how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

It will cover 3 continents, on east coast of USA . Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . Hi, did anyone ever answer your question? Flooding can extend inland by 300 meters (~1000 feet) or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris. We have small children :-). I live in a small town called Dorado, at the north of the island of Puerto Rico there is a valley and then some small mountains 100` but my dad is in a wheelchair and weights 200. We could be without power for several months and I am going to leave it to your imagination as to what can happen if we get hit by a tsunami and there is no power. Definitely something is possibly coming and no one is speaking about it, That could mean a real shortage in fossil fuels, and all the more we need an energy this universe runs on, and the only research for that energy one can put their finger on is Many people will be trying to flee, gridlock will be the order of the day. As the wave reached the coast ascending to its appointed height, the number that came to my consciousness during the vision was 1000ft tall. John. Are we in the end times. You can go west to New Jersey. I think that its a warning. While a massive tsunami of this magnitude would travel up rivers and waterways to an extent, and push inland to an extent, it will lose its energy fairly rapidly as it travels inland. We live in New Mexicolots of beach, but not much water. Ah Bye Bye? Come back with some real science and not fear-mongering. She had some bizarre experiences that made me believe her. If you have the opportunity, please let me know that your assessment would be; were living in Freehold Township New Jersey. If we are in NJ we are going to be under water? We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. That is my opinion. Planet 7X is also pulling in its Gravitational path Large Astroids that will also pelt the World causing more destruction. With the scenario given in this article, I believe you would be at a fairly high risk to some damage. If I decide to stay and die while watching it come from ..downtown Miami roof, where would be my best vantage point? The tsunami will be approx 700 miles along the coastline from Washington to Northern California, traveling at 500 mph with a height of 160. I live in the Allegheny Mountains in Pa. I happen to see this today after I heard Perry Stone had dreams of East Coast facing tsunami just recently. preferrable leaning your back against the wall from white the tsunami is coming Cause that gives you more chance to survice since the deadliest part is the first shock/impact! A 1000 foot tsunami wave, which would be massive in scale, can potentially travel many miles inland. Like an underground shelter. I dont think you or I would be safe. We are the United States, we have all the bombs! In this future event the water will Not reseed, everything will be under water. Very true,Ive seen it myself and have done the same,May God be with you and your family. I wonder what kind of expertise/training you have? Would we be 100 feet under water here? Its speed decreases as it approaches the shoreline (because the ground beneath it is getting shallower) but its energy begins to transfer to its monstrous HEIGHT. It would not be a fun time thats for sure. Once they institute Martial Law, as the Bad Weather used as the Ploy, it will be too late too really do anything. that is when/if it happens. I live on the Space Coast of Florida. I would guesstimate that if you live within 20 miles of the coast, you may be vulnerable to a Canary Island event. You wont be safe in Philly. What makes anyone think that will be the limited height for such an event. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are a Top Prepper Site( visit & vote ), SUPPORT MSBat no extra cost to youEnter AMZN through MSB portal. The Canary Island scenario, in my opinion, might yield less energy relative to how fast it travels, wave height, how far inland, etc. People who live in coastal cities should be required to go through classes when moving there, explaining the dangers. Depends on the height of the wave and how fast that mass of land plunks into the ocean, but from what Ive read, anything near 75 feet high or more, all of Floridas goneunder water. I dont believe in the existence of any god or gods, but I think he would be stupid to send a tsunami over things people cant control. You are fuelless, low on supplies, and likely have encountered stalled traffic on the highway. Dems are gonna give up their power ? Im only 15 miles as the crow flies from the ocean and only about 100 ft above sea level. Like the other person mentioned, todt hill is an option, but you would pretty much be on a tiny island until the water clears out. Yea. Yes, we should witness others who are lost in this world. As also mentioned back and secondary roads are usually safer bits for avoiding traffic jams on main highways. He put out a YouTube video I think in September where he talked about his latest dream. That impact shook free between 40 million and 60 million cubic yards (30.6. I have had many dream in recent months where I was going from door to tell telling people to stack up on water, non perishable food, flash lights and candles. But, the island is far from ready to fall into the ocean. YOULL swim with the fish. Many blessing. If a meteorite hits the earth we are not going to have a chance to go or run anywhere??? It has also grown larger due to Volcanoes eruptions forcing upward growth and widening areas potential land mass falling at record