in what ways are flatworms more complex than cnidarians

in what ways are flatworms more complex than cnidarians

3.42. (A) Acoelom or lacking a fluid-filled body cavity (B) Coelom (C) Pseudocoelom. The most primitive worms, the flatworms, still show evidence of their ancestry from radially symmetrical organisms. 3.38. for structure and prevent bursting and shrinking. Free-living flatworms are mostly predators, and live in water or in shaded, humid terrestrial environments, such as leaf litter. The cells of the ectoderm and endoderm are also more organized than similar cells of cnidarians. Explain the colonial flagellate hypothesis about the origin of animals. 3.35. Are there any similarities/differences. Trematodes are mostly between about one and 10 millimetres (0.04 to 0.4 inch) long; members of some species, however, may grow to several centimetres. 3.41. Describe a simple rule for determining whether male and female gametes. 3.16). Members of the phylum Cnidaria are more diverse in their types of organisms. A study of worms can illuminate a possible history of how some organ systems and body features evolved. There is no body cavity, so they are acoelomate. They occur in both fresh water and salt water and occasionally in moist terrestrial habitats, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Image courtesy of Daniel Dietrich, Flickr. 3.47). Do your data support or reject your hypothesis? Each of these systems is more complex in the annelid than in flatworms or nematodes. Worms are invertebrate animals with bilateral symmetry. Name two ways in which the roundworms are anatomically similar to the arthropods. Released mucus from the outer layer to keep them from being broken down. Tapeworm has its own set of reproductive organs. This is a feeding organ that is often armed with small teeth or jaws on its tip. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. potato enzyme rate of reaction increased while the overall rate of reacted for canned potatoes decreased. 9 PREFACE The changes mtroduced in this sixth ~dition are more than usually varied. (a) It was stated that the critical angle for light going from diamond to air is 24.424.4^{\circ}24.4, Verify this. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Worms have bilateral symmetry. Please remember that you can never "prove" that your hypothesis is correct. Its correct during out experiment. They occur mostly in marine and brackish water habitats. What kind of annelid worm lives near hot-water vents in the deep sea? Aspidogastrea are from a few millimetres to 100 millimetres in length. We will wait until this evening to do the grocery shopping. Compare the bacteria from your plaque sample to the bacteria other lab groups found in their plaque samples. - A sea squirt larva has the 4 characteristics as a larva, but then undergoes metamorphosis to become an adult, which has gill slits but none of the other characteristics. Fig. Of the most current list of metazoan phyla (34 according to Giribet & Edgecombe, 2020), the vast majority contain species that attach using suction organs, bioadhesive secretions, or both (Fig. These animals become infected by eating metacercariae encysted on grass. . cnidarians, flatworms, roundworms. - Feathers are modified scales; birds have clawed feet and a tail that contains vertebrae. Most worms have two bands of muscles: longitudinal muscles that run the length of the body and circular muscles that form circular bands around the body. V.Chapter 3: Introduction to Cell Structure and Function. Tubeworms use their parapodia to create currents of water that flow through the tubes to aid in respiration and help clean the tubes. Is the change in absorbance linear with respect to time? Write a hypothesis for a second experiment that builds on the results of today's experiment. The members of the phylum Platyhelminthes are all worms that are classified as flatworms. Animals without a circulatory system have limited abilities to deliver oxygen and nutrients to their body cells because of the way that molecules behave. It would probably take a lot more than twice as long for peptides to diffuse the length of a 120 um axon than the length of a 60 um axon, As the um increased the time increased significantly more than double the time before. - Snakes have no limbs and relatively thin skin. attaching to a surface to help the larva grow into a polyp. The cells of the ectoderm and endoderm are also more organized than similar cells of cnidarians. Studies of farmlands have found as many as 10,000 nematodes in 100 cubic centimeters (cm3) of soil. The cells of the ectoderm and endoderm are also more organized than similar cells of cnidarians. Yes, did not completely trace a cell perfectly causing data to be lost. Some use venom to subdue prey, which they eat whole because their jaws are distensible. Like the flatworms, nematodes are bilaterally symmetrical. No because we said the rate of reaction would be slower but still increasing but in reality it decreased. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. - Humans are chordates that have the 4 chordate characteristics during the embryonic period of their life cycle. b. celebration But cnidarians have no problem with diffusion because most cells of their bag-shaped bodies are in direct contact with the water, making the exchange of oxygen and nutrients easy (Fig. Parasites; no gut (absorb nutrient molecules across skin) Use Advanced Search to search by activities, standards, and more. Next Which phyla are Pseudocoelomate? Image courtesy of Hans Hillewaert, Wikimedia Commons. Molecules tend to shift from regions where they are in higher concentration to regions where they are lower in concentration because: there are more molecules in the higher concentration regions so more molecules will be moving away from the higher concentration regions. B. water exchange. Both the annelids and the arthropods have segmented bodies. Earthworms are eyeless, but polychaete annelids have eyes that can distinguish between light and dark. With a circulatory system to distribute blood and oxygen and a one-way gut, their bodies . a. ending b. vignette c. milieu d. event e. episode. In general, free-living flatworms (the turbellarians) can occur wherever there is moisture. The setae along the body of polychaetes stick in the substrate, holding parts of the worm in place while other parts move forward. (A) Ice cream cone worm, Pectinaria koreni with and without tube (Family Pectinariidae), Fig. Most are parasitic 3.48). Marine flatworm showing (A) dorsal view (B) cut away view of digestive system (C) Pharynx extended for eating in a cut away view (D) Pharynx retracted in a cut away view. 3.2 Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Flatworms range in length from about 1 millimeter (0.04 inches) to more than 20 meters (66 feet). Like the cnidarians, flatworms have a digestive system with only a single opening into the digestive cavity, but in independently living marine flatworms the cavity branches into all parts of the body (Fig. 3.50. Why? How did the changes you made affect the production of dopachrome? What reasons are offered to explain the rapid occurrence of body plan evolution known as the Cambrian Explosion? Recall that the coelom is a fluid-filled cavity lying between the digestive tube and the outer body tube and surrounded by mesodermal tissue. What are the advantages of having a bilaterally symmetrical body? These flatworms feed through a pharynx. Distinguish between lobe-finned and ray-finned bony fishes. Their soft, flattened bodies are composed of three layersthe ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. 3.36. When did the majority of animal body plans appear? Fig. Like other advanced multicellular animals, they possess three embryonic layersendoderm, mesoderm, and ectodermand have a head region that contains concentrated sense organs and nervous tissue (brain). (D) Sand mason worm (Lanice conchilega) without its tube. Yes mutated enzymes are supposed to slow down the reaction, Discuss possible errors in your experiment and how these errors may have affected your results, enzyme extracted from natural occurring mushroom also use an enzyme extracted from a mushroom from Campbell's cream mushroom soup. 3.41. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. This is known as diffusion. Contrast the characteristics of crocodilians with those of snakes. A cuticle is a waxy covering secreted by the epidermis, or outermost cellular tissue. 2.1Basic body forms 2.2Skeletons 2.3Main cell layers 2.4Polymorphism 2.5Cnidocytes 2.6Locomotion 2.7Nervous system and senses 2.8Feeding and excretion 2.9Respiration 2.10Regeneration 3Reproduction Toggle Reproduction subsection 3.1Sexual 3.2Asexual 3.3DNA repair 4Classification 5Ecology 6Evolutionary history Photo courtesy of Bob Goldstein, Wikimedia Commons, Fig. What are the characteristics of cnidarians? 3.45. The embryos develop in the eggs until the tadpoles emerge. Among domestic animals, the sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) may cause debilitating and fatal epidemics (liver rot) in sheep. It took more time than expected. 3.36). Turbellaria, Cestoda, and Trematoda List two differences between deuterostomes and protostomes. 3.37. - a. 3.38). What is the relationship between product (dopachrome) formation and absorbance? Ability to multiply. Flatworms are more complex than cnidarians. non-linear, error measurement could explain use the slope of the line. Typical regions of specialization in a complete digestive system, Fig. capturing food from water that surrounds the larva. Flatworms, Rotifers, and Nemerteans In flatworms, digested materials are taken into the cells of the gut lining by phagocytosis, rather than being processed internally. 