how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead

how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead

Luciana asks Daniel in Spanish if he's sure and Daniel tells her that he is, rather pointedly stating that he's not a liar. Daniel says he doesn't know if he burned his daughter alive and begs forgiveness from Efran. After a short conversation, Chris notes that the walls are burning, and all six realize that they need to leave. In "Ofelia", Luciana believes that Daniel is the one person who can predict Strand's moves and stop him as Daniel has experience facing off against Strand that everyone else lacks. Daniel is also shown to be a skilled torturer with extensive knowledge of interrogation techniques and is willing, albeit reluctantly, to use this skill when he feel it is necessary to survive, as seen when he brutally tortured Andrew Adams. They discuss a possible problem with the water filtration system on the boat. Daniel and everyone works hastily to move the resources across the bridge while Morgan, Strand, and Al handle the walkers. He knows that Adams is a good person and tells him that the deeper he goes, the more sensitive the nerve becomes, resulting in more pain. "I'm immortal.". Following a near death experience, Daniel becomes Lola Guerrero's chief security officer at the Gonzalez Dam. When Ofelia resists and tries to calm him down, he becomes agitated and more insistent. However, Charlie insists that he go and she apparently eventually suceeds as Daniel later shows up to help them. Luciana asks Riley if Rollie was really a traitor, and the latter confirms, stating that Rollie lost his fate when he saw them turn on each other at the dam. It's a day away. Daniel appears to think highly of Alicia, telling Victor that she is as resourceful as Madison, someone he greatly respected. In an interview by Althea, Daniel admits he is glad to have joined the group full time jokingly saying that is better than being alone with his cat. On the edge of the dam, Strand is joined by Daniel while watching people load the water truck. Thank you. Hearing this, Daniel suddenly realizes something, and asks Luciana for her gun in Spanish. Strand and Alicia leave and Charlie apologizes for the fact that she's not Ofelia. She was portrayed by Lisandra Tena. "The first victim was you," Griselda tells Daniel. He demands to know what kind of sick joke this is and points the gun at Madison as he breaks down in tears, demanding an answer. Daniel remains very protective of Ofelia and constantly worries about her gun shot injury. Daniel ultimately accepts Strand's offer and departs with him. He asks for space. The Entire Fear The Walking Dead Timeline Explained. Daniel is disgusted by Strand's lies, but Strand insists that he's just trying to save the closest thing to a daughter that he has left which he believes is something that Daniel can understand. He approaches and loads up the truck with guns, before leaving the warehouse. He raised an "American" daughter, Ofelia, in the hopes that she would not have to become what he had and that she would remain innocent throughout her life. Daniel is now a barber and was cutting Virginia's hair as Strand and Alicia watched. Daniel expresses his condolences to Chris about Liza's sudden death with Chris offering his sympathies to his wife that also recently died. "Take the gun, Daniel," says a voice, but the room is empty. Daniel tells her they have her at their camp and he believes their word. He searches the premises of Celia's home and discovers she keeps walkers in her basement as she believes they are still alive but changed. Daniel completes some psychological tests for June. Strand insists Lola has it taken care of. Luciana apologizes for her deception, telling Daniel that she'd thought that it was the only way. They have raised one daughter in America. Daniel meets Morgan and smiles when Alicia runs up to hug him. Luckily, a truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. Daniel's younger self in the flashbacks in ", Daniel currently possesses the highest direct kill count on, Additionally he possesses the highest pre-apocalypse kill count with a total of 96 victims in his service of the. Daniel and Liza always got along when seen together. Daniel hoped that he, his wife, and daughter would be separated from Travis and his family after they escape Downtown, but when Travis saves an injured Griselda, Daniel decides to go to Travis's household until Griselda can heal. Daniel eats in the cafeteria. Their relationship seems to be seriously strained at "Cobalt", as after Ofelia sees him torturing Andrew, she runs out of the house crying, and he tells Madison that she may never understand why he had to do it. Charlie recognizes it and the two begin to bond, teached by Grace and Daniel how to play guitar. Daniel goes straight to asking about Ofelia. (S3E10). There's just something about . Dwight updates them on his run-in and suggests they should be more careful. Lola counsels Daniel to stop looking for Ofelia. Proctor John, portrayed by Ray McKinnon, is the leader of the gang known as the Proctors. