freakonomics individualism

freakonomics individualism

President Bush had framed these negotiations as going an extra mile for peace.. That is not just the most American thing thats ever happened. Which one of the four options below is NOT mentioned as a determinant of social mobility in neighborhoods? Loose cultures tend to be found in English-speaking countries as well as Latin-American, Latin-European, and formerly Communist cultures. And other cultures are more loose. HOFSTEDE: If I had been born in America, I would have liked it, probably, because I would have been used to it. You had Woodstock, and youre going to have this kind of stuff happening again. In another condition, they were wearing tattoos and nose rings and purple hair. The Hofstede scale puts the U.S. at 62 out of 100 on masculinity relatively high but substantially less masculine than China, Mexico, and much of Eastern Europe. Dubner speaks with Nobel laureates and provocateurs, intellectuals and entrepreneurs, and various other underachievers. According to a decades-long research project, the U.S. is not only the most individualistic country on earth; we're also high on indulgence, short-term thinking, and masculinity (but low on "uncertainty avoidance," if that makes you feel . If youre a constrained sort of person, you wont go far in the U.S. Stephen DUBNER: Im curious whether youve ever been accused of political incorrectness in your study of national cultures. That, again, is Mark Anthony Neal, from Duke. Industrialized. 470. NEAL: Were a country that presumes male leadership. DUBNER: Do you think the average American and the average fill in the blank Laotian, Peruvian, Scot will be substantially more alike in 20 or 50 years, or not necessarily? GELFAND: In the U.S., various newspapers covered the story. This does not mean that no one in a loose culture, like the U.S., is stigmatized or mistreated. The American model is among the most successful and envied models in the history of the world. Thats John Oliver. NEAL: You have no real other example of a country that has brought together so many different national and ethnic and racial backgrounds. You can see this on many dimensions: how we work and travel; how we mate and marry; how we care for our children and our elderly; how we police; how we conceive the relationship between the individual and the state; even how we manage death! HOFSTEDE: And it immediately yielded a four-dimensional model. And she doesnt love to exercise. Freakonomics is therefore NOT the book that I would recommend to anyone interested in (a) learning economic theory, (b) learning about how economists think, or (c) understanding the world or thinking of ways to improve it. I do think that humanity as a whole is sort of evolving to being more reflective. Now this is pretty rare to have such different groups of respondents and still find the same thing. The book Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, is designed to pose fundamental questions concerning economics using a variety of imaginative comparisons and questions. I was floored. How do racial and ethnic minorities fit into the American looseness? HOFSTEDE: Okay, well, dont. In the meantime, take care of yourself and, if you can, someone else too. His late father was a social psychologist who devised a system to rank countries on several dimensions including their level of individualism versus collectivism. Whereas if you have a state religion, it tends to get tired and old and boring. This really contrasts with lots of places where there are legitimate traditional authorities and people tend to defer to those authorities. It suggests that as in most things in life balance is desirable. So the general rules of a loose or tight culture may not be consistently applied to all populations. Still Sore, Clinton Decries Planned Singapore Flogging of American, The Differences Between Tight and Loose Societies. GELFAND: I grew up on Long Island. The Neglected 95%: Why American Psychology Needs to Become Less American, Measuring Inequity Aversion in a Heterogeneous Population Using Experimental Decisions and Subjective Probabilities, Westerners and Easterners See the World Differently, Economic Man in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies, Ultimatum Game with Ethnicity Manipulation: Problems Faced Doing Field Economic Experiments and Their Solutions, Does Culture Matter in Economic Behavior? And then theres the big C, the stuff that we have these big conversations about, that we do these incredible studies about, which is really about the worldview of groups of people coming together, in a community, in a nation, in a family, right? A loose country, like the U.S., tends to do well in creativity and innovation; in tolerance and openness; in free speech and a free press. The Pros and Cons of America's (Extreme) Individualism. 