kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

Kill Ithorak and head on to Tatooine. Zaalbar performs this function admirably in the first sections of the game; Juhani or your PC will assume the role afterwards. . That bonus is also applied to your defense, making you more agile in battle and thus less likely to be shot or hit with an enemy weapon. He will also use every melee active combat feat at master rank, including critical strike, so it's not uncommon for him to dish out 50 damage or more on a critical hit. The Ebon Hawk will be tractored aboard Saul Karath's ship, and very bad things will begin to happen. A good example of a Jedi consular, albeit a Dark side example, is the cronish Emperor Palpatine from Return of the Jedi. You have two basic choices here. These generally allow you to perform an attack that is enhanced in some way, although they will also carry a temporary penalty. If you're having trouble surviving the mere journey to this corner, then that whole difficulty setting joke might not seem so funny to you. Yep, shot her in the back. Once all of the enemies are dead, you'll obtain Bacca's Blade, which is arguably the best non-lightsaber melee weapon in the game. This is a great skill to initiate just before a tough battle, or when you have a single powerful foe cornered and are dueling to the death. It is also possible to convince a protocol droid in the Dock Module that the station's leading council has granted Czerka the right to collect an excise tax on all incoming traffic, and that he, B-4D4 is in charge of collecting the tax. Light Side Male Walkthrough Whip out your lightsaber, and get it on. A guide to . In a word: disguise. H. Czerka (DSO) 1.. Equip her with some light armor, if you have any. Every time you leveled-up from then, you'd gain two points of vitality. Kill the troops, then take the data module from the droid. In most cases, the attack roll of a melee weapon is determined in part by the Strength modifier, but with lightsabers, it appears that the game uses the higher of the strength and dexterity modifiers to add to the attack roll, so that if your character has a dexterity of 16, and a strength of 14, then the attack roll modifier for a lightsaber would be the +3 from the dexterity. In keeping with the spirit of Star Wars, KOTOR is designed so that walking the straight-and-very-narrow path of the Light side is more difficult than simply indulging all of your evil whims and sinking into the Dark side of the Force. Seriously, there are less than half a dozen different heavy weapons in the game, none of which are upgradeable besides Ordo's Repeating Blaster. The families slaughter each other, and you take one huge step towards the Dark side. Perhaps uncoincidentally, these are the three skills that T3-M4 is most adept at, so you may want it to abuse this feat a bit in order to become your party's Swiss Army knife. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/01/03/the-fixer-how-to-restore-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/. Zelka will inform you that the Sith patrols in the Under City may have an experimental serum that he could synthesize into a cure, but his assistant, the appropriately named Gurney, wants you to sell the serum to a gangster named Davik Kang for 1,000 credits. If Surik is using B-4D4, he can persuade Opo Chano to give him 25 credits involving being blackmailed by a droid. They will definitely pay. Note that there are no unique lightsabers; each lightsaber you find will have the same beginning stats as all the rest. Lurze will warn you not to open it, and with good reason: it'll eat your soul and place it inside a prison without walls. They both sell different kinds of items. Unfortunately, once you take him the third time, for 500 credits, he'll refuse to play for money after that. Residential 082 West. Fortunately, they never use it on your party, but they'll still attack en masse once you speak to the sandcrawler's captain, in three waves of four raiders apiece. It fixes fixes quite a few issues, bugs and adds a few new features to the game. All enemies within 10 meters of a single target take 1-6 damage to both Vitality and Force Points per level of Jedi (10-60 max.). This update is recorded in Update1_0b.txt, found in the game's root folder. Each will respond with something that corresponds to a not guilty, unsure, or guilty plea. Unfortunately, you can't force your fellow party members to run alongside you, so you'll have to pick one of them (preferably the one with the least vitality), and sprint over to the western end of the southern corridor, where the elevator to the next level is. For better or for worse, you can slice into the computer terminal at the Republic Embassy before you complete the actual trial for the real truth behind the case. Doing all of the above, including downloading the mod totally fixed everything! Once you have it, head to the dormitory to the west and speak to the Selkath inside. Nothing to worry about unless you plan on podracing through here later on. He's an amusing old man, but harbors a deep reservoir of pain beneath his avuncular surface. Ignore him; trick out your best combat party and head for Tatooine. Apparently a house droid that her husband created for her has wandered off/been stolen/disappeared/whatever. He won't initially offer to sell you items; after you complete the Leviathan portion of the game, a mysterious man will approach you at one of the starports who will tell you to visit Mika; after that, you'll be able to purchase anything you like at this secret shop.). Your conversation decisions in the mediation will result in one of five outcomes, from a good Light side bonus to a very gruesome Dark side bonus. Soldier characters will find it easiest to reach level four before ceasing to level-up; this will give them a few feats under their belt, which will make it easier for their Jedi characters to deal damage in combat later on, since the Jedi typically gain fewer feats than do the regular character classes. He'll dish with the info, which the interrogator will attempt to claim as the result of his work. You can try a frontal assault, if you