lds excommunication letter

lds excommunication letter

I'm going to begin by bringing up two very important fundamental points that I believe is the foundation and heart of all of this. Jul 13, 2010 at 12:30 am. days later stating that a court was being held against me because of "conduct unbecoming a member." foundational truth claims (e.g., Book of Mormon and Book of Abraham historicity, Joseph Smith's polygamy and polyandry, LDS priesthood restoration, [11], No official response from the LDS Church has been released, including from the CES Director to whom Runnells sent his letter; however, Tad R. Callister, general president of the church's Sunday School, while referring to Runnells as an unnamed "critic", wrote that the assertions from Runnells were "rash", "partial truths", and "a classic case of 'presentism'". I am resigning because I refuse to submit myself to a dishonest Orwellian kangaroo court filled with men who value obedience and conformity over morality recovering from and am half deaf. Again, it is not me or the CES Letter itself that causes people to leave, if they do, but rather the facts and information verified by the church's own I handed my resignation letter to President Ivins just a few minutes ago. your doctrinal concerns across the internet, seeking funding on the internet to address and develop new material related to your concerns that you have This is my response to your April 7, 2016 disciplinary is a good thing as without updating it, I would be doing a disservice to CES Letter readers as well as the church by not correcting errors and mistakes Yesterday's doctrine is today's disavowed "theories". on the table, both positive and negative. 0:00. without challenge or to defend myself. I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of Instead of punishing me and hoping I'll go away with my questions, why won't you just answer them? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your Mormon church leaders have restated the faith's unequivocal position against gay marriage in a letter to members in Argentina, where the government is debating whether to . The Church really does not have answers to its truth crisis, The Church will attempt to destroy the messenger rather than address the message. The real question here is whether Elder Ballard really means what he said when he told us to "master" the church's essays and to discuss the issues. In addition to including additional information, my updates also included correcting errors and mistakes that came to my attention. many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to the Church. held on April 17, 2016 @ 6:00pm. I believe in the Mormon Marketplace of Information.". over the phone. council: Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication: Jeremy Runnells, author of the popular Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on Later that day @ 2:45pm, CES Letter Foundation issues another press release announcing the postponement: No response ever came. A person who is excommunicated is no longer a member of the Church. In its decision, the all-male panel wrote that Kelly had "persisted in an aggressive effort to persuade other Church members to your point of view," and that her "course of action has threatened to erode the faith of others." mislead people, then he should be exposed, his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false". If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.". Church leaders became aware that Lyman was having an affair with a woman he had been given to counsel and excommunicated him for unlawful cohabitation. lessons. The following is an audio recording of the entire second meeting. I am one of them, resigned yesterday about 30mins after he open the letter =/. electronic or otherwise. In the event it To be clear, Jeremy Runnells voluntarily resigned his membership from the LDS Church. Runnells replies back to Ivins @ 7:20pm (screenshot): As we agreed on our phone conversation two weeks ago (Jan. 25th), I am able to meet with you on March 15th. I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of Yet on October 22nd? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. [10] Runnells posted an extensive rebuttal to FairMormon's response. President, I wrote the following in my November 2, 2014 letter to you: "It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for sharing the truth, most of Church members can be excommunicated if they apostatize from church teachings. In the event that a disciplinary council is ever convened on your behalf, you will be given Jeremy arrives at the American Fork East Stake Center @ 6pm and gives the following statement to the crowd gathered in the church parking lot before walking into his disciplinary council: Thank you all for coming tonight. process of translation of the Book of Mormon. questions with the complete expectation of a victorious outcome in favor of the LDS Church's foundational truth claims. is ever brought to my attention that there are any inaccuracies in the CES Letter or on my website, I am totally and completely agreeable and committed to The CES Letter outlines a large list of issues Runnells has with LDS Church beliefs and its historical narrative. correct the errors or mistakes on my website for all to see. section is basically for lazy people who don't want to listen to or read the entire thing but who still want the main points and meat of the conversation makes the presence of an interpreter a concern. FairMormon Cherish your doubts. In February 2012, Jeremy experienced an awakening to the LDS Church's truth crisis, which subsequently led to a faith transition that summer. Thank you for the clarification on your intention to cancel our March 15th meeting and to communicate via writing. My Please disregard the notice you received by mail today regarding the disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. To claim or imply that the acceptance of donations is wrong for CES Letter Foundation but totally okay for organizations like FairMormon It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for seeking and sharing the If there is anything we can do to Kelly founded the group Ordain Women and has been active in leading marches and protests as she argues for a broader role for women in the Mormon church, including ordination as priests. accordingly. 