george burke staten island obituary

george burke staten island obituary

You said you started with the basement. Before he left, the house was fine. It would have been spectacular but greed set in, and thats what they did. But the other house, one of his friends was pushed down the stairs. Q: Yes. I mean, as a kid going down here crabbing, down on the beach, we used to look back at the house all the time. And he kept up with him, up until the time Mario passed away. But anyway, she said, No, Im not going in. Burke: Yes, she held the mortgage on it. And I, throughout the time, I went from room to room in the house and restored it. And each little petal and everything is done beautiful. I restored all those buildings down in Tottenville, all those great old buildings. Got a good price for a couple of other real estate pieces that I bought and fixed up and sold. And have something on a loop in here, which weve been trying to do, where itll be an audio and a video of him discussing the house, because nobody knows it any better than he does. See Photos. And that was it. Its still there in Port Richmond. Then I went looking for the big pieces. Yes. And what they did is they bought a whole fleet of old taxis. Burke, who knew of the home and property from the time when he was a child, was committed to the challenge. I probably gave it to Bess. I have no idea what it would be like to live in some other place. Daller: And he uses every room, he doesnt sit in one room. And it was twice the size of this house. They dont know it. I started with the basement. Q: So about this house, I wanted to ask about the Friends of the Seguine Mansion. Q: The stuff that you got in England, from Mrs. Murphy. Because, now, they cant tear it down. So I moved into the house here. That was her name. Daller: I think weve touched on everything, really. Because I wanted the man that built the house, and this is the man that saved the house. As a young adult, he joined the U.S. Air Force and served in the medical department, spending time in locations across Europe and Alaska. And thats what this house is. So they built it like an attic and it was called an attic but it was a whole complete story. Burke: Hawaii. Thats what it is. I just repainted. Theyre piled up. Q: Thank you for that story. Daller: Mm-hmm! So thats my uncles hope for it as well. Daller: Right, we really dont discuss any of that. And if you can capture and keep something that looks like this, then this is a big plus for the area. He was incurring all the expenses. Daller: Thats a story you should share, about the lilacs and the lady. I mean, this whole ceiling was shot. And he was so good. John T Burke passed away on April 22, 2015 in Whiting, NJ and is under the care of. Q: Was it a similar style? Most of them were like china and vases, such like that. Burke: Oh, it was all overgrown with undergrowth. Yes, he helped me with the colors, and this and that, and what I should getgood orientals for the floor, which I had but they werent these. The Old Bermuda Inn. Q: Did you keep up a conversation with Mario Buatta about. Big fluted columns with big Corinthian capitals on them. Because my house was right across the street from it. And that was a couple people from Tottenville, caused all that. Q: Can you tell me about the ghost in that house? And it never had a kitchen. I cant remember her name. Most of the furniture thats hereI never furnished the house until I owned it. I said, Gee, look at these chairs. And they said, Yes, look at them. And the post is still there and the staircase is still in good shapebut thats still in the house, now, down there. They couldnt. Q: [Laughs] Yes. And with the Air Force, I enjoyed every minute. George Burke. So finally, I think, the old lady died, didnt she? But they are the ones thatup in arms, saying, Aww, that poor horse. You want to have someone living in it, you cant have an empty house. And from the garden, you could come back in under the porch and down into the kitchen in the basement. Oh, thats right. The house is haunted, she said, if youre interested in it, George, heres the key to the front door, you go. And as I said, there was a big flight of stairs that went up and a big porch across the whole front of the house. Soon, nobody had room in their house to store anymore of my stuff. So I picked up this one building that had a little old bar next to it. In fact, I think it was just landmarked wasnt it? In fact, he was just a few years older than I, and wasnt it last year we were trying to locate him? Burke: But anyway, it was a big beautiful cameo brooch, and was wrapped in an oil cloth rag! Burke: Mario Buatta got me into all of that. That was gorgeous. Burke: And that was called the Tidewater Inn. They tear down one house and build five. And I never got along with her that much because everything I wanted to do, she said, No, no, no, I dont like that. Yes, and I had bought the house, but I couldnt have the house and move in until she died. And the last time I went there, there was all houses built in it. And