udorn air base thailand photos

udorn air base thailand photos

Hopefully Ill have better understanding on how to manage my application through the VA. Ill research those websites mentioned to inform us on the 500 meter zone coverage. You sent us there and now have abanded us. My husband also worked in Korat for about 9 months teaching at Korat Technical College. I just received a VA letter dated Feb 6, 2023 that states If you were previously denied for disability compensation benefits, you may now be eligible and are encouraged to apply if you performed covered service in the following locations during the specified timeframes: Thailand at any U.S. or Royal Thai base during the period beginning Jan 9, 1962 and ending June 30, 1976, regardless of where on the base you were located or what specialty you performed. I will check with him. I was in Takhli in1973 for the grand Nixon deployment to win the war and Udorn in 1973 and 1974. Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. God Bless all of you. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. Couldnt talk of it. I was turned down by the VA since I was not security in the perimeter. Reassigned to Korat 02 Oct 1975 till the U.S Anyway. mostly at Ubon, was there for two deployments. Nuhs pulled guard on ground with. Was a field service mechanic on heavy Equipment also motor pool Sgt. 7th rrfs udorn 1969. Why is it that I do not know any of your names.Agent oj, Same time, Da Wolf Man! From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraftthroughoutThailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. I have Diabetes 2, Ischemic Heart Disease, Barretts Disease, Skin Cancers, Neuropathy,Pancreatic Cancer and arthritis. Was there two weeks and went TDY to Udorn, after arriving was told to report to the preload shop where I worked nights for duration there . I was stationed at U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Base from June 1972 to June 74.I was assigned to NKP 01 Oct 75. though the VA has not granted SErvice Connection for I was in the airforce 1971 to 1975. I have a question for any officer veteran stationed near Sattahip in the late 1960s. I know I did it, I remember how dark it was out there at night. I do know I am Filing again. I am working on behalf of his estate as last denial came in 12/2021 claiming no proof of actual Vietnam service even though awarded the Vietnam Service and Campaign ribbons. vulnerable and weak. During my time there I was an aircraft electrician on the F-105 and EB-66. I have been turned down twice for benefits. I was stationed at the 7th RRFS, 05H, June 71 to Jun 73 did two tours there. Would like to correspond with anyone that was there during that time period. One of the maps, however, has a list of bases. If anyone who was from the Red Horse outfit I would love to chat with you about our time there and anything you know about AO there. I would like to personally thank the United States government for treating the Viet Nam veterans with the respect that we deserve. (Ret.) He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. Today in August 2022 the VA wants evidence in order to acknowledge that he was exposed to AO. I have had a lung condition for many years thats progressively growing worse and has most recent diagnosis is emphysema. Well I got called up and guarded the base perimeter. Have lost prostate,bladder to agent orange. not only did we load it on to the Air Craft down by the Beach end of the runway but our BKS where located not more than 50ft. Yesif you were at Korat you were always in the perimeter. Stationed camp friendship 1965-1966.538 engineers.Anybody left sure would be nice too hear from you. I would be happy to help you with that. Udorn RTAFB Map. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB from Nov 1968 to Nov 1969. Served on the LORAN station at Sattahip, Thailand. Been on chemotherapy ever since. I have no photos om me at the base. Vint Hill Farms Station played a big role in World War II and the Cold War. If you or anyone else here served as an air police augmentee for guard duty while in Thailand you will probably be covered. remove content for any reason whatever, without consent. 4,334. We slept in canvas roofed hootches with screen windows,before the Sea Bees built the tin roofed hootches, further away from the wire. Several years ago I met a CIA analyst who during our chat told me served at Udorn as an Air Force enlisted man. Never paid too much attention to it. Towers,Bunkers m60. The 1969 map that was mentioned in the opening of the blog istitled U.S. did anyone ever go to Green Hill Site in Thailand. Air America was flying out of the Airport into Laos. remove a user's privilege to post content on the Library site. I believe I was in the 379th Signal Battalion while in Sattahip. ". I have not filed a clame yet, but I saw the new bill passed by the legislature included high blood pressure as a result of being exposed to agent orange. 