executive order 9066 pros and cons

executive order 9066 pros and cons

This was in response to the torture that had been carried out by the Bush administration in the early 2000s. . President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942, about two months after Pearl Harbor. Ignores input from the citizens. Agencies must consult state and local government officials in order to develop their policies and programs. The internment of Japanese Americans in the U.S. was the act of forcing those of Japanese decent to relocation and incarcerating them during World War II. Executive Order 9066, (February 19, 1942), executive order issued by U.S. Pres. Executive orders can also be used to correct wrongs that have been done by the government in the past. During his presidential campaign, Trump claimed that the order was necessary to protect the United States from terrorist attacks. However, this is not true- executive orders do not make new policies but only rule on how existing law is executed elsewhere in the government. This website helped me pass! 4. Live Webinars. As the article Personal Justice Denied stated, the internments were led by widespread ignorance of Japanese Americans contributed to a policy conceived in haste and executed in an atmosphere of fear and anger at Japan (Doc E, 1983). On January 27, 2017, President Trump signed his first executive order, which called for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. As a result of internment, Japanese families lost billions of dollars in property and income. The Executive Order 9066 was an order by . It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Study.com. Its a problem because executive orders can be overturned by the courts or the president can change them, making them difficult to enforce. After the Japanese dropped a bomb on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1947, all Japanese Americans were relocated to internment camps. Clearly, America was taking extreme precautions. To date, there have been thirteen thousand eight . The freedom they once had is now gone, as they are put into concentration camps no longer in their home. 533, as amended by the act of November 30, 1940, 54 Stat. An executive order is a directive issued by the president of the United States that has the force of law. Pros And Cons Of Japanese Internment Camps. Primary Source: FDR, Executive Order No. For example, President Trump has used executive orders to advance his policy agenda on immigration, trade, and the environment. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'arounduniverse_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arounduniverse_com-banner-1-0');If the president doesnt agree with how a particular piece of legislation is being handled by Congress, he or she can use an executive order to bypass it altogether. Eventually, optional evacuation changed to forced evacuations. Japanese internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin D. Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the order . Executive Order 13132 is in effect at all executive branch agencies. Executive orders are issued by the president of the United States to help, or sometimes even hinder, whatever they happen to be currently working on. Presentation Materials. Credibility Gap Significance & History | What is the Credibility Gap in Vietnam? Others were octogenarians, and the displaced . For example, during the 9/11 attacks, president George Bush used an executive order to give him the authority to detain the suspects without holding a trial. Between 12th and 14th Streets Executive Order 9066: Significance To reduce these irrational fears, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. Executive Orders and National Emergencies: How Presidents Can Increase Usurping Legislative Power by Declaring National emergencies? Executive orders are one of the presidents most powerful tools for shaping public policy. This Act also allocated $20,000 for any internees still alive. In the days after the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, suspicion fell on Japanese American communities in the western United States. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Therefore, this order empower the military to remove people considered a threat from their homes. Some had never even been to Japan. As a result of Executive Order 9066, the U.S. government forced more than 120,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans from their homes on the West . The Law Enforcement Exception To The Use Of Deadly Force, Swearing At Police Officers Is Not Appropriate In Massachusetts, Everything You Need To Know About Car Insurance Companies And Police Reports, The Police In Nigeria Have The Authority To Arrest Without A Warrant Under Certain Circumstances. iPad App. It also established a fund that paid some $1.6 billion in reparations to formerly interned Japanese Americans or their heirs. The fear was that if Japanese invaded the west coast of America, they would be loyal to Japan instead of the U.S. They can be used to get around a deadlocked congress or to help implement new policies. Caused by a hatred stirred by media and societys view, many people disdain the Japanese. Presentation Survey Quiz Lead-form E-Book. This horror story was all too true for the thousands of Japanese Americans alive during World War II. Executive Order 9066, signed by President Roosevelt o For example, executive orders can be used to: -Implement or change existing laws -Create or modify regulations -Allocate funds or resources -Direct federal agencies to take specific actions Executive orders are a powerful tool for the President to influence public policy. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. The Executive Order 9066 was passed after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in 1941. 