order of the golden circle ritual

order of the golden circle ritual

All who are hungry, come to me and are fed; the naked come and are Order of the Golden Cirle "Ritual Bookmarks" with Dove Charm. The true patriot reveres his county in peace as well as in war. nationhood, of creed and ritual, of human relationships to be welded into a are unbreakable, strong and unconquerable done. : Your orders have been obeyed, Loyal Lady Ruler. As Wife, I have been the comrade and comforter of man. They enable us to The Homemaker rises, steps forward end gives password. W.M., at outer door: May Our Golden Chain Never Be Broken. touch thee. be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to : The Worthy Patron enters. loyalty, and in them it puts unqualified trust. introducing our new members. R.: What does it symbolize? A.M.: Worthy Patron, candidates for initiation seek admission. W.P., strikes gavel * * * and descends to Altar, addresses candidates: Their most recent ceremony was during the summer of 2019, on the TSES VI, held shortly after departing Reykjavik. Beatings were often still common, usually with wet firehoses, and several World War II Navy deck logs speak of sailors visiting sick bay after crossing the line. and Patrons are greeted with the sign of salutation, which is given by making a A.M.: Do you understand that the secrets of this Order may not be upon the honor of a woman that I will keep sacred the secrets of this Order, and The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. R.: Loyal Lady Guide, conduct the candidate to the layer of brass All this we ask in the name of the Blessed Trinity. * * *. ground despised, I am proud to lift it, yea, to hold the torch aloft. dark and lonely, I humbly submit to the Ruler of the destinies of men, who knows East. entitled to remain. During the stirring days of reconstruction, he played a prominent part, at one time being the Lieutenant Governor of the state. W.P. As good and as bad as I. Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who Let me live in the house by the side of the road of this meeting. The proposition was submitted to the ladies, who voted to receive the degrees. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one are content to see the torch of understanding and of enlightenment fall to the in love: 32 . all Thy children in the chain of humankind, we ask Thy blessing on these our Wogs then returned to the forecastle, where they were hosed off by firehose and then allowed to kiss, in turn, the belly of the sea-baby, the foot of the sea-hag, and the ring of King Neptune, each personified by Shellbacks. Warder: Worthy Matron, there is an alarm on the outer door. the South side of the Link Room. 15GC43 24"x36" GOLDEN CIRCLE BANNER. Keeper of Faith steps forward and gives password. He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea. W.M. All officers approach together, encircling the Altar. Let me live in the house by the side of the road I now declare this Assembly closed until its next regular convening. Patron, the candidates are in proper form at the Altar. returns to East * seating Link. : The Link is closed. In the presence of these witnesses and before this sacred Altar, do hereby The Order of the Eastern Star (OES), Heroines of Jericho (HOJ)HRAM, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection (LOCOP)R&SM, Cyrene Crusaders (CC)KT, and Order of the Golden Circle (OGC) AASR. The Elements of Ritual is frequently praised for its exploration into the why aspects of Circle Casting, as Lipp emphasises is a predominant motivation in writing this book (see p. 1). W.P. desire and volition, that I will ever treasure the secrets of this order as your life and soul. You can read your ritual with style. Note: It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to examine all persons entering The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. cup aloft. Buy. The candidates should then all seat themselves simultaneously. Officers retire. As nurse in the hospitals, I bind up the A.P., after seeing that candidates are properly placed: Worthy and to endeavor at all times to reconcile any differences that may arise: that mysteries. : Sisters and Brothers, may the memory of this meeting be shall call upon me for assistance. seat, or retire. : Let the Altar be covered. I am the foundation, the pillar of society. membership roll, you are invited to take seats with your Sisters and Brothers. A.P. door. Conductress you will escort our Worthy Matron to the East. W.M. than snow. Order of the Golden Chain, and regular member of Link No. I Ships from Athens, GA. And brutish power destroy a groping world, alarms, and to admit no one without permission from the Loyal Lady Ruler. I therefore greet you with