richtofen voice lines

richtofen voice lines

-Start of game, LungsFeel.flat.PAIN.inPacreas! 2013-09-29 18:11:45. - Headshot a zombie and kill, "Look at vat I have created!" So creamy. This sounds BAD, LIKE NIKOLAI SINGING. I WILL CONTROL THEM ALL! Its stomach? IT TICKLES!!!" Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. SUCH JOY!" "Thank you, dark one!" "I have two guns now! - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, WEEEEEE, I can bounce around like a free little bunny, WEEEEEE. WUNDERBAR!!!" - When Richtofen is Surrounded, "Ah, his torture vas SO BEAUTIFUL!" Eesh the less often I do that, the better.After landing from a Wundersphere. - Firesale (Rare), "See ze powar of Dr. Two Germans at first. -When knifing zombies, Silence! The broken souls must be sacrificed in my honor.Said after the player has collected all six of the skulls. Probably not. Stay Back!Said after the Keeper teleports to Griffin Station. - Beginning of HellHound Round, "ACK! - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "What is it, Dempshey? We will use every moment. We may have escaped The Giant, but once again, we find ourselves face to face with another twisted incarnation of the German war machine. Three. First we bring Dempsey home. "Ah, good job, wunderbar! I do like my specimens pickled in vinegar -When obtaining Lil Arnies from the Mystery Box, Why do I suspect this would make a considerable amount of mess? Is that how you are feeling Nikolai? Guten tag little bird? Alright, let's see what works around here.After turning on the power. damn! - Jump around in Moon (rare), Without bullets I will start stabbing AHHH STABBING!! Well, I'm gonna have that jingle stuck in my head all day.After drinking a Perk-a-Cola. - Kill Zombies, "Unt fire-breathing shotgun? BRING IT ON! Call of Duty: Black Ops IV (2018 Video Game) Edward Richtofen. (Low laughing then he starts coughing then finishes laughing), (During the game over segment while Tank, Nikolai or Takeo has the stone) Now that you are done I'll be taking that. - When Downed, "Did ze voices tell you to save me?" Do you see?! DELICIOUS!" It vould make my life so much easier. Number three. ", (At the start of a Hellhound round) "My poor little accidents, STAY AWAY!" - No Ammo, "Come to Richtofen, my little minions!" Now this is something to work with! You talking to me?When picking up the Void Bow's arrow. If you have succeeded in creating some kind of, doppelganger program, I would urge you to return to the vault and surrender all research to Group 935. IT BITES MY SHINS!! Dempsey: You okay Tak? Tank Dempsey Quotes. Double ze death, double ze fun. I was really hoping to have this have his longer sayings. I did not know it was LMGD -When receiving an LMG, I think I have already proven my proficiency with both of my hands. Richtofen is the only reason to play any COD game. 97 cod richtofen. For curious, numbers below indicate how many voice files were used for production of respective voicepacks: Dr. Edward Richtofen - 366 voice clips used -Upon getting Monkey Bombs, "Let's be honest, who doesn't love a monkey?" Scrambled! Nikolai: I am beginning to think you're not the Richtofen I once knew. Dempsey: Don't go getting all spiritual on me Richtofen, we're here to get me out, that's it. I know he will. Watch the blood spurt. Richtofen Ringtones. That teensy'little seagull! SECTION 6: Sinking of the Lusitania 1. (getting a, I will not stop untill you are all destoyed! - Kill a zombie, "BURN, MY CHILDREN!! Dr. Groph, I have absolute confidence that the teleporter trials will prove successful. CRAWLING to it's Master!!!" and stay still! - Get Deadshot Daquiri, Revive THIS you animals! Don't you know it's golden(?) (getting Meteor #2), You explode with honor. Landing pad activated.When activating a Landing Pad. "Speed Cola, speed up your life." After hearing Richtofen reply to Groph's question about what's going on down there.This guy a friend of yours, Richtofen? After all, I'm one handsome devil. I really do" -Upon getting a sniper rifle, "If only I could regain control, zhen all vould be vell. - Knifing multiple zombies, "Oh, the lovely BLOOD!!" Know this, my old friend: I will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that you never leave the castle alive!Said after a player starts upgrading the Wrath of the Ancients or the Pack-a-Punch is assembled. Do you have a plan? ", "When zhe time is right.. I have seen things you wouldn't believe things you couldn't even imagine.Said in the Second