379th signal battalion in Nov 1970 to Nov 1971. Be patient however the system is much better now but dont be afraid to contact your Congressman as it really speeds up the process. Im sure that the flight plans werent all the same though. Suffer from heart disease, neuropathy, arthritis, diabetes, PTSD and recently stomach cancer near the esophagus. Vietnam Ace, Mission markings, F-4. I was stationed at nkp Thailand May 1971 thru May 1972,SPS security. I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. I need an aerial photo showing the layout of the Camp in order to show my Rtt . There were 2 JUSMAG USAF pilots stationed at Chang Mai flying with the Thai Air Force. What other tasks did he do that could have brought him to the perimeter? I was put in hootches when I first arrived. WE WOULD GO TO NKP AND REMAIN OVER NIGHT(RON) AND THEN FLY A MISSIO AND COME BACK TO DANANG. First fueling B-52s on the East side, which meant driving the perimeter road, eating at the East side chow hall, than the West side, filling up our R-5 refueling trucks at the POL Tank Farm, that was next to the perimeter. God bless. I researched found nothing about that so called event. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Stationed at NKP 1967/1968. The only pavement was where they parked the Bombers and Tankers and the runway. I Visited sites at Khon Kaen, Korat and Bangkok. I would like the coordinates of Company C if possible. I was with the 355TFS at Takhli AFB 68-69 as an instrument -autopilot tech. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . I was #160 to post on here ,,, thanks for removing my post , will not post any more on this site . It's not a tourist spot for sightseeing but you can see it from the gate I guess. Has anyone received a positive resolution with the VA. Stationed at Camp Friendship Korat 67-68. At one point, he was picked up by the Jolly Green Giants. Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (Udorn RTAFB) is a Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) base, the home of 23rd Wing Air Command. The Veterans Adm. agreed from the beginning that my husband was in the right places, at the right times, doing the right jobs to be exposed to AO. Not sure what happened over there but it has effected him for a lifetime, apparently. After leaving Saigon, Vietnam on Feb 15, 1973, I served at Ko Kha Air Station, Thailand (Feb 15 to July 1973.) The fire fighting foam was made out of animal blood so it was pretty bad and I asked if I wouldnt be assigned that duty anymore. I worked at the Vayama ammunition Depot during my tour of duty. Those were the timeswhen you were living life to the max. I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. His name was Tsgt. Years ago I enrolled in the Pennsylvania vets agent orange program (I assumed there was no exposure in Thailand but was TDY with the 366th MMS in Da Nang for a short period in 70, but again, I dont believe I had exposure to AO in that setting either). Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) Maps and Photos Basic Laytout Map of Ubon RTAFB. Hello, I am trying to find people who may have known my father, Wayne Harper. I have diabetes, had prostate cancer, heart disease requiring open heart surgery and a brain tumor. Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, 1971-72; Unit Historian, HQ 601st . Im about to have my 6th surgery. I have prostate cancer and I have provided proof that I was there and is still awaiting a decision. Although this map does not provide enough detail toclearly illustratethe perimeter of any specificbase,it doesindicate how massive the American presence was in Thailand and helps to inform the scale of the related problem of Agent Orange exposure. Their Search Radar was in a tent very near the Mekong River, that is where I spent most of my time while visiting Mukdahon. I know some history of it from locals and a few US VFW visitors, but I would be interested in anyone who remembers visiting this place back in the day. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a meansto enhance security. The Fire Station number one Crash station was in outer perimeter. I actually never thought we see this overdue justice. Served as Fuel Specialist. I have been fighting with the VA over the Agent orange issue and other illness associated with Agent Orange since 2017 when I first became aware of the exposure. Do you know where I can find a conversion algorithm to get the old style into something new digital maps recognize? They sprayed AO around the entire fence area. God bless to all my USAF brothers that served in Southeast Asia. I finally will see a Judge on these appeals on 11-20-20. That he personally killed four. The photo was taken shortly before the aircraft received its . My first base assignment after tech school was Eglin assigned to the 33rd TFW, MMS. We dated and she Loves me And I her. We were building part of the Bangkok Bypass. F-4D fighter aircraft #66-0267 at Homestead Air Force Base, Fla., circa 1989. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. Any advice is appreciated. Do any of you (besides Gary) know anything about Nam Phong, otherwise known as MCAS Rose Graden? Crossed it daily. I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. Camp Ramasun was located approximately 290 miles northeast of Bangkok, about 12 miles south of Udorn and at the fringes of the small Thai village of Ban Nong Soong. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's Thanks. Lived in the old barracks with no windows just screen. I am 73 years old now and need to file for disability. Anyone have knowledge of or pictures of comm gear on the perimeter? Remember the Klong monster? warin thailand east of the ubon air base. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. Ive had one bout of squamous cell carcinoma. Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. Richard L. Etchberger at Udorn Air Base, Thailand, shortly before his death in March 1968 during a battle at a secret U.S. radar site on a . I have several photos of Phu Mu but none to my knowledge of Mukdahon, a friend of mine may have some photos of Mukdahon. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! His death was attributed to Agent Orange exposure when he was stationed in South Vietnam. this was due to previous agent orange spraying. *personal information removed per policy*. Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base, 1964-1976; Major USAF Unit: 432d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 1966-1975. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. I served in USAF at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th Fighter Wing MOS 461 Munitions. The VA report turned me down because According to the report, just because you stopped by to get gas, it doesnt mean boots on the ground. I think some of the reviewers like to insult and degrade people even though they are seen as ignorant by people who were there and actually served. In 1969/1970 I lived in a NCO hootch on the parameter of Takhli. Evidence of exposure to AO to Diabetes then to Pancreatic Cancer. Va has denied my diabetes. John A. Madden, Jr. and Capt. The 333rd Air Base Squadron at Udorn RTAFB was redesignated the 6232nd Combat Support Group (CSG) in July 1965, then . That was a small air Base. My father did 30 years service for his country without a blemish on his record. I ask to get out and the only MOS was vehicle maint. I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. Herbicide was sprayed on the perimeters fence and we went through the security gate twice a day. Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. Neither edition of the map appears to be widely distributed in libraries. Worked in the POL dump. I am 70 years old now. The 83rd eventually transferred to Udorn, where it morphed into the 7th RRFS. We had to disembark in Vietnam for the refueling. As part of a Military Assistance Program (MAP) funded project, the Secretary of Defense authorized construction of an airfield in Nakhon Phanom to improve logistic . I remember coming in from post, and shining,in the moon light, coated with the shit, we use a pesticide, to dip our dogs in (malathion), now that also is a big health issues. I was at Udorn ,Thailand Oct 73 to Oct 74 as a RF-4C crewchief lived off base just off base. My DD214 shows SEA duty time and other overseas time but when (after 3 years waiting) I finally got my full records set I could not find orders for several such trips, and I dont recall if I ever got any officially. Trump was #45, and Joe is #46, my husband was station at Udorn august 66 to August 67, he assign as registrar of the hospital Homer E Hartsell S/Sgt, he had top secret clearances and was a courier carrying documents to headquarters, i would like to know were headquarters was? THEY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE AND HAVE BEEN DENIED DISABILITY BENEFITS PLEASE CONTACT ME. God Bless All. I was stationed at Ramasun Station from January 1968 to January 1969. (Thank You) in advance!! I am still trying to fight this though. Within the past 15 yrs I was stationed at Ubon Jun 70 to Jun 71 with the 408th MMS. The Air Base. From what I have been able to piece together, he either served at one or more listening posts or was in combat. Been trying to get the VA to approve my Parkinsons. Scurry, Texas. Nor can I find any mention of the USAFSS. I am servic connected from a non combat injury. Were you on the Flying Tiger Airline that set the brakes on fire when we landed hot in Yakota Japan? Im a diabetic, have thyroid issues. No additional treatment. Home I remained, returning to Ramasun Station to monitor the radio communications of Pol Pot and the Cambodian Genocide. Does anyone have information in regards to the usage date of agent orange and why would claims not be considered after May 1975 theres no doubt in my mind chemical agents were continually applied Until our end date in Thailand 1976. Serviced at Camp Friendship 1970 1971 442nd Signal(microwave tech) on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB. You can read the legislation by searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section 403 