 > A19725 > BY39321. The only member who claims descend from John Washington (1632-1677), great-grand-father of the 1st US president, belongs to R1b-L21 > DF13 > ZZ10 > Z253 > Z2186 > BY2744. Based on results from the Witherspoon DNA Project was a member of R1b-U106 > S263 > L48 > L47 > Z159 > Z4714 > BY35813 > BY56495. They managed to identify his maternal haplogroup as J2. Baldwin won two Primetime Emmy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and seven Screen Actors Guild Awards, making him the male performer with the most SAG Awards in history. Notable members include mathematician Rolf Nevanlinna (1895-1980), after whom the Nevanlinna Prize was named; population geneticist Harri Nevanlinna; architect Arne Nevanlinna; composer Tapio Nevanlinna; and philosopher Tuomas Nevanlinna. [36] Ancient DNA analysis of the tooth of Cao Cao's granduncle, Cao Ding, showed that Cao Cao belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup O-M175. As of April 2017, he has won 12 Grand Slam singles titles, the fourth most in history, and held the No. To indicate the correspondence, this haplogroup is often designated J2-M172. Scientists make inferences of descent as hypotheses which could be disproved or modified by future research. The highest concentrations of J2a in Europe are found in Crete (32% of the population) and Calabria (26%). According to the testing of relatives, he would have belonged to haplogroup I1-Z138. He belonged to the subclade E-M34. In human genetics, Haplogroup J-M172 or J2 [Phylogenetics 1] is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subclade (branch) of haplogroup J-M304. [9][10], The last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II of Russia, was assigned to mtDNA haplogroup T, based on mutations 16126C, 16169Y, 16294T, 16296T, 73G, 263G, and 315.1C. A distant relative of his was Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson (1824-1863), the best-known Confederate commanders of the American Civil War after General Robert E. Lee. Immigration from the eastern Mediterranean to Rome during the Roman Empire, then from Anatolia, Thrace and Greece during the Byzantine period (particularly in north-eastern Italy) further increased the incidence of J2 in the peninsula. The Clan is also known to have been among the first families of Scotland to begin playing the bagpipes in the early 17th century. According to a study conducted by L.A. Ferydoun Barjesteh van Waalwijk van Doorn and Sahar Khosrovani published in Qajar Studies, Journal of the International Qajar Studies Association, volume VII (2007), Qajar dynasty, the Iranian royal family who ruled over Persia from 1785 to 1925, belonged to haplogroup J1. Bull-masked terracotta figurines and bull-horned stone altars have been found in Cyprus (dating back as far as the Neolithic, the first presumed expansion of J2 from West Asia). With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup J-L70 was born between the years 2499 and 1333 BCE. Yo-Yo Ma (b. [35], Chinese warlord Cao Cao, who was posthumously titled Emperor Wu of the state of Cao Wei, belonged to Y-DNA Haplotype O2-M268 according to DNA tests of some documented present-day descendants with lineage records. 1958) is a descendant of John Baldwin (1635-1683) of Stonington, Connecticut, which places him in the R1b-U106 cluster in the Baldwin Surname DNA Project. To participate in this project, join or follow the project . [33] In YFull's YTree a more detailed position is given for his Y-DNA under I-Y3120's subclades Y4460 > Y3106 > Y91535.[34]. It is very possible that bronze technology spread from the South Caucasus across the Iranian plateau until the Indus Valley, giving rise to the Harappan Civilisation (see below). R1a members of the Cooper DNA Project belong to the Scandinavian/Scottish R1a-Z284 > L448 branch. This branch is found almost exclusively in South Asia today, apart from a few reported samples from the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Arabian peninsula, Egypt). The Scottish Clan Colquhoun/Calhoun from Dunbartonshire belongs to the clade E-V13 > BY3880 > Y16729 > Y16721 > Y16733 according to the Calhoun Surname Project. [47] The Kerey clan of the Kazakhs have a high amount of the C3* star-cluster (C2*-ST) Y chromosome and is very high among Hazaras, Kazakhs and Mongols in general. On the whole they were good military commanders and tacticians as well. He also led the United States into World War I in 1917, establishing an activist foreign policy known as Wilsonianism. The sacred bull of Hinduism, Nandi, present in all temples dedicated to Shiva or Parvati, does not have an Indo-European origin, but can be traced back to Indus Valley civilisation. The J2-M172 haplogroup is estimated to have appeared in the region of . He received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1993 for his play Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes. The Indo-Aryans pursued their southward expansion, invading northern Pakistan and northwest India from 1800 BCE to 1500 BCE, and eventually bringing about the demise of the Indus Valley Civilisation around 1300 BCE. Ancient Remains, List of haplogroups of famous Japanese people, "Famous peoples Y DNA and mt DNA haplotypes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_haplogroups_of_historic_people&oldid=1138776630, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 15:07. In his native town of Akhmin, Yuya was a prophet of Min, the chief "god" of the area, and served as this deity's "Superintendent of Cattle".[29]. He was the founder of the O'Brien dynasty, who were at various times in history Kings of Munster, Kings of Thomond (1118-1543), Earls of Thomond (1543-1726), Marquesses of Thomond (1726-1855), and Barons Inchiquin -1543-present), among others. Notable O'Neills include the American playwright and Nobel laureate Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953), the American businessman and founder of the O'Neill brand Jack O'Neill (1923-2017), the 4th Prime Minister of Northern Ireland Terence O'Neill (1914-1990), and the British economist Jim O'Neill, Baron O'Neill of Gatley (b. The world's highest frequency of J2 is found among the Ingush (88% of the male lineages) and Chechen (56%) people in the Northeast Caucasus. In 2019, Leonard Sax published an article titled "Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitlers paternal grandfather". 1928) is an American singersongwriter, composer, record producer and pianist. The presence of these haplogroups and admixtures in southern Italy almost certainly represent Kura-Araxes ancestry inherited from Minoan Greeks from the Aegean islands. In 2010, journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren publicised analysis of samples taken from 39 patrilineal relatives of Hitler, pointing out this haplogroup was now common among Afroasiatic speakers. The clan is said to descend from Anselan O Kyan, a son of one of the kings of Ulster, who landed on the northern coast of Argyll, near Lennox, about the year 1016 and helped Malcolm II of Scotland in repelling the Danes. Niall belongs to Haplogroup R1b1c7 (M222). tzi the Iceman, Europe's oldest natural human mummy, dating from 5,300 years ago, had his full genome sequenced (the oldest European genome ever tested) and was found to belong to haplogroup G2a-L91 (G2a2a2, formerly known as G2a4). Another presumed descendant of the imperial family tested at Family Tree DNA and also belonged to that haplogroup, and more precisely to the D-Z1504 subclade. He belonged to the subclade J2a1b. [3][4][bettersourceneeded], Louis XVII was the younger son of King of France Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. Remains reputed to have been his had haplogroup H2 (mtDNA).

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