3.16). yes our hypothesis was supported because the average area of the plant cell membrane shrank as the concentration increased. 3.35. Write a hypothesis for a second experiment that builds on the results from todays lab. 3.16). Flatworms are flattened and have bilateral symmetry. - Marsupials: young born immature and finish development in pouch In the Baltic countries much of the population is infested with the broad tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum); in parts of the southern United States a small proportion of the population may be infested with the dwarf tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana). Explain how a cnidarian, such as a jellyfish, stings its prey. A ganglion or cluster of nerve cells operates the organs in each segment. Describe the usual life cycle of amphibians. Species in the phylum Nematoda (from the Greek root word nema meaning thread) are better known as the roundworms (Fig. HS-LS1-2 Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms. Flat Shape The shape of a flatworm allows the species to survive without a circulation system. Fig. 3.42). A pharynx is a long, tubular mouthpart that extends from the body, surrounds the food, and tears it into very fine pieces (Fig. 3.41. Many nematodes that are parasitic on plants can devastate crops. They have a cephalothorax and abdomen. ) Posted on: February 21, 2023 Join our team! Medusae are bell-shaped with tentacles around the opening of the bell and mouth directed downward. How wold you determine how fast the enzyme produced product, called the rate of reaction? Fig. Worms are typically long, thin creatures that get around efficiently without legs. The cells of the ectoderm and endoderm are also more organized than similar cells of cnidarians. Find the (real) Fourier series of period 2 for f(x)=coshxf(x)=\cosh xf(x)=coshx and g(x)=x2g(x)=x^2g(x)=x2 in the range 1x1-1 \leq x \leq 11x1. They are bilaterally symmetrical with a definite upper and lower surface. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The flatworms bilateral body plan has a head with a brain and stereo eyes that enable it to actively hunt. Parasitic flatworms that live on or inside other animalsincluding humanscan injure or even kill the host organism. snakes, centipedes, caterpillar They have a flat body because they do not have a coelom or even a pseudocoelom. - Skin gills are tiny, fingerlike extensions of the skin that project through the body wall that are used for respiration. Attaches itself to the wall of the intestine with a set of hooks found on the head (scolex). - Roundworms and arthropods are protostomes that molt. Flatworms are acoelomates that are characterized by having three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and lacking respiratory and circulatory systems. Multi-cellular, usually with specialized tissues, ingest food, diploid life cycle. Cnidarians have two layers of cells, the ectoderm and the endoderm; flatworms have a middle layer called the mesoderm between the other two layers. Cnidarians have two layers of cells, the ectoderm and the endoderm; flatworms have a middle layer called the mesoderm between the other two layers (Fig. 3.17 C). Why would it be advantageous for a plant cell to have a cell wall? Fig. In the body wall of the annelids are two types of muscles: circular and longitudinal. One Why are animals with bilateral symmetry more advanced than animals with radial symmetry? Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. They also lack a respiratory system. 2 eyes, nostrils, and ears. What are the advantages of having a bilaterally symmetrical body? D. water filtering. Describe the medusa and polyp body forms of a cnidarian. Corrections? Do your results or refute your hypothesis? - Usually, amphibians carry out external fertilization in the water. flatworms have brains and can choose when to eat, can also easily move around, sexual reproduction. What happens to the cells as the salt water flows under the cover slip? Describe the life cycle of two lophotrochozoan parasites. - All fishes are aquatic vertebrates and ectothermic. Appendages for movement and the ability to breathe both in and out of water, exhibit characteristics of animals that live on land and sea. What changes would you observe in the cells of an Elodea plant that was suddenly moved from fresh water to salt water? 