functions of health financing

functions of health financing

Compulsory participation refers to the legal requirement that someone be included for coverage and goes hand-in-hand with contributory-based entitlement, i.e. In 1985, the government commissioned the first of a . When each level of government in a decentralized setting pools for a distinct level of health services, then it is organized in a territorially distinct way. 0000035307 00000 n Health Systems in Transition. Privacy the elderly outside the formal sector, or the very poor, other defined population groups [14]. Discussion paper. Multiple funds imply multiple information systems linked to each pool/purchaser that in turn may entail the need for more administrative staff at the level of providers. Function. <]>> In various low- and middle-income countries, such as Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Uganda, community-based health insurance (CBHI) also plays the role of complementary VHI, as it typically serves to cover user charges in public facilities. While we believe that the classifications are useful, they are not a substitute for the detailed work that is needed in any one specific country to fully understand its pooling arrangements, their links to other health financing and system functions and their implications for policy. World Health Organization. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; 2010. A Review of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: What Are the Sustainability Threats and Prospects? Brussels: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policy; 2010. p. 299326. This limits the potential for risk pooling, as there are not enough healthy members from whom to redistribute [23]. Today, millions of people do not access services due to the cost. This has an adverse impact on equity in resources across pools. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. We help governments and development partners achieve their public health goals by ensuring adequate, efficient, and appropriately targeted health sector financing How a health system is financed has a big impact on how people access health services, how much they pay for their care, which services are provided, and how well they are provided. What does health care financing mean? . Article It is the provision of money to the population for health services (preventive as well as curative), family planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health. This type of pooling arrangement is also usually found in countries with relatively small populations, such as Costa Rica, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova and Mongolia [31,32,33,34]. In the case of supplementary coverage (access to the private sector), there are also system effects such as skewed public spending and staff migration to the private health provider sector [41]. These countries had therefore decided to create an explicit coverage program for people outside the formal sector, whilst trying to gradually increase the level of funding to narrow the gap in per capita expenditure across the different schemes. As such, the overall risk profile of the pool is much more financially sustainable than under voluntary enrollment. 0000009066 00000 n Council for Medical Schemes (CMS). Many others receive poor quality of services even when they pay out-of-pocket. This is a protocol of a study that will aim to assess health financing system progress towards achieving UHC in Iran. Hatfield (South Africa): CMS; 2016. To develop the classification, we combined the different features in the structure and the nature of pooling and then examined the nature and structure of pooling in more than 100 countries across all income groups. Its main purpose is to share the financial risk associated with health . The purpose of pooling is to spread financial risk across the population so that no individual carries the full burden of paying for health care. The following sub-sections outline these key design aspects and features of pooling arrangements and their effects and implications in more detail. Moreover, in France, there is a shift towards compulsory complementary coverage, which employers have to buy for their employees since 2016 (with exceptions for various employee groups) [56]. Figure 1. multiple competing pools with risk adjustment across the pools; and in combination with types (1.)-(6. Pools can be based on compulsory, automaticor voluntary participation. Health Financing. Int J Equity Health. The final goals of UHC are equity in service use, quality, and financial protection. Innovations in health system finance in developing and transitional economies. Heal Policy Plan. Fragmentation also occurs in the few countries (Germany, Netherlands, Chile) that allow certain population groups (e.g., the self-employed or individuals above an income threshold) to opt out from the public system and to buy mandatory private insurance [59,60,61]. We propose eight broad types of pooling arrangements: (1.) hbbd``b` "$8@B\HHo \Q u 88b``g T Health financing refers to the "function of a health system concerned with the mobilization, accumulation and allocation of money to cover the health needs of the people, individually and collectively, in the health system the purpose of health financing is to make funding available, as well as to set the right. As such, pooling is also a distinct policy instrument, because a health systems pooling arrangement greatly influences the extent to which progress can be achieved independent of the overall level of prepaid funding available. Based on this, we identify and present broad types of pooling arrangements and related fragmentation issues and discuss implications and challenges. PubMed Central endstream endobj 168 