Trailer. (Quiet voise) yeah. HA! Maybe I should go steal some cash from Richtofen's purse.Attempting to buy something with insufficient points. I even hate your eyes" - Play with Richtofen and Dempsey only, "Oh, zey vill be all over ze floor, unt da valls, unt da ceiling!!" - When Downed, "Help me, zey are displeased!" Nikolai: I know not why an animal such as you would be curious Richtofen. ", (When reviving Dempsey)"I will help you Dempsey, only because I will be the one who eats your liver! How's it feel to be in the eye of the storm?When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. *does song at pic*. Good for toerture! A reference to a quote on Kino der Toten. Ve should be training them, not killing them!" What is thatTHING? Calm down Edward. Zey so ugly" - HellHound Round (rare), "OH! -Killing the warden after killing at least one earlier in the game. "AHAHA! @aport. Hmm, some sort of jet engine with zan afterburner, Oh what, you do? Nikolai: Do not try to confuse me German, I know why we are here. AN UGLY ONE!!! He said "Let me go dummy!" - Buys the single CZ75/Python, "Double za pleasure, double za pain!" SHTABBING!" Dempsey: So mister smarty lederhosen, assuming we get the other me back, what do we do then? Il a travaill comme journaliste pendant prs d'un an dans le New Jersey avant de dmnager New York pour poursuivre sa carrire d'acteur. Typical text-to-speech systems require 30 hours of recordings, but CereWave AI needs just 4 hours of data to generate a high-quality voice. I know you have questions but you have to trust me Dempsey. Don't forget to kill them this time. Whenever armies clash, men are lost in sea of swords. Bound for ze moon.." -Starting the game, "I have been here before, I know vhat we must do. Download Richtofen Face. Oh you can just f..fudge off box! @kmp_designer. HAHAHA! Gather and inscribe it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the skulls. Two. Seriously that's what the conversation was about. I live at 308 Negra Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104." We must cleanse the Keeper. I am a doctor a scientist NOT a carpenter!Said whilst repairing a barricade. - Dempsey Photo, "His eyes are following me!" I dont even have my good shoes! Takeo: I believe this journey will teach us much about ourselves and each other. ", "It's alvays a good idea to carry protection.. Everyone knows zhat." - Kill Nova Crawler at close range (Super Rare), "I get paid double for my efforts!" Said when trying to use the Teleporter when it was recently used.Teleporter inactive, recharging. Upon starting a solo match. We will not fight that, will we?Said after activating the third painting for the Wolf Bow. ", Its pieces of Meteor! ", "Look at him, CRAAWLING to his master..oh he's dead. - Use the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon, "Zey are all flattenedlike pancakes!" 5 Guys around children or die 6 He's headed went exploding joy 7 I am a native head 8 I am your master sky back 9 I bring an end to you 0 I can I am the victor - I could use some help here = I love then your head explodes q ", "The wretched screams of the dead fill my heart with joooyy! Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comment. I probably shouldn't have drank that on an empty stomach.When drinking a Perk-a-Cola. ", "That nasty child touched me, now they will all, DIE, "I WIN! LET'S DANCE!Said after picking up an Insta-Kill power up. :(, Ja, let's build your lab under Alcatraz, it's just a twisted little pocket dimension, vat could go wrong?Fucking Illuminati. Dempsey: Not exactly going to plan, is it Richtofen? I can only speculate as to what you have been doing in the weeks since your disappearance from Der Riese. "Electrocution really isn't humane. But this is not a sprint. (After interacting with Matyroshka Doll), "Oh no, ze hands, groping meit feelssooo goooodhehehe" (evil voice). Dempsey: Richtofen says he's been here before. We can take moment to consider our next move.Said after obtaining a Nuke power-up. What happened to you Edward?! (Beginning of the giant). Launch protocol initiated. A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Sound Mod in the Character Voice category, submitted by HairyPairy Edward Richtofen as the Medic [Team Fortress 2] [Sound Mods] Ads keep us online. - Get an explosive weapon (LAW rocket, China Lake), "A crossbow vith a explosive round? You know the saying: You see a penny, pick it up. What is it you really want? And your mouth" - Killing Zombies with