470. Henrich argues that national psychologies can be quite particular, but you may not appreciate that if all you read is the mainstream psychological research. The Pros and Cons of America's (Extreme) Individualism. Historically, politically, and yes culturally. The snob effect occurs when an individual's demand for a specific product increases when the number of units of that product other people purchase increases. And thats different than in Scandinavia and in New Zealand and Australia, which has much more horizontal individualism. And then I meet you all, and then youre not. Well hear about those dimensions soon enough. As with most experiments like this, the research subjects were WEIRD usually they were students at the universities where the researchers worked. "Information is a beacon, a cudgel, an olive branch, a deterrent--all depending on who wields it and how.". HOFSTEDE: My father was schooled as an engineer, actually electrical engineer. By the way, Gelfand doesnt really take a position on whether loose or tight is superior. El libro revela por qu nuestro modo de tomar decisiones suele ser irracional, por qu las opiniones generalizadas a menudo se equivocan, y cmo y por qu se nos incentiva a hacer lo que hacemos. Tightness and compliance would seem to go hand-in-hand. People get less interested. This feeds back into what Michele Gelfand was talking about earlier, in the context of geopolitical negotiations. We will learn which countries are tight, which are loose, and why. GELFAND: In cross-cultural psychology, we study how ecological and historical factors cause the evolution of differences. Steven D Levitt. High religiosity coupled with high individualism reveals another feature of American culture. The first one measures the level of individualism in a given culture, versus collectivism. The average U.S. worker puts in nearly six more weeks a year than the typical French or British worker, and 10 weeks more than the average German worker. Which is more dangerous, a gun or a . We bring in neuroscience to understand all things cultural. GELFAND: In Germany and in Japan, the clocks are really synchronized. Michele Gelfand has another example of how culture shapes perception. (Part 1 of " Freakonomics Radio Takes to the Skies .") Is that a yes? You can never admit weakness or failure. It always was unsustainable, but was made even more acute to us during the pandemic. Open Document. This is a summary of the book Freakonomics by Stephen DubnerJoin Reading.FM now: more summaries: http. You can think about it at the household level. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. Read the following excerpt from Levitt and Dubner's Freakonomics. Why the business school? This suggests that every time a social scientist runs an experiment whose research subjects are WEIRD thats capital-letter WEIRD the results of that experiment may be meaningful in the U.S. and some other places, but quite likely not in others. HOFSTEDE: And this is before the 60s, before the 70s. As its been said: Everyone knows that 11 oclock on Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in American life. Mark Anthony Neal, a professor of African and African-American studies at Duke, notes that American individualism is hardly experienced equally across the population. And a lot of those presumptions come from how men function within the context of various religious practices. One of the defining features of Americanism is our so-called rugged individualism. You might even call it wild individualism. Okay, it took half of this episode to go through just the first of the six dimensions of national culture individualism versus collectivism. 470 Replay) Freakonomics Radio | Freakonomics Radio Publicit Annonce - 0 s 00:00 00:00 Suivant | propos Voir la description Freakonomics Radio. People who went out to California, I would say if we gave them the tight-loose mindset quiz, they were probably on the looser mindset. OLIVER: When was that moment when America became the most American America it could possibly be? Thats to say that it emphasizes privacy and independence, like the U.S., but its much more egalitarian. So after we ran that first project, we redid the entire project, and we took concerns like the one Francisco had. Youre culturally confident. The future could be bright. Feb 15, 2023. For instance, the rhythm of vaccination in the U.S.A. is very fast. Nevertheless, you might be able to intentionally create pockets of looseness so you can have more balance. Henrich says yes. Happiness is going to be lower, but crime, too. She was majoring in pre-med. Thats Joe Henrich, a professor of evolutionary biology. He did some work in the factory and it shaped him to a great extent because there, he could see that the world of the organization looks so differently from the floor than it does from above. Whether this means something brings you financial, emotional, or even community benefit. Thats the cross-cultural psychologist Michele Gelfand. Now, lets pull back and make an important point: labeling a given country tight or loose is an overall, aggregate measurement. And I was like, This is every day in America! In the real world, Feldman learned to settle for less than 95 percent. I had been led to believe, by you, that you are as dumb as bricks. So why did someone succeed? I do think that today they are living through difficult times, but so are we. As advertised!. NEAL: The Soviet bloc, when they talked about freedom, it was freedom from poverty. This is part of the history that made the U.S. a hotbed for individualism and it also changed the character of the places these people left. Freaknomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything is the book for readers who run screaming at the thought of cracking open a book with the word "economics" in the title. HOFSTEDE: But it turned out that lumping them by nationality was the best thing to do. They can freely float about. Let me give a little background. This episode was produced byBrent Katz. Episode 470 The Pros and Cons of America's (Extreme) Individualism. Let's now consider the following statistic, which represents the hundreds of matches in which a 7-7 wrestler faced an 8-6 wrestler on a tournament's final day: 7-7 WRESTLER'S PREDICTED WIN PERCENTAGE AGAINST 8-6 OPPONENT: 48.77-7 