speeds hitting Ocean all the way down to floor. What if it was a nuke , far fetched i know. I just had to do that.) With that kind of population density and without the local agriculture to feed those folks, then there is little chance at long term survival. and all on east coast. North Florida is more rocky and sturdy underneath but still could sink. Google Hilina Slump. What are your thoughts? Heres your answer. Great question even I would like to know being up in Caribou and Mom down by Bangor, Fort up at your house bye canned goods dry goods . I got out of there after years of being in Kissimmee, and I will NEVER ever go back. I feel sorry if you think a tsunami of only 300 feet will come, but more then likely a 300 meter tsunami is possible to strike, Why ? Ive done some more checking into this story. @Sara, the intent was not to terrify anyone Im sorry if thats what happened. .. .. .. I hope I am wrong. I live in Florida I live in Rincon Ga. Would we really be underwater? for all the FLORIDA posters, asking if their city will be ok, LOOK AT THE GRAPHIC. But the first one is of a massive earthquake emulating from the ocean floor and causing destruction throughout the eastern sea board as far inland as Hartford, Ct. The second one would require some leadership so it cant be done under the present bozo leaders. But even with the idea of a tsunami is not as likely as a lot of other threats that are around the pike. Also, what if my remote control gets wet, will it still work? Will my internet service still be available during a Tsunami ? Youre wasting time, and life is too short. I must have had too much time on my hands back then plotting several east coast elevation maps: IF a 300 foot tsunami reached the East Coast, how far inland would it go? So many people dont realize that theyre not gonna be able to Uber or App or Amazon their way through the aftermath, smh. Otherwise we and our animals perish. Also, wouldnt the buildings and structures slow down the wave and dissipate it so that it could not cross over the whole state? It is NOT PROPHETIC. If a 300 tsunami is generated from the Canary Island region, I do not believe that it will traverse the state of Florida due to energy loss as it hits the shoreline. I am prescient. Im in New Haven Connecticut. To say that a 300 ft wave will go completely across Florida because there is no topography to absorb is incorrect. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. Especially as la palma has now erupted and its looking imminent. Sigh! Im only about 12 miles from the coast. Your next moment is not guaranteed. Escape scenario? GTFO. Thank you & God bless.. I grabbed her hand and said , Dont be afraid, I will see you in a couple of minutes( meaning I would see her when we crossed over). They show how water came in on roads and modern infrastructure. Any advice? Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. I live on the eastern end of long island about 15 min to the very end. If we could make it to a high-rise (condo or parking garage) on the beach that would be our best bet. silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? Please PLEASE do yourself a favor and google ZetaTalk safe locations. That should help a little. Each Area will be affected differently. Sound makes things that are within its (proximity both spatially and temporally) move. I wrote this like superfast just trying give you glimps. News from comet Ison: Look at the National Drought Monitor map. The disturbance in the ocean happened so suddenly like in the twinkle of an eye! The big problem will be everything will be dead and the soil will be useless for planting. In Japan 19,000 lives were lost, 1.2 million buildings damaged and the wave was 133 feet. However I cant shake this image of being underwater from a wave from my head, and having three little children- well I just cant handle the thought. Palm Bay Florida is a very large city of over 100,000 and the most populated zone in your county. 4 miles off the coast of SE, NC. Ga has some foothills, away from rivers that would be a conduit for water incoming. Thanks for the blog and maps. Then military all across north America including Canada is on the move to. and the several other fault lines down that river and in north west Tn. Its been years since your post. West Coast of Florida gone, but again, depending on the wave height of the tsunami; 75 feet or higher it will go across the State and will get Tampa, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, and other Florida west coast cities. whenever I find it and we stay up to date. So youre saying this post is fearmongering bs? what about a 100 tsunami, I live 1 mile inland at 43 elevation in coastal N. C. My uneducated guess is that you are royally screwed. Tsunami waves can continously flood or inundate low lying coastal areas for hours. Should I be worried? Im referring to towns anywhere from 60 to 90 miles north like Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Kingston. The highest point in Florida is 345 feet at Briton Hill, there are buildings In Florida higher than that. Its a wall of water. 