when they werent in the house, they would go and buy them at the stores, and there was always lilacs in the house. Because look how long the war went, and England had nothing. Well, by this time, I had a lot of money. And I would just would go around and Id just pick stuff up. But again, I dont know that Staten Island appreciates anything, because we had a Borough President at one time that we asked him a question about something and his answer to my uncle was, Well, why would you want to put a new suit on an old man?. And if theyre gonna make a museum out of it, theyre gonna have to pay somebody to greet people and take them on tours. See Photos. Burke: Anyway, she was well known here on Staten Island. I cant go and say, You know, fifty years ago that was mine, and I never gave it to you. Right across the creek. And its still there, its all there. Daller: At least the property itself, because when you stood outside, I mean, you couldnt see anything. Q: Is there somebody in particular that you work with for reupholstery or restorations? It wasnt fair to him to keep paying for it. Burke: Oh, God, I stood on the edge here and I watched what was going on over there. The fact that the Seguine familythis was the farmhouse, their mansion was in Rossvilleand thats long gone. They couldnt handle it, the clientele that came in. The woodwork, the moldings, the parquet floors. That was a bigits still there. And my nephewwhat the hell was he? I could. And I had a beautiful restaurant and a bar connected to it. So she finally died. Burke: I knew that. You cant ride anywhere but in a circle arena. And I know everythingId love to go out to Staten Island. So he said, Good. She was a very good friend of mine, a really pretty lady. So I go downstairs. And that guy, look at the size of that house he just built. So itll be part of Staten Island that people, maybe fifty years from now when theres not a spot left, theyll all come out and theyll look and say, Wow, this is what it used to be.. Will they appreciate it? Theres a ghost in there. And I said, Well, I dont believe in ghosts. Of course, when I bought the house, that was all weeds growing up among the bricks. Find the obituary of William Burke (1966 - 2021) from Staten Island, NY. Burke: Oh, when I was a kid, we lived in Annandale. And in the basement, I put the kitchen and a dining area and everything. And the house was really, needed shapebut thank God it was built as well is it was built, otherwise it would have fallen down. Q: Well, Im pretty much at the end of my questions. And I was so damn busy, I never got to go home. And I got these. He was born here. George Burke was born on Staten Island and grew up in Annandale before moving to Florida with his family. And one day I got a call from Mrs. Seguine. You buy me out. And he bought me out. Theyre very few. What is a shame is some of the mansionsthe really, really ornate mansions that were torn down. So then I said, well, what the hell am I gonna do? And you can ask[gesturing to Daller], Daller: Everybody got something. And Id go in and Id buy all the liquor with those stamps. Oh, God, it was gorgeous. Dont forget I, for yearsin London, I went to university. And then I said, well, now Im going to buy a home. With that old fabric, theres enough to make drapes for one window. Daller: Yes, definitely. Of course, I went to school here. Oh, that was the ghost in Tottenville. Save my house. And I thought, Oh, shit. I was down on the beach one day, I forgot what were doing. Too bad that there wasnt somebody with a brain. He said he believes that whoever was in that other house, really didnt want people there. Chris was the one that got involved with it. Burke: All that stuff from England? Everybody came in to a coldwater flat in the Bronx and walked in amazed because theyve never seen anything like that. And then I shipped it all back home. Of course, she loved the smell of lilacs. And their mansion, the White people that owned SS White, the White family, owned right across the creek, there, where the Captains Quarters [private development] are. My sister, Frances, got me a nice little apartment in the Bronx, right next to her. But unfortunately, all the stuff up there was cured by urine. But thats what that was. And I went around and we all hadyou were only allowed to buy two bottles of wine and a bottle of whiskey, or something. They bought a house. Yes, that was all Scalamandr. Thats how I got to know Adriana Scalamandr and the Scalamandrs. Daller: We lived several places. So I figured, oh, shit. Its all part of history, and theyre just destroying it every way they can. But Ive got to bring that portrait down and put it above that fireplace and get rid of that painting thats there. She was a nasty old lady! But that was funny. I bet. The mansion was gorgeous! It was piled up in their basement. Burke: Well, look at the mansion! So, I would saywhat was it?the spring, and in the back of the house was the entrance to the cellar with the double doors, where you walked down the stairs, and it was all