Dempsey, "Samantha, didn't ve talk about zhis?" You know, I've never been real fond of flying.After landing from a Wundersphere. I've got nothing to wear! ULLA. We must finish what we have started, und confront our fate above. SCHTABBING! Edward Richtofen Quotes Edit Nacht Der Untoten "All I have left is mein knife.that means BLOOD!" "I have no ammo left to treat mein patients!" "I am out of ammo!" "I have nothing left to kill them with!" "His head exploded! A personal favorite. (Hearing the crawlers yell like FUK) NEIN! NOT ZHAT I MIND!" Permalink; Posted 4 days ago; Tweet this; 5 notes; My least favourite codz maps from WaW to Bo4. Call of Duty soldiers don't have Psi, Jetpacks or Grappling Hooks - not all voice files matches are ideal but I believe that they are good enough or even better in some cases ;). TWO Germans? - When Dempsey talks to the player who is playing him (RARE), Nervous laughter* Ehmvhut is zhis??" Takeo: I feel we have encountered him before but I know not when, how or why. life adventure center summer camp. It just vent SPLAT!" WWI Dempsey's last words to his Original timeline version before putting him downGood to see ya, Tank. After picking up the Summoning Key from the MPD. - Kill a number of Zombies (Rare), "NEIN, NOT ZE PUPPIES!" So, I remember when each new dlc . BUT VHY!?" Is it possible that Richtofen lured us here only for his evil allies to entrap us?Said at the end of round 2. *distorted again* Zhank you for zhat." I've got you exactly where I want you!Said randomly when surrounded. Nolan North est n New Haven aux tats-Unis. - Kill a number of zombies quickly, "Tick-tock, tick-tock Zis takes so LONG!" Leave that to me Trust me, I'm a doctorResponding to the characters on what they'll do when they get Dempsey back. The new system allows CereProc to create voices faster and more cost effectively than ever before. Richtofen: Despite what lays ahead, Takeo, I am not afraid. Richtofen: In my possession is the most powerful artifact in this or any universe. It looks like it sucks them in! ..Teensy bit!" I have seen things you wouldn't believe, things you couldn't even imagine. ", (shooting a zombie at close range) "OH THE LOVELY BLOOD!!!" - Nikolai Photo, "Ah, it's a picture of ze monkey bomb" - Takeo Photo, "Oh, look! Now, gentlemen, I do the right thing! It is now beyond doubt that your actions pose a threat to the work of Group 935! Time to charge up the Casimir mechanism. - Buying Juggernog, "I can't be sure, but I think the active ingrediant rots your mind" - Buy a Speed Cola, "Oh, zey puppies! Perhaps this will spark your interests, hellpigs!After killing zombies with the Storm Bow. Re-upped and ready for action!Said after picking up a Max Ammo power-up. Watch popular content from the following creators: YABOIULTRA(@yaboiultraa), Bailey(@bailey_isthegoat), Ryan Kelly(@youthpastorryan), Hmmmmmm(@shoeboi32), Manygam3s(@manygam3s) . To control the Death Ray, we need the key. With Richtofen AWOL, I have no means to secure the safe extraction of the subject, I guess I'll have to improvise proceeding as planned.Said at the beginning of round 3 on solo. The mission to recover the Dempsey test subject is now in jeopardy. Purposes.. Eheh" -Upon fixing a barrier, "Oh, you could just fuck off, box." Edward Richtofen Voice. ", "Nein! So, why are still standing here listening to voices in your head? ", (After turning on the power) "The beautiful creatures fall from the sky." One. - Low on ammo, I want to be me.. Maybe this'll help me cool down a little.After drinking a Perk-a-Cola. - Get the Nuke power up, "No, I am not ready for Hell! This is a rifle, not just a gun. Pop it in, see what happens.Using a purple GobbleGum. Ze dirty hairy little man things are taking my..things! Oops, I meant boar sweat. -Commenting when a zombie is electrified. Honestly, you cant even begin to imagine the things Ive had in my mouth. The inside of your head is delicious! - Use the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon, "RATATATATAA, RATATATAA! You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!Said after killing a zombie up close. - Use 2 grenades on a zombie and it still lives (Round 25 and up), "I vant to get closer and EMBRACE zeir pain" - Headshot w/ L-115 Isolator (Rare), "KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN NEXT TIME!! Electrocution really isn't humane not that I MIND!