0 obj<>stream The Health Financing Specialist will be based in the Abt office in Antananarivo. Mathauer I, Dale E, Jowett M, Kutzin J. agencies that manage pools (typically insurance schemes) compete for members. Health financing systems have a key role in achieving universal health coverage (UHC) across the globe. Book Health financing is central to the functioning of health systems and the attainment of health-related sustainable development goals, including universal health coverage (UHC). While the issue of segmentation first emerged in Latin America [43], it is not limited to that region. xref A critical requirement of this pooling arrangement is thus the riskadjustment of the revenues that go to each insurer as a means to limit segmentation of the population into different pools based on their health risks and to address inequities in resources available across different pools [38]. Risk pooling is the spreading of the financial risk associated with the need to use and pay for health services, rather than to be fully borne by the individual who falls ill [11].The objectives of this paper are to raise the profile of pooling as a health financing policy instrument and to provide a simple classification of country pooling arrangements through which we discuss the challenges typically associated with how fragmentation manifests in each setting. Smith PC, Witter SN. HdSK0sNH{`9i SfWglvQ"{L$l$l}&j LIPX0st"$BB*4~f75HhO Z7 Financial Management Functions. Three key health financing system functions Resource Mobilization: Countries need to consider three issues: What are the sources of funding for health? Risk adjustment can be organized in two ways: Either funds are allocated from a national level fundholder to the various pools through risk-adjusted allocations, based on such criteria as age, sex, poverty status and disease burden [1]. However, relevant responses to improving pooling depend on the specific nature and the broader context of the country. xb```l hp`d,u){i7NY~GOC]TkT} h$*M^ixD#UNm| It has important similarities with the (2.) Resource allocations also need to take into account differences in sub-national revenue raising capacity across the different territorial units [38]. PubMedGoogle Scholar. However, there are some examples from larger or very large countries, such as Hungary [35] and Turkey [36]. (Of course, fragmented pool structures will yield more dependence on OOP expenditure and thus decrease the share of prepaid funds in overall health spending). Conversely, schemes that have voluntary membership, i.e. 0000012340 00000 n PubMed The National Health Insurance Program was established to provide health insurance coverage and ensure affordable, acceptable, available and accessible health care services for all citizens of the Philippines. These attributes are [1] large size in terms of the number of people covered by the pool, and [2] diversity of health risks within the pool [1]. 2019;97:33548. 1: World Health Organization, 2015. Sagan A, Thomson S. Voluntary health insurance in Europe: role and regulation. This article provides an overview of health financing reforms across countries in the Western Pacific Region as progress is made toward universal health coverage (UHC). Rather it is a first attempt at a classification, which could encourage further useful work from others. Here the pooling function lies with a sub-national entity, such as a state, province, or district (if managed by a level of public administration) or another entity, such as a health insurance fund, with defined responsibility for the entire population of that territory [14]. Results The Kenyan health sector relies heavily on out-of-pocket payments. Abt Associates is a mission-driven, global leader in research and program implementation in the fields of health, social and environmental policy, and international development. The report is divided into five chapters. Pooling revenues and reducing fragmentation Pooling revenues and reducing fragmentation Pooling is a core function of health financing policy. 0000005227 00000 n [3] In the absence of risk pooling, payments made for health services would be directly related to the health needs of the individual, i.e. Australia's health system is a complex mix of service providers and other health professionals from a range of organisations - from Australian and state and territory governments and the non-government sector. Revenue collection is how health systems raise money from households, businesses, and external sources. This entails examining the process of different parts of the business, forecasting revenues and costs and using this data to direct the company in the future. In: Figueras J, editor. View below: When viewing on a desktop, maximize for optimized view. Pooling arrangements set the potential for redistributive health spending. The paper is based on a review of published and grey literature in PubMed, Google and Google Scholar and our information gathered from our professional work in countries on health financing policies. What are the functions of health financing mechanisms? PubMed Government funds are mainly allocated through historical incremental approach. 2016;15:7. However, we recognize that any classification is a simplification of reality and does not substitute for a country-specific analysis of pooling arrangements. A multiple pool setup can be based on population segmentation, i.e. Prakongsai P, Limwattananon S, Tangcharoensathien V. The equity impact of the universal coverage policy: lessons from Thailand. Gautier J. Szigeti S, Evetovits T, Kutzin J, Gal P. Tax-funded social health insurance: an analysis of revenue sources. What are the types of health care financing? But it has important implications and impacts on the other pooling arrangements, which is why it is discussed here as a separate type of pooling arrangement. Mathauer I, Theisling M, Mathivet B, Vilcu I. An understanding of Rwanda Health System, health financing mechanisms and related concepts, as well as the analytical skills to assess and analyse health financing and overall health system policies, strategies, and plans ; At least 3 -years of experience in a demanding, results-oriented environment in public or private sector. Strategic purchasing for universal health coverage: key policy issues and questions. Health Systems in Transition. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing; 2009. p. 291312. Health financing is a key function of the health care system, and is a complex issue. Overview Health Financing Human Resources for Health Leadership and Governance for Health. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017. For example, district governments only pool for ambulatory care and district level hospitals, provinces for provincial hospitals, and the national government for high-level tertiary services. Definition. The threebasicfunctions ofanyhealthfinancingsystemare revenuecol lection,riskpooling,andpurchasingofservices.Figure3.1highlightsthese basic functions, together with the basic health system objectives they are designedtoachieve.Countriesneedtofocusnotongenericmodelsbuton healthfinancingfunctions andobjectives andthespecificmicroandmacro Overview general tax revenues or a combination of those revenues and social insurance contributions from employers and employees [30]. Among the eight types of pooling arrangements, types (3.) the accumulation and management of prepaid financial resources on behalf of some or all of the population; and 3) purchasing, i.e. The Canada health transfer: changes to provincial allocations. 787 0 obj <> endobj The incentive for risk selection that exists with voluntary health insurance also exists in a compulsory system with competing insurers, whereby the pooling/purchasing agencies try to enroll people with the lowest risk relative to contributions. However, little is known about how best to monitor health financing system progress towards UHC, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Even in countries with highly centralized pooling, there are usually several pools of funds that are used to pay for some health services, for example occupational health programs, supply-side funding for other government services such as those delivered through vertical programs or voluntary health insurance [1]. Advances in health economics and health services research, volume 21. Google Scholar. 2S?dI9c{rP"=-Gsi1NU@ to (5.) Therefore, maximizing the potential to redistribute from lower-need to higher-need individuals by de-linking contributions (of whatever form, such as taxes or insurance premiums) from their health risk is the central objective for pooling. As a consequence of this de facto voluntary arrangement, countries such as Ghana, the Philippines and Vietnam still experience inequities between the insured and uninsured population [34, 44]. 8. The major health financing mechanisms in Nigeria are namely: (i) government budget using general tax revenue; (ii) direct out-of-pocket payments; (iii) a social insurance scheme known as the Formal Sector Social Health Insurance Programme (FSSHIP) that is implemented by the National health insurance scheme; and (iv) donor funding. 0000002345 00000 n World Scientific Handbook of Global Health Economics and Public Policy 2016; 267309. 2016;15(1):165. !{~4nf0QMh92]Ta, *eIF 201102-E 25. trailer is the health system function whereby collected health revenues are transferred to purchasing organizations. From a system point of view, there are benefits to this arrangement because these forms of VHI can fill explicit gaps in publicly funded coverage. 2019, 5/393(10166):75102. The extent to which the potential redistributive and efficiency gains established by a particular pooling arrangement are realized in practice depends on its interaction and alignment with the other health financing functions of revenue raising and purchasing, including the links between pools and the service benefits and populations they cover. Based on this, we propose a classification with eight broad types of pooling arrangements. We also like to thank Lisa Seidelmann, Carlo Schmid Fellow and volunteer with the Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing at the time of producing this draft for her research assistance. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; 2014. 5. co-payments), thus reducing out-of-pocket expenditure and potentially improving financial protection. Health Facilities Health facilities in the Philippines include government hospitals, private hospitals and primary . Health financing involves the basic functions of revenue collection, pooling of resources, and purchase of interventions. K]NiGe(T&k,JTNeu@#KWB&@XxDXw-2^ctyc9d"E@yk3'1V-o PKW em2VK: On the other hand, competition among insurance pools creates an incentive for pool managers to cream skim, i.e. This is the so-called death spiral of voluntary health insurance [24]. Analysis was performed in line with the various NHA entities and health system financing functions. Cutler DM, Zeckhauser RJ. 0000001757 00000 n WHO. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016. 2. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. As a result of inadequate diversity of healthier and sicker people, the costs of care for a pool based on voluntary coverage are in principle higher than for the average in the population. The total health expenditure per capita increased from US$ 12 in 1998/1999 to US$25 in 2005/2006. By Jonas May 13, 2021 5min read 4233 views. For illustration we provide various country examples. It serves multiple purposes, e.g. In practice, only a few countries have this pooling arrangement alongside a low share of out-of-pocket expenditure (OOP) (<20% of total health spending). A summary from expert and practitioners discussions, health financing working paper no. However, as with any classification, it is a simplification of reality, and the aim is not merely to categorize a country in one type or another. Mathauer I, Dkhimi F. Analytical guide to assess a mixed provider payment system. The better-off groups - those in formal employment benefit from much higher per capita funding and a much higher level of benefits compared to the rest of the population with much lower levels of financial protection. a sub-national pool per state, province or district. 1 below. Known for its rigorous approach to solving complex challenges, Abt Associates is regularly ranked as one of the top 20 global research firms and one of the top 40 international development innovators. volume18, Articlenumber:198 (2019) Health Policy. ), (7.) As you can see, out-of-pocket or fee-for-service, government budget, or insurance agencies are all means of purchasing health care from providers. World Health Organization. Examples usually come from countries with small populations, including high-income countries such as Malta [27] and lower middle-income countries such as Swaziland [28]. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that while pooling reforms are needed to enhance redistributive capacity, realizing the gains set by the potential of a pooling arrangement requires more than pooling. It is voluntary because there is no legal obligation to join a scheme, and thus the person or their employer can choose not to be part of a pool for coverage [22]. Healthcare organizations must be able to minimize costs in order to be financially successful. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010. Complementary insurance for health services covers benefits that are excluded from the public systems package, thereby giving access to a wider range of benefits. the allocation of pooled funds to health service providers [1]. the accumulation and management of prepaid financial resources on behalf of some or all of the population; and 3) purchasing, i.e. Yet, the function of pooling and the different ways that countries organize this is critical for countries progress towards UHC. Risk selection negatively affects the redistributive capacity, as healthier and wealthier individuals and their contributions often end up in a different pool than poorer and sicker members with (usually) lower contributions. 0 This classification can help countries to assess their pooling setup and understand the particular nature of fragmentation issues on the basis of which to identify feasible pooling options as well as other possible mitigating measures to address fragmentation. Springer Nature. Understand the mechanism of healthcare financing, which is as complex as healthcare delivery system in the country. Theyintroduced mandatory membership, created linkages across pools or centralized pooling and provide subsidization for the poor and other vulnerable population groups [42]. 0000000016 00000 n Pooling arrangements in health financing systems: a proposed classification, International Journal for Equity in Health,,,,,,,, Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing, World Health Organization, Avenue Appia, 1211, Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization, Tunis, Tunisia, You can also search for this author in Territorially distinct pools have much in common with a single national pool. 3. Cite this article. Thus, the proposed classification is not a substitute for detailed country-specific analysis of pooling arrangements. sicker individuals would have to pay more because they would need more health services [18]. 2011;13(7):1190. This duplication of functional responsibilities can be a major driver of inefficiency when seen from the perspective of the entire system rather than within each scheme [15, 20]. This makes it affordable to them and addresses the inequity concerns that come along with complementary health insurance [53]. As changes in the pooling arrangements are about redistribution of funds, this is ultimately also very political, and it is hence important to understand the feasibility and manage the political economy of pooling reforms. 0000005327 00000 n the accumulation and management of prepaid financial resources on behalf of some or all of the population; and 3) purchasing, i.e. different pools for different socio-economic groups with population segmentation; (5.) It is important to mention that supply side financing, where the health budget flows in a vertically integrated way to service providers, constitutes a pool, and in many cases is often the largest pool in low- and middle-income countries. Each financing mechanism was analysed in respect to key functions namely, revenue generation, pooling and purchasing. Finance in developing and transitional economies issues: What are the Sustainability Threats and Prospects is to share the risk... That any classification is a key function of health financing system progress towards UHC services due the. Combination with types ( 3. ) - ( 6 of a study that will to. Can see, out-of-pocket or fee-for-service, government budget, or insurance agencies are all means of functions of health financing. Transitional economies health Facilities in the Philippines include government hospitals, private and. Reducing out-of-pocket expenditure and potentially improving financial protection Vilcu I health care,. 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functions of health financing

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