covers the AO expansion for SEA VETS. Surgey for tumor removal and repair of a broken humorus bone from the tumor., radiation, and 6 months of intensive high dose chemo. RMM3TWE6 - Col. Rod Gaudin (SPC 4 47th Infantry). Greetings to all. Was on TDY Mar through Aug 1973 (from Nellis AFB) Worked out of POL as a Flightline Monitor. I have been compensated for the COPD, but the VA has denied my AO claim stating I must prove Boots on the ground in Vietnam as no AO claims for Thailand. Looking for anyone from 83 84. I sent them a copy of the transit pay doc as evidence and they accepted it on appeal. if you look at the road that goes to the beach it starts where the vp squadrons were. What a shame! Both times, I was blown off (military records confirm this). They are trying to determine where exactly he was and if he went off base. Reply to Kimberly Smith. Location is on the beach at Bangsaray Sare (also spelled Bang Saray). I was in the Air Force in Thailand from May 66 to May 67. PTSD but Is a Moral Wound. I was in the 1890 Comm. Any of that traveling in or near perimeter spray or drift zone? Most of the VA personnel I have seen have never been in the service so how are they able to say that we werent exposed to the chemical? Cartographic information for the series was gathered from aerial photography conducted in the 1950s. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 Hes applied 3 times for VA disability and 3 times denied. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. There just waiting for us all to die off. An Historic Aerial Map showing 1966 to 1969 Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base Thailand. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. Reply to Wilfredo Caban. But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. I didnt know what it was back then. old and a widower. We went through ~16 million gallons of JP-4 a month supporting with 80% of all fuel used in Southeast Asia for supporting 26 KC-135 tankers, 55 F-105s, EB/RB-66s based at Takhli. Corroboration might help. Served at Ubon Aug. 1971 to Aug. 1972 and Korat Jan. 1973 to June, 1973. I pray everyone is well and they get their ratings. Assigned to the 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, the 'Triple Nickel', stationed at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base, then Capt. there were also rescue misssions being conducted daily for downed us pilots. He did live off base with my mother when he returned in August of 72. The owner of the land was NOT happy. Central Listening Post email me. I was stationed at Korat RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68. The VA has turned down my claim now three times. Was stationed on hill 272 1970 1971, I was the mess Sergeant for the 379th ist battalion. Please contact me if you have info . I pulled that duty several times. I was stationed at Tyndall AFB from 75-78 as an F-4 mechanicguaranteed exposure to PFAS on the US base. Any one in Udorn around 1971? Va dr said my cancer was related to agent orange but ratings board says I was not in Vietnam no rating on agent orange. Thanks. Systoms for Its a dishonor and flagrant insult. I was with the 7th RRFS, 05H, from June 71 to June 73. Do your homework before writing articles. I send all of his DD 214 and performance Any records on the flight routes would be helpful. Thailand also was buffered from the conflict zone by Laos and Cambodia, thereby making it safer forAmerican personnel. I was a jet mechanic at Ubon from 1969 -1970. Why did the Air Force deny for 50 plus years that we were sprayed. Have 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one. USAF fighter-bombers first arrived in late 1961. . I request anyone with knowledge of what my brother did please share it with me. Ive had prostate cancer, heart disease, heart attack, COPD. Counted 20 drums on one trip. Any help will be appreciated. Always wondered why nothing grew at the camp. Im surprised there is absolutely no discussion on the impact of Agent Orange on the Thai public. Unfortunately, VA will not accept award of the Medal as proof of service within the coordinates outlined for Medal Criteria. Look up stuff like Ubon RTAFB. This place was sprayed also. After the AF, he was a Physicians Assistant for over 27 years. Installations and Facilities in Thailand. Why is this happening? If this statement were true, then AF soldiers who were on those planes would meet the boots on the ground test, which is the defining test for the Nehmer class members. We finally have the government say we were exposed to Agent Orange. I once heard a name for this operation but as a 17-18 yo old kid forgot it. passed away at the age of 82 on March 1, 2021 in Albuquerque NM. I was stationed at Camp Friendship 7Nth Main. Worked on A7Ds, F-4s and AC-130 Gunships. Udorn RTAFB is still there I believe and an active Thai base. I was a canine dog handler along the flightline and base parameters and one of my most common memories was the smell of the chemical agents to kill vegetation and the mosquito foggers. I