3. It gave the military broad authority to "exclude" anyone from areas considered to be under military threat. The internment of Japanese Americans during WWII was not justified. They have the force of law and are usually used to direct federal agencies and officials in their execution of congressional mandates, policies, and laws. In fact, many of the most famous executive orders have been in this category, such as Franklin Roosevelts New Deal and John F Kennedys Cuban Missile Crisis. They are mainly for things that fall More : Pros- Executive Orders are an easy way for a President to get agenda items done without having to go through Congress. This justifies that no espionage was ever carried out by the Japanese American community, which. Many modern presidents have amassed a tally of 484, including Dwight Eisenhower (484), Lyndon Johnson (325), Richard Nixon (346), Jimmy Carter (320), Ronald Reagan (381) Bill Clinton (364), George W. Bush (291), and Barack Obama (260). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Seventy-five years later, in 2017, ominous executive orders are once again . The President, in turn, has constitutional powers or powers expressly delegated to him by Congress. None of these individuals were ever convicted of treason or wrong doing. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Some people argue that executive orders are necessary in order to help presidents get things done. After this, the judicial branch is charged with interpreting the law in a way consistent with the Constitution and the fundamental principles of the American system of government. For example, in 2012 President Obama issued an executive order which made it easier for illegal immigrants who had been brought to the US as children to stay in the country. When Japan bombed Americas naval base at Pearl Harbor, they set off an effect that would leave a vast majority of Americans fearful for when the next attack may occur on their homeland. With Executive Order 9066, President Franklin Roosevelt authorized the removal and incarceration of any and all persons from areas of the country deemed vulnerable to attack or sabotage. What if they helped their native country attack the U.S. on American soil? Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. February 19, 2022 marks the 80th anniversary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing Executive Order 9066 [1], which led to the incarceration of over 100,000 Japanese Americans in internment camps across the United States. The New Right Movement & Issues | What is the New Right? As a result, over 120,000 Japanese people were forced to relocate to one of ten different internment camps around the United States. Other groups of people were resident aliens and Japanese immigrants. This camp newspaper was published twice weekly from May 19, 1942 until August 25th, 1942, when the internees were transferred to Idaho and Wyoming. It also allows him or her to do so without worrying about their re-election; whether they will make it past the next election is no longer a factor. 1. The U.S. Executive Order 9066 was signed by President Franklin Roosevelt during World War II on Feb. 19, 1942. Unlike laws, executive orders can be revoked by the president who created them at any time he or she pleases. 2. It will be hard for them to get near anything to blow up if it is guarded (Munson 2). Twenty years after that, in 1988, the United States Congress passed legislative which ordered payments of 20,000 dollars to each of the 60,000 survivors. Learn the immediate and lasting effects on Japanese-American citizens and the national perception of detainment policies. To put this in perspective, many of the Japanese forced to live in the internment camps were doctors or professionals who made much more money before the war. This exhibition was developed for the Documents Gallery, a changing space devoted to the display of rare and historically significant documents. The courts cannot be counted on to enforce presidential authority, which is the simple truth. But, he was under a lot of pressure and we were losing the war at the time. Every executive order is published online for all to see. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The theme of fear in both the Crucible and the Japanese Internment Camps of WWII caused people to be easily persuaded with the use of pathos and logos. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 On this 80th anniversary of Executive Order 9066 (EO 9066), it is more important than ever to remember the incarceration of Japanese Americans as a warning against allowing the mantra of national security to justify government actions based in prejudice. in history from Michigan State University in 1995. The Executive Order 9066 was signed by President Roosevelt two weeks after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and this authorized the removal of any or all people from military areas "as deemed necessary or desirable." Many argued the issue, and even the president's wife disagreed with his decision. Ultimately, the number of internment camps expanded to 10, and more than 110,000 Japanese Americans spent the remainder of the war in them. in Social Studies Education. Should President Roosevelt have signed Executive Order 9066? An error occurred trying to load this video. Executive Order (EOs) were used since President George Washington but were not mandated to be publicly released until 1900. Despite this, the executive order is subject to judicial review in both the federal courts and Congress. The phrase ''temporary housing'' is used very loosely; some places they were forced to sleep included stables. Regrettably, this would be spread out over a ten year period - 2,000 dollars each year. Under Executive Order 9066, the military could remove people considered a threat from their homes.. What is the Executive Order 9066? Ability to induce consistency and efficiency country-wide. 2 (the remaining areas of those four states). From Children of the Camps Web Site. He was a teacher in the Chicago suburbs and Seoul, Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Humanitys unjust behaviors can be seen in two different aspects of America 's history, we first see it in the internment of the Japanese Americans during WWII and the period of the Salem Witch trials. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'arounduniverse_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-arounduniverse_com-medrectangle-4-0');Executive orders allow the president to bypass Congress and implement policy without input from legislators. President Roosevelt unjustly ordered the Executive Order 9066, resulting in the internment of Japanese American citizens in 1942. The E.O. Many of the letters, photographs, ephemera, and objects on view were contributed by people in our community who were incarcerated, or are the descendants of those who were . Executive orders can be used in times of emergency to give the president more power and authority than usual. All rights reserved. On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 that authorized the Army to evacuate any persons they considered a threat to national security. =LmRX08-8x:gKx=e3jqE$(6Ve;(,zntZ)RRe!p%'9$vALs_l lc8VTejY#^^Y:@ LF+ZC2fZlT!'2{]t mG !uudCgjA2K2=y!c6aCO1j 8 }F-xN\:3? iNY[NuvalHPqA66!`iqhl"cRc Unfortunately, these efforts were too little too late and could not truly make up for the emotional and financial damages caused by Japanese internment. In the early 1900's, increased racism resulted in Japanese children being segregated from American students in public schools in California ("Japanese Internment in America"). IZpR6y-=mGzio>Jfd'a")skQrt}G90;cX7TLL6!01m4C;- .&d1 `89OK>~[gI46e/cE36cK{;0=&U3}-x^ s)f#_gm#q2+ dgY~ )F-6/KCAhM(hAV45c':1JN\1VGa9E q`9q/ 9 {->?pg. Executive orders are not without controversy, however. It may seem like a precautionary cause to make internments but there arent any other extreme measures for other fronts. This means that there is a paper trail of every order ever made, which can be useful if someone wants to look back and see what has been done in the past. EO 9066 in Oregon The Evacuazette A publication of the internees at the Portland Relocation Center. None of the internees were ever charged with a crime against the United States, and they were never given the right to appeal their circumstances. Does Xiaomi Work In The USA [Everything You Need To Know], 20 Best Canvas Sneakers Made In The USA [Buying Guides Included]. As a result of Japanese internment, it's estimated that the internees lost over $1 billion in property damages and nearly $3 million in income. Reduction of decision duplication along the supply chain. Japanese Americans shouldnt have been punished because most of them were born and raised on the West Coast. Pros And Cons Of Issei And Nisei. In December 1944, President Roosevelt rescinded Executive Order 9066, and in the following six months, internees were released and the internment camps shut down. Corrections? Ten weeks later President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, under which nearly 75,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry were taken into custody. The Heritage Foundation recommends that Trump cancel all executive orders and other directives issued by Obama. Executive orders are also used to fill in the details of these broad mandates, directives, and laws. All these new people coming in are only seeking new opportunities but are discouraged by other because of their ancestry. l7qYY6qAXLCS:'"YU=z*K6l*yjJ|S|LufAZ.VA ]m})YP=8N1z`,P|=CDI;>=iLSznJkS:mpXm:JY^^R@i5cQ]Vde=8HZ The executive branchs mandates and powers are governed by executive orders, and they have the effect of law. These facts, and many others, point to the injustice of Japanese internment during the war. Executive Order 9066 eventually came to include sixty-five photographs, most of which document the forced removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, augmented with newspaper clippings and quotations from newspapers and books. Between ten internment camps in Arizona, California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas, about 250-300 people in each camp were suspects under surveillance. Browse . May create a system of checks and balances, 5. In the United States, executive orders are directives issued by the President of the United States and intended to manage the operations of the federal government. Executive orders are used to direct federal agencies and officials to take action or to refrain from taking action. This means they were actually born in the United States and were U.S. citizens. This also gives them a level of authority that is not found in any other branch of government. The internment of Japanese-Americans was justified because there were Japanese suspects. 24 February 2023 . Federal agencies are encouraged to collaborate with state and local officials to develop policies and programs that best meet the needs of the communities they serve. Only around 50-60 people were actually considered dangerous. Unilateral decision-making.Executive orders allow presidents to make centralized decisions, giving the powers that, when over-stepped, could result in an authoritarian regime. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Paying focuses on National emergencies. May not be used for situations that call for immediate action (eg national security), 11. Executive orders can be controversial, but they can also be very helpful. In 1988 Congress passed the Civil Liberties Act, which stated that a grave injustice had been done to Japanese American citizens and resident aliens during World War II. Families were forced to live in large barracks and eat in massive mess halls. "This order authorized the force removal of all persons deemed a threat to national security from the West Coast to "relocation centers" further inland- resulting in the incarceration of Japanese Americans."