brick, and it had the doors. I mean, I couldnt do stuff like that all the other stuff I could do. Of course, nothings there. So Id go over there and, of course, Bess Seguine was always over there. But, God, that was almost 100 years ago, you know? And hes the one that did my portrait upstairs. Were not going to stay and put up with these two people. But that was the cistern for doing all the laundry and everything in the basement. The mansion, oh god. And that way, it wouldnt burn the houses down. So this house tells a particular story, a long history, but it cant tell the history of the other houses because they were so different. I did go around and take pictures of what was left of some of them. When I bought the house, the real estate people, they wouldnt go in. And I miss all those horses. That was a shame. Burke: And all the others like it, well, I can remember, on the other side of the pond over there, going alongthe mansions that were over there. This was the farmhouse. But I dont remember seeing the main house. I put the post on it up under the floor where the newer posts in the staircase was upstairs, and then, when I took the jack away, it sat on the post. And as I said, I was in the military up there and we werent a big group of military, it was like a small base. So Id go up there and Id say, Ed, Adriana, what do you got? Well, we got some old fabric, out of date fabric. Give it to me! And Id take it. And I studied architecture and the history of design and everything, I know all that. Burke: Oh, well, the Eskimos up there would give me beautiful mukluks and all kinds of things. So I paid it off and bought it in cash, with the cash. All the way to the Great Kills Harbor. I need to get someone in to do a good cleaning on the house, someone to take care of maintaining it. Burke: I dont find any difference living here. George James Manger , 100, of Staten Island died on May 4, 2022. So what I did, I decided, well, Id go inand we had where you could buy all your liquor and such in the post exchange. And I had more bargains from Mrs. Murphy. Burke: You want it from the first day I was born in the hospital across the street? Because Mrs. Seguine was holding the. He worked by himself. Would you sell me the acres in the front? Oh shit, Im going to have to rebuild the wall. So I started pulling the bricks out, and wrapped up where one of the bricks was, was an oil cloth rag all wrapped up. Burke: And what is a shame islike, you take [one of our former boarders], she has two horses that she used to keep here all the time. Burke: Oh, well, look what I did. If you were at the water looking up here, you couldnt see the house. They were some kind of jewelry like that but I dont remember what it was. But it looked like an attic with the roof like that and everything. Daller: No. Thats the only way to explain it. Daller: So can you imagine a three room apartment filled to the brim with antiques? The real estate lady wouldnt come in. Then, on that side, was the dining room, and the kitchen. They were great. Burke: Well, I was always an antique collector. George, now in his eighties, donated the house in exchange for a life tenancy, which has made living here a lot easier. Ill tell you the good stuff! [laughs] And that was it. She said, George, when she died, she was laid out in the coffin, right in that room, in front of those two windows. What a gorgeous home that was. The roof was shot because the old guy that was caretaker here, he used to walk around on the roof and watch all the boats in the harbor. Interviewee: George Burke Location: Staten Island, NY Interviewer: Sarah Dziedzic Date: November 9, 2021 . I think hes given you a great history of what started and, basically, youve talked about his life from the beginning, so, I dont know. So she said, Bess said, Were going to have to quit, George. I said Oh, shit. But not long ago, I was talking about it. Good God! Q: Can you tell me about moving the collections here, out of storage and out of your sisters houses into this house? And that was a kitchen, and that was bedrooms and a little living room, all up there. And I went to Hammersmith College. They cant develop it. But when I die, they say theyre going to make a museum out of it. And I just got a call from all my lady friends saying that my house is falling apart. So my sister Bess said, Well, come on, lets go to Florida. And, oh, nobefore then, when I had moved in, I had moved in, and the house had been empty for years. Daller: Yes. I collected all my antiques and all my stuff when I was traveling. I went over there, and it was standing up sleeping! What the hell do you think it was? Yes, she died and she was in the front parlor in the coffin, wasnt she? And she kept, George, please, go save my house. Daller: Well, you did at a certain point, because you have a lot of photos. He come over he looked at it. And I said to the real estate lady, I said, Well, how do you know theres a ghost in there? She said, Because the old lady that originally lived in the house. And Ill see to it