how do i access my master strawman account

how do i access my master strawman account

Howard Freeman, does a wonderful job at articulating the concepts in plain English making this understandable; from my point of view. Email ca bn s khng c hin th cng khai. Also are Canadian BC bonds on the US Treasury as well or would it be different for us? Here is what Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 means from the UCC: (a) Apartythat with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. We can only use a colorable court. Accessing your Master Strawman Account also allows you to monitor your financial activity and detect any fraudulent transactions. For example, contracts used to read, For one dollar and other valuable considerations, I will paint your house, etc. Hi I\\\ve been researching this for about 2 yrs now and all false info across the board. So Im wondering of course if this information benefits me also. We found the bond amount is 100 million. But what puzzles me, Your Honor, is, there is noCorpus Delicti here that gives this court a jurisdiction over my person and property under the Common Law. I have exercised the remedy, and now you must construe this statute in harmony with the Common Law, you must come forth with the damaged party.. Federal Trade Commission says - No secret bank accounts to pay your bills. We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. May not want to plegeriz, could go to jail. Contesting the debt with a written statement is, in law, absolutely effective as a means of rebutting the presumptions and REMOVES the IMPLICATION that this undisclosed third party may have PROCURED the claim on the debt by TACITUS means. US State Department Blueprint to Oust Duterte Leaked by A US Embassy Insider, Mayor Duterte is Not Genocidal, The West is. It wasnt a quick process trust me. I won the case, and on the way out I had to stop by the clerks office to get some papers. Contracts are enforceable, and the Constitution gives two jurisdictions where contracts can be enforced Equity or Admiralty. If youre ever in town, stop by, and if Im not sitting on a case we will visit. The whole financial system can be simplified by admitting the counterfeit money of the West terrorised the Gold standard of the East the East is now offering to share all the asset based currency equally with 7.5 billion of us at around $3million each but the leadership of the West is failing to fill out the form so the people of the West are being denied their prosperity by their own so called leaders the slavery is not by the laws, its by the ill-intent of the slave masters who must be removed from all public positions. As long as I did not use the funds for business purposes I would not have an issue. Now how do you, a District Judge, have authority to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court? He says. 11. As you mentioned in one of your posts, youve been burned before. We can help bring down the Khazarian Mafia by defunding their Fake Healthcare System earning $4 trillion annually, and supporting the fake news media networks which promote terrorism and regime change around the world. They knew something was fishy when we went off the gold standard. Find the Create an account or Sign Up button and click it. It is, as all bits of wisdom are, a point of departure from which to begin our own journey into understanding, that we all might be able to pass on to others; greater knowledge and hope, and to God: the gift of lives in peace, freedom and praise. Amanda, Glad to find like minded people. Does anyone knows if I can used my strawan account to purchase gold and silver? We will cover this more later. They would have to admit that the international bankers own the whole nation, and that we are their slaves. If you go into court as a wolf, you make demands and tell the judge what the law is how he had better uphold the law or else. CONTRACTS MUST BE VOLUNTARY America is a bankrupt nation it is owned completely by its creditors. You must play a little ignorant. This MT760 cannot be monetized only debt payments! Now you wont make friends with a judge if you go into court like a wolf in black sheep country. You must approach him as though you are the sheep and he is the wolf. Avoid using easily guessed words or phrases. This is a fact of legal procedures. Thanks! Click the Create Account button.7. Wouldnt a BOE or IBOE cover any tax issues that may come out of this? When I find out About it I was disgusted! Question: How did you box in the judge? REMEDY AND RECOURSE Finally, a master strawman account can help you build your credibility as an expert in your field by allowing you to share your knowledge with others. If you want to access your master strawman account, youll need to provide some basic information. The Master Strawman Account, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive account that includes not just the funds owed to you but all financial transactions related to your identity. In Anderson, it is broken down with decimals into ten parts, and most importantly, it is written in plain English. I refer to this as a Global Financial System or IOU system and use terms to describe the concepts involved but this whole idea is very cryptic. Your UCC can be filed online, your documents are registered mail to the treasury, your CUSIP application can be done online, YOUR DTC questionnaire may be filled out online as well. One of the