supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

Ben Lockwood even tried to shut it down in the D.E.O., but the staff claimed they can't as their system has been hacked (in truth, they didn't, because the D.E.O. Willow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. Unfortunately, they were discovered and captured. Despite Nia's attempts to stop her, Nyxly managed to obtain the Dream Totem. 3 guests The Superfriends managed to motivate everyone to rise up against the villains. Arrowverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Cat takes it out on Kara. However any in depth interview will still be a Miss Grant exclusive. Later, as Supergirl, Kara offers to apologize to Cat, but Cat tells her that she needs to win back National City's trust first. [26], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Cat as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[27] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. Cat expressed that women need to work twice as hard as men to succeed, pointing out that Supergirl, despite her good intentions, is still a novice; she left Flight 237 in the bay after saving it and now caused an oil spill while trying to prevent a fire. When Kelly threw the bouquet, Nia snagged it with her powers; smiling to Brainy, implicating she wants them to get married next. The two quickly brawled against one another until Supergirl managed to temporarily incapacitate him. Cat requested James to bring up the situation with Superman, issuing a deadline for the end of the week. Nia joins Supergirl, Brainy and J'onn in England against the Elite. Although Nia and J'onn were able to evade the guards, Brainy was taken for interrogation, where he was beaten. When Lex Luthor was awarded the peace prize, Nia stood up and claps. But Nia was troubled now, because Maeve had studied all her life of Naltorian dream interpretation, as it was expected that the daughter of their mother will inherit her powers. This caused him to become calculating and emotionless, and after he subdued the guards, he had Nia and J'onn forcibly become prisoners, so that they would go through the portal. [24], After the Children of Liberty were defeated, a new criminal organization arrived in National City; the Leviathan. To cover the disappearance of Kara, Nia tells Andrea and William that Kara was on an assignment with Cat Grant. Nia is angry as the man was trying to get to her through her roommate. Nia is at home with Yvette, who insists she stop moping about her ex and invites her out on her blind first date with someone she met online. He took a moment to look out the window to see the devastation before the guard pulled him away, telling him to leave the girl he had been with and to come with him. Everyone she interviewed spoke highly of the man except his wife's makeup artist, who told Cat about the bruises she covered up each morning. Through the portal, Nia and J'onn entered another facility, and when J'onn realized he couldn't use his powers, he realized they are on Shelley Island, as its power dampening pylons prevents aliens from using their powers. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. 5. at Al's Dive Bar. Siobhan shows a package that Cat should see personally, but Cat wants it open for all to see, so James takes the package and opens it to find a letter and thumb drive. J'onn began to understand why Kara values them and allowed Alex to take them to D.E.O. Furthermore, Cat managed to have an impromptu speech that she broadcast throughout the world when the Daxamites invaded. While giving Kara her tasks for the day, Cat revealed she needed to terminate several employees of the National City Tribune. [37], Nia and the team found Silas White and questioned him about how to get into the Phantom Zone to save Kara. Wherever I go I'm gonna be better because of you. When Olivia resigned from office, Cat became the press secretary of her successor, Phil Baker, until he was impeached and arrested. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She watched as the immortals were able to reconstitute themselves after Supergirl destroyed them, so she knew the odds of successfully defeating the Jarhanpurians were nearly impossible, but she waged battle against them anyway, when J'onn challenged Rama Khan telepathically. Kara then encouraged her that despite her sister disagreeing with her, she can't let that get into her way of embracing her destiny. The girls give Nia an impromptu break-up party at Kara's apartment. Winn explains how he is the only human on the Legion, and as he has no powers, it was her great grand-daughter of hers that allowed him to harness dream power. 2009 Kara, Alex and Kenny Li confronted Nia and Brainy but the duo said that they were two extraterrestrials named "Brandon" and "Brenda" when Kara introduced herself as "Kara Zor-El". Ultimately, Nia listened as the others decided to distract Rama Khan as Kara got a new suit from Lena to protect her from his Kryptonite. After Kara was forced to hide in her civilian persona, when Red Daughter attacked the White House disguised as her, Nia took upon herself to protect National City. Nia claims their haters want them to be afraid, because they can't get over their own misguided fear of transgender people. Later, Kara and Clark ask Cat for a favor at CatCo, so Kara (as Supergirl), would give CatCo an exclusive interview, while requesting that Cat tone down the media's sensationalism to keep people from danger. She and the Superfriends including Mon-El, Winn Schott, and James Olsen, teamed up alongside the city to stop Nyxly and Lex once and for all, but the villains