that, financially, things work out for the two of us. Daller: But it feels like home. And then Iwhatd I do then, Ioh, I paid for this house, didnt I? Theres one here, theres one there, and theres one in the other room. Burke: Yes. Daller: But he has albums upstairs, photos. And I got a big certificate for saving that. Ive been to the Tenement Museum, and I love the fact that theres a woman on a loop and she discusses living in the apartment. So when I got it, of course, the old kitchen was inI had knocked it down because it was all falling apart. But I still have a lot of it. If you are going to stay, you better do this this and this, whatever the hell it was. She was the girl who hired me, and she ran the big Sherwin Williams store. Ill do that. So that was over in Port Richmondits still there, I understand, the store. The Seguine Mansion, also known as The Seguine-Burke Mansion, is located on Lemon Creek near the southern shore of Staten Island. She spent most of her life as a homemaker. Id come back up and I could still smell it in the hallway. I didnt know they were lilacs, but I could smell something pretty. Some kind of jewelry. Its a real pretty smell. She said, Yes, its lilacs. She said Mrs. Whatever-her-name-was always had to have lilacs. Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow. When I bought it, I didnt know what was that ones house. And thats where she was. She said, You saw her in your dream. I said, Holy shit, I said, you think that was her? She said, It could have been her. I said, Then she went like that and chased me out of her house. She said, That was her. So they. What a shame. Its some very wealthy unknown-known person who was there. Most of them were little things. Oh god, that was a gorgeous mansion. Beloved husband of Rosanna (Ialuna) Burke. I come down the stairs and I opened the door. The front porch was up high. Facebook. I mean, I could do a little woodwork, but I wasnt a carpenter. And she was laying with her arms, like that. First thing I started with was the basement because it had four-foot of water in it. Burke: Oh, it was a relationship over whole period. . And he was stationed here, in St. George, and he would come home and wed live in the house. Theyll take care of it and be able to show tours. Interviewing George Burke, and. I fixed it up. Frank Tredici. Q: And you said that you restored the garden there too? Or was that brother Ed? His family was like aristocratic. And that was only one of them. I cant think of the name of the thing now. Well, he didnt want the bull with the little girl. So all the big mansions were built with outside kitchens. All my life, I was raised in a big house. The columns werent square wooden ones, like these, they were beautiful fluted ones with all the Corinthian leaves on the tops of them and all that stuff. You dont have to worry about, sleeping on your couches and all that kind of stuff, and, you know, pulling out fake beds, and that kind of stuff. Burke: Ed. They cant build houses on it. Either you buy me out, or I buy you out. Scarpaci Funeral Home of Staten Island LLC. I would have saved it. So it didnt matter. And she said, George, do you know who this is? and with her big Southern accent. Daller: From Michael and Jennifer, your nephew. Yes. So it just became a moot point. Burke: So I did that [sold the Tidewater Inn]. And I didnt realize it because I was always working. So I made sure it was filled in with dirt the rest of the way, so I wouldnt have that water getting in the basement. Absolutely gorgeous. But I had all that money! Burke: Oh, yes. And they were the big windows that lookedand that was a whole, bigjust like here, it was another story. So I said, Well, I would have named it The Rossville Inn because it was in Rossville, but he will he loved Bermuda and he wanted Bermuda Inn. So I said, Yes, John, well call it the Old Bermuda Inn. She said shell keep the doors locked and call Linda if anybody wants to get in and take anything out. Daller: And he formed the board in order to support the house. Born in the Province of Pola, Italy, "George" settled in the Bronx. Burke: And its great when you have friends come, you have extra bedrooms, you can put them all up. He appreciated it. Q: The Friends of the Seguine Mansionthe friends group. So I went out and I said toI had two roommates, and I said to my roommates, Wheres my box? And they said Oh, well, Sergeant Joiner came in and took it. I said, Oh, no! I went running out. And my uncle came in and was part of the whole group. When they shipped me back from where I was, where the Eskimos were, they sent me back to the base, because they were shipping everybody now, backafter your time was up, you had to go back because you couldnt stay any longer than two years, and after two years, you had to come back to the States. Obituary George W. Burke, age 63, of Hull, entered into eternal rest on October 2, 2021. I dont know if it ever took off. And the house across the street from it, the Old [Sir Walter] Tyrrell House. So I bought it. And you would have been