like, but the turrets that are set up in front of the entrance are incredibly resistant to most forms of damage; good luck getting past them. At any rate, you'll have to get through the Dark Jedi masters in order to reach the Bridge. After all three of the targets are dead, head back to Hulas for your rewards: a Genoharadan stealth unit (+8 to Stealth), a Genoharadan visor (Reflex Saves +3, Awareness +4, Demolitions +2), and the true prize, a set of Genoharadan power gloves (+4 to Strength). Agree to take this mission if you are following the Dark Side. You should head out the first door, then take a right into the hallway, then take another right into the first big door you find, then follow that path until you see three Dark Jedi sealing a door with their Force powers. Simply walking around for a while will be enough to get a bead on the stowaway, who eventually returns to the cargo hold. Understanding that that Czerka would likely discover what had happened, B-4D4 and T1-N1 waited at the docks for the first shuttle to Nar Shaddaa. Suspicious Goods 3. He'll go topside to attempt to marshal some troops for a confrontation with Chuundar. 6) TSF Protocol Droid This is the TSF Station. You can do a complete 180 from your initial class, if you wish, or continue along the path that you've been working on since the game began.). If you find yourself in the Sandral grounds, head to the eastern end of the upper plains to find the entrance to the cave. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Even if you can't deter the other enemies from attacking, your best bet is still to try to stun Sherruk somehow and concentrate your attacks on him while he's incapable of fighting back. The Jedi guardians are those Jedi who aren't afraid to take out their lightsaber when the situation demands it. The initial increases to a skill are on a one-for-one basis, but as you progress towards the upper limit of your initial attributes (during character creation, no attribute can be raised above 18), each additional point begins to cost more; purchasing a stat of 15 or 16 will each cost your character two purchase points, while the elite stats of 17 and 18 will each cost three purchase points. Shazam, we give you the official KotOR 2 Patch. To achieve a favorable Light side result, destroy C8 and agree to tell Elise that he's dead. Next go to the Vivarium to rescue Mozo and get a key to Chodos Office. If the player has chosen the light side, then B-4D4 will temporarily join the player's party. There are numerous minor animation oddities and graphical surprises that you can uncover if you try to trigger . Even if you refuse his reward, he'll push it on you (1,000 credits), but, of course, you can pressure him for more if you wish to obtain more Dark side points. Eventually, you'll run across a Republic soldier getting taken down by a couple of Sith. Rickard, who couldn't have seen glare, because the sky was cloudy. Bring it back to Chodo for the Light Side path. You can also use Force persuade to get them out of the complex, but this won't get you any closer to that Light side mastery you might want. If you care to avoid that outcome, answer the questions honorably, and the computer will eventually sic two defense droids on you. Explore the Apartments if you wish; you can use Carth to unlock the doors if you don't have points in the security skill. If on the other hand, you want to take out Thek, head back to the Bek base, speak to Zaerdra, and start knocking heads. Suggested builds suitable for all difficulties and DLCs: Early-game 'pointman' build. After killing one or both of these targets, return to Hulas (alone), to get three more targets to take down. He'll usually stay right on top of you, but he will occasionally pause to use a Force power like Force breach. In order to increase your attributes, you'll have to buy each additional point using a pool of 30 purchase points. After the enemies fall, the previously sealed door will unlock itself. (So where's the feat called scout's honor?) Be sure to activate speed, valor, and any other defensive powers you may have before entering the room, then divide and conquer, with Bastila and your PC ganging up on one of the Dark Jedi while the other two are on the ground. As soon as you exit your apartment, you witness an altercation between a Sith patrol and some aliens. Rapid shot is essentially the same as flurry, except that it only works in conjunction with blasters or other ranged weapons. When you see the Tuskans guarding the latter exit, engage them and kill them all; there'll be 10 or so in total, so be sure to heal up first. Your teammates will usually be referred to as, well, teammates, or party members. The second rank differs from the first and third in that it reduces the damage dealt to you by two points. A level one soldier / level eight guardian, on the other hand, will have 90 vitality, 72 Force points, five feats, nine Force powers, and, again, somewhere around 12 skill points allocated. In Kotor 2, you need to build your own lightsaber from three different components and a focusing crystal. You'll retain enough of the serum to complete the main Rakghoul serum quest. Proceeding south from Elise, you'll run into a few of the previously mentioned Kath hounds. B-4D4 was assigned the ID number 003127. You might as well just call this 'dual lightsabers,' because that's probably all anyone will want to use it for. Equip him if he's in your party and begin exploring the Sewers. Install any TSLRCM-compatible mods you desire now. Bounty on Escaped Criminals Go to the Czerka Offices and speak with Jana Lorso. Once you leave the office, the Duros you saw inside earlier will grab you and ask you to exercise a little restraint in your dealings with the Tuskans. There's only one path to the south (if you head west, you'll be rewarded with two average frag mines in a footlocker, so skip it), so follow your mercenary companion that way. For example, your character starts the game as a level one soldier.

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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

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