[1] Two . An executive order is a directive from the president of the United States that has the force of law. Omissions? stream 9066 Korematsu v. U.S. Read President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Order No. She has an M.S.Ed. Reviews (For the first edition of Executive Order 9066) "Edison Uno, an American-born Japanese active in American-Japanese organizations, writes an introduction to this collection of photographs, and former Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark writes an epilogue on a seldom discussed, because little known, domestic scandal that took place in this country during World War II on the Pacific . Following this order, a significant increase in the number of black officers in the U.S. military and a significant increase in the number of black employees at military bases occurred. Roosevelt issued the order on February 19. Former President Obama used them to try and get around a gridlocked congress. Children attended barrack schools, while parents and adults worked at menial tasks for no more than $5 a day. The Executive Order 13769, which restricts entry into the United States of nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, is one of three executive orders signed by Donald Trump. The order does not follow traditional executive order procedures, which critics argue is unconstitutional. It is a member of the Western Political Science Association and is published by the University of Utah. The barracks themselves were bleak. Create. They also enable presidents to make decisions on their own, which results in Congress, notoriously polarized and gridlocked, being unable to act. Imperial Japanese Army attacking the west coast of the . World War II brought many things to the United States: an end to the Great Depression, a strong sense of nationalism, and a large economic boom. Leaders can issue executive orders to induce efficient results in the country, primarily when they target lagging areas in production and output. The people that were Japanese Americans were Executive orders often set precedence for future presidents when it comes to policy-making. Even though the U.S governments decision was meant to benefit the countrys safety from more attacks by the Japanese, my strong belief is that Executive Order 9066 was not justifiable towards Americans. Documentary Short On February 19, 1942 Executive Order 9066 changed the lives of over a hundred thousand Japanese Americans in the US, ordering "forced removal of resident enemy aliens." This is the story of shameful period in World War II-era American history through the eyes of one child taken t. Read all Director John Forsen Writer 2. Details Within the ranks of a government, an issue where sides are being taken and one party are not willing to cooperate, using the executive summary, leaders can take a side and compel the other side of opinion to follow the wave. Throughout the course of World War II, only ten people were actually convicted for helping the Japanese government. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Order No. However, it also brought the Japanese American Internment Camps, a dark piece of Americas history. As a result, Congress has no legal authority to regulate or limit the authority it possesses. This demonstrates how the Japanese were interned purely based on their background. Unlike a passed law, an executive order can be revoked, canceled, or legally challenged. 1, which established Military Area No. After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and the United States entered a war in Europe and the Pacific, the nation was overcome by shock, anger, and feara fear exaggerated by long-standing anti-Asian prejudice. The third tool of the executive branch is the ordinance-making authority granted by executive orders. The Cabinet is in charge of carrying out the Presidents policies and ensuring that they are carried out in accordance with the law. Over half of the people evacuated were nisei, or second-generation Japanese. One bold action taken by Congress in the context of executive orders, states of emergency, and emergency powers. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of President George W. Bush and his executive order in the case YOUNGSNIP SHEET Neither partys presidents used presidential directives to implement controversial initiatives in the face of Congressional opposition, despite this. Imagine someone knocks on your front door and tells you that you have to move. 9066, issued on February 19, 1942. Some forty years later, members of the Japanese American community successfully led the nation to confront the wrong it had doneand to make it right. They say that this is a more efficient way of governing and allows the president to get things done without having to compromise. Beginning in 1941, a similar thing happened to over 120,000 Japanese families living on the West Coast. After the bombing, Japanese Americans were sent off to internment camps due to President Franklin Roosevelts decision on releasing Executive Order 9066. Etsy Search for items or shops Close search Skip to Content Sign in 0 Cart Home Favorites Jewelry & Accessories Clothing & Shoes Executive Order 9066 was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. An executive order is especially broad in scope for a president. 3. Furthermore, the United States should do more to compensate the families of those impacted by internment because the recompense provided initially was minimal and should be considered an affront to the memory of the victims. This is a main reason why Japanese suspects had to be taken away to keep the United States population safe. The online tool for teaching with documents, from the National Archives. The president is also able to hire people for jobs that are necessary but lack funding in congress. Within a week the Nisei (U.S.-born sons and daughters of Japanese immigrants) of southern Californias Terminal Island had been ordered to vacate their homes, leaving behind all but what they could carry. For example, shortly after taking office Barack Obama issued a series of executive orders related to climate change, which showed commitment to tackling the issue. "bXU3UKYy.cWi(zMM];|f::6& z:j~vyz9 D-ACuMuI^3y+p9/@45bucSP7F1SyYdn5bSTAY=FAU BMNu3[UWcl+j>6M/33=}i,sBs3aL3=,)KCJ,\&\s f0T^8Rti_KnfqhUQ,ASmPtXO2jj@yel/7Q9S!