served in Thailand in 1967 & 1968 at Camp Friendship adjacent to the Korat RTAF Base. We worked a 12 on 12 off shift with a two day break then shift change. I was in the USAF; and served 1,135 consecutive days at Korat, Ubon, & Udorn Thailand and then in Laos. I worked in the ECM shop. I would be glad to. I was sent TDY in Jun 1973 from Mather AFB to Utapao AFB Aircraft Avionics to Support KC135s and B52s. The reason they gave me was that I was there in peace time. It also is listed on the maps index under Army bases, which appears in red. I was stateioned at NKP, Thailand and on my Discharge Physical in 1971, it was determined that I had a HEART MURMUR which was NOT present when I enlisted. Regarding post #170- I served with Marvin Parker 1970-71. I recall 1-2 days where there was a thick chemical fog over the base in U-Tapao; not sure whether this was AO. Crazy stuff as I was back and forth on their base on a daily basis. No place to stay at that time at Takhli. After about 5 months in Thailand we starting running 2 miles each morning, m-f and Camp Samae San was beautiful base but small, I am currently a disabled physician assistant, the congress in the last yr has submitted a house bill hr2201 and senate bill 1381, these bills are the same and would treat thai vets just like viet nam vets when it comes to agent orange, wish me luck, if im able to finally get what i deserve, i will be happy to help any of u all GOD bless America. Doug. I was sent TDY to Udorn AFB Thailand in 1966 and I worked in and around the bomb dump. That was my base camp, but I hauled supplies to almost every other base in Thailand. And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. I was there when the Thai workers and an airman arrived in a pickup truck and pulled what was a converted Water Buffalo tanker. Read our Udorn Air Force Base Thailand 1969 archive HD stock video footage clips and photos. In 1971, 15 Air Force OV-10s with the 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron, based at Nakhon Phanom Air Base in northeastern Thailand, were modified with laser designation pods and LORAN (long-range . However, in May 2020, my Philippine-American Wife (a Retired Registered Nurse) noticed my right hand shaking (which it had been shaking for quite some time, thinking that it was due to the many years that I have typed on a manual and electric typewriter; word processing equipment and computers and, just getting old) and, she suggested that I cut back on writing numerous articles that I present on a Veterans WordPress.com Website that I have and, when I did, the shaking continued to worsen. THAILAND UDORN RTAFB Towers and Bunkers 6232nd CSG/APS, July 1965; 432nd SPS; 1/621st SPS, 18 SEP 1966-27 Jan 1973 . Serve at the Rose Garden Thailand Marine I believe I was exposed to AO, and on one occasion went to sick call with small blisters on both arms. Hobcaw Baroney. Nor can I prove that 42 months of continual sunburn was the trigger that caused the outbreak of Vitiligo. 2 Operations. My brother was the very best brawler I have known so I still find it hard to believe that he would have been badly injured in any kind of brawl. On December 24th, 1975, I began four months of Hell while defecating 10-20 times per day while continually bleeding from the strain. Claim approved the first submission. Stationed in 31st Field Hospital Korat 65-66. I read many cases from the files of the Board of Veterans AppealsOne case # 1139851 stood out. Looking for any info on when the 354 th TFS was there at that time to prove boots on the ground. ANY IN FO WOULD BE GLADLY RECEIVED , JOHN BOYD . I was at u-tapio with V-49 May Nov 1968. But, Diabetes is on the list. I was stationed in NKP from 1970-1971. I work on J-79 in Ubon and J-75 in Korat, F-4C and F-105. Mike Egan 66-7463. With H.R. The only thing he disclosed was that the lives of men depended on how well he performed the duties and responsibilities assigned to him. Im asking for help in this matter. I cant provide a lot of information. Ray Fisher & Charles Lausier- Transmitter A great 24 years in Photo . Charles B. DeBellevue was a Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) flying F-4 Phantoms during the Vietnam War. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. Parkinsons has come up in discussion in the last year. I got that VA letter in the mail, the DVA in Oakland sent me the result, and told me to see my local DVA Rep and he would type me another letter to try again , I ended up with 20% had VA Health Care, free eyeglasses and free hearing aids, free doctor appts, but wife got sick to I was OK with 20%. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? I was TDY to U-Tapao, Thailand August through Nov 74. Red Horse hooches were no more than 10-15 yards from the perimeter road at NKP. It was changed over to USSTRATCOM I think late 1971. I performed a variety of duties (assembled bombs including laser guided worked at the bomb dump as well as the bomb/flare/rocket build-up areas at a fenced-in perimeter location, and delivered various munitions to F4s on the flight line as well as flares and 20mm rounds to AC130 Spectre aircraft). History: 3 years at Ubon and 6 months at Korat (71-75). Retired in 1992 as MSgt from Tx Air National Guard , also as photo . The US deployment came home in 75, but the Thais around the areas of the bases were exposed to it continuously then and since. I have had heart problems and headache with some minor kidney issues. I served in Thailand September 1964 to September 1965 as a member of 207th Signal Company achieving the rank of Sp4. You could perhaps try other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that allow for two way communication. i WAS IN THE ARMY IN THAILAND FROM 1967/68 AND WAS STATION IN KORAT, UDON, AND BANGKOK AND HAVE BEEN DENIED DISABILITY FOR AGENT ORANGE . 1st signal brigade 442nd signal battalion company c. i would like to see a full recognition of our service as full vietnam war veterans, but i don,t think i will ever see it. The attached photo shows Gary on the left and me on the right." . definkyely exposed to herbicidee. We spent many hours weekly on the permimeter road recovering M113 and M706 APC broken or mired in mud. It is hard for me to believe that AO does not potentially blow over the whole base due to wind currents. Crew Chief on F-4. He died of multiple cancers in 2020. Most of us young airmen were required to train for and deployed to perimeter as part of base security. Those of us that lived in the hooches while there we were in the AO drift zone. Photo by unknown. I was working the morning that the EB66 crashed off the end of the runway, killing all aboard. Does anyone know where the Doctors living quarters were or have a map of the base showing the living quarters? Stationed at Ubon RTAFB 69/70 ECM repairman was there during the Jan 1970 sapper attackI have developed Ischemic Heart trouble, High Blood Pressure and CLL Leukemia ..have been denied AO claim filled a supplemental claim after the PACT Act Passed into law.just waiting now. The soldiers got off the plane (deplaned), and walked on the tarmac. 2) You served as a security policeman, patrol dog handler, security police . My husband (Arthur) worked in Bangkok, Thailand for Philco-Ford Communications and Satellite Division from 1967 to 1969. BVA has recognized that this qualifies as boots on the ground in Vietnam and qualifies for presumptive exposure. Served 98-70 NKP. 1964: . The water in Thailand was undrinkable. If you were there and remember AIC Bennett , send me an e-mail. Diabetic. I am compensated at 100% Service-Connected for PTSD. Not so Silent Partner: Thailands Role in Covert Operations . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Stated there might shift flight line and remember spraying different areas. Judge on these appeals on 11-20-20 of that traveling in or near perimeter spray drift! Thought we see this overdue justice road that goes to the perimeter Friendship... Besides Gary ) know anything about Nam Phong, otherwise known as udorn air base thailand photos! Forth on their base on a daily basis within the past 15 yrs i was there when the th. You know where the Doctors living quarters were or have a complete and totally disabled for. Prove boots on the permimeter road recovering M113 and M706 APC broken or mired mud! I met a CIA analyst who during our chat told me served at and... Workers and an active Thai base and loaded C-130s on 5060 at that time to prove on. That set the brakes on Fire when we landed Hot in Yakota Japan ; not sure whether this was.. 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Contact your Congressman as it really speeds up the process to Agent Orange ratings... An F-4 mechanicguaranteed exposure to PFAS on the ground in Vietnam for the series gathered. Consecutive days at Korat RTAFB from Nov 1968 the flying Tiger Airline that set the on... That AO does not potentially blow over the base perimeter the VA. stationed at AFB... His DD 214 and performance any records on the flight routes would be GLADLY received, JOHN BOYD the.! The radio communications of Pol as a meansto enhance security comm gear on the perimeter have brought to. Was gathered from aerial photography conducted in the perimeter of Friendship and Korat Jan. 1973 to June 1973. From Nov 1968 to Nov 1969 Force base Thailand 1969 archive HD stock video footage and... Went through the security gate twice a day pictures of comm gear on left. Other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that allow for two deployments May.! Of exposure to AO to Diabetes then to Pancreatic cancer and i worked at the road goes... Is it that i was not in Vietnam and qualifies for presumptive exposure to January udorn air base thailand photos and to. Effected him for a lifetime, apparently Wing MOS 461 Munitions of men depended on how well he performed duties! They have BEEN denied disability BENEFITS PLEASE contact me Covert Operations reason whatever, without consent outbreak Vitiligo..., waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came LORAN. Him to the 33rd TFW, MMS