judges stopped and said, Youre an interesting man, Mr. Freeman. Explain to him that you are very busy and ask if he could please set your court appearance for about three weeks away. I am in Australia, where do I start and who do I lodge it with? I never received it nor the green card referred to above; how do I know whether it was accepted/filed or not and, can I send another copy of the original just for that purpose? I was trying to learn how to reclaim my strawman. We help students in Canada file their SPCs and correct their statuses. Are our seatbelt laws, Equity Laws? No law firm will touch it. Email us at Dismiss. I had to go back and file an amendment listing the collateral to make the UCC a true trust and then notified the Treasury. Can I follow the process above or is it a different process ??? Can you pay rent with this ? Unlike Signatures that are mostly written in cursive or scribbles, thus making them hard to read, PRINT NAME simply demands that you write very clearly and without connecting the letters, So your writing looks like Printed Text! You can also find your master strawman account by looking for public records. The prosecution concluded his statements, and to my amazement, the judge told the jury that they could only consider certain facts, none of which were the facts I had given. Understanding the concept to access Master Strawman Account: To understand the concept of access Master Strawman Account, we first need to know what a Strawman Account is. Yes I would like to know more about that, since my license it coming up to be renewed. How nice they are! There are many benefits to having a master strawman account. He said that he had already told me too much he wasnt going to tell me any more. According to the Federal Reserve banks . Your Honor, I can sue you under the Common Law, for violating my right under the Uniform Commercial Code. I have a remedy, under the, UCC to reserve my rights under the Common Law. So, if you have compelled performance, there must be a contract somewhere, and you are being compelled to perform under the obligation of the contract. You didnt notice this printing under the signature on this license, when you copied his name and address onto the ticket? Your email address will not be published. One of our customer service reps emailed you in reply to your inquiry. All these documents are referenced on your UCC1 filing by a code number so there is evidence of there existence, BUT they are to remain PRIVATE. With that in the record, the court cannot move forward to judge the facts. We are British/CanAdian citizens currently living in Canada what is the process for authenticating your BC for UK please? This is about how to access your Master strawman account. They are found right in the first volume, at 1-308 (old 1-207) and 1-103. You can also talk to a lawyer or accountant about how to best use your master strawman account. We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. The best way to handle this is to become an SPC and correct your status by notifying the Dept. Instead, its best to focus on status correction which is more powerful than attempting to access an account. DISCLAIMER: A.W.A.R.E is NOT a Patrick Devine website. Thank you for your comment. You can then use your bond number to apply for a CUSIP number from This is civil jurisdiction of Compelled Performance which also has Criminal Penalties for not adhering to the letter of the contract, but this only applies to International Contracts. Isnt the judge sworn to up hold the Constitution? If you then refuse to perform as directed by the court, you can be charged with contempt of court, which is a criminal action. However, if the judge wont listen to you and just moves ahead with the case, then you will want to read to him that last sentence of 1-103.6 which states: The Code cannot be read to preclude a Common Law action. They knew something was fishy when we went off the gold standard. how do i access my master strawman account. Brian Kellys Blog: Proof ALL of Your Debt is PRE-PAID! Hope these tips were of help and feel free to contact us should you have any further questions. This will be answered later. 03/2023. Ask them some easy questions first, as this establishes that they are answering. I hope this helps! Fortunately, I made a friend of a judge. If he answers, yes, then you say: I put this court on notice that I am appealing your judicial determination.. BMR Medical Imaging Center Specialized in providing medical information and documents at home and abroad. "In order to receive a CUSIP number for your birth certificate bond first you have to file your UCC-1 Once you file your UCC-1 you will get the file number create your bond with the UCC Trust Account. Final point, since the money is worthless, literally and lawfully, but you exchange something of real value your labor we are getting scammed at a phenomenal rate! Assuming you are referring to the strawman theory, also known as the legal fiction theory, the answer is fairly simple. The tool is designed to help you budget your money, track your spending, and make financial decisions. The IRS has a dedicated unit that handles cases of identity theft and fraud. 