simparica trio for dogs side effects

simparica trio for dogs side effects

They gave him IV glucose to raise his Potassium level. This was January 15 of 2020. If by chance he starts having diarrhea againI will not be using it anymore. My 14 year old, 3.5 lb Chihuahua (picture the tan colored Taco Bell Chihuahua, identical) received a tablet that I cut in 4 pieces and buried in his food. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching), polyuria (urinating more frequently), hyperactivity and polydipsia (drinking more water). Strictly natural with zero side effects from now on. Come to find out Akita blood platelets can explode in storage causing hi readings. But today, after he ate dinner and drank water, it all came back up. My personal dog has had no issues at all, and she's been on it for nearly two years. Related questions. Credit: Purple Collar Pet Photography / Getty, Simparica Trio for Dogs Might Be the Easiest Way to Protect Your Pup From Parasites. This is still going on weeks later. Im throwing away the remaining 5 pills and going back to a topical medicine. Hi, Im wondering whats going on with your dog now? Simparica is approved for dogs and puppies weighing more than 2.8 pounds and over 6 months of age. I want to cry I wish I could get it out of her system after reading these comments. But unfortunately it's only a dog is the big Pharma tune. Product Information: Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel) Chewables are a safe monthly chewable for dogs that prevents heartworm disease, kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and prevention flea infestations, the treatment and control of tick infestations, and the treatment and control of roundworms and . He had full wellness exam three ago and was in perfect shape. After the ER visit and a visit with our regular vet today, they concluded he is having neurological issues and that is why he cannot walk. Simparica is available in different doses for dogs 2.8 pounds and over, but has not been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or nursing pets. His temp was high and white blood cells elevated. She had what seemed like a seizure 6 hours after ingesting this product--she was lying in her crate, she peed while lying down, and she vomited, then began rocking back and forth--and now I am terrified for her (it's Saturday, nearly midnight, so tomorrow is Sunday and everything is closed). I gave our 15 month old small dog mix sampitico trio yesterday and today he is lethargic and vomiting. He had to be put to sleep and Im devastated. Compared to other products, the efficiency of this . Hoping for a good outcome!!! He ran bloods and sent her home with Keppra three times a day, after two weeks she is now down to twice a day. These are classic neurological symptoms, exactly what our Pickles had before she passed. He's been in an emergency hospital for two nights, no signs of improvement despite blood transfusions and other symptoms. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. She would constantly twirl in left circles. Naturally, I want to make sure that she never has to go through that again. It sounds as if she's been pinched while sleeping although nothing visible happened. Its been 10 days since I have my dog this drug and they are now telling me he has meningitis. In addition to ease of use, it has been tested in many field trials and proven to work effectively against fleas, ticks, and worms in dogs. We rescued another dog. Last month she had diarrhea and it lasted 7 days. How is your cockapoo doing now? I called my Vet and waited all day for them to call back, useless. This medication is given once a month by mouth, with or without food. And she keeps whining. for flea and ticks? For the next 3-4 days I noticed he would be a bit hesitant to jump or hop around and play as he normally does (and his appetite was lower than usual). The only thing the vet can say, was a sore neck. I have always been apprehensive about putting my dog on Heartworm / Flea Tick medication because of horror stories, but I thought he's 5 and it will be from the vet and it seems like the responsible thing to do. Never any issues with bravecto so we'll return to that medication. I had a trainer come in the day of, and he was with me the all day, NOTHING a happened for him to be in pain! We talked with Zoetis (the manufacturer of Simparica) after the FDA's announcement to get some concrete numbers on the frequency of these adverse reactions. I keep praying she will recover and I feel so guilty for giving it to her. You don't think I'm going to continue with this poison. I started crying carrying his body to my husband . Mine was given the medication 9 days ago. Hi there, So sorry to hear about your dog. After realizing that the only thing that we did differently was to give him his first dose of Simperica, my wife began research and came across this conversation. Hunters and those of us who just love being in the outdoors or people who have jobs that require outdoor exposures would greatly benefit from just such a product don't you think?, YET, there isn't one considered safe for humans. Duke is 7 month boxer And we have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools Hopefully it doesnt last long. Not even going to risk it . Update on my Labradoodle who started seizures just a few hours after receiving first dose of Simparica on T-Day 2020 it is March 2021 and my Vet put my dog on Phenobarbital for anti-seizure med. I'm at a loss We had same issues. 4 1/2 yr old Yorkie on May 4,2022 and on May 28,2022 she had 7 seizures in 4 1/2 hrs. I took him to the emergency hosp. Can anyone tell me how long it takes for meds to be completely out of system? Just our own personal experience but I won't get burned again! My 3 month old shih tux Juno took her second dose last week and for the last two days shes vomited and has been eating grass nonstop! Parasite prevention is not only important for your dog's healthit also protects the people around your dog. Coton de Tulear. Your pets condition worsens or does not improve with treatment, You have additional questions or concerns about the use of Simparica or Simparica Trio. The revolutionary chewable tablet - Simparica is highly effective in eliminating fleas and various types of ticks. The excerpts below from the manufacturers' Prescribing . Like other oral treatments, Simparicaworks by entering a dogs bloodstream immediately after ingestion. I must admit that I am pretty nervous about it, but we shall see. However, some dog parents prefer to use separate products. Hes not well..we hope he recovers fully! And yeah he ate today 4 chicken breast and appeared to want it even better. A couple of weeks later she had lost weight from not eating. By the evening she lost the use of her hind legs. . 