923 was a warning of all the events coming in the Tribulation. Given this particular article and its scenario, the wave is a massive tsunami, which would certainly travel more than 1 mile inland on much of the east coast of FL which is very flat and only feet above sea level thats my opinion. God bless. be ready to move out when they tell everyone it is coming take secondary roads and travel northwest. Ill be praying for you. What about the Pacific Ocean ? A filter that can make pool or pond water drinkable is #1 on the list, as is a tank of fuel! 23! Is there something like this for the West Coast? I realize that you asked this 2 yrs ago. When is your dream saying now so I can prepare fully? A little help, please? You must have missed the following statement in the article above, which reads as follows: Not the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami would actually travel. etc etc etc. La Cumbre Vieja (Canary Islands) has erupted 3 days ago. It is secured with a stainless steel cable to the ground, and it is very heavy duty. Dont know about how soon but 100 ft wave incoming will travel several miles, unless the rim of rock/soil/ debris blocking it is very high. Is acidic rain possible? My family lives in Smithfied, NC and Wilson, NC but they used to live in Kinston. Having said that, this may not happen for 1,000 years or maybe next month ;). In the 2011 Japan tsunami, for example, waves reached up to six miles inland in some areas. head north stay on the western side of the east coast mountains and leave yesterday . Wade,I suggest you watch some YouTube videos of the tsunami that hit Japan. Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. When it happens its too late! The colored maps within the article clearly show the elevation levels for each part of the east coast for everyones reference. Wtf would be the odds im in johnston ri looking at this in 2021 bc it really is a potential threat right now. Oh, well. It doesnt show it on the above maps because they are too far west in the map. Just a tip! Why? My house roof is about 20`. Looks to be a little west of the north end of the fissure cracking across the top of the ridge that runs to the southern point. Needless to say that since the list shows all the high points down to 49 ft elevation, your CLOSEST distance to anything is a three hour drive to west of Orlando (Sugarloaf). Think Katrina amplified more than you can possibly imagine. thanks !! I dont like moving too much. The wave extends to the ocean bottom, so as it approaches the shore it grows in height. If the largest on Record is 1730-1740ft even that may not be enough. In the event of the near Puerto Rico predicted asteroid hit any prognosticators on how Sebring will fare ? Im at 1211 feet above but Im in central WI one of the dullest places for natural events. Do you have a way to contact? Just say that it takes 10 feet of land to absorb each foot of Tsunami height. So, since waves are generally slowed down as their lower aspect drags along the ocean bottom, and further braked by trees and buildings, it is far more likely that a 100 ft wave will run out of enough water volume before ever reaching all those house under that 100 ft. Many thanks, Just curious . florida will be hit hardespecially the coast..maimi etc.. even the gulf coast. There is no where to hide but in the Almighty Lord our Savior. So with BOTH things in mind, that should tell folks how far away to get from the East Coast, but not too far. There is no f- ING middle idea just dead !!!! I can go on and on, but I think you get the point. I live in Jacksonville Beach, FL, which is a barrier island. Lets say one gets away 100-150 miles from their origin point. Its one of those natural disasters that are quite unlikely at any given moment. The real threat of a tsunami hitting the East coast and erasing Florida from the map is not a chunk of land breaking from the Canary Islands. Exactly this. He said he got the vision while in an unnamed east coast cityand he was shown the tsunami towering over the highest buildings in the city. Now if they shut them down, I might try to make it over the mountains. Your model is based on a natural disaster ? By the way, A La Palma eruption is over due. If you are informed of a tsunami, the best way to escape is. WHAT does it mean when by the city it says 10 Regardless of the if/ands/buts I would opt for the swimming lessons. take extra fuel with you remember you can always go back after it is over. I live in central NJ, but you cut NJ off, lol! We are quite a ways inland from the ocean, but this is a pretty big river. Would we be affected by this ?? We are looking forward to starting our eternal life in Heaven with God Almighty.rid of this decaying flesh mesh that keeps us trapped to a dying world. I cant seem to find my county on the maps. Yee -Ha ! Tucson will be the new beach front. A 300 ft wave your elevation is 16ft and Delaware to the east of you runs around 50ft at best sooo. How can anyone be so incapable of finding out information yourself? I know we are supposed to not worry as believers and trust that Jesus has saved us by his loved poured out for us on the cross, which I believe, praise God!! Any thoughts on what will happen to the gulf coast of Texas in this scenario? Im not even talking about the regular.sewage,.disease, resource problems. Do you live on the Big Island? While all of that is eminently logical, it also would cause terrible disease from polluted water. In your opinion worst case scenario for Houston, Corpus Christi, Brownsville and Matamoros? Im screwed in NJ. and traveling at over 400 miles an hour.the people on the east coast would have less than 8 hours to evacuate after the volcano erupted. All you gotta do is Google highest elevations in the US. And again, everyone PLEASE GOOGLE Zetatalk safe locations. God bless. WARNING: Do not attempt to adjust your screen. A few nights ago there was a dream of surviving very burnt and twelve nuclear clouds hanging in the air. Potential to wipe out West Coast & entire Pacific Rim. I mean with all the volcanic activity