crystalens class action lawsuit

crystalens class action lawsuit

Another example to help you understand what I am dealing with (2) as if there is a Vaseline film over both eyes and it never clears up (3) during pollen it is miserable, feels like dust has been blown in my eye and last for weeks! Each visit I was told I am not producing any tears, I never had a problem with tears or pollen until this procedure! Went to an Ophthalmologist who told me he would never recommend thesse lenses for one of the reasons the goop in our eyes build up on those wings thus preventing the promised movement. wish my eyes weren't so blurry so I could read all the comments. The same result when the left eye was done on Sept. 25. I am still paying for the lens! Very very very disappointed. Just came from the eye doctor once again and I was told there was nothing they could do for my eyes anymore to correct the issue of my lenses being out of place because of the restriction pushing the lenses into a Z pattern. I could have gone to court and start a trial. The ophthalmologist said they dont even sell these lens in their practice because of the terrible results. In order to do the second surgery I would have to go to a retina specialist! Within federal jurisdiction, classactionlawsuitsare governed by Rule 23 of theFederal Rules of Civil I had a Crystalens implanted in my left eye in October 2011, and can see good up close and intermediate..but my distance vision sucks! Why would they need to do this if they were accommodation lenses? My wife came out of there seeing much better. Since then I have been having problems, black floats, cloudy vision, etching, dry and mostly uncomfortable feeling in my eyes. Class action lawsuits are found in every state, but states like California, New York, Florida, New Jersey and Texas tend to have the highest number of class action complaints filed in America. I had the procedure done two years ago and have been miserable ever since. I had to drop out of College due to not being able to read or use a computer as I once did all day long when I worked for the Clerk of Courts. WebLast week a class action lawsuit was filed alleging that realtors are colluding to fix real estate commissions. (4) When looking through my eye's I also have faint objects floating across the eyeball like trash or a hair! My right eye is blurry & night driving is not good. This was done by Dr Nichamin of Laurel Eye Clinic in Brookville Pa. What a scam. About 2 years ago I finally had enough money to do cataract surgery so I could get the best lenses for my eyes. The Crystalens is intended for primary implantation in the capsular bag of the CRYSTALENS /// JUST SAY NO ! It felt like he pulled out the sliver that was stuck in my eye for several days, which was the pain I was feeling. Dr. told me this was the way to go and the best lens I would not need glasses, so I went with his advice. I never have had the halos, thank goodness. Crystalens - Do not have this lens put in your eye. I can not believe I am going to have to live with this the rest of my life! Now, being told due to 'muscle accommodating need' that this particular lens wasn't a good idea for someone 65. WebHEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP . Basically blind now in my left eye, and complications in both. I wish I knew how to fix this instead of always having smoke blown up my fourth point of contact. I had cataract surgery March 04, 2015, and had a Bausch and Lomb Crystalens implant put in my left eye. They gave me the run around until the statute of limitations ran out. I was promised by my ophthalmologist that the Crystal lens would self adjust so I can see both near and far on my right eye. Reading vision improved yay no reading classes woohoo lasted about 10 months back to using reading classes. The standard lens was implanted in my left eye, it works perfectly well, I started seeing 20/20 from day 2 of surgery. Language Assistance Available: Espaol | | Ting Vit | | Tagalog | | | Kreyl Ayisyen | Franais | Polski | Portugus | Italiano | Deutsch | | | English, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 7.55. My vision with cataracts was steadily getting worse with everything appearing gray or brown. I would be happy to help with the class action lawsuit. I had the procedure by a renowned eye specialist idoctor ******** ************ of Randolph Rd. You may want to checkout the FDa recall website, there is a list of Crystallens, Bausch and lomb, the list are actual serial numbers that were defective, letters should have been sent to patients. I had Crystalens implant in my right eye in 2009. Vision is near perfect. Crystalens! I had one eye done in December 2012 and one done in January 2013. I'm wearing glasses to help but vision is still not good. In essence he prescribed me glasses that would equalize the vision in both eyes so I could drive at night. I have not seen a clear day for almost 3 years. Really research your doctor, go to more than one, feel comfortable, if you get a bad vibe, leave. The doctor told me I was seeing well even after I complained during every visit. I have to spend a fortune on prescription pressure drops prescribed by a retinal Dr as well as dry eye drops. If you are planning on buying crystal lens or any sort of accommodation lense save yourself the 4000$, Stick to the soft lense. Now both eyes are flickering and I feel like I am wearing swim goggles all day. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you personalised advertising. What a waste! Cost is $2500 for two eyes. Is it possible that after I told the doctor it was important to have close vision that he experimented and added a minute measurement to the length of part of the hinge? I had the Crystal Lens put in during cataract removal about a year & a half ago. PLEASE do not have this surgery unless you are very desperate--do your research on other lenses before you do this or get the standard lens and take your chances with having to wear glasses. I questioned the doctor quite extensively as to the lens as had a sister who's doctor strongly discouraged her on getting them. I have a very hard time reading a magazine or news paper let alone not even thinking about picking up a book to read. I can still read & see the pc fine, but all the clearness & sharpness I had for distance has not came back & now am noticing a flash of lights on the side, the right eye, of course. Three months after crystal lens in both eyes, $6000 later, I am worse off than ever in my life. Need 20 plus people with crystal lens implant issues for class action law suit if interested email I would be willing to go through all again forever just to get the ReSTOR lens removed. Crystalens Accommodating Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens PMA No. It was in instant relief and all I could do was cry from relief that it did not hurt and I could see far again. All the complaints mentioned, I am surprised I have been able to work, it has been difficult and painful. I can not wait to go to bed so my eyes will be closed and I do not have to deal with it. Had the laser, then a week later everything changed. I'm upset that it seems to not be able to be corrected. Patients will be eligible for a rebate of up to $250 per eye. Still no movement in the Crystalens and so much surgery done that there seems no chance of getting rid of the Crystalens! Same story. I am a private pilot. I just wanted to get rid of the Halos around lights and asked him which lens to have and he said this was the best ones, and now I have shadows behind letters on tv screen and no halos but all lights on cars Schmeer to the left also ruined my distance vision cannot even read street signs when in car. I also had the YAG procedure after a few months but that procedure did not improve my vision whatsoever. i had crystalens done in both eyes. For the next two years after I had the Crystalens lenses installed, all was well and my vision, both near and far. (1) Severe astimatism isn't a good candidate, but that was overlooked. My doctor put me in the 1% failure catagory to justify his greed. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. Best advice; know your risk and really do your homework. There are halos everywhere & my left eye is still painful on occasion. I was better off prior to cataract surgery. The one doctor suggested crystalens. Bausch and Lomb ended up getting a hold of a few other doctors to help fix the Z-Syndrome because the Dr. that put it in could not fix the lens, which took about another week of pain and not seeing. I'm in the same boat. I mean $11, 000. Well I am now learning this only works for a short period of time. I saw great, near & far for about 10 months. I had them put in both eyes three months ago. The cost of Crystalens was $7, 000 and yet I needed a yag procedure--one eye done at $700. is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. I regret it to this day! Dr. had rep from Bausch and Lomb come to his office to see my eye and I was told it was Z-Syndrome which meant the lens popped out of place and it is in the shape as a Z and that is why I could not see. Told that I would be able to see near far and in between (brochure claims the same thing). I am not denieing your pain; I am saying the pain of a few people may be a contribution for the good of our children. Charlotte NC October 2012. The Doc says it's caused by dry eye. WebWe have to starts a class action lawsuit or something, any lawyers out there!! I'm going to try to talk to them about getting me laser to correct the distance and work out something for my right eye. : Expiration Date:11-699865 to 11-699951 01/14/201611-699952 to 11-700027 01/14/2016. WebTo determine if implantation of PIOLs has led to lawsuits, we conducted our first claims analysis of these lenses. For months, it felt as though my eyeball was in a barrel, and I could see a black rim around my eye. To do something about the Crystalens problem call MedWatch at the FDA. Like everyone else I was told I was a good candidate and that I would love them. Soooo much can go wrong trying to fix this including LASIK which is much like the liar ### who do Crystalens! Additionally, a Recall Acknowledgement Form was attached to the letter for customers to complete and return with the affected products. Since then, I have had two Vitrectomies which did help with the "jelly" in the eyes. My night vision and distance vision is fine but I'm back to using and losing reading classes. This sounds like class action! By Consider The Consumer on 10/18/2018. I wake up almost every morning and my eyes are pink, and swollen. Facsimile: (212) 355-9592 . I am in three choirs. I hate them i'm thinking of having them removed. They are so expensive and is no difference then the regulars one that your Insurance will cover, Had my surgery done in February 20017 and the longer I have them the more difficult it is. Now the distance in my right eye is getting worst, is so fussy! My doctor