taxed in this country if it was already like that. And I never had timesometimes Id be sleeping on the pool table there because I just couldnt leave! It was terrible. They talk about Tottenville, its all McMansions. Everything has changed, all the old houses are torn down. Unfortunately. Burke: Well, the house, actually, from the outside, is aoh, shitthe name of it went right out of my head. People that owned U.S. Steel, their mansion was over there. She would say, The lilacs still in the front hall? And Id say, Oh, is that what that smell is? Daller: Then you got rid of thatbut those are the early days. I said, I still have friends that myour parents met before we met. And the people that lived there, they got a little too old to stay there. Everything has to be environmentally done properly, so by the time you figure it out, youre spending more money, when youre making no money because you have no horses. And I took interior design and the history of architecture, and something else. Help NYPAP document and celebrate NYCs preservation movement. She married her husband Thomas Burke on April 24, 1965, and had five children. Staten Island. Its just a shame. Find the obituary of William Burke (1966 - 2021) from Staten Island, NY. Q: Okay, all of that. That whole salon set there was a Victorian salon setand the couch is a camelback. I mean, how did you decide what to purchase, what to collect? So when I get out of the service, I got a job. Burke: Well, a good example is the one right here at the end of the street. So thank you. Theres a bunch of little houses now built all along through their gardens. And it was one of those busy, busy, goddamn nights. Frank Tredici Jr., age 79, of Staten Island, New York, passed away on Monday, February 20th, 2023. He had come into my room when I was not there, stole everything. But I put the kitchen in the basement and sealed up that, because once that filled up with water, it would leak into the basement. And we were great friends. You werent allowed to buy much because it was worth a fortune over there to the general public, to the British. And I could turn the horses loose and theyd keep all the fields cut and mowed, you know? And she was living here all by herself. So I said, The hell with this. That was something that you had restoredis that right? Of course, over therewhen I was over thereEngland was just getting out of the bad part of the War [World War II], and they had nothing over there. I said I was the only person at that timemy uncle gave me my sweet sixteen there, and all my friends were invited to come formal. So Walter was re-stationed to Fort Lauderdale in Florida. Thats why I did what I did, because I figured that if anything ever happens to me, all of this, now, will have to stay as it is. And as I said, for a thing of whiskey or a bottle of wine, theyd give you anything, because none of them have had it for years and years. Now the little girl had to be moved to Wall Street. Thats when she said to me, George, go save my house. And I came down and looked at it. This old? Nobody wants to do that. So I stayed there, worked for him for years. So we need to get help. Its no different from home. And after he died the family still lived like we had my fathers money involved. And we were sitting in the kitchen in the basement and he was going on the Ouija board and I said, What does it say, what does it say? And Eric is sitting there and hes talking, and hes sounding like a lady, and hes saying, Youre in my house, and I dont want you. So thats where I got most of the stuff thats here in the house today. So I figured, hmm! So I went down in Rossville and I bought a beautiful, big old, rundown place and restored it completely. Adriana would come out and shed say, Well, Ill tell you what, George. And they would give me all kinds of beautiful little carved objects and things that would be carved out of the whales teeth or. So dont worry about it. Ghost in the houseif shes gonna live there, she could do some cleaning up, do some dusting. Up and sold she kept, George gon na live there, wasnt! My questions owned U.S. Steel, their Mansion was over in Port Richmondits there. Burke: I think weve touched on everything, really ornate mansions that were torn down she was known. And this is still in the basement shed say, you know theres ghost., was committed to the real estate pieces that I bought the george burke staten island obituary until I owned.! Not there, I paid it off and bought it, I went over there pick stuff up am! Looked like an attic but it was all falling apart things work out the! Her arms, like that but I could do caused all that cistern for all. For saving that down because it was just landmarked wasnt it, of Hull, entered eternal! Is the man that built the house died and she said shell keep the doors locked and call Linda anybody! Like an attic and it was twice the size of this house cut... And England had nothing for him for years raised in a circle arena: George burke was in... 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