WRESTLER'S ACTUAL WIN PERCENTAGE AGAINST 8-6 OPPONENT: 79.6So the 7-7 wrestler, based on . Caning as in a spanking, basically, on the bare buttocks, with a half-inch-thick rattan cane. You might think that these relatively minor differences dont add up to much. Why have rules if you dont use them? Freakonomics takes the tools used in microeconomic analysis and puts them to work in novel situations, by looking at the individual decisions made by experts such as real estate agents or car salesmen, by consumers of the services these experts offer, and by other individuals like parents. And I was interested in this, and I thought maybe it would tell us something about an innate human psychology for reciprocity or something like that. NEAL: We think about improvisation in the context, obviously, of creative and musical terms, but its also a way of always having to adapt to the changing political, social, and cultural realities. The country that ranks highest in long-term orientation is Japan; also high on this scale are China and Russia. Always check that your browser shows a closed lock icon and . And life is an adventure. we're looking out for the best interest of our individual pursuits. The second one measures what's called "power distance." (Don't worry, we'll explain the name . It could give you new occasions to gain status in an unexpected way. He grew up in England. HENRICH: So, Francisco is a good pal of mine and hes also a very charming fellow. Now, keep in mind this was London, English-speaking London not Uzbekistan or Botswana, even Mexico. Needless to say, it's had a lot of success. And so you walk faster because you cant get everything you need done in your day and youre always trying to get to the next event. Those are the upsides. GELFAND: Exactly. The Coronavirus Shutdown Is Revealing Americas Troubling Obsession With Work, Those Who Stayed: Individualism, Self-Selection and Cultural Change During the Age of Mass Migration, A Rising Share of the U.S. Black Population Is Foreign Born, 10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Indulgence versus Restraint, 10 Minutes withGeert Hofstede on Masculinity versus Femininity, 10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Individualisme versus Collectivisme, Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context, A Re-Inquiry of Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions: A Call for 21st Century Cross-Cultural Research, The Churching of America, 1776-2005: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Achievement Values: A Multimethod Examination of Denmark and the United States, Hofstedes Model of National Cultural Differences and Their Consequences: A Triumph of Faith A Failure of Analysis. We just need to do it. Freakonomics Radiois produced by Stitcher and Renbud Radio. And if there are crumbs in the sheets, theyll get in your pajamas. GADSBY: Have you ever noticed how Americans are not stupid? The first ten amendments to the Constitution (collectively known as the Bill of Rights), for example, are all about protecting individual rights from government power. DUBNER: Name some of the highest and lowest countries on this dimension. I dont want to be a doom thinker. The Pros and Cons of America's (Extreme) Individualism av Freakonomics Radio direkt i din mobil, surfplatta eller webblsare - utan app. Our theme song is Mr. Freakonomics tries to decipher everyday events from an economic perspective by exploring various events, such as drug dealers lives, the truth about . Freakonomics (2005) aplica el anlisis econmico racional a situaciones cotidianas, desde las citas en lnea hasta la compra de una casa. It was: And your culture, your American culture, is very different. At this point, we should probably define terms. playlist_add. The New York Times bestselling Freakonomics changed the way we see the world, exposing the hidden side of just about everything. to let him focus even more on this data. They were those kinds of Chaos Muppets, because they were risk-seeking. I have a professorship in Joburg in South Africa, too. HENRICH: Im Joe Henrich. When you have teenagers, youre tight, at least for me. Fortune, by the Hitchhikers; the rest of the music this week was composed byLuis Guerra. The first one measures the level of individualism in a given culture, versus collectivism. HOFSTEDE: So in an indulgent society, theres going to be free love, theres going to be good music, theres going to be dancing, theres going to be violent crime. The Pros and Cons of America's (Extreme) Individualism (Ep. He takes on questions like: Why do kids with summer birthdays get the flu more often? The examples include: school teachers and sumo wrestlers cheating, the Ku Klux . Freakonomics is a registered service mark of Renbud Radio, LLC. Which is probably why we dont hear all that much about the science of culture. GELFAND: Weve had our share of threat, but just not chronic threat. Coming up, how Americas creative looseness has produced a strange, global effect: HENRICH: The scientific discipline of psychology is dominated by Americans. Documentary. So he left I.B.M. Controlling for a variety of other factors, they found that looser countries the U.S., Brazil, Italy, and Spain have had roughly five times the number of Covid cases and nearly nine times as many deaths as tighter countries. In an individualistic society, depending on how the mood is, you can get very different developments. But one of the things thats happened, particularly in the context of social media in the last 10 years, is that people now can speak back to power and close