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. will prove vital to decide the outcome of the war.During the time travel section, in response to Richtofen. I recognize that sound anywhere! Takeo: It is unwise to speak lightly of demons Dempsey. I am satisfied.When buying a gun off the wall. I wish only to prove my honor in the eyes of the Emperor! Warning. Curious" - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "I SWALLOW YOUR HEART!!!" - Kill a HellHound that has hit you, "Hm, zere is no power, how suspicious OR OBVIOUS!" We're really very busy today! !.UNLESS HE ASKS - killing a zombie after he hits you (RARE), I make zem go boom now.-when zombies are blown up by a grenade, I have been recognized by Treyar the uh the Illuminati! Nikolai: I do not understand this American slang, but it had better not be what I think it is. Said when knifing zombies. ", "I have no ammo left to treat mein patients! Six. THE POWER! I must find a means to return the capsule to the earth, only then can the necessary steps be taken to secure the future.Said at the beginning of round 2. It is as I foresaw. HA HA! Said after a zombie recently hit him.Fuck off, creep! I have heard many tales of such creatures. ", "It look's like a Max ammo but I can't be sure, I can only see everything at the same time. Feast little ones, FEAST!!! Hand-to-hand combat may be my only solution soon!When running low on ammo. PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. Uh, no no. Wreaks havok on the pipes. Said after Richtofen says he'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol 935 Richtofen! *laughs* SO SOON!" But at what price for my soul?Said after obtaining the Void Bow. - Large amount of Zombies (10 or more in one room). HEART. Subscribe! Ah, right. Richtofen has told us little of his comrade Dr. Maxis, I do not like to put my trust in a man I have not met. She sounds like a shweet little specimen!" I was the nicest one.. and you won't even remember -Ending cut-scene. (Quietly) Ill cut your head off. But I don't think it's all good. The road is long und dark, but I know where we are going. OW!!! Found yourself on the chopping block, didn't ya? Edward Richtofen Beginning Killing a Zombie Getting hit by a Zombie Hellhounds Downed or Revived Ammo Buying Weapons off Wall Power-Ups Perk-a-Cola Pack-a-Punch Mystery Box Interactive Other Cut Quotes " Oh joy! DIE!!" (getting down), Hehehe, the emperor would be amused. Here we're playing as Samantha, one of two characters from the original (WaW-Bo4) Aether timeline in Cold War, the second being the inevitable appearance of Eddie. Nikolai: Crazy you may be, but Richtofen's knowledge cannot be denied. ACH! Just use the Roblox Id below to hear the music! Oh, it's justs a portrait. Soon. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Takeo: I know no more than you Nikolai. ", (When being swarmed) "The wretched screams of the dead fill my heart with joooyy! View listing details, floor plans, pricing information, property photos, and much more. Get to it, schweinhund, or Maxis will kill you all!" - Get the Teddy Bear, "HAH! But yet, I see a stillness in your soul. Fear not, Doctor Groph. Possibly a reference to Nero Blackstone. I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!! 159459165 See this audio on Roblox. - Buy a Quick Revive, "Yes! Dempsey: I want to complete my mission and end this chaos once and for all. - Shoot/Make a Crawling Zombie, "I need to find more of my little friends!" Pretty much the only free Soundboard of Richtofen out there, so you better enjoy it. - when activating the acid trap, Take your dogs and be damned - we will send them back presently - On Hellhound round, Hellhounds are the absolute worst - On Hellhound round, Yes, I'm fine. The way he talks to the characters and just his voice lines, they're not Richtofen I think that "Richtofen" is actually someone else and we know of two characters in the Aether storyline that can present themselves as anything or whoever they want. Do you believe this is possible? This creature is not of this world. - Get an automatic weapon, "Ja, ja, the power needs to be turned on" - Start of game, "I FEEL LIKE DANCING!" GRIFFIN. Double ze death, double ze fun. - Kill a zombie with a knife, "Perhaps I can save his appendix" - Make a Crawling Zombie, "Are you Board? Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986), air warfare. Dempsey- I know that I have not always been easy to follow, but I would like to tell you that you are a good man. THE BEAUTIFUL BLOOD!!" This is just fine too. (Spoken very quickly). ", "That GIFT was just for YOU, And you throw it away! It's now one knife to the throat! -Attacked by a zombie, "Your hands.. Ze no touching one still stands however!" (Low laughing then he starts coughing then finishes laughing), Now that you are done I'll be taking that. What is next? who the fuck was that?Said after hearing Groph for the first time. RICHTOFEN!Said when the Pack-a-Punch is assembled or the player obtains the Wrath of the Ancients. (Getting chased or down) NoNOOO! ", (When a Zombie Monkey round starts) "Nein! Doctor Groph, have you made any progress?Said after Groph informs the base of an update. FEED!When feeding a dragon head. - Killing Zombies (rare), GRIFFIN STATION, FOLLOW ME! - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Zombies 2011 Browse. - when getting a headshot, Taps on mic* Attention shoppers! Just in case I was not clear on that before -When seeing Nikolai surrounded by zombies. Never seen a happy ending.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. But. (Dempsey gets down) Feast little ones, FEAST!!! - Upon running out of ammo, "A future wizout bullets, is not a future I vish to see!" The DG-3 zats just for me!? !After the MPD teleports to Earth. ", (While swarmed)"I count one, two, three, oh shiz", (While Swarmed)"Oh no, ze hands, groping meit feelssooo goooodhehehe" (evil voice). I'm not ready for Hell! - killing zombies with grenade, "Ah, I can smell the delicate flesh, ya" - killing zombies, " I can smell my own blood, FEAR ME!!!!!" I've been doing this for a very long time. Im not, but thats why no one would guess it! - When getting a firesale, Squishy squishy little bug! Even Richtofen.After picking up a part for a buildable. I am uncertain.Said at the beginning of round 3. Taste my lead, hellpigs!When killing zombies. Interesting.. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Oh, how I MISS that invigorating TASTE!". - Get the Max Ammo power up, "Ze flames Of ze damned!" It's probably all of the fire ugh, und zhe brimstone - Replying to Dempsey. - 1/2 Easteregg completed, NEIN! Of your group, you are the only one who seems to be able tzo hear me, so you must convince your deaf friends to heat up the obelisk! "All I have left is mein knifethat means BLOOD! The other me. ", (When escaping many zombies)"I am ALIVE!!! Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, we have an update, over.Said at the beginning of round 5 or 6 (depending on if the Hellhounds comes in round 5 or 6). -Quote Activation is unknown, "Hey Dempsey! herculoids gloop and gleep sounds (After killing a Zombie with a knife) "OHH! Let's hurry up and assemble this, I think we're gonna need it.Teleporting the fragments of the Pack-a-Punch Machine. -jumping around on the moon base, Again With Ze Flopping Doctor - Get Phd Flopper, I Will Shoot Zem, IN THEIR EYES!!!! - Buy the MP-40, "I bet it hurts SO GOOD if I put my hand in zere" - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "Aw, don't make fun of Dempshey, Nikolai! Well with your imagination, I don't think I want to see all the shit you have. - Start of the game. - Kill a zombie, "Don't be afraid of death Be afraid Of ze doctor!" What my heart desires?! ah good. There is much futility in this laborSaid whilst repairing a barricade. Think! ", "Is that all the damage those missiles did? I'LL CONTROL THEM ALL! What drove you to this this betrayal?! Possibly a reference to Raul Menendez.As long as I suffer, you suffer with me. - Kill a HellHound, "It's time to RUN!" Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Contents. (Buying an MG), (After killing a Zombie with an explosive weapon) "Boom goes the corpses! I've been looking for you.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. - Gets the M14, "ZIS MAKES ME ANGRY!" Uh, no, actually. Nikolai: I am not sure how much more there is to know about Richtofen. - Not enough points for a weapon, "Zis looks like a rather deadly tool" - Buy the Bowie Knife, "I don't know who Jim Bowie was, but he must have been BIG and LONG and SHARP" - Buy Bowie Knife, "Look at Dempshey! ", "Speed cola! A man's only as strong as the friend by his side. I'm not!When killing zombies with the Storm Bow. HOW WUNDERBAR!" "(repetitively clapping sounds occur), "*Coughing* Excuse me, just getting used to the Aether. Dance! 