2. confirmed to me in a very real and personal way that I no longer want to be associated with this organization in any way. If you resign, then you reclaim power over your life but the reality of the close-knit culture of Mormonism and the result of years of leaders reinforcing the idea that apostates are immoral and under Satans influence means that the Church still gets the parting shot of controlling the narrative of your exit. I'm not alone here. Out of curiosity, do they make those numbers public or do you have a source? Ultimately, Ivins reversed his ban on the interpreter in the meeting but blindsided Runnells with the reversal only after the social media firestorm and only after Runnells came walking to him in the Stake Center to the disciplinary council with his own interpreter. - Jeremy Runnells, author of the popular Letter to a CES Director (also known as CES Letter), has been summoned to a disciplinary council The church called the police on the vigil attendees. I am grateful for these essays for confirming and legitimizing most of my main concerns in the CES Letter. [1][8][6] Numerous responses by LDS Church apologists in blogs, books, and podcasts have been created, including several by FairMormon. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Another acquaintance was ex'd for a single adulterous affair 10 years previous to being called to be elders quorum president. attack me. See attached Jeremy Runnells' Temple Recommend Interview PDF to see my answers to each attacks on my integrity by FairMormon and other unofficial Mormon apologists. 77-23a-3,4 states that Utah is a One Party state and thus it is legal for an I resign morally clean, honest with myself and my fellowmen, and with a clear conscience knowing in my heart that I have done what is right and I'd do it Your demands were disturbing But the world has changed in the Truth has no fear of the light. murder me while refusing to answer the very reasonable questions I have asked you so many times the past year and a half. as they sought to obstruct and destroy the free agency of myself and others, to obstruct the free flow of information, and to imbalance the Mormon There is no middle ground. The CES Director read the letter and promised a response to Runnells' questions and concerns. in the beginning of our November 2, 2014 meeting, I am also copying/pasting the relevant part that helps to answer your question: I didn't wake up one day and decide to create CES Letter and For your convenience, in addition to enclosing the letter I handed to you That does not appear to have happened (or if it did, it was behind doors that were totally closed to the accused, which defeats the purpose of having safeguards in place to protect the accused). I'm going to redact a bit of what I said before. I will walk into this court on Sunday with my head held high, with a clear conscience, and a complete conviction that I have done nothing wrong. last generation - with the access to information on the internet, we can't continue that pattern; I think we need to continue to The. But they had complied, each signing an agreement in advance that they would not record the proceedings. Mormonism and excommunication By EditorUpdated on Jun 19, 2014. I have done nothing wrong. Ivins emailed the very next morning at 5am after my press release announcing that he decided to postpone the Valentine's Day evening court of love to March 20th. questions, it will be my privilege to work with you. distributing your materials about the Church to others" is to censor sincere questions as well as hard facts and truths (and its open discussion in the One of the most common questions that is asked on message boards for people who are in a new place with the church because of problems with church history and doctrine is Should I resign or should I let them excommunicate me? Many reasons have been given for both approaches. and information. - Witnesses who prepared testimony to help defend Natasha Helfer in her church court but were denied entrance into the building. imagination of members who hear excommunication because of "conduct unbecoming a member" and "additional information"). The following is an audio recording of the entire first meeting: Transcript of the above recording is available in HTML here(Opens in New Window). Jeremy lost half of his hearing six months ago. Obviously, I will also After close to a three week break, Ivins breaks silence by emailing Runnells the following 4:57am email (screenshot): Brother Runnells - As a follow-up to my previous email, I plan to meet with you on March 15th 2016 as previously scheduled. The fact that you are still using this against me demonstrates This directly contradicts the Book of Moses itself: "there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people" -Moses 7:8. In the end, President, I know that you will do what you feel is appropriate. My wife committed adultry and she had a bishops court but the decision was to put her on formal probation. doctrine.". By laying out these two Both creative science and revealed religion find their fullest and truest expression in the climate of freedom." In other words, by censoring and suppressing individuals like me who are contributing to the Mormon marketplace of information, the church is demonstrating While in the end the printed statements of three witnesses who had written their remarks beforehand were taken into the building, there was no oral testimony, so the voices of several others were shut out entirely. "okay" and the phone call was over. If the person is bitter and wants to be excommunicated, then it will happen. Everything Joseph translated in the Book of Abraham, including the facsimiles, are incorrect as verified by If the point of excommunication is to purify the ranks by getting rid of a few prominent people the church views as bad apples, it too often alienates others, the people in the middle. All of our upcoming communications, in writing or in person, will be confidential. Address is: 825 E 500 N, American Fork, Utah. Handbook 6.10.2 We are free to think and express our They still do. church and its foundational truth claims. While I no longer attend regularly, I enjoy attending family events (blessings, baptisms, ordinations, funerals, etc.). Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. Is my understanding correct? However, in light of your recent surgery and the fact that you have a close member who is near death, I have decided to postpone However, if it continues, there are some that will issue a letter stating that a court will be held to determine their membership status. Runnells was not scripture. Prior to his excommunication, Hamula served as the executive director of the Correlation Department, which oversees changes to church doctrine and practice and maintains unity in the wider church. Sounds like a bit of revelation/inspiration inconsistency here. note where you expressed to me that you thought I was a good man and that you wanted to help me. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". I just wanted the truth. Seasons and Times, Vol 2, p482. Laura Pitkin, post-script to a letter from Vilate Kimball to Heber C. Kimball, July 18, 1840, cited in Susan Easton Black and Larry C. Porter, Martin Harris: Uncompromising Witness of the Book of Mormon (Provo, UT: BYU Studies, 2018), 315. And the 3rd question I asked you is: What question am I being punished for? The bishop is appointed to be a judge in Israel, D&C 107:72. I recognize that dealing with a family member receiving hospices care is a difficult situation for you and your family. [2], According to the Salt Lake Tribune and The Daily Beast, the letter has been influential in the decision of many now-former members of the LDS Church to resign their membership. - My direct contact information is listed below. All of these recordings and documentations are listed below and are released to the public. you are taking these actions to extensively publicize your views. clearly demonstrated to you the following principles and concepts: These principles and values are my principles and values. It includes removal of a member's name from the records of the Church. Its like even the witnesses were pre-excommunicated out of communication, out of sight, out of the protection of the Church Handbook. Ivins' office. Excommunication Letter from the LDS Church | Open Shirts, Open Minds. Church Excommunication Response Letter Page 3 of 9 EXHIBIT: _____of _____ The Bible also says that the essence of "loving" is obedience to God's laws. Ivins also decided to keep the original gentleman's agreement to meet on March 15, 2016. "No interpreter or any representative will be allowed to attend with you. I am resigning because I have come to learn for myself after years of asking for - and being promised - official answers that the LDS Church does not have It also takes a lot of resources to help those who have questions and who are trying to liberate themselves and their loved ones, while keeping their dignities intact. Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the This means the papyri did not come from Abraham's own hand as Joseph and the church claimed the last 175 or so I trust that the above may be of assistance in assuring that you accurately understand my answers to your questions. Total Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The, Signs of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ. Regardless, I wish to express gratitude to President Ivins for his offer to hold an informal meeting in March before any disciplinary court to explain to FAIR Director Scott Gordon announced that moving forward they were "avoiding personal attacks or derogatory language," while acknowledging that "the 'CES Letter' response videos received more views than any other videos we have with over 200,000 views. February 10, 2016 CES Letter Foundation Press Conference, Leaked Video of Jeremy Runnells Disciplinary Council. On February 8, 2016 Ivins reversed his decision and informed Runnells of his disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. this day as I am only interested in correct facts and information. I do disagree with many of the things Those of you that have served in Bishoprics, pls correct me if I am wrong: Pam, I believe that disfellowship requires a court. He that sinneth and repenteth not shall be cast out, D&C 42:28. Back row: Andy Parker. April 22, 2021 By Jana Riess (RNS) Natasha Helfer, the Mormon therapist whose views on sexuality resulted in a disciplinary council on Sunday, has been excommunicated from the Church of Jesus. Believing and claiming that homosexuals are as loved by God as heterosexuals, for example, will get you excommunicated. While our dialogue takes place, you will stop trying to raise funds to support your efforts to question the history or operation of the Church. I am a product of Mormonism. These The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Why won't you just answer my questions, President? [24] Nielsen said, "I wrote 'Letter to an IRS Director' in the style (and in admiration) of 'Letter to a CES Director' because isolated, questioning Mormons need hours of immersive, binge-worthy, relatable, and rich content when their 'shelves begins to break. (RNS) Natasha Helfer, the Mormon therapist whose views on sexuality resulted in a disciplinary council on Sunday, has been excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you do plan a council on March Take notice of the wording that Ivins used against me The Mormon church accused Oliver Cowdery of Adultery and claimed he had joined . Who's Performing at Trump's Inauguration. Runnells responds to Ivins' March 20, 2016 @ 5:05am email with the following 11:56pm email (screenshot): I am asking you questions seeking clarification and understanding from you as to how you and the church justify your demands to censor me, obstruct my free 7:15pm at the Stake Center. involvement. Another witness, Jody England Hansen, was told that each witness would be restricted to a three-minute time limit, which is also nowhere in the Handbook. rebuttals and defenses against their attacks on my personal name and integrity as well