the gaps in terms of where individual people see themselves in relationship to power. Latin countries tend to be more collectivistic, especially Spain and Portugal not so much Italy and France. Am I really going to tell my kid how special they are about everything?. HOFSTEDE: And when he took the job in Lausanne, he found that the international group of pupils at his classes, if he asked them the same questions, came up with the same dimensions. In contrast, the Freakonomics blog features the work of Levitt's friends, and SuperFreakonomics relies heavily on anecdotes, gee-whiz technology reporting and work by Levitt's friends and colleagues. And they were finding that people in Africa were not falling victim to this illusion. Another one: impatience. That is generated by looseness. GELFAND: All cultures have social norms, these unwritten rules that guide our behavior on a daily basis. You could ask people, What do you like to eat? The more collectivistic they are, the more likely they are to talk about their grandmother and what she made, and theyre less likely to start entirely on their own diet. Theres not going to be violent crime. But the Chinese, even rich, will be a lot more collectivistic and a lot more long-term-oriented than the Americans. 1 in individualism. (This is part of theFreakonomics RadioAmerican Culture series). DUBNER: And what would you say is maybe a political ramification of low power distance? And in a collectivistic society, a person is like an atom in a crystal. GELFAND: Were trained from a very early age not just to be independent, but to be better. Freakonomics has since grown up into a media company, complete with documentary, radio show, and blog. Whereas people from less individualistic societies tend to be better at making relative-size judgments. The lawyer and journalist Dahlia Lithwick once argued that every living human can be classified according to one simple metric: Every one of us is either a Chaos Muppet or an Order Muppet. Essentially: loose, or tight. GELFAND: And it caused a real international crisis because the Singapore government gave him what was then classic punishment, which was caning. We should be nice to one another. But when push comes to shove, most of the time it doesnt go that way. Greeks are very strong on that. And thats going to cultivate certain tonal abilities, which could feed into certain kinds of music, and things like that. Thanks to Gert Jan Hofstede for his insights today, as well as Michele Gelfand, Mark Anthony Neal, and Joe Henrich. data, gathered in the late 60s and early 70s. He contrasts places like Egypt, that had strict rules for authority and gender and purity, with the Persians who, using my terminology, he would have said that they were quite loose. Most Black people who live in America today are descended from people brought here as slave labor. Because for all the so-called globalization of the past half-century or so, the U.S. still differs from other countries in many ways. Heres another culture metaphor another watery one from the Dutch culture scholar Gert Jan Hofstede. Its all the levels in the organization. If . Even Gert Jan Hofstede suggests that his model shouldnt be seen as overly deterministic. I think those fundamental religious beliefs extend to the American view of what leadership should look like outside of the church in the corporation, in the legislatures, and what have you. Groups that tend to have threat tend to develop stricter rules to coordinate. So that can be very beneficial. Q uite soon after the Freakonomics guys, Stephen J Dubner and Steven D Levitt, walk into their office on New York's Upper West Side for our interview, the scene resolves itself into the kind of . Equating individualism with selfishness may be a mistake: Some of the world's wealthiest and most individualistic countries are some of the most altruistic, says 13.7 guest commentator Abigail Marsh. When they took out Mubarak, this went the opposite extreme to almost anomie, normlessness. He interviewed people at I.B.M. And you speak fast because I dont want to waste a lot of time talking. Although the concept of an individual may seem straightforward, there are many ways of understanding it, both in theory and in practice. That was our hypothesis, at least. Then came SuperFreakonomics, a documentary film, an award-winning podcast, and more.. Now, with Think Like a Freak, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have written their most revolutionary book yet.With their trademark blend of captivating storytelling and . We need to change our practices. Ultimatum Game Bargaining Among the Machiguenga of the Peruvian Amazon, U.S. Student Tells of Pain Of His Caning In Singapore, Singapores Relations With U.S. Gert Jan HOFSTEDE: None of it is intentional. Think Belarus, Myanmar, Russia, China. And Im particularly interested in how its shaped our psychology. The concept of incentives is a way of explaining why human beings do things. DUBNER: That implies to me that 100 years from now, all these countries will all have the same characteristics. So its not necessarily the case that my country is better. But Im Dutch, of course. During the Cold War. And how are we defining culture? It always was unsustainable, but was made even more acute to us. Culture, versus collectivism a person is like an atom in a loose or tight is.... Turned out that lumping them by nationality was the best interest of individual. American life dont want to waste a lot more long-term-oriented than the Americans and, if you,. 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