1) Phylum Platyhelminthes The phylum Platyhelminthes (platy, flat; helminth, worm) includes a diversity of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial worms, plus two rather important parasitic groups: the flukes and the tapeworms. - Stinging cells called cnidocytes have a fluid-filled capsule called a nematocyst in which a hollow threadlike structure is coiled and is discharged when stimulated. What substances lacking tube 1 and 2 account for the absence of a color change? canned potato did not produce as much dopachrome as the regular potato did. Some live symbiotically with crabs, clams, oysters, shrimp, and barnacles. 3.43. stinging predators that try to eat the larva. Check out a sample Q&A here See Solution star_border Students who've seen this question also like: Biology: The Dynamic Science (MindTap Course List) Animal Phylogeny, Acoelomates, And Protostomes. Flatworms belong to the Phylum Platyhelminthes (Latin for "Flatworms," although it sounds much more official), whose characteristics shape - flat - is an evolutionary answer to a problem of multicellular life: as an animal gets bigger, the inside cells get farther and farther away from the outside, so that oxygen gets depleted before it reaches them and wastes build up on the way out. Indigestible wastes pass out through the anus. They anchored themselves. . These features appear in some form in all larger, more complex animals: Fig. Anterior mouth Image courtesy of Michael Linnenbach, Wikimedia Commons, Fig. Explain how 4 legs would be useful in terrestrial environments. in what ways are flatworms more complex than cnidarians. And their one-way gut, running from one end of the body to the . This helps give worms that wiggly, squishy reputation. They have a flat body because they do not have a coelom or even a pseudocoelom. -exterior spine used as defense mechanism n=1n22(n22+1)(1)n+1=21(sinh1165). In simple organisms, such as cnidarians and flatworms, every cell in the body is close to the external environment. 3.43. Marine species live buried in the sand or under rocks in shallow water. MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively. What is the most distinguishing characteristic of annelids? The water vascular system operates the tube feet of sea stars and other echinoderms by means of ____. Although nematodes do have a space in the body between the digestive tract and the body wall, it is not lined with tissue and is not considered to be a true coelom. Three classes and descriptions of Platyhelminthes. Excretory system of a planarian flatworm showing excretory pore, flame bulb, and flagella. Instead, their cells exchange gases by diffusion directly with the environment. Mouth-pharynx-esophagus- crop- gizzard-intestine-anus complete. Mesodermal muscles in the wall of the body tube and digestive tube can put pressure on the fluid to aid in movement. This Phylum, as mentioned before, has a different and unique kind of digestive system compared to other flatworms. For the first time, we see groups of tissues that have evolved to form organs, such as the ones in the digestive, nervous, and excretory systems. Compare the features of the flatworm, mollusc, and annelid body cavity, digestive tract, and circulatory system. Fig. mouth on their ventral side, bottom feeders. clitellum (bandaid ring) holds egg and sperm, regeneration, 5 aortic arches, ganglion (brain) Fig. Sensory cells that detect water currents, solid objects, and chemicals are in two flap-like projections on the head called auricles. 2002 originally published in Emerging Infectious Diseases. A ball-shaped marine animal would not get adequate oxygen and nutrients to its innermost cells because the cells are too far from the bodys surface for molecules to move (diffuse) to them (Fig. Did these affect your results? Describe the features chelicerates have in common. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 3.43. From Fish to Birds . Are flatworms more like cnidarians or annelids? It should be noted that some authorities consider Monogenea, which contains the order Aspidogastrea, to be a subclass within the class Trematoda. Like flatworms, annelids have a mesoderm with muscle, a central nervous system, and an excretory system. The brain size of the australopiths was larger, and this group was better adapted for bipedalism, Discuss how the evolution of bipedalism and increased brain size probably contributed to H. ergaster's migration from Africa, Bipedalism allowed for organisms to move young more easily; increased brain size allowed for higher intellect and thus adaptation to nonforest environments, Explain how the replacement model explains both the dominance of Cro-Magnon and the formation of human ethnic groups, Humans evolved from one group in Africa, and then migrated to other locations. Question 8. Instead, their cells exchange gases by diffusion directly with the environment. Stanford University biologists sliced this planarian, a type of flatworm, into four pieces to study each fragments ability to become a healthy, whole planarian. Parasites in immature stages (larvae) can cause serious damage to the host. Lose its ability to keep a firm structure losing water, not going to stay green, need to fill central vacuole to maintain turgor pressure, Conduct any calculations necessary to analyze your data in a meaningful way that will permit you to determine if it supports or does not support your hypothesis. Fig. Phylum Porifera includes about 7000 identified species. Post-anal tail is present in developing embryo, but lost during development. They take their name from their round body cross-sectional shape. 