were defeated forever and sent to the Phantom Zone. Upon obtaining the totem, Nia was determined to find the others to prevent Nyxly from having them. contact Supergirl. Kara explained she didn't want to see her foster mother and sister being at odds. What would happen if Mon-El wasn't gone for years? An argument between the two ensued, with Leslie refusing to adhere to Cat's rules. Cat also cares deeply for her other son, Carter, to the point she gave Kara several instructions as to how to take care of him and getting angry when she learned Carter was in a train that Supergirl saved the day Kara babysat him. When Kara was exposed to Red Kryptonite her personality changed and turned up to work wearing somewhat more stylish attire than normal. Dreamer decided that she was going to use her powers to find the ancients. Nia explained she understands what that feels like and assured that Brainy's real friends would be there for him no matter what. As an unintended consequence however, Cat and all of Supergirl's loved ones were systematically murdered by the Children of Liberty. I promise.Mon-El to Kara. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. While driving back to National City, Nia explained about her feelings, and claimed that Kara doesn't understand her. Alex convinced J'onn J'onzz to masquerade as Kara, but he had great difficulty fulfilling her difficulties and said Cat made him miss his prison. They met at the site, where aliens were taken by the Children of Liberty, now under AmerTek supervision, after the Children had been exposed as Lex's pawns. Her family offered their unconditional love and support during this time. [47], According to a medieval tapestry depicting the Oracle of Delphi's original instructions, which Maeve Nal found amongst her mother, possessions after her death, the journey to find the Dream Totem begins in a forest; which Nia concluded must be the same forest she often found herself in when entering her dreams. Before Barry was struck by lightning, he actually lived on Earth-3. Cat also is upset with Kara when she sees a person in her office and calls security; it's her son Adam Foster. The two of them began their battle but Rhea quickly called for her army to begin attacking the city . Skylar Jackson is an Alien. Later, M'gann and Nia talked about Nia's relationship with Querl Dox; M'gann, using her relationship with J'onn as an example, told Nia to stop looking at the surface and search for the motives behind Brainy's actions. In late 2015, as Cat arrived at work, she realized that someone had used in her private elevator due to a scent of residual cologne. Going with J'onn to distract Rama Khan, Nia watched as he appeared in the park; they did not anticipate the arrival of Tezumak to assist him. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. After Alex attempts (and maybe succeeds at) suicide, Kara is left heartbroken, wondering where she went wrong. UNFINISHED, ON HOLD Back in CatCo, Kara learns from Eve that Mon-El asked her to do the work that James had given to him, so she approaches him and explains that he has to do his job. Sam must face both Kara and Lena and finally reveal the truth about everything, including her feelings for Lena. Kara tries out another plan to Nia which would highlight an alternate National City outsider every week, permitting individuals to become more acquainted with them. When Nyxly threatened to destroy the city if Mxy didn't turn herself in, Nia revealed to Kara that she released Nyxly to be with her mom, but Kara forgave her. She is present when Supergirl has to save, James, Winn, and Kelly, though only manages to save James and Winn. This event caused Ben to develop an ever-burning hatred towards aliens, and he founded the Children of Liberty to carry out the mission. She has inspired Supergirl many times to the point that the latter kept going despite wanting to give up so many times. volunteering at soup kitchens and shelters), which Kara enthusiastically agreed with. Kara wondered why Cat was constantly criticizing Supergirl, claiming that Superman never faced such heavy backlash. However, she was late to work due to her roommate, Yvette, accidentally taking her rental car, leaving Nia to take the bus, where she spilled some coffee on her skirt. She grabbed the other power coil, and charged up her power. [15], Cat's email servers were later hacked, and Cat called for a meeting and asked the board to go through her e-mails for anything incriminating. However, Kara volunteered to go with her and drive all the way. Nia was nearly heartbroken for Brainy's behavior, as to her it seemed he was abandoning them. She wanted to have dinner with him but he turns her down. The Girl of Steel thanked a visibly shaken Cat for her help. As a result, she developed a penchant for justice and a strong desire to help and protect others who faced similar prejudice due to their identities. To be successful, they knew that Rhea needed to be distracted and Cat had an idea for what to do and asked for Winn Schott to accompany her to CaCco. Brainy joined Nia and J'onn at the island, as the two were fighting against the guards. Just then, Supergirl managed to douse Leslie in water, shorting out her powers. Because of this, Cat and Katherine soon became estranged from one another. In the new multiverse, Cat still left CatCo, which was bought by Lena Luthor and then Andrea Rojas in succession. [23], Cat is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad's control over the people of National City. Cat was not happy with Kara going on a date with Adam. Kara's open door policy [39], Nia and Brainy used the Legion's cruiser to travel to May 26, 2009 to get the materials needed to release 2020 Kara from the Phantom Zone, but, upon exiting in that time, 2009 Kara heard the ship crash-land. [25], After the Daxamite invasion, Cat left CatCo altogether and became President Marsdin's White House Press Secretary. Siobhan later sneaks into Cat's office and sends Cat a nasty email from Kara's account, believing it will be enough to get Kara fired. But Nia was still troubled to tell Maeve. They ran to the control room, and succeeded. Cat Grant was born in Metropolis as the only daughter of Katherine Grant. while he dealt with Cat. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they all belong to the CW, What if Kara is in the influence of the pink kryptonite and kiss not just Alex but Lena and also Cat Grant and finally also Eliza. Cat agrees to the request. [11] At some point, she also "brokered peace" between Taylor and Kanye. investigated CatCo, an annoyed Cat requested she be reimbursed for them messing up her office. Sh Maybe Superman isn't Kara's only cousin. Adam visits Cat to tell her he is staying in town, as it turns out he has a crush on Kara, and immediately asks her out on a date. After the battle against the Evil Brainy, Brainy decided to break up with Nia.[30]. Cat was haunted by the incident ever since, wondering if the wife would still be alive if she had written the truth. Huh? [26], Later, Nia as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[27] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.[28]. Frustrated, she texted Kara about the predicament. The next day, Nia informed Kara her desire to article an article on National City's new fashion district in East City. As she speaks, the people of the city begin to feel inspired and they begin to strike back against the Daxamites in the streets. Kara Danvers has taken all of Cat's poisonous barbs in stride, has hurdled over her unreasonable requests and pre-emptively aided Cat in half a dozen ways already. The next day however, due to a newfound mysterious heroine saving Flight 237 from crashing, a delighted Cat was able to save the newspaper by using the superhero to create new online and paper headlines. Kara advised Nia to confront and overpower her fears to make waves at CatCo.[6]. Before she can, Supergirl arrives to talk her out of her anger. However, she insists she is fine as Brainy is discovering who he is and if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be. But she was unable to interpret it properly. Cat confessed she prioritized herself over Adam before, and that Kara was more like her and she thought. [3], Cat started off at the Daily Planet as the personal assistant of Perry White. [2][3], When she was 15, Nia once broke her nose during a game of kickball. She gave James the ultimatum of getting her in touch with Supergirl within the following 24 hours, or risk being fired and returning to his old job at the Daily Planet. She later opposes Maxwell Lord's plan to drop a Kryptonite bomb on the city. At the meeting when James asked for story ideas on the fashion district, Nia was about to speak up but was interrupted by fellow reporter Mackenzie, who immediately pitched an article emphasizing National City's cultural importance in fashion trends and pointed out she had contacts for exclusive interviews. Kara questions Cat's reason for hiring Lucy, only to have Cat accuse Kara of making eyes at James. Kara yells back at Cat and immediately apologizes. One day a picture of Lena and a "mysterious" w After the big reveal, Lena just wanted to never see Kara again. [10], Cat Grant once had dinner with Taylor Swift. went into high alert and he started to panic and look for an escape. There, Cat attempted to appeal to Livewire by wondering if they could come to an agreement. They are plunking down for supper when Nia specifies that she's heard the Children of Liberty have prepared "canines to follow outsiders".[5]. [12], Cat is later introduced to Barry Allen, who suggests she name the new "The Flash", though she rejects this proposal, wanting to call him "The Blur", instead. Nia suddenly had a vision of the Staff of the Shadow World. In order to free all the aliens, and get a message out, the pylons had to be deactivated. After the immortals suddenly disappeared, Nia told her dream to M'gann that she saw Brainy dying, crying and alone after he had saved them. Cat was shocked to learn that Supergirl was not around to help. Soon after, Cat reveals to Kara that she knew Barry was The Flash. Memo: After a long discussion with Miss Grant, we are offering a special post with the Super family. CJ decided that she would be called "Cat" and that she wanted to have her own media empire. There, Nia and Nyxly had a confrontation until Nyxly proposed a deal to revive her mother for a day. She also decided to arrange a launch party to celebrate the special issue of CatCo Magazine. Kara: You wanted me to get the job, you wanted me to reveal myself. James immediately stepped in and diffused the situation, making sure Franklin received an apology. Kara then tearfully gave Mon-El her mother's necklace for him to remember her by before she told him that she loved him. J'onn went for it, claiming he won't let Argo suffer the same fate as Mars. Nia fought them off, but it didn't really encourage the aliens she saved. Outside, Nia asked Brainy why he was trying to be on both sides of the fence, by working with Lex Luthor and the Superfriends; he refrained from giving an answer. Nia told Kara that it was dramatic. Kara Danvers gets her first very real death threat as a reporter and Cat goes full-on overprotective mode. After Leslie Willis' Thanksgiving rant against Supergirl, Cat reminded her protg that she had warned the former not to go after the superheroine, though Leslie brought up that Cat never cared about her content before. Starring: Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh Creators: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler Watch all you want. But to her surprise she finds out someone bought CatCo. While hiding from the assault, Cat told Kara to alert security downstairs while she kept Leslie busy. She tries to pitch it to Cat, but Cat isn't interested. Nia went with Kara, J'onn and Brainy to the Fortress of Solitude for training and preparing against Manchester Black and his team, the Elite. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She introduced him to Eliza, who hit it off right away with him. Only by going through the portal could they learn, where exactly the portal will lead. to run some tests. Kara consoled her and acknowledged she would never truly understand, how Nia felt, when she and her community was attacked. So, she just left National City, without telling a word to Kara or all the other Superfriends. Work Search: [24], When Kara chooses to be a reporter for CatCo, the decision is supported by Cat. She greets Winn Schott having never met him before. Kara walks into CatCo like a casual day expecting everything to go on as usual. However, they discovered that he had skin that could not be penetrated by a needle and so the man remained comatose. Nia and J'onn eventually succeed, and the Claymore is shut down and Argo City is saved. But when they broke up, they had a custody battle over him, with Cat eventually dropping the suit and letting Adam go live with his father. Cat threatened to fire Kara for her outburst but James Olsen, CatCo's newly-hired art director, interrupted to reveal the first high-resolution printed photo of Supergirl, much to Cat's awe. Nia watched as Vita possessed Brainy to explain about the totem test. Days later, Dreamer met with the other members of the Superfriends and M'gann M'orzz at the Tower; they were having trouble trying to find a lead on Leviathan. Even though Nia was able to hold on her own, it was here she saw she needed to train with someone. [2], While born physically a boy, at a young age, Nia realized she was really a girl. Surprised and pleased at what she perceived to be her assistant wanting her boss to owe her a favor, Cat agreed. about 1 month. Please consider turning it on! At CatCo, Carter admitted to being a Supergirl fan after seeing a news report about her on television. Outside her she is consoled by Winn, who offers to try to translate the dream for her, but she insists it was a reference to her feelings about Brainy, as the nickname she gave him was 'wildcat'. Kara was reluctant due to previous difficulties to reconcile her life there with her life as Supergirl. Ultimately, Cat caved to PR pressure and omitted this detail from her piece. She is also the daughter of Paul Nal and the late Isabel Nal, the younger sister of Maeve Nal, and the girlfriend of Querl Dox. Kara was annoyed at the name, worried it would minimize the superheroine's importance. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. Find out in Karamel Reunited! Mid-season one, with spoilers to season two. Nia and Kara both admit that for a while it seemed the truth won't prevail, but they didn't give up, and in the end, they won. Cat confronts Dirk in her office with the evidence. [6], Cat asked everyone in for a conference call. At first, Cat was dismissive of Kara as just another millennial. 5. That evening, Nia witnessed a scene at CatCo, where a Dryad employee, Franklin, became a target of a mean prank by Mackenzie. She tells Cat that she ignored what was on the drive, and warns her that she will bring chaos to National City. Nia found one of the doppelgangers trying to steal something, she tried to stop it but failed. The two of them began their battle but Rhea quickly called for her army to begin attacking the city, violating the rules. Nia disagreed and the two argued that the Superfriends did not call the proper authorities, namely the D.E.O., before attacking while Nia said that it was the Superfriends who saved the people. Kara later decided to accept the offer. Kara, taken aback by how much Nia sounded just like her whilst the former was Cat's assistant, assured her it was fine. She used J'onn's office as a base with Brainy helping her, but remotely, as he had to supervise James at L-Corp. Brainy told her to be careful, as her recent actions have nearly caused her to be detected, and that will bring the Children of Liberty at her. She was shocked at the changes he made to it and felt that she would have to burn sage to get rid of the smell of sweat. Is supported by Cat they learn, where exactly the portal could they learn where. Arrive right on time is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad 's control over people... The island, as to her it seemed he was beaten sisters and them finding things that they thought lost... The people of National City ; the Leviathan with Miss Grant, we are offering a special with! Ali Adler Watch all you want fashion district in East City son Adam foster bought CatCo. [ ]! She and her community was attacked that the latter kept going despite wanting to Kara... Take them to D.E.O through her roommate would minimize the superheroine 's importance William! 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supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

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