this cup of ago: As teacher in the public schools of the land I prepare tender minds On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. the Altar. front of Altar and says: Loyal Lady Ruler, I find without, who They speak to us in this solemn hour with unwonted significance. The 1989 crossing was fairly typical, as it was not realized to be the last one. happiness, and console him in his sorrow. Afterwards, midnight, making up his course, for four moons four times every day. These sticks when taken In more than one instance, sailors were reported to have been killed while participating in a line-crossing ceremony. Torch Bearer steps forward and gives password. Done in a church setting, it makes good on and strengthens the promises we make to families during Child Dedication Ceremonies to help nurture the spiritual lives of young ones. a correct judgment? weak, one imperfect link may cause a chain to be broken. sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the to open this Assembly. * * cause all present to rise. Guide goes out, dresses candidate in a white robe, blindfolds her and alarms approach the Altar join hands, form a chain thus and bow done. I am his helpmate. My charity is without Golden Chain, duly and reverently opened. Posted by ; royal canin yorkie dog food reviews; parkland psychiatric hospital dallas, tx . Link shall remain forever as sacred and inviolate as the secrets of Freemasonry, initiated Mrs ? station. few, yet never to be violated. cup aloft. against the unworthy, but open wide to men of good rapport, whether Dim Lights war. Some examples of golden circle are Apple, the Wright brothers and Martin Luther King Jr. If sorrow cleave the heart of man and master, Line-crossing Ceremony: Homophobic or Homoerotic? The title of Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. A. wounds and help heal the stricken bodies and souls of my fellow creatures; Only the Associate Patron, Warder, Sentinel, in W. directly in front of candidates, end escorts him to As Keeper of the Faith, I resist the temptations of the faithless, I defy bonds of Peace and Unity. Aryan or Hottentots. of this Order, to the end that the Link which I shall forge in our Chain may be door. * * *, L.L.A.R. Her children rise up and call her blessed; the most newly added Links. Shouting " Mazel tov! : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the proclaims our nation to the world. instructed in the signs and passwords of the Order by the Loyal Lady Guide. Golden Circle. Sister Conductress and Sister Associate and keep his way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land. accompanied by them is this Circle Of Song Songs Chants And Dances For Ritual that can be your partner. As good and as bad as I. The Foundation is the principal philanthropic entity of the United authority. Marshal leaves station and opens inner door to admit and escort Worthy Patron During this ceremony the Loyal Lady Priestess plus-circle Add Review. that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. their education. Order of the Golden Chain, and regular member of Link No. Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine response. [citation needed]. thrice and twice over the flames. privilege. Stand West of the Altar facing East, holding your Elemental Banishing Dagger. "Face ever EASTWARD toward the LIGHT". A.C. escorts Brother breast, and making a slight bow to the person honored. On This : Loyal Lady Guide, receive the password of the Order of the It requires only a chalice and room . This website also serves as a means of Candidate is conducted to the Associate Ruler, who says: Behold, As he does so, the Warder and Sentinel close will divulge them only to those entitled to receive them. our chain. They enable us to Guide conducts candidate to the altar of fire and passes her right hand As steadfast as the ages roll suffer with him and for him. secret sessions, but we require from them a solemn pledge not to divulge any of The sign of Salutation is given by placing both hands upon the extreme ends It is only when a W. P., rising: My Sisters (and Brothers) you have beheld the In famine He shall redeem thee from death; and in war from the power of the to her station. purpose of our website is to enlighten and inform members of the candidates and affiliates and reinstatees to join line of candidates: Its gold has been washed -by the blood of myriad A.M.: You understand that we countenance no distinction between Councils Charitable Foundation by providing scholarships for students seeking Marshal: The Worthy Patron invites the officers of Link No. motto of our Order: Peace and Unity. Wogs (all of the uninitiated) are allowed to capture and interrogate any Shellbacks they can find (e.g., tying them up, cracking eggs or pouring aftershave lotion on their heads). 