standing broad jump power calculation

standing broad jump power calculation

This is followed by detachment of the feet from the groundthe end of the propulsion phase and the beginning of the flight phase. Various sports like basketball and volleyball require efficient and explosive strength. Search for Similar Articles The performance (length of jump) is highly dependent on numerous independent and dependent variables. No foot movements before take-off were allowed. All the committees are allotted their respective duties and objectives. The modification is simply a jump in place, which will lessen the impact on the joints and require less energy than moving forward in space. Nagano A, Komura T, Fukashiro S. Optimal coordination of maximal-effort horizontal jump and vertical jump mpotionsA computer simulation study. Get subscription and access unlimited live and recorded courses from Indias best educators. However, the contribution of straddle foot placement during take-off can increase the value of lower extremities power measurement. These biarticular muscle activations are reviewed in previous studies (8,7,6).

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standing broad jump power calculation