called Bausch and Lomb, I have written many letters to them complaining about the Z syndrome. I still need the same reading glasses! I paid $10, 000 above insurance for these premium lens. JUST KEEP IT SIMPLE AND GET A BASIC LENS! After getting the first eye done I had 20x20 distance vision but very poor accommodation for close up reading. Even the Big street signs are difficult to see. Her vision degraded to 20/200. Charlotte NC October 2012. Bausch and Lomb takes no responsibility. Totally disappointed with the misrepresentation. Back to Walgreens for readers and continue to pay my $8000 bill? Paid an additional $3000. I have done everything this Dr. told me to do, trust me I was excited to have the procedure and would have loved not having to go back to Dr. *! Hi Sue, I live in California and have Health Net Insurance, which is Medicare Advantage Program. In other words, his work was done. . Thanks a lot! My eye's are worse than they were before the ReSTOR procedure! It was $4,475 and I had nothing but eye pain and could not see well after the lens was put in. I am beginning to agree with everyone else!. My saga continues! Its my vision that's being played with! Sadly, I did not look up Complaints on Crystalens before making my decision. I'll take comfort in knowing I wasn't the only idiot that fell for the scam. I had both eyes done with Crystalens and they done work. Has anyone else had this? Apparently no one cares but us. My Doctor was the most highly advertised guy on the West Coast of Florida! I have VERY BLURRY distance Vision in my left eye--now--WORSE than before surgery--in fact-- my sight was 20-25 in my left and is now 20-70--AFTER the Miracle CRYSTALS--hard to believe. I finally gave up with him and pursued help from other ophthalmologists but to no avail . When driving, cars actually appear closer on my sides then they actually are. This is my second complaint and I have not heard anything. They will do LASIK or PRK as part of original price but mid and near will be even worse. After lots of visits and Im sorry you had your expectations too high, from the eye dr, I eventually went to a cornea expert because I was having such issues with my eyes-not only did I believe I saw better BEFORE the surgery, but my vision at night was horrible, with stars around all lights, lack of depth perception, and my eyes felt awful each day-painful, red, and uncomfortable. The Anschutz eye clinic certainly never puts a crystalens in because it is well known that the lenses cause huge problems and that bausch + lomb denies any accountability. By using this website you agree to our Cookies Policy. Class Actions. 17-2092-ES-JSAa class-action lawsuit on behalf of noncitizens who suffered immigration-related harms on account of their.Monsanto has agreed to pay up to $45 million as part of a I went to his office as an emergency in pain and he had his assistant put numb drops in for the pain and did not really say anything about the situation beside to keep putting drops in my eye and come back to see him in the next day or two. I wanted to wait to do the 2nd eye but was SOLD to get it done as it would help my brain adjust. To add to frustration I compare my vision to my sibling vision and they can read text even smaller then I can and see just as far, and they only have the soft lenses. I have had severe persistent dry eyes since the surgery. The people to sue are the ones who made these lens, BAUSCH & LOMB, I did jnot expect perfection, (that's what the doctor said) but I did not expect my vision to be worse after surgery for cataracts. Bausch + Lomb sent an "URGENT- MEDICAL DEVICE RECALL" letter dated November 14, 2011 to all affected customers. Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. My vision wasn't all that bad. I am able to play racquetball as the ball is bigger and slower; however, I have trouble telling the angle of the balls. This was a huge change since I went from having no distance vision and almost perfect close up vision prior to the surgery. Im 70 years old and I couldn't be happier with the vision Crystalens has given back to me. Obviously not covered by insurance and each surgery is more out of pocket expense. There are some issues do deal with, glare is always a problem with implants so good polarized sunglasses are needed outside. DO not buy them! In fact, she said, my dad is getting his done next week. Cross or cockeyed, which I had trouble with my eye pulling outward my whole life, isn't a good candidate (since the muscle tends to weaken as you age, and the muscle is what your lens adheres to to make then lens work properly). He was sorry for me and could not replace the implants. Contact Bausch + Lomb at 949-521-7895 for questions regarding this recall.. I'm not upset about trying something that didn't work. 1-800-332-1088. My eye dr told me I was better suited for the Crystalens in one eye and Trulign Toris lens in the other. The YAG helped in making the eye not feel like it was sunk in a deep hole, but I still see what looks like a rim, just like when I wore contacts. I have had 7 surgeries on it now and he does not want to touch it anymore. I have had six surgeries to try and correct my left eye - the lens is no longer in, but the problems remain. -- one eye and Trulign Toris lens in their practice because of the terrible results was well and my whatsoever... 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crystalens class action lawsuit

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