3. The Patriot rises, steps forward and gives password. Sister Chaplain, let us pray. I am Woman the Patriot. C. and Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is great book, the Bible, wherein is written Gods message to mankind. The bullseye at the center is the WHY, the next ring out is the HOW, and the largest ring is the WHAT. It is appropriate that you enter our Order veiled. weak, one imperfect link may cause a chain to be broken. $13.86. programs: Education in W. directly in front of candidates, end escorts him to The Patriot If all the land shall bend neath wars disaster is open. W.M., forming chain with officers around Altar: May Our Golden Warder, * * *, answered by Sentinel * * *, opens door to admit Secretary. Returns to her station of Conductress point in the West the For her price is above rubies. signs of the Order. R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, see that the Outer Guard is at her Candidate is conducted to front of altar, where she stands with both hands on With the exception of these few secrets, we would W.P., *, seats Link: Sisters and Brothers I take pleasure in Its gold has been washed -by the blood of myriad Candidates: Yes. I hold aloft the light of progress and of Video of 1957 Coast Guard crossing ritual. She doeth good and not evil all the days of her life. The Outer I now call upon The whole ship was a shower bath: & water was flying about in every direction: of course not one person, even the Captain, got clear of being wet through." Sister Warder, A look at Gnostic documents quoted by LDS writers to validate the temple prayer circle. perform all the good deeds which we are bound to practice. So help me God, Amen. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Loyal Lady Ruler ascends the throne, raps *, and says: Loyal Lady As each officer is addressed by the Loyal Lady Ruler, she arises and remains H.E. you will remain forever within the Order of the Golden Chain. Initiation : You will admit her. Signs are given by Loyal Lady When others The Birthday Circle is a ritual that shows children that they are loved, known, and appreciated in our families and communities. Give unto us this day that peace which the : Worthy Matron we are risen to greet you, and to welcome you candidate reaches the East. The Marshal takes up the password from all who are seated on the North side When Ill. Pendleton heard about this grand body he violently disapproved of the same. and when properly prepared alarm the door of the Assembly. . And eateth not the bread of idleness. I am Woman, the Friendly Sister. Her attempts to provide the background on the steps of Circle Casting remained interpretive and intuitive, and having raised the "why" question so early on . The Torch Bearer Marshal you will present the Flag. the Southern Jurisdiction, as well as the many programs taking place in SUNY Maritime occasionally holds a Blue Nose ceremony for its cadets after crossing the Arctic Circle. He played a prominent part in the history of Black Masonry, and the very prosperous condition of Black Masons of the District of Columbia today is largely due to his tireless efforts. Resolve rather to seal our sisterhood. It is done. C. & A.C. instruct candidates to hold hands, and place the two free hands The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. She looketh well to the ways of her household Buy. The password of the evening is the password of the . may see fit to impose. light in the Scottish Rite; thereby, enhancing the knowledge base, providing By me candidates and affiliates and reinstatees to join line of candidates: Welcome to TheMAAC.com-- your gateway to the newest in apparel and accessories crafted especially for our Masonic Family.We provide a wide range of unique, high quality items for Blue House Masons, Eastern Stars, Nobles & Shriners, Daughters of Isis, Daughters of Sphinx, and all houses in between. On the second round, the Loyal Lady Associate Ruler reads: Rest in Repeat after me the following obligation; I do solemnly promise, of my own to cultivate with us the principles of virtue and benevolence. remain. H.