lately- forget whatever else they know- how are they not shutting these things down??? That said, be ready to take care of yourself/family for a few weeks if East-coast disaster strikes! Because the elites are buying all of their products and putting them in their bunkers! In 1992 a NASA Researcher first noticed Planet X coming into our System and he has mysteriously killed soon afterward. There was no history of a submarine until one was invented. Aint gonna work. Joe Biden would tell everyone to remove any glasses they were wearing, remove all sharp objects from their pockets, bend over. Im at 2250 elevation in the North Georgia mountains so if I see any boats or cars floating through the valley 98% of Georgia will have become a prime fishing or scuba diving spot. If not by a 300 foot tsunami itll be something you didnt prepare for like tripping over a toy or some (any) other stupid reason like old age, clogged arteries, obesity or cancer. it slops down towards the ocean. Irregardless if it is a meteor striking or the direct result of the Canary Island volcanic activity and subsequent earthquakes that cause such a deadly tsunami, it is obviously of vital importance to be well prepared in advance. Are they on yellow alert right now? I dont know at what Speed it hit Alaska. As if devastating water isnt enough to worry about. Before or after this calamity.. it is my opinion, if the calamity happens first, it will give a small window of time to witness to unbelievers.. but we dont know Gods mind, so that is why today is the day of salvation, today is the time to believe and repent, and start living for The Lord. So, chances are when it happens they will be where they are and either die or have to survive with nothingSIMPLE! The mountains in Appalachia are no longer a jumble of rocks, but have been worn down over time and covered with forests and glens. Im not saying were safe. Upstate NY would be good but you have to check the elevation. No THEY WOULD NOT. I live in Sebring, Florida. if you lived on the east coast and had 5 to 6 hours notice would it be better to take a boat and run towards the tsunami and meet it in the open ocean, In fact, if you had the means (an appropriate sea-worthy boat) and if you feared massive traffic congestion or the inability to escape inland in time, and IF you had adequate warning (BEFORE the tsunami started pulling water out of the shore prior to its onset), then yes, escaping in a boat would be viable. You dont have time to react. No 6 hour warning. Submarine launched cruise missiles along the coast, 10 minute warning. Please do not take things lightly. The geologist there said a few days ago there is a 50% chance of land falling off but I bet its gone down since then. Compare with the highest ever known Tsunami, and the extent of flooding at various elevations and distances. Think about military lingo for railways: Second Dimension Surface Transport Logistics Platform, unfortunately no one in FLORIDA is safe. . What comes to mind is the Japanese wave, which killed thousandsin the very same place in Japan I used to live. Can you tell me where I can find the video you mentioned, on BIN? Thank you for your model, I firmly believe in be prepared, not scared. While Mega Tsunamis are a rare event, what stops the unlikely scenario of several Mega Tsunamis happening in a years time? GET AUTOMATICALLY NOTIFIED IF A TSUNAMI IS COMING. There would be tensions between the locals and the refugees over resources, land, and values (locales socially conservative) (refugees socially liberal mainly).The economic trouble afterwards would be really bad. Psychological? Or 1 Mile inland. Long Island sound in front of us. I yelled I cant save you! Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. Karen That makes it sterile. A weak wave, say 35 to 45 feet would devastate a lot in Florida, but not the whole of the state; but, from reviewing the map(s), anything near 75 feet or over, ALL of Florida will be effected, even North Florida up into southern Georgia. The northern and southern coasts would be quite different. Go camping or something. When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. If you can get to Canada you may be safe for awhilebut, the plagues in Revelation will still reach you , no matter where on earth you are. I m in Hollywood,Fl 3 mins from me is Ft. Lauderdale. Water,cern,harp whats next do we really have a chance. Okay, back to the original post. Indeed. Either a tsunami caused by an event from the West Pacific, or a Cascadia Subduction Zone event?? This is a dangerous zone correct? Someone else mentioned Newark but their question was never answered and Im close to Newark so I would love to hear your thoughts!!! Theyre predicting some activity there in the near future. The long Island Sound, the Bronx River, and The Hutchinson River. I have always attributed my dreams of tidal waves or tsunamis as being indicators of my psychological distress, e.g. They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. Our website and others are filled with all sorts of related preparedness information. A 300 foot tsunami will not reach or cover Sugarloaf. While I was looking to the clearing on the clouds, a man of a gigantic stature appeared on my left and he was wearing a long white tunic, but with his face in the cosmos. Can you guide me which location should I go if Im in Bridgeport/north end. NYC will be unlivable as stores run out of food and people begin robbing. Youre right. 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how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

randy knorr, wife