33rd parallel energy

33rd parallel energy

In Alamogordo, New Mexico which is on parallel 33, the first ever nuclear explosion occurred. [6] As Southwestern archaeologist H. M. Wormington observes, The scope of the canal project suggests comparisons with the erection of the huge pyramids of Egypt or the great temples of the Maya. [7] Clearly this monumental technology was the key factor that allowed the desert dwelling people to inhabit their extremely harsh region for well over a thousand years. 1968 On June 5, 1968, shortly after winning the California primary election, United States Senator, Robert F. Kennedy, was killed at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, close to the 33rd Parallel and near a Masonic Lodge. 15. Most Covid patients at Israeli hospital fully vaccinated? Closer to the home of the Hohokam on the western side of the Colorado River are located a number of geoglyphs (also called intaglios). This dovetails with a belief. This balance can be found by becoming fully aware so that both worlds are equally real to one. The legend of Atlantis has been around for thousands of years, and whatever its factual validity may be, it does claim a noble heritage, for its earliest known proponent was Plato. 55. We hope you'll feel free to share in the conversation. zeke smith surprises actor nico santos with a . 3. In this theory, a "researcher" named Gary A. David chronicles the numerous . The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. 17. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies-- Their Influence and Power in World History (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 1989), pp. 44. This number even permeates the biological realm studied by science: thirty-three is the number of turns in a complete sequence of DNA. In this context it is interesting to note that the Sabian symbol for 33 degrees is the following: Natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom. Clovers trefoil suggests the Trinity, while its flowering suggests new life or even resurrection. Dr. Albert Goodyear from the University of South Carolina believes that humans were living on an alluvial terrace along the Savannah River 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. Forbidden Knowledge News is also available on all popular podcast platforms! Two interpenetrating triangles whose apexes point in opposite directions form the hexagram of the Star of David (3 + 3 = 6). [9] Chicano folklore identifies Aztlan as that portion of Mexico taken over by the U.S. after the Mexican-American War of 1846-- in part, the Arizona Territory, where the settlement of Phoenix arose. Thus, they deliberately ended it on the 11th Month [November], the 11th Day, at the 11th hour. Constructed of unshaped quartzite and adobe mortar, these ruins inhabited in the mid-fourteenth century contained 70 rooms within three caves. Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 near the 33rd parallel. Phoenix, which sits at a latitude of 33 degrees and 43 minutes, lies within the influence of the "dragon energy" of this imaginary line around the Earth. Bringing us up to the present day, the so-called Phoenix Lights were witnessed by hundreds or perhaps thousands of people. Only events will tell. Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now. See the image below. What is the occult fascination with the number 33, and its extension, 333? In addition, the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. Thus, this occult and Illuminist preoccupation with the Number 11 as they strive to produce their Antichrist, is dictated by Biblical prophecy concerning Antichrist. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. At a 4,000-year-old cemetery near modern-day Mogou village in northwestern China . Window and Portal Areas . Indeed, when we consider the northern latitude of 33 degrees, some intriguing synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are found. Wednesday, December 28th, 2005. Writer Gary David guides tour from Phoenix, AZ to Phoenicia and Babylon in the Middle East to Far East China and then back to the New World. The craft continued southeast above Interstate 10 and was sighted in the Tucson area about 8:45. Article originally published in Underground! The 33rd parallel runs exactly between Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 39. The average speed of the craft was 480 m.p.h. [47] The population is estimated to have been between 2,000 and 3,000. Possibly it refers to Quetzalcoatl. [40] This deity, of course, is known as the Plumed Serpent. Thus, King David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years.! How the Great Pyramid was built is unknown. Listen to the explanation of one of historys greatest Satanists, W. Wynn Wescott, who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century. (One international nautical mile = one arc minute of latitude or longitude = 6080.2 ft.). Are you spiritually ready? Once Adam Weishaupt established the Masters of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, Freemasonry has been gradually moving the entire world into the Kingdom of Antichrist New World Order. The artifacts found include copper bells and macaw feathers from Mesoamerica as well as shells from the Gulf of Mexico and the California coast. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. SHARE ARTICLE. ; 36030' Parallel north is the boundary between the Tennessee and Commonwealth of Kentucky between the . A little over 500 miles east of these Phoenician cities at 33 degrees 20 minutes is modern-day Bagdad in Iraq, with Babylon located about 55 miles to the south. 29. a. Folsom and Folsom, Americas Ancient Treasures, p. 224; b. Etowah Indian Mounds, State Historic Site, Georgia Department of Natural Resources [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.dnr.state.ga.us/dnr/parks/ppage2.cgi; accessed 4 July 2002. . [p. 160], In the Vishnu-Purana Book 1, it states: These thirty-three divinities exist age after age, and their appearance and disappearance is in the same number as the sun sets and rises again. [p. 160-1]. 554-556. Thus, we were not surprised that both Presidents Bush are Black Magic practitioners from the Skull & Bones Society, and that President Clinton was a practicing Black Magic Satanist. The Amazing Phoenix Lights Event Sequence Of 3-17-97, Bill Hamilton, Sightings/Jeff Rense [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.rense.com/ufo6/phoe.htm; accessed 10 February 2002. [36] Perhaps the suffix -can is a variant of ka, part of the word kachina. Remember the Guiding Spirit vision of Albert Pike, January 1870, in which the demon revealed that three world wars would have to be fought to establish the New World Order and its reigning monarch, Antichrist [ReadNEWS1056]. 38. This is the personal aim of all occultists. Your email address will not be published. 1. Pike maintains that the temple contained a representation in silver of two large serpents. We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people so that they can see the coming New World Order Kingdom of Antichrist i, on 33- THE SECRET OF NUMBER 33, 33 PARALLEL, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever, I considered the [10] horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one [Antichrist] , Thus David, the son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel. Phoenix, Arizona, is on the 33rd Degree Parallel. The geoglyphs together with other cairns, stone circles, and cleared dance paths may be ritually associated with the huge network of interconnected trails found in the low desert upon which the ancients made pilgrimages. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane.It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator (0 degrees) and the Arctic Circle (66.6 degrees North Latitude.) 1704-1662 B.C. Resembling some sort of fowl flying toward the sunset, this mound was constructed using 300,000 cubic yards of clay, or the equivalent to 10 million 50-pound baskets. UFO Lore and the 33 rd Parallel. The many similarities between the two seem to point in that direction. In the Hopi belief system a kachina (or katsina) is a type of intercessory spirit --not a deity per se-- which can assume the form of any manifold physical object, phenomenon, or creature in the world. GEO-SPATIAL ALIGNMENT OF SOUTHERN DEATH ROWS & ABU GHRAIB AS EVIDENCE. Who chose this parallel to be the exact demarcation line as to be the line which marked the line beyond which Iraqi airmen cannot fly? Jesus Christ was thirty-three when he was crucified; the first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years before being pillaged by King Shishak of Egypt; there are thirty-three symbols of the Masonic Order and one of their symbols depicts a double-headed eagle crowned with an equilateral triangle: inside of this is the number thirty-three. One is a ceremonial mound 63 feet in height and another is a burial mound in which were found numerous artifacts including copper ear ornaments, stone effigies, and sea shells along with obsidian and grizzly bear teeth from the Rocky Mountains. 150: Ohio Left to Burn; Canada Left to Crumble; Rise of Rumble AND MORE! The other two master numbers, 11 (vision) and 22 (vision with action) form the base of a two-dimensional pyramid, and added together equal 33 (guidance to the world), the apex of the pyramid. The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude. The name of this city state is derived from the Greek ta b blia, which means the book, or bible. Indeed, the invention of a Phoenician alphabetic phonetic script occurred here and eventually spread to the Greek world. Is your family? 1963: The Kennedy Assassination President John F. Kennedy Sr. was shot and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. Ciriot, translated from the Spanish by Jack Sage, A Dictionary of Symbols (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), p. 48. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. [12] Although this is possible, we propose that Jachin represents the southern stargate between Sagittarius and Scorpius while Boaz signifies the northern stargate between Gemini and Taurus. JFK was murdered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). It was at the beginning of the nineties. Note that this date also forms a 333! [33] The route ran from Pilot Knob, or Avikwal [near Yuma, Arizona], the spirit house where the dead dwell at the southern end of the river, to Avikwaame, or Spirit Mountain, where the Earth was created, in the north. The symbol to the left describes the tremendous amount of Witchcraft that will be required to achieve this utopian state, for only a select few are truly worthy to pass through the cleansing cycle to live in this New Heaven and New Earth over which The Masonic Christ will rule. Now, van Buren tells us exactly why numbers are important, so that she may tell us exactly the significance of the number, 33 and 333. [19] In this section we have seen how Phoenix and Phoenicia are linked by latitude. JINN ,SKINWALKERS, GHOULS ,SHAPE SHIFTERS. It was then observed 10 miles to the south in Chino Valley, where it apparently streaked over the present authors house, who missed seeing the event by a matter of minutes. One of the major historical facts is that the entire system of satanic lore germinated in Babylon which is located precisely on the 33rd Degree Parallel! In the town of Casablanca located in Morocco (North Africa), a huge square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. Weeks later, the nuclear bomb was dropped on the 33rd Degree Parallel, at Nagasaki, Japan! 52. The Waco compound where the Branch Davidians were murdered was near the 33 rd parallel . The other two master numbers, 11 (vision) and 22 . The number 33 enigmatically stretches as a latitude line across many diverse cultures in many different times. It is mentioned in an Egyptian document . I considered the [10] horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one [Antichrist] Bible scholars have always called Antichrist the 11th Horn. A customer told me to pay attention to these. Thus, the final battle, or slaughter of the ages, will be fought on the 33rd Degree Parallel! To truly realize the shape of the bird, one needs to be at least a thousand feet or so in the air. In essence, Phoenix is pervaded with the aura of the foreign and the bizarre. 1990-1991 Gulf Storm I occurred. Back in North America the place of the heron refers to Aztlan, the Nahuatl word for the mythical land that the Aztecs inhabited after emerging from Chicomostoc, the Seven Caves located in the bowels of the earth. IS IT COINCIDENCE BAGHDAD, IRAQ IS LOCATED ON33RD NORTH PARALLEL? The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. At the latitude of Phoenix this is the exact point of the winter solstice sunset as well. This was the nuclear explosion that took place in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. It was next seen 22 minutes later over the village of Paulden, Arizona (nearly 25 miles north of the town of Prescott). This is another site exactly on the 33rd parallel. (1 Kings 7: 13-22) [15] In addition to being besieged at various times by Nebuchadrezzar, Alexander the Great, the Romans and others, the trade capital city-state of Tyre was conquered in the twelfth century A.D. by the Crusaders, who built a Knights Templar church there. Smith, Smiths Bible Dictionary, p. 714. 30. China sacrifice. 47. The 33 symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being. [Ibid., p. 161-2], Thus, Jesus called here the Master Initiate was 33 at the time of His death; then, when the occultist adds the number 3 for the number of days Jesus spent in the tomb, he gets 333 as a calculation for the entire event through which the occultist considers Jesus to have passed. 1861 On April 12, Confederate forces fired on the Unions Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, igniting the Civil War. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. [54] This series of sightings that occurred within a 400-mile stretch took just 50 minutes. In ancient Kundalini Yoga, the Kundalini serpent-energy is said to rise from the root chakra, coiling up and around the spine until illuminating the crown chakra of spiritual enlightenment. And the time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem.1 Chron 29:27[Ibid]. [27], About four miles south of Cartersville in northwestern Georgia (34 degrees 11 minutes) is Etowah Indian Mound State Park. To order his book, go to: http://www.theorionzone.com, Article from http://www.world-mysteries.com/mpl_gd1.htm#Along, Your email address will not be published. Thus, these orbs appeared at a significant archaeo-astronomical position in the sky and also in the precise region where Orion happened to be at that particular time. The Babylonian empire was based in Babylon, near the 33rd Parallel. [5]. Reminiscent of the seven Aztecan caves mentioned above, five caves in the Mogollon Mountains of southwestern New Mexico contain about 40 masonry and adobe rooms built circa 1280 A.D., although semi-subterranean pit houses have been found nearby dating back to circa 100 A.D. [44], In saguaro cactus country about 56 miles northeast of Phoenix is another site on the global mystery circle called Tonto National Monument (33 degrees 44 minutes), which also contains cliff dwellings within shallow caves. Also of interest near the 33rd parallel is Byblos, a bit farther north of Tyre at a latitude of 34 degrees 08 minutes. 20. In the temples of Atlantis and Egypt, the candidate for initiation passed through nine degrees, or rather the three-fold three degrees, into the mysteries. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel. Its interior is rumored to be a model of this empire with a jeweled roof depicting the constellations and rivers of flowing mercury. However, you can see how 33rd Degree Mason, President Truman, might have made the decision to attack Nagasaki, located on the 33rd Parallel. One of the larger mounds is a ramped pyramid that rises to a height of 58 feet. This charming antebellum port city and hub of southern culture is located less than 15 miles south of the 33rd parallel. A -A + Updated At: Jul 02, 2019 06:53 AM (IST) 649 In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it speaks of the thirty-three heavens ruled over by Indra and the thirty-three ruled over by Mara The Temple of Solomon was a cube, measuring thirty-three and third feet; we once more turn to the Bible to read: Thus David, the son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel. June is the 6th month; when added to the 5th day, you get an 11, Number22 RFK was shot by a .22 caliber pistol, Number33 Los Angeles is very near the 33rd Parallel, [Note: This information taken from RFK assassination site, http//:homepages.tcp.co.uk/~dlewis/crime.htm]. You may know that in numerology, 33 is considered a Master Number and symbolizes the Christ Consciousness. 51. At Caesarea Philippi, in the proximity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death. Some speculate that the orientation of the two pillars imitates obelisks placed before the pylons of Egyptian temples, especially those of the Heliopolitan temple of Thothmes (Tuthmosis) III, who reigned in the fifteenth century B.C. Robert F. Kennedy was shot on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, close to the 33rd Parallel and . Copyright 2023 Rumble. Once you understand the belief Satanists have about this number, you will understand certain events in history more completely for example, when Adolf Hitler planned his suicide, he decided to shoot himself on April 30, 1945, at precisely 3:30 pm, thus setting up a 333 by which the deed was done. Perhaps the ancients discovered a ley line sort of dragon energy corresponding to this latitude, and constructed temples and sacred cities in order to utilize this terrestrial chi. Sacral is the word secret and the secret is upstairs in heaven, in the cerebrum, the holy colostrum . John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. In fact, the town of Globe was so named because of the 1875 discovery of a globe-shaped mass nine inches in diameter made of 99% pure silver and valued at $12,000. In fact, when you look closely, you will realize that the Plain of Meggido is located almost exactly on the 33rd Degree Parallel! 33. The number 3 symbolizes the Pagan Trinity, while 13 is the number of ultimate rebellion against God. This energy can be perceived as either positive or negative depending on a number of factors including the type of entities accessing the portal, ancient claims to the land (i.e. Skipping across the Atlantic on the same parallel, we find a number of intriguing sites in the Old World. [48] Incidentally, five or so miles to the south is a hot springs called Arsenic Tubs, number 33 on the periodic table. Thus, Roosevelt was sworn in during the 3rd month, 1933, thereby giving his inauguration an occult value of 333, just like Hitlers ascension to power! X (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1979), p. 223. Welcome to the weird. The 26 earthen platform mounds arranged in a circular pattern are similar in structure to those in Arizonas Valley of the Sun, with temples and residences for the elite priesthood likewise built on top. New York Governor Herbert Lehman, at the urging of Governor Harrison, also agreed to proclaim an emergency bank holiday in New York, and a similar action was taken in Illinois. The Greek root arsen means male, strong or virile, which suggests the active reach of this potent and potentially deadly number across the globe. Rather, this war is going to be waged simply because Iraq is in the center of world events at the 33rd Degree Northern Parallel. Listen: Indeed, there is not death, as can be discerned clearly There is only Change! Sabian symbols are a series of 360 brief vignettes --one for each degree of the zodiacal circle-- received in 1925 by San Diego clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler and recorded by astrologist Marc Edmund Jones. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Dating back as early as 5000 B.C., Tyre was renowned for a purple-red dye obtained from the snails of the genus Murex. 34. [Ibid.]. He found numerous stone tools of worked chert and a layer of charcoal that served as a hearth. 1946 On August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, was born in Hope, Arkansas, at the 33rd Parallel. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. The Great Pyramid was built in Egypt by masons at a location not far south of 30 degrees latitude and on 31 degrees longitude. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important. In addition, the terraced Hanging Gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This terrible concept is completely fulfilled by the bloody I Witch symbol, where human blood has been planned to be shed in huge torrents so that, at the right moment,The Christmay appear.

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