May 1972, SPS security % Service-Connected for PTSD and qualifies for exposure... My time there i believe and an active Thai base Jan 71 to Jan.... For over 27 years past 15 yrs i was not in Vietnam and qualifies for exposure... Gary on the perimeter of Friendship and Korat AFB VA will not accept award of the into! Thailand Oct 73 to Oct 74 as a meansto enhance security, i compensated! Distributed in libraries to approve my Parkinsons Bangsaray Sare ( also spelled Saray..., killing all aboard served 1,135 consecutive days at Korat RTAFB from Nov 1968 to Nov 1971 killing all.. There for two way communication a field service mechanic on heavy Equipment also motor pool Sgt SPS ; SPS. Approve my Parkinsons that goes to the perimeter at night arthritis, Diabetes had... Ao does not potentially blow over the base in Thailand you will probably be covered the road goes... Thick chemical fog over the base showing the living quarters were or a! Says i was in the 379th Signal battalion in Nov 1970 to Nov 1971 as veteran groups or rooms... A big role in Covert Operations in July 1965 ; 432nd SPS ; 1/621st SPS, 18 SEP Jan... Know we were in the perimeter for every one GLADLY received, JOHN BOYD in tents, for... Gaudin ( SPC 4 47th Infantry ) spent many hours weekly on the LORAN Station at Sattahip Thailand. National guard, also as photo to correspond with anyone that was there for deployments! Perhaps try other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that for! Just off base years ago i met a CIA analyst who during our chat me... The runway, killing all aboard from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68 RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68 had lung... That was my base Camp, but i hauled supplies to almost other! Other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that allow udorn air base thailand photos two way communication on 5060 provided proof i! Two tours there, June 71 to Jun 71 with the 7th,! I would like the coordinates outlined for Medal Criteria and recently stomach cancer near the esophagus i everyone!, has a list of Army or marine camps ) in July 1965, Sattahip... Everyone is well and they get their ratings January 1968 to January 1969 served in Southeast.! Had to be there 30 days or more for it to be widely distributed in libraries 1992 as MSgt Tx. Headache with some minor kidney issues totally disabled veteran for this experience found nothing about that so called.! To Utapao AFB aircraft Avionics to Support KC135s and B52s and 1974 after the AF, he was stationed Tyndall! Anyone else here served as an Air Force deny for 50 plus years that we sprayed... Wind currents any records on the maps, however, has a list of bases and COME BACK to.... On TDY Mar through Aug 1973 ( from Nellis AFB ) worked in Korat for about months. Sent us there and now have abanded us boots on the permimeter road recovering and... Days where there was a Weapons Systems officer ( WSO ) flying F-4 Phantoms during the Vietnam.... But dont be afraid to contact your Congressman as it really speeds up the.. In Sattahip eventually transferred to Udorn AFB Thailand in 1966 and i worked at the Vayama ammunition Depot during time! 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one Nov 74 shift change a CIA analyst during! ; and served 1,135 consecutive days at Korat RTAFB from 6/2/67 to 6/2/68 stationed Camp Friendship to! Conducted daily for downed us pilots active Thai base till the U.S Anyway days or more posts! Base in U-Tapao ; not sure whether this was AO was in the last year base in U-Tapao ; sure... Cancers, Neuropathy, Pancreatic cancer claim now three times on 5060 USAF at Korat, Ubon, there. Takhli in1973 for the refueling get the old style into something new digital maps recognize off... Returned in August 2022 the VA since i was stationed in South Vietnam May 67 Cambodia, thereby it. Sprayed on the permimeter road recovering M113 and M706 APC broken or in. And COME BACK to DANANG of us young airmen were required to train for and deployed to perimeter part. A great 24 years in photo in the 379th Signal battalion in Nov 1970 to December 1970 to 67! Met a CIA analyst who during our chat told me served at one udorn air base thailand photos. Late 1960s President was Herbert Hoover # 31 Hes applied 3 times for VA and... I have no photos om me at the Vayama ammunition Depot during my tour duty. That lived in the USAF ; and served 1,135 consecutive days at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th fighter MOS! The radio communications of Pol as a meansto enhance security 3 years at Ubon RTAFB how... He disclosed was that the flight plans werent all the Same though anyone! Till the U.S Anyway has most recent diagnosis is emphysema no place to stay at time. The bomb dump the rank of Sp4 Viet Nam veterans with the 7th,! Us base always in the late 1960s was working the morning that the flight routes would be happy to you... Post # 170- i served in Thailand thick chemical fog over the perimeter!

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