5 hours after the dose she's home resting. I do believe it caused her blindness. In a well-controlled laboratory study, SIMPARICA TRIO began to kill fleas at 4 hours and demonstrated 100% effectiveness at 8 hours after initial administration. Thank u Fox I have good news I did get 2 additional in house potassium test done and they both came back normal. I also reported to drug manufacturer and they are willing to reimburse me for the costs incurred. Poor baby has had vomiting and diarrhoea ever since. Pharmaceuticals are killing people and pets, Pet Bucket Ltd is a UK registered company|Company no: 08345021|BTC Bessemer Drive Stevenage, SG1 2DX UK. My one year old has severe diarrhea and is very agitated and anxious. I was blaming the tremors in his back legs on the fact that he has had both ACLs repaired. Don't trust your vet, do your own research. #JusticeforCassie My thoughts and prayers are with you all as I go through the same thing with my beautiful Cassie girl. I even told them about the Simparica which they dont respond to. Currently, for Simparica, less than 0.01% of dogs taking this medication have experienced any neurologic side effects. Sarolaner is an acaricide (kills ticks and mites) and insecticide (kills fleas) belonging to the isoxazoline class of drugs. Friday early evening Bellas stool was still soft with structure with the outside color almost black but the inside was tinged with lime green. This month 5/1 gave him another dose and here we are 12 days later with diarrhea and no appetite. Vet took blood yesterday should get results today. I will not in good conscience continue to give my three previously healthy dogs anymore Simparica Trio as it causing Gand Mal seizures in my older dog and nausea , vomiting and severe thirst and dehydration. This content shouldnt take the place of advice by your vet. Side effects The contra indication is important to know before you utilize the simparica. I couldnt figure it out until I googled all the medications the vet has prescribed for her then I came across this forum and I am pissed!! Next day she seemed different, standing slightly strangely. Shame on you! . only 7 yrs old and I still considered a puppy b/c of how active he was, we are on 8 days now of the lethargic not eating, goopy eyes - Dr says he has hyernaited disc but I have yet to see the xrays to confirm - blood work came back normail. Used my own intuition and knowledge to make a good choice for my pet .good luck to everyone one here ! MONEY!!. I hate that I did this to her and I hate that the Vet does not seem to care. The following list includes the known side effects of Simparica. I am hesitant to get him tested for Addision or even treated for anything the vet might find, I fear adding some other drug to this may confuse or complicate things even worse, but I am scared of the risks both ways. I don't know if the lump came from it or something else. Decreased conscious proprioception. Is there hope? I only researched it after he started not feeling well, just trusted my vet that this was safe. The vet said the simparica didn't cause the disease but it could have been the link that pushed him into the Crisis. The FDA is alerting pet owners and veterinarians of the potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class. Lost his appetite & was low on energy all day yesterday, slept most of the day - which is very unusual for him. The innovative formula disrupts gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate receptors, which both play a role in nerve transmissions. I would forego either unless you really have a serious flea issue that can't be solved with a flea collar. Gave my 8lb chihuahua the simparica chew last night and he has thrown up 3 times this morning with blood. Your veterinarian is the best source of information and will help you choose the right product for your dog and your budget. I really hope that all of the dogs of everyone who has received medication and are now ill have a full recovery. But now I'm almost convinced that they could have been seizures, and I just pray that they weren't, and pray that he doesn't have to experience anymore troubles. My vet recommended Simparica Trio for both my dogs (13 year old healthy Collie mix 7 lb chihuahua mix). Anyone else have the same eye issues? Still waiting on the vet and waiting to talk to ASPCA poison control. I would notice he gets super tired walking and would go limp in my arms. She has good days and bad days but she is far from the dog she use to be. 24 hours later she had another one. It went away. Chris, there is hope, for me, after about 35 days from when I gave my dog simparica trio all side affects went away, his blood levels where normal and no longer pies and drinks water non stop. I also changed him over to a raw diet a few weeks ago too have taken him off of this again to see if raw diet is causing it. He took simparica trio 3 weeks ago and I cant wait until its out of his system! She continued to have seizures even she was on phenobarbital. Im switching back to the protection he used before Simparica Trio. Today really soft stool (not diarrhea but close). We all want to protect our pets from fleas, ticks and the diseases they carry, but some treatments can come with nasty side effects. I don't recommend anyone risk their pet's life just to be a little easier having a pill to take. Not known if there be permanent after-effects. He had his second dose on 3rd July. I will never give another dose to him! He is starting to get better. Ive spent over $3,000 on vet bills for at least four visits to the ER and follow up lab work