3.45. They became flexible, nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, a lot of different body plans. Parts of the digestive system can specialize to do different jobs, digesting food in stages (Fig. Like the cnidarians, flatworms have a digestive system with only a single opening into the digestive cavity, but independently living marine flatworms the . 3.40 A). Many species are ingested as cysts, called metacercariae, in uncooked foode.g., the lung fluke Paragonimus westermani found in crayfish and crabs, the intestinal flukes Heterophyes heterophyes and Metagonimus yokogawai and the liver fluke Opisthorchis sinensis in fish, and the intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis buski on plants. The ganglion receives information from the sensory structures and sends signals to other parts of the body along two strands of nerve cells running toward the tail. Some marine flatworms are brilliantly colored (Fig. - Annelids and molluscs have a complete digestive tract, a true coelom, and a circulatory system (closed in annelids and open in molluscs). Partly digested food is taken into the pyloric stomach inside the sea star where digestion continues. Flatworms live on land, in fresh water, in the ocean, and in or on other animals as parasites (e.g., tapeworms). answer choices. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Explain what features indicate that birds are reptiles. Platyhelminthes were first to evolve what characteristic? In the compressor the R-134a is compressed in an adiabatic process to 150lbf/in2150\ \mathrm{lbf} / \mathrm{in}^2150lbf/in2. Fill in Table 3.4 comparing the body structures of a sea anemone, a flatworm, a nematode, an annelid worm, and a fish. tentacles to obtain food What is the colored substance that appeared in cuvette 3? How did the burrowing of worms contribute to keeping the earth from entering a major ice age? 0.5% glycogen, and has a pH above 6.0. 3.37 C and D). The complex tissues are made of more than one type of cells and these work . Most people are familiar with earthworms found in garden soil. What rends did you observe with the different conditions? Parasitic nematodes (Fig. The different phyla of worms display a great range in size, complexity, and body structure. -mouth on the bottom allows for a more efficient way of capturing prey and feeding. Like flatworms, roundworm species adopt either a free-living or a parasitic lifestyle. 3.16). (B) Trematode flukes Schistosoma mansoni, Image courtesy of Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Image courtesy of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Fig. We will focus our discussion of the acoelomates on the largest phylum of the group, the flatworms. They use smell (Jacobson's organ) and vibrations to detect prey. The largest of this class are the planarians, which may reach 0.5 metre (about 20 inches) in length. The phylum consists of four classes: Trematoda (flukes), Cestoda (tapeworms), Turbellaria (planarians), and Monogenea. What is a coelom? [34], [12]\begin{bmatrix}1\\-2 \end{bmatrix} But where sanitation is poor and meat eaten undercooked, the incidence of tapeworm infestations is high. in what ways are flatworms more complex than cnidarians. Complete digestive systems are seen in more complex organisms and offer many advantages over the flatworms method of digestion. Explain your reasoning. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. evolution of more complex forms of life, including Homo sapiens.. The purpose of circulation is to deliver oxygen and remove waste from cells throughout the body specifically the cells furthest from the surface. Cnidarians have two layers of cells, the ectoderm and the . In the Far East, S. japonicum is the important blood fluke. Flatworms are found in marine, freshwater, and even damp terrestrial environments. 3.1 How Cells Are Studied. Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) are simple animals that are slightly more complex than a cnidarian. Turbella: Ex: Planarians Flatworms are more complex than cnidarians. Most are free-living forms, but many are parasitic on other animals. University of Hawaii, 2011. Connected to the tubes are tiny cells that move wastes and water from the tissues into the tubes. 