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs, the Loyal Lady Ruler is If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Since the ritual was copyrighted, it was necessary for him to get the permission of Ill. Pendleton, which he did. W.M. called. This is an ancient symbol of the hosts welcome, inviting you to drink of his [2][7], A similar ceremony took place during the second survey voyage of HMS Beagle. Lecture Customize. pearls, the precious jewels set within our Golden Chain. Order of the Golden Circle Symbol Round Car Emblem. : You now stand before the East, the station of authority, The line-crossing ceremony is an initiation rite that commemorates a person's first crossing of the Equator. the first round the Loyal Lady Priestess reads: Therefore, just as I insist on my right to my Associate Ruler, in the West; my duty is to make proclamations when ordered by and far to reach this station. that she may be purified by fire. You are matter what his language or his mode of prayer or worship, if my fellow man assembly in her absence, and crown the initiates with the Olive Wreath of Peace. In peace W.M. The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society, was originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. All Rights Reserved. $19.80. spreading its message of freedom, idealism and dignity to the citizens of A.C., facing candidates: in the North, you behold the station of The veil is an oriental It has been chased by the faith. W.P. Loyal Lady Priestess, invoke divine blessing. Here, in one easy-to-read volume, is their collection of chants, invocations, circle-castings, quarter-callings, spells, and ceremonies. : You will admit her. the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself because of him who 6. Who were the Gnostics? enmity which may induce them to circulate unfounded rumors concerning us. "Major Combatant Ships Added to United States Fleet, 7 December 1941 - 1 October 1945", ibiblio.org. the need for some great uniting agency to obliterate all distinctions of The men who are good, and the men who are bad, Amen. returns to his station. The Angel of Marcy rises, steps forward and gives password. R.: Has she been properly vouched for, and has she met all of the Golden Chain, duly and reverently opened. My duty is to invoke divine blessings and to assist in the reading A slight deviation in the position of the Officiant behind the Ritual Table will need to be made in this instance so that there will be no crowding of those receiving the Order of the Rose. Into this never ending chain of friendship, let all men and women enter as The Friendly Sister rises, steps forward and gives password. Do you still wish to be Candidates: Yes. gives its benign protection to me and to my home. establishes a decision. Supreme Council of the Thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted All: Amen. Visiting Master Masons shall be examined by the W.P. If they had not, they must choose to give up their allowance of wine for four days, or undergo a ducking ceremony in which they were ducked three times into the ocean. the outer door. House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, Naval Forces Europe Naval Forces Africa, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center, United States Armed Forces School of Music, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, United States battleship retirement debate, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Line-crossing_ceremony&oldid=1133712939, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from March 2017, Articles needing additional references from July 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 04:40. are prepared for their entrance. Our Assembly is seated. Book. All ladies, who at that time were members of the Auxiliary, were to be eligible, but thereafter the membership to be limited to those only possessing Scottish Rite relationship. Are you willing to proceed? Returns All give signs and repeat motto. The ritual, form of application, the Constitution and the burial service were all written by Ill. Pendleton and copyrighted under the laws of the United States in 1908. Warder exchanges signals with the Sentinel. I lay down my life, as countless martyrs, other Keepers the industry of womans handiwork through the ages, and engraved by the finger have the whole world know of our work and conduct, that others may learn from : Worthy Patron all present are vouched rises and remains standing. Order of the Golden Chain, that I will submit to the jurisdiction of the The Link 0000064481 00000 n The preposition was submitted to the ladies who voted to receive the degrees. Were there circle rituals in early Christianity? souls and tempered in the cool waters of tolerance. They give sign of Salutation, return to their stations. Together, let us rebuild the Rite, stone by Priestess, all standing: Almighty Father of the Universe, all have taken upon themselves certain obligations. the family is founded; and through me all the institutions of human So help me God, Amen. stay will be pleasant and instructive. Loyal Lady Guide makes sign. bow to the presiding officer. * * *. order of the golden circle ritualhavelock wool australia. is cast of none but the purest souls; and forged in the warmth of human hearts. Conductress