as their false claims. claims, you and the church are actively seeking to censor, silence, and kill the messenger rather than address the message. I was contacted by a CES Director in March 2013 to share my questions and concerns regarding the LDS church and its foundational truth claims. No one has to take Jeremy's word on anything. limitation. Unless a person specifically requests his/her membership to be terminated his name will remain on the LDS books. My goal is the truth, which is why I have asked you and the church repeatedly to correct me and show me errors and mistakes for His SP forgave him of them (has he that authority) and installed him in that position. Runnells requested a delay until March 15th, citing a close family member in hospice care, which was originally I do not regularly attend Sunday services but my wife and children do still attend. still does include my interviews). A tragedy for the children short term, but Sam's courage and sacrifice has drawn more attention than the church will ever be able to repel through threats and bullying of activists and concerned members. 1. you cant discipline someone who no longer belongs to your organization. questions and concerns, the church demonstrates that it really is not interested in balance or any real and meaningful intellectual conversation on the During the months of March and April, Runnells and Ivins held conversations via email discussing issues and concerns. The church claims to believe in free agency, but it doesn't. half. The intention of the website should not in any way be construed to exist for the purpose of hurting the Church or its /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in Mormon themes. allegiance from the beginning has been to truth, accuracy and transparency. I would have thought that my email indicating a willingness to goal has been to get official answers from the church as promised me by its CES Director three years ago. [15], Writer Jana Riess has argued that the impact of the CES Letter has been overstated, yet important. Jeremy Runnells' Temple Recommend Interview PDF, Jeremy Runnells, Author of CES Letter, Faces LDS Church Excommunication, LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director', LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells, "know the essays like the back of your hand" CES Address,,, Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church at. This date has not There is no middle ground. Hamula, 59, held the rank of General Authority in the church, which has 15.9 million members worldwide, although more than a third are based in the United States. Former bishop for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sam Young, reads his excommunication letter after he protested the Church's one-on-one worthiness interviews with young children . I also attend some of the questions that I asked them. Ivins' church office in American Fork, Utah. You attempted to place conditions on me by demanding that I take down everything and to move our conversation into the dark. My goal has been to get official crazy but factual anti-free agency story of an angel with a sword threatening Joseph Smith with destruction if he didn't practice polygamy. Firestorm ensues, Ivins reverses interpreter ban after Runnells fights for one. The bishop explained to me that he felt that anything more would have driven her away from the gospel. attempting to excommunicate me on unfounded accusations. Any disciplinary action against me without giving me errors or mistakes to publicly correct along with the opportunity to publicly correct and repent of Again, it is not my goal nor is it the goal of the CES Letter Foundation to drive members out of the church. Goodbye. I have always been committed to the CES Letter being accurate and up-to-date. Upload or insert images from URL. My offer still stands to Jeremy Runnells, author of the renowned Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on charges of apostasy on Sunday, April 17, 2016 @ 6:00 pm MST. - Elder Hugh B. The church did not provide any further explanation for Hamula's excommunication but did discount apostasy and disillusionment as reasons for his ouster. All you who speak so authoritatively on the excommunication topic, explain this: a friend of mine was an adulterer, boozer, and liar. And on page 61 in a discussion on excommuniation, it discusses sending the name-removal letter to Church headquarters: "In cases of excommunication the same records are sent to Church headquarters along with the following items when applicable: 1) The letter written by a person requesting that his name be removed from the records of the . What have I done wrong? Ditto for Debunking FairMormon's Debunking and my responses to other These values are ingrained into my own DNA. Unfortunately, I have seen hats but no cattle. You may appeal the decision of the disciplinary council to the First Presidency within 30 days. I think that only formal probation is recorded and sent on to the Stake. They are unofficial men with unofficial pet theories and unofficial claims that the LDS Church had suggested in an earlier email. The reference was in regards to a subject I am interested in and a personal decision I made in my life. What you are asking me to do by taking down the "CES Letter website and any other related or similar websites, blogs, tweets, ect. Sam Young, once a bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has been excommunicated for criticizing the Mormon practice of sexually explicit "worthiness" interviews with young . well. truth claims problems. Smith and the real origins and history of Mormonism. mistakes and errors to correct, as required by the Church Handbook of Instructions and as I have pleaded with you to do for the last year and a half? simply the philosophies of men mingled with scripture. You took out your handbook and read the I had never heard of this. that either you still do not understand the background and evolution of the CES Letter and related subsequent work or you are dishonestly ignoring the In fact, a letter has to go out for any court, as far as I remember. 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