including X-rays. A week after I lost her I got COVID and was in the hospital for 20 days. I have a chihuahua/miniature pincher mix dog thats 9 yrs. We have seen signs of aging the past few months and lots of lick smacking so will also watch for the neurological symptoms. I have every intention of calling and filing a complaint. Were there any other conditions? How is your dog doing? Hey carol im so sorry to hear about your dog? I am extremely upset at myself for letting a similar but very serious threat get to my pup again. I threw him his ball and he actually was interested in it. Available in six weight categories: 2.8-5.5 lbs, 5.6-11 lbs, 11.1-22.0 lbs, 22.1-40 lbs, 44.1-88.0 lbs and 88.1-132 lbs. He was given fluids, anti-nausea meds, meds to assist with the inflammation of his esophagus. But going on 2nd week after simparica trio and although not much change he inow gets up and greets me which he wasn't doing. Please think these things through before subjecting your pet to internal insecticides. My 8 month old labradoodle has had 2 doses of Simparico Trio. I made some chicken and rice. Simparica Trio should be used with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. I had to put him on ani seizures meds due to some being clusters so unable to tell if he is getting better or the meds are just preventing it. I have noticed that he hardly needs no meds for this neurological issue near the end of the month. Itching has decreased immensely. So, I gave it to him. Consulting vet and will not give Simparica ever again. We rushed him to the emergency vet and they put him on keppra to stop the seizures. I hope we get to the bottom of it as this is not fun. Made the pressured in to by a vet to give Simparica Trio. We had family in for the weekend and he was not himself. Not sure what effects he will continue to have. Simparica may also cause the following side effects: Vomiting Diarrhea Lethargy Contact your veterinarian if your dog experiences any side effects as a result of taking Simparica. . I let him back in the bedroom yesterday all went well, then this morning I woke to him peeing in the floor again. With Entyce she is getting her appetite back and seems a little better. Simparica may cause abnormal neurologic signs such as tremors, unsteadiness, and/or seizures. I hope there will be a class action lawsuit but most importantly that the word get out to stop this medication from harming another life. He is eating fine with no diarrhea or vomiting. This spring I gave her one dose, and the tremors soon were back and much worse. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, ear infection, polyuria, hyperactivity, and pruritus. Three-month field trials found side effects from Simparica to be rare, with the most common adverse reactions being vomiting and diarrheaboth symptoms related to Fidos digestive tract, rather than his nervous system. She text me asking if she ever had seizures before. He has no appetite, wont drink water and his mouth is so dry. Please, nobody ever give SIMPERICA I have always given Frontline never anything else never had any problems my vet which was not my vet, but a person that was hired in there suggested some Perica that was the worst mistake of my entire life. He is back to his old self now but we will never give him this medication again. I dont know. Simparica Trio can be administered to your dog at any age, but it's best to start treating your dog one month before the fleas become active. I would say these changes may have happened more suddenly than just normal aging so I'm not going to give him this medication anymore. They did an ultrasound (2 of them), X-rays, blood test, gave fluids, did another ultrasound (looking for a master fluid that keeps popping up and going away between her stomach cavity & spinal cord. But im 99% sure the simparica is what caused it. I gave this poison to my almost 3 year old Yorkie she is dying as I right this. I have 3 other dogs - large breeds that also took 1 dose, but no reaction. No more Simperica for my dog! And it looks like the liver and/or the kidney will not take it too. I have reached out to the company but one email bounced and the other was an online form. Sarolaner is ingested by fleas and ticks when they bite, and works by over-exciting their nervous system, causing paralysis and death. have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. I hope this product is no longer sold anywhere. My dog is currently in an emergency hospital in Chicago with my daughter. Had I of done my research before hand, I never would have giving it to him in the first place. Any other alternatives that are not harmful? He also has a lump at the side of his mouth but vet has no appointment for a month. He has horrible water like stools. My Havanese started having frequent lip licking and teeth clashing and swallowing after switching from Simparica to Simparica Trio. I sadly started my beautiful dog on Simparica Trio on May 1, 2021. Sometimes I think he is either blind or deaf. My dog has been on simpatico trio for 5 months .. and still got a deer tick .. I was giving my 70 lb golden doodle Trifexus, for nearly 2 years until suddenly he refused to eat it. How long did the itchiness last for your schnauzer? It is recommended to wash your hands after administering this medication. I've spoken to emergency vets and they say they are booked solid and that I need to just monitor her through the night. We contacted the company using the phone number supplied in the under in the box and shared our experience with the new drug. However, these adverse effects are rarely observed in pets and overall the product is proven to be suitable for all dogs without occurrence of any side effects. We did not make the connection until today. They were ok on that but the vet office is no longer going to carry regular Simperica so we took the Simperica trio that is now in its place. My one year old has severe diarrhea and no appetite, wont drink and... Willing to reimburse me for the neurological symptoms give Simparica ever again have any... 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simparica trio for dogs side effects

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