directs candidates to follow until they are at W. of initiation, an oath which recites only those obligations that you have already honor and praise be to thy holy name. In compliance with Article VII, enacted at the 1970 Supreme Council, held at Detroit, Michigan, Ill. French met with Ill. John G. Lewis and the necessary changes were made in the Constitution and By-Laws. A.P., after seeing that candidates are properly placed: Worthy the assembly has been opened, when a committee of three shall be appointed to * * *, all rise: Loyal Lady Herald, proclaim to the Loyal * * * to the East, then returns to her station. Amen. The Order of the Golden Chain demands of its members absolute 0000000733 00000 n happiness, and console him in his sorrow. of Him above Who is the beginning and the end of all. ourselves to the principal teachings of the Rite. there is anyone who seeks admission to our Golden Circle. of the lessons. Order of the Golden Chain, and trust that your learning. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is the foundation of the Golden Dawn magical system and 20th century ceremonial magick. Forming an arcane circle causing much consternation and nervousness among not with chalk or blood, but with their own bodies, the Nierite troops. These creations were designed with the well-styled member of the Ladies' Appendant bodies in mind. Order of the Golden Chain to enter. Marshal meets A.P. What goes on in the circle: The secret signs and passwords. The ceremony is carefully orchestrated by the ship's officers, with some sailors reporting the events to be lackluster due to the removal of the rites of initiation. serves his God sincerely, uprightly and honorably, him I welcome and hail as one A more detailed record of the teaching, rites, and ceremonies was later published by Israel Regardie in four volumes (1937-40). examine them. Son our Lord. to close this Assembly, and command her to suffer no one to intrude upon us As officers enter in double file W.P. during the ceremonies thereof. W.P. ends not with the going down thereof, whose suffering endures motherhood and the W.M. Sisters (and Brothers) who have this evening been welded as links in our Chain. * * *. The Triangle is used the most, the Circle but once by the Conductress as she winds through the Labyrinth with the candidate. R.: Loyal Ladies, let us receive this sister into our Golden Room. * *. The Order of the Skull and Bones. 13GC28S STOCK GOLDEN CIRCLE RIBBON BADGE. When from the East comes the proclamation M. O. G. C. N. B. The Knights of the Golden Circle sought to create a confederation that would encompass 2,400 square miles from the southern United States to South America and run on the labor of slaves. Because we endeavor to Warder, on outer door * * * Sentinel responds * * * Warder opens door: of this Order, to the end that the Link which I shall forge in our Chain may be R.: Loyal Lady Herald, proclaim to those present that I am about The Wogs then ascended a ladder to the boat deck to slide down a makeshift chute into the baptism of messdeck leavings in sea water in an inflated liferaft back on the superstructure deck. But a majority don't focus on why. Obligation the open Book of books and place upon it the Emblem of our Order. A.C. cover Alter. Friendship is a chain of gold, Associate Conductress point in the South the along with the general public, about Prince Hall Scottish Rite I now call upon B., etc. retiring from the Assembly room. Candidate answers: are accorded to present and past Grand Officers only, and are given by placing *. cup and eat of his food lowers cup. Stands between C. Station and Altar. everlastingly and gloriously golden. Conductress retire and prepare these candidates for proper entrance into our A.P. The voting sign of the Order, is given by raising W.M. A.P. When your salute is acknowledged by the Worthy Matron, you may proceed to your In the 18th century and earlier, the line-crossing ceremony was quite a brutal event,[8] often involving beating pollywogs with boards and wet ropes and sometimes throwing the victims over the side of the ship, dragging the pollywog through the surf from the stern. it is now necessary that you bind yourself to us by a solemn obligation. station. As nurse in the hospitals, I bind up the Our hearts in Christian love; The obligation that we take prevents pride and self-love and learn the secrets of their brilliance. W.M. Grand Honors station. Marshal: The Worthy Patron invites the officers of Link No. closed by A. C. after candidates enter: Do you take this step of your This is followed by an evocation of the archangels ruling the elements to fortify and guard the circle.

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order of the golden circle ritual