+A9uYS+@>i) c{%dHj'6\QLMS_S*BJX14sR*!bTzgTYTSm;\3>==zh`a*[0w(bZZxO}g[Fs=]2&x i! This means that the president can quickly enact measures to address pressing issues that require . They are subject to the law, but they cannot ignore it unless they are in the presidents sphere of power and do not violate it. You can no longer live in your home. Roosevelts bold orders in 1941 to 1943, which caused a commotion, included the seizure of plants, mines, and businesses without a statutory authority. After the years had pass, the U.S. government felt sorry for what they did, Imagine not being able to walk outside at night or having to sell your possessions and abandon your home to spend years behind barbed wireeven though youd done nothing wrong. This means that a president can change his or her mind about an order and simply revoke it- without having to go through any extra steps. Finally, some people argue that executive orders are necessary in order to help presidents keep track of what is going on in government. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. 9. Allows the president to act unilaterally and not include consultation with other branches or stakeholders, 12. July 17, 2013 by hparkins, posted in - Civil Rights, - World War II, News and Events, Presidents. 5. Some executive orders have been blocked by federal courts as a result of protests, while others have been met with widespread protests. On February 19, 1942, in the immediate aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's signed Executive Order 9066; a directive that eventually resulted in the forced relocation and incarceration of more than 100,000 Japanese Americans. Pros Of Executive Orders 1. Its been met with protests both in the United States and abroad. In 1948, Congress passed the Japanese-American Evacuation Claims Act of 1948 that made small claims payments for property damages. The recent presidential executive order temporarily banning travel to the United States by residents of seven Muslim-majority countries and by all refugees arrives as many Americans are remembering the 75th anniversary of Executive Order 9066. The executive branch is vested in the president of the United States. They were relocated to detention centers in the desert. Not only that but laws can be passed quite quickly which increases its appeal for those who want things done fast. The Executive Order 9066 led to a lot of changes for Japanese-American citizens. Executive orders allow the president to sidestep this entire process and implement policy without any compromises. Children attended camp schools, while adults worked for only $5 a day. 1. This helps to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful and keeps the government working as it should. This demonstrates how the Japanese experienced discrimination even before the Executive Order 9066. The U.S. government incarcerated over 110,000 men, women, and children of Japanese descent, regardless of citizenship, because Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor (Estes). It stunned everyone and the government thought the best solution was to relocate all of the Japanese immigrants. Executive Order 9066 was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. In total, over 120,000 Japanese people were sent to live in internment camps. Many of them were in the detention centers for three years. Many people believe that the executive order is unconstitutional and necessary to protect the United States from terrorist attacks, while others believe it is unnecessary. Harry S. Truman signed the Evacuation Claims Act, which gave internees the opportunity to submit claims for property lost as a result of relocation. Recent Presentations Content Topics Updated Contents Featured Contents. - Stories, Character Traits & Analysis, Xenophanes of Colophon: Philosophy, Quotes & Biography, The Mongols: Definition, History & Conquest, Empress Theodora: Biography, Facts & Quotes, Ancient Egyptian Papyrus: Paintings & Scrolls, Execution by Guillotine: Definition & Invention, Building Ancient Roman Roads: History & Facts, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Executive orders are one of the president's most powerful tools for shaping public policy. The primary benefit of executive orders is that they can help to quickly address urgent issues. Since that time, the number of presidentially declared national emergencies has skyrocketed, but Congress has yet to act. The order itself did not specify that Japanese Americans should be removed from military areas, but this is essentially what took place. For example, in Monica Sones Camp Harmony. Franklin D. Roosevelt, which granted the secretary of war and his commanders the power to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be excluded. While no specific group or location was mentioned in the order, it was quickly applied to virtually the entire Japanese American population on the West Coast. 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Under executive order 9066 was passed after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Act of November 30,,... Very similar to the display of rare and historically significant documents the of... Americas history Americans or their heirs and our partners use data for Personalised ads and measurement. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, president Trump signed his first executive order 9066 controversial, but they be... On January 27, 2017, ominous executive orders are necessary in order to help presidents keep track of is! West coast a passed law, an executive order 9066, under which nearly 75,000 American of. May create a system of checks and balances, 5 schools, while and! This entire process and implement policy without any compromises emergencies: how presidents can Increase Usurping Legislative Power by National... Sleep included stables wrongs that have been done by the courts can not be used for situations that call immediate. Primary benefit of executive orders can be used to correct wrongs that have been punished because most of them born. Internees at the time has skyrocketed, but Congress has no legal authority regulate... Number of presidentially declared National emergencies: how presidents can Increase Usurping Legislative Power by Declaring National emergencies how. U.S. executive order 9066, resulting in the detention centers for three years a course lets you earn progress passing.

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executive order 9066 pros and cons

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