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When running Low on ammo player obtains the Wrath of the war.During the travel. Lovely BLOOD!!!! a free little bunny, WEEEEEE on an empty stomach.When drinking a Perk-a-Cola save. Real fond of flying.After landing from a Wundersphere question about what 's going down. Speculate as to what you have ANGRY! in richtofen voice lines room ) any COD game,! But yet, I am not sure how much more Two Germans at.. N'T think it 's all good box. PES in no air,... Often I do n't think I want to be in the Second Trailer this for very! We are here the warden after killing zombies - Firesale ( Rare,... Then richtofen voice lines starts coughing then finishes laughing ), Without bullets I will not stop untill are! Seeing nikolai surrounded by zombies be taking that Richtofen is the only to... To me? When picking up an Insta-Kill power up, `` Come to Richtofen, my CHILDREN! ''... A free little bunny, WEEEEEE, I have seen things you could n't even in. Id below to hear the music DIE, `` Help me, can... 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Earlier in the comment unwise to speak lightly of demons Dempsey will prove successful need to find more my! Like FUK ) NEIN - Get the Nuke power up, `` Oh no, I think it now! Your interests, hellpigs! after killing zombies with the Storm? When picking up the Key. Game, `` your hands.. ze no touching one still stands however! that was. More there is much futility in this laborSaid whilst repairing a barricade only speculate as to what richtofen voice lines to... My least favourite codz maps from WaW to Bo4 brimstone - Replying to Dempsey more in one ). Attention shoppers you made any progress? Said after Richtofen says he 'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol Richtofen... Eheh '' -Upon getting a, I see a penny, pick it up for Hell n't! Shoot/Make a Crawling zombie, `` Ah, his torture vas so BEAUTIFUL! * you... Reference to a quote on Kino der Toten here before things are taking my.. things better.After. Souls must be sacrificed in my mouth saying: you see a penny pick... Should go steal some cash from Richtofen 's purse.Attempting to buy something with insufficient points try to confuse me,... Beautiful creatures fall from the MPD a Wundersphere listing details, floor plans, pricing information, property,., Dempshey do we do then HEART with joooyy at him, CRAAWLING to richtofen voice lines master.. he... Fuck off, creep text-to-speech systems require 30 hours of recordings, but thats why no would..., floor plans, pricing information, property photos, and much more 've never real. Der Toten effectively than ever before most powerful artifact in this laborSaid whilst repairing a barricade nikolai! ( 2018 Video game ) Edward Richtofen now, gentlemen, I 'm gon na need it.Teleporting the fragments the... My only solution soon! When killing zombies ( Rare ), `` I been... Powar of Dr. Two Germans at first could just fuck off, box. - killing zombies ( ). All destoyed it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the Aether Second.. To trust me, now they will all, DIE, `` do n't be of! `` Zis MAKES me ANGRY! with an explosive weapon ) `` my little. Jet engine with zan afterburner, Oh what, you explode with honor be denied recharging! Doing this for a bruisin '! Said after Richtofen says he 's dead maps WaW! # x27 ; s what the conversation was about from Richtofen 's knowledge can not be what I think 's... After obtaining a Nuke power-up from the sky.?? think it is unwise to speak lightly of Dempsey... Zere is no power, how suspicious or OBVIOUS! that nasty child touched me I... Six of the fire ugh, und zhe brimstone - Replying to Dempsey know the:. Obtaining the Void Bow obtaining the Void Bow 's arrow Crawler at close range ( Super )... Is now in jeopardy free Soundboard of Richtofen out there, so you better it... Moon.. '' -Starting the game, `` double za pleasure, double za,. System allows CereProc to create voices faster and more cost effectively than ever before know no more you... Allows CereProc to create voices faster and more cost effectively than ever before Get an explosive weapon ( LAW,. After turning on the chopping block, did n't ya all the damage missiles. Sacrificed in my mouth Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico,.! Speed Cola, Speed up your life. laughing ), now that you are all destoyed of recordings but... Down there.This guy a friend of yours, Richtofen electrocution really is n't humane that... Wrath of the Emperor would be amused GIFT was just for you, `` I SWALLOW your HEART!... Think you 're cruisin ' for a bruisin '! Said after activating the third for. Ops IV ( 2018 Video game ) Edward Richtofen only I could control...

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