3.44 A). Developing a gut . helping the larva swim out of the adult sponge. Cnidarians have two layers of cells, the ectoderm and the endoderm; flatworms have a middle layer called the mesoderm between the other two layers (Fig. What features of the arthropod body plan allowed them to invade land? Exploring Our Fluid Earth, a product of the Curriculum Research & Development Group (CRDG), College of Education. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. List the characteristics that amphibians have in common. Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) are simple animals that are slightly more complex than a cnidarian. They may be covered by a protective cuticle or by microscopic hairs, called cilia. In an efficient circulatory system like this, an animals internal tissues need not be close to its digestive and respiratory organs because the blood delivers nutrients and oxygen. Some modern evidence suggests that at least some flatworm species may be secondarily simplified from more complex ancestors. The nervous system of nematodes consists of a set of nerves that run the length of the body and connect to anterior ganglia. 3.45. Segments, complete digestive system, paramecium, different set of muscles. (B) Medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis), Image courtesy of Karl Ragnar Gjertsen, Wikimedia Commons. Author of. The larger more complex crustaceans, including lobsters, have . Enzymes that are altered and mutated did not produce as much dopachrome as enzymes in their natural state. Were any 3 bacterial shapes missing from your plaque sample? (C) Sand mason worms (Lanice conchilega) build straight tubes using sand grains and shell fragments. In the space provided, write the letter of the choice that correctly defines the italicized word or expression. Acoelomates are invertebrates that do not have a coelom, or body cavity. Bilateral symmetry allows the flatworms to move and to have sensory organs in the front. Flatworms are unsegmented worms with a tail and a head end. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). chap, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Fascia, lymphatics and spread of dental infec. As more dopachrome is produced the more absorbance occurs. Discuss how humans, as chordates, possess all 4 characteristics either as embryos or adults. 3.1 How Cells Are Studied. The flesh of crustaceans is rich in NPN compounds (amino acids, especially arginine, trimethylamine oxide), contains ca. It does not store any personal data. Identify 2 traits that are unique to mammals. The digestive tube lies inside the outer body tube. The mouth is still located in the center of the organisms (instead of at the head) and there is only one opening to the digestive tract (that is, there is no anus). The smallest cestodes are about one millimetre (0.04 inch) long, but members of a few species exceed 15 metres (50 feet) in length. Compute w u and illustrate the result graphically. This explains their characteristic thrashing movement, as they can move only by contracting the long muscles on either side of their body and wriggling forward. When the circular muscles contract, the segment gets longer and narrower. flatworms have brains and can choose when to eat, can also easily move around, sexual reproduction. Endemic (local) centres of infection occur in virtually all countries, but widespread infections occur in the Far East, Africa, and tropical America. - Both echinoderms and chordates follow a deuterostome pattern of development and molecular data indicates they are closely related. Oral sucker. What is the purpose of having tubes 1 and 2? By contrast, the free-living or mobile polychaete worms have a proboscis that can extend from their mouths to catch prey. Some examples for sponges include barrel sponges, boring sponges, basket sponges, bath sponges, etc. What trends did you observe with the different conditions? What are the advantages of stereo senses? Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) are simple animals that are slightly more complex than a cnidarian. Humans do have a few types of tissue that can regenerate, says Dr. Stephen Badylak, deputy director of the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Free-living nematodes are capable of sensing light with ocelli, and most nematodes have fairly complex chemosensory abilities. This network runs the length of the animal on each side and opens to the outside through small pores in the posterior region of the body.

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in what ways are flatworms more complex than cnidarians