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. At night, Daniel and Grace's transmission gives out because their truck is too heavy with supplies. A man named Efran pulls Daniel out and insists he calm down, getting a look at his burnt leg. After Chris, Alicia and Nick express that they want to grab supplies on the island but Madison and Travis say its too dangerous, Daniel offers he will go with them and keep watch. She concludes that his problem is psychological, not neurological, and says it's treatable. An unknown man coerced him to mortally shoot one of the survivors, which became his first out of many kills and an event leaving him traumatized that still haunts him even after decades. Later, Daniel awakens in the depths of the dam. Daniel's military expertise has him made one of Dante's operatives, and he betrays Efrain and later tortures him - but Lola exposes her complicity in water thefts to stop it. He tells her, though, that these people will attack and drag them out of the dam. As the three families leave in three different vehicles, Daniel has to briefly step out in order to open the gates, which have been left unguarded as the soldiers took their leave. Dakota runs up and says she recalls Virginia saying that the enemy went underground. Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Daniel tells his interrogator that he sent Charlie to accompany Grace while he tracked down the weapons. Everyone argues over a course of action and begins to turn on each other. Strand reveals his plans and turns the gun to Daniel who says, "You are not a killer, you're a conman." He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. When the National Guard arrives at the neighborhood, Daniel peers out a window and says that "it's already too late". Daniel initially distrusted Travis, and only allowed him and his family to take shelter in his shop at the behest of Griselda. He is aware of a rig made to shoot him when he opens a door, so he taps it and dodges the bullets, taking the keys to a car from a walker that emerges before heading out with a bunch of new supplies and Skidmark. Finally, Nick covers for Troy by claiming that Jake Otto was the one who lead the herd to the ranch, to which Daniel finally lets him go, despite not believing him. The group debates their next move. Madison is surprised to see Daniel is alive. Madison asks Vida if the baby is moving. He is not happy to see him, but Madison emerges and asks Daniel to lower the gun. However, he can now, having made peace with her loss finally. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. Charlie stands guard outside Valley Town and tells Daniel that the visitors have arrived. Daniel and Lola discusses their plans now that Dante is dead. Daniel Salazar is a fictional character in the television series Fear the Walking Dead, portrayed by Panamanian actor Rubn Blades. Daniel then joins the group on their mission to help people to honor Ofelia's memory. After Episode 15 of Fear the Walking Dead aired, several clips were released in the lead-up to the Season 6 finale. However as Daniel remains on the yacht, he remains very suspicious of Strand's isolation and ultimately his destination. Their relationship is seemingly over when the two are separated during the Abigail Estate fire, however when the two are reunited after Ofelia's death, Daniel harbors a great amount of rage towards Madison, and even points his gun at her. Sometime after its destruction, Daniel managed to establish his own base in a warehouse and stockpile supplies from traps he inherited from the previous owner. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. According to Ofelia, Daniel once told her that all of their relatives are dead in El Salvador. Lola tell Daniel that if he does not believe in what she is doing, then he should go. Efran delivers water to a family. Daniel sees all the people lined up outside the dam exchanging goods for water. He tells her he is better now before asking about Ofelia. Later, Daniel and the group camp as Dwight kills a walker from one of the original western towns and John suggests that could be the settlement they've been searching for. Death Episode Daniel is later seen with Ofelia, noticing that her wound is infected and expresses concern for her. Unable to take the pain in his legs, Daniel passes out. . They need to hurry because the radioactive walkers from the crater are being drawn to the Tower by the beacon light. Madison tells Lola it is impossible to do right by everyone and walks off. It's revealed that his interrogator is June, and she is asking questions as part of a psychological evaluation. Daniel is on the platform outside of the Tower when Alicia makes contact with Strand who invites her inside alone to talk. Daniel arrives at a large trading post at a stadium to meet with Madison and Ofelia, who died from her wound before he arrives. Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. The abductors of Daniel are the members of. It isn't until "Divine Providence" that Daniel finally remembers and accepts the truth, snapping out of it. Strand asks if he could borrow his plane to find his friends. Daniel reaches Nick. Unknown "No, she wouldn't, but she's dead," Daniel said. Madison agrees to provide them with the required armaments in exchange for 10,000 gallons of water a week until the rains come. Later, Daniel finds Lola's body on the bridge. The next day, Daniel arrives with the caravan at the mall. Daniel asks Lola to be forgiven, then hands over his gun to her and kneels before her. Former Chief Security Officer for the Gonzalez Dam, The casting call for this character used the name, Daniel was described as "60s. Daniel plays music over the radio as a storm approaches. Ofelia may be gone, but it's not as if Daniel has nothing left. As Reed stops her from doing any more damage, Travis slips a crowbar behind a seat cushion. For a reason that he hasn't explained yet, Daniel is pretending that he doesn't recognize the people in Morgan's group. Charlie is sent inside warehouse to check out his plane, he finds her and tells Strand that he will take Charlie to protect her from him. She goes off to follow him, only leading to her death. As he prepares to swing a hammer at Efran, Lola runs over and stops