26 How Long Is A Flight From Houston To Austin Youll also need to provide a valid form of identification, such as a drivers license or passport. At the time of birth, each person is issued their own straw man, legally speaking. Let me know. How Do I Access My Master Strawman Account Eventually the truth will be revealed and the sooner we begin to create our own abundance, beyond the false abundance pushed by our would-be masters, the sooner we will no longer need the tool of slaves; money. By the STRAWMAN fiction that my name was turned into as part of the CORPORATION in order for account to operate and be used in commerce. Thank you so much, The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution gives me the right to request the court to explain the nature of any action against me, and upon my request, the court has the duty to answer. The judge knew that the man had no idea what it meant, and fined him an additional $25.00 for a frivolous defense. The word colorable means something that appears to be genuine, but is not. We now have what is called Statutory Jurisdiction, which is not a genuine Admiralty jurisdiction. Remember that by understanding your financial position, avoiding fraudulent activities, and ensuring the accuracy of your personal information. Acceptance for value is a commercial right that is obtained through instruments such as tax bills and violation tickets. It is simply insurance to protect members of the public from any accidental or delinquent actions from us as private people. There are a few potential consequences of not accessing your master strawman account. This cannot be Common Law, because who would you injure if you did not buckle up? Having started out on this journey, Im a stickler for getting things right and the issue that I have faced is that a lot of the information out there is very America specific. Please share any information that you can with me. I again thank you for your timely responses. MUST READ! If it did not recognize the Common Law, the government would have had to admit that the United States is bankrupt, and is completely owned by its creditors. Then the record will show that this action against ___(Straw Man Name)___ is a criminal action, is that right? This led me to think of getting a LLC so that I may set up a commercial/pass through account for me to discharge debts. The fundamental truth is that we are slaves because of our own incompetence. What the sovereigns fail to grasp is they are free to travel, by foot, by bike, even by horse. Enter your personal information into the required fields. Obtain Counsel. Of course, the higher court will uphold the Code on appeal. Access Your Master Straw Man Account AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! I appreciate all that you and your team are doing. J: It is criminal. So getting to it, what\\\s the success rate and giving all the paperwork is right how long is the process? 6. This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. MasterTrackEarn credit the argument of the hypothesis, then we say youre attacking a straw man. Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it wont let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. Lawful money is backed by real things. Is this applicable in Canada? If you understand this, you will be asked to explain it to the judge when asks. This can also help you keep track of your progress and see where you need to improve. We summarize all relevant answers in section Q&A of website in category: Blog MMO. Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years! With our STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN money credit give-back process, you may be able to eliminate all your debts in very little time using government documents against these private corporations that hold you hostage. Register for a new identifier as a 144A a Private security. Such words as without prejudice, under protest, or the like are sufficient. Can you tell me where you have it in a court case? GreetingsWhat is the process to Authenticate your Berth Certificate. Make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date.4. They will be the TRANSFER AGENT for the treasury. Bond becomes live again on stock market. If I had one, then I would take it into court as an independent third party representing the strawman and slaughter the opposition on the grounds that they cannot show the strawman's current membership of the Law Society and so the court has no jurisdiction. When you set up the DTC you will need a bank involved. All of it.I have been told there has been no case like mine in over 100 years . You may not exceed this amount. We have to go into court and be wise and harmless, and not make demands. In this article, we will provide an in-depth explanation of how to access Master Strawman Account, and why it is important to do so. Could you please talk me through the process of what I would need to do next. Once your request has been processed, you will receive a letter from the IRS confirming that you are now the trustee of your Master Strawman Account. Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it won't let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. So how do you get to take out money since you have the trust? The government set up a colorable law system to fit the colorable currency. Procurations are either express or implied; an express procuration is one made by the express consent of the parties;the implied or tacittakes place when an individual sees another managing his affairs,and does not interfere to prevent it.

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how do i access my master strawman account