him, outing herself as Efran's accomplice. Daniel believes that the others need help and tells Strand to follow him. Strand and Alicia implore Daniel to be the man that he wanted Ofelia to see and Daniel has several flashbacks of Ofelia, including embracing Ofelia after her death. The next day, Madison has returned to El Bazar and finds the empty bag of painkillers. Instead of seeing the infected, he hallucinates all of the people he has killed when Griselda emerges from the crowd and smiles. It's October 12 according to a calendar. Strand reiterates that Ofelia had died in Mexico and that Luciana had lied to Daniel for the same reason that Strand did: so Daniel had something to fight for. Daniel, Grace, Sarah, Luciana, June, and Wes were rounded up by the rangers and held in the Lawton town jail as bargaining chips for Virginia as she attempts to get her sister back. Dante and J.C. take Efran, Lola, Strand and Pablito to the dam catwalk for execution. Daniel points his gun at Victor upon realizing Ofelia isn't here. Daniel elected to remain on the boat with his daughter once the boat docked, still suspicious of Strands intentions. "100" to "Sleigh Ride" Daniel fires a couple of shots into the air, insisting Strand to leave now. He insists that he was protecting her. Strand admits that he no longer has control over the Rangers and they need his help to get past the Rangers to the roof. After a moment, Strand admits that Ofelia isn't on the top floor and that he'd only told him that because he knew that it was the only way that Daniel would help him. People are demanding more and claiming Daniel took it for himself. Lola and Madison were both leaders and sometimes did not see eye to eye on each others views. At night, Daniel and the rest of the group reunite in their camp to dine together. They make a run to Travis' truck, where on the way Griselda is pinned by collapsed scaffolding after riot officers unleash a high-pressure hose on it. Lola elects they will deal with them later. When everyone doubts Alicia's claims about seeing a little girl and needing to go back to the Tower for her, Daniel is the first to jump to his friend's defense, remembering how awful it had felt when people had doubted him. Daniel writes down exactly what they need. He then nods in acceptance at Strand before leaving to continue his task. Daniel does his best to comfort Ofelia as she starts crying. Suddenly, Wendell spots a walker and kills it with his wheelchair spikes. Daniel thinks hes too dangerous to stay with them. Attention! Strand insists he doesn't know. But then I found my true calling," replies Efran, shaking his flask of alcohol. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Daniel joins the rest of Morgan's group in traveling to the beached sub near Galveston, Texas in order to stop the Doomsday Cult's plans to launch the Pennsylvania's compliment of nuclear missiles. Strand became concerned when he noticed that the gates were lying open and nobody was in sight, leaving Strand hesitant to enter, but Daniel is determined to find Ofelia. He goes on to give Strand water. They wait outside as Daniel speaks to Lola. Morgan asks if Strand really plans to keep Daniel safe after Daniel put a gun to his face. He hears people running in the hall. She's caught in a vice -- until a ghost arrives to rescue the saint. Daniel joins the rest of the Tower residents and Morgan's Group in preparing to flee the area by raft as the Tower fire will release the radiation from the radioactive walkers into the air. Daniel first appears when the group decides to dock the boat at an island to lose being spotted by a nearby hostile boat. Daniel can't say that he is, so Luciana decides they will go to the place Rollie wants. Walker explains that she poisoned their enemies and saved many lives. After Luciana sees him at his worst and still expresses understanding towards him, an emotional Daniel declares that no matter what, they are now family. Much to Strand's surprise, Daniel accompanies Alicia inside with one of the Rangers informing Strand that Daniel had pushed through the barrier and almost broke Stern's neck. Daniel claims either Nick or Troy had to lead the herd to the Ranch. He remains on his guard the entire time, continually observing goings on and the activities of the residents. During their stay, Daniel is shown to think of Travis as weak and soft. Despite his murderous past, Daniel has demonstrated that he cares about his family more than anything else and is a loving husband and father who vowed to give his daughter the best life possible in the United States. He successfully picks the lock and discovers a hidden compartment. That night, the group gets separated and driven away. Efrain Morales, portrayed by Jesse Borrego, is a man who saves Daniel after he is injured in a fire. Daniel quietly advises Efran against talking and offers to kill him quickly. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. Daniel reassures Alicia that he's fine and she orders him to warn the others with Strand giving Daniel directions to where he can find June, Grace and Wendell. Season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead will begin filming in . Later, two dam janitors, Pablito and Everardo discover Daniel while cleaning out corpses from a sewage pipe. When they get there and Victor reveals that he lied, Daniel leaves him to die by zombies. Unknown to Strand, he takes some instruments of the plane along. "People don't change. Aside from familial relationships, Madison and Daniel seemingly have the strongest relationship out of anyone in the main group. Daniel and Grace are the only two of these to not have knowingly seen Beta's face. He laughs at his good fortune until the bridge under him collapses too. When Efran is killed by the Proctors, Lola deeply morns her friend, showing how much she cares for him, while also apologizing to him. Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. They argue over whether to stay or not and eventually decide to stay, where they'll deal with the walkers and Virginia. Gender Lola is appalled by his decision, and is infuriated. Moments later, Daniel invites them inside. She reminds them to give her a holler and drives away. As they reach the island Daniel with his M9 beretta in hand tells everyone to remain in eye length with one an another. Alicia weakly calls out to Daniel to stop, suggesting that Daniel can do for Charlie what he couldn't for Ofelia and be there for her. The Gonzalez Dam has been taken over by less savory forces and Lola now finds herself caught between her allegiance to the people and her need to defend the reservoir. Travis beats Andrew viciously in return, while Liza tends to Ofelia's gunshot wound, successfully stabilizing her. Lola is first seen when Daniel takes Madison's group to Lola's office. Nick insists he and Troy tried to redirect the Infected after spotting them on the outskirts. Daniel rules she is the leader of Gonzalez Dam and is the new "Dante". Before The Fall Daniel lived quietly in the US, owning and running a barbershop, until the apocalypse. Lola, Efran, and others are escortedto the dam catwalk for execution. Daniel guesses Strand had an accomplice. Walkers claw at the gate to Valley Town and reach the tunnel entrance. Fear the Walking Dead actor Daniel Sharman was cast in a new series set in Spain in the 1980s. She asks about Ofelia. After being held at gunpoint and seeing Daniel get shot, she was able to walk away with Daniel to safety. He says hes going to the warehouse, but Strand offers to take Daniel in at Lawton and keep an eye on him. Daniel stops the truck and tells Charlie to drive the truck back to Strand to give him the instruments while he deals with the walkers. The dam breaks apart as John and his men flee. Daniel is treated by Lola. Daniel himself reveals that he killed around 96 people in El Salvador and still suffers the trauma of his actions. Daniel sees people nearby as the truck plows through a door and into a seemingly abandoned mall. He sees something in the distance and rushes to it, only to find Strand emerging from the sewers. . "It was Jake," Nick said. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. However, Strand and Alicia take out the Rangers on the roof and Alicia kills five Rangers on the ground that rush at the group. "I don't know what you're thinking but I'm sure that serpent brain of yours is coiling around an idea," Daniel says. He hid from her the truth of his past life, and dealt with the trauma privately with his wife's support. She then tells him to wait as she goes to find Efran. Virginia aims her gun at their heads and demands to know where Morgan is. On cue, the plane runs out of fuel and Wendell's forced to jump out of his chair to fix it. She climbs up the ladder and leaves. He takes the SWAT truck to get the fetal monitor. Realizing Daniel's mind is made up, Dante insults him by saying that he will always be a "goddamn dog" and is promptly shot in the head. This article is about the Fear character. Daniel agrees to let Chris stand outside Reed's door, explaining to Ofelia that its better than leaving Chris alone to think dark thoughts. Dante hoarded the water as a currency, and selling them to the people with extortive prices. Riley suddenly reaches for the gun, but is shot in the back by Charlie. Daniel guides Strand through the warehouse full of cars and trucks, demanding he not touch anything and saying he inherited this place. Just like his beloved cat, Daniel Salazar seems to have nine lives on Fear the Walking Dead thanks to his intelligence and his intelligence career. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the dam. J.C., Dante's head of security, questions Lola's decision to hire Daniel as a new janitor. In the morning, Daniel is called by Strand over the walkie and assures him hes far from the warehouse, but when he gets back he'll kill him. Efran insists this is not what is weighing on him. Strand shoots Daniel in the chin in front of Lola. He turns on Dante and his men, killing J.C. and two guards. Alicia, Chris and Alex help Daniel fight off the herd, but are quickly getting cornered. In the present, Daniel sits in the cell. Daniel first appears this episode alongside Travis and Madison. Madison ignores his advice. He then frees Lola from her ties and hands her the gun. As he approaches the doors, the herd of infected inside senses his presence and begins banging on the doors. As she gets up, she sees Strand in one of the security cameras and runs off. Strand leads the walkers towards him, turns on the propellers, and watches as the walkers kill themselves until the plane engines stop. He's searching for water with little luck. As they fly away in Isabelle's helicopter, Daniel thanks Luciana for believing in him and she promises Daniel that he just needs a little help and that they will be fine as long as they stick together. At the naval base, Daniel hears someone's transmission over the SWAT van's radio, just as the others rush outside. Strand who invites her inside alone to talk aired, several clips were released in the back by Charlie infected. With her loss finally to `` Sleigh Ride '' Daniel fires a couple of shots into the air, Strand! 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how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead

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