elon musk leadership qualities

elon musk leadership qualities

He holds South . Elon Musk's leadership qualities such as leading from the front, trusting teams, optimism and motivation. We can also absentmindedly rattle off a stream of adjectives that describe him: innovator, leader, genius, visionary, futurist, entrepreneur. This focus has allowed Musk to perfect the art of getting into a "flow state," "the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity." Elon Musk is Tesla Motors ' co-founder, CEO and brand architect, a firm devoted to the manufacture of inexpensive, mass-market electric vehicles, battery products and solar towers. Elon Musk, one of the most creative leaders of our time, is widely seen as a visionary. It is influential and powerful. Demonstrates perseverance in the face of adversity and to overcoming obstacles. 2.1.3 Transformational Leadership in Action Musk's leadership behaviors coincide with each of Bennis and Nanus (1985) four strategies typically used by transformational leaders. 3. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who's originally from South Africa, has perfected the art of remaining focused. You can't . When PayPal was sold to eBay, Musk began to focus on what hes best known for today: SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity.For those of you who are unaware, SpaceX is a company that aims to commercialise space travel. His contributions in the fields of aerospace and sustainable energy (among others!) And Musk fits that bill perfectly. Stay up to date with what you want to know. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. His tremendous work ethic imbues him with credibility among his employees, who become inspired to put in longer hours because of their boss devotion to work. Nations hire him to get to outer space. Musk is obviously intense. Musk is highly charismatic with a positive outlook and optimism for a better future. Among his many ventures, Elon Musk is the CEO of SpaceX, founder of the Boring Company, and co-chairman of OpenAI. His vision of a better future and unwavering belief in that future create a sense of urgency in his companies work and a belief that anything is possible. Autodesk is a leader in providing design and . Someone who has reached goals youre still working on can give you real-life, actionable tips to becoming a better leader. But he could now face interest payments to lenders of up to US$1 billion a year unless Twitters financial health can be turned around. Visionary leadership exists in most, if not all, other fields too. During these times, he didn't think about anything else. This management style can exist in all levels of leadership, whether you're a department head, VP, or . However, there's no denying that Elon Musk deserves a spot near the top of that list. Chatham: Newstex, 2015. https://search-proquest-com.erl.lib.byu.edu/docview/1652311317?accountid=4488. Big ideas always come from small thinking. How often are you distracted? That is why our content will always be free, and we would be forever grateful to those who help make that possible. Leaders must be committed to doing the work necessary for the companys success before they will be able to get others to commit. He displays authenticity on a personal, organizational, and global level. He is Elon Musk.1 Elon Musk is irrefutably a captivating figure, but how has his development as a leader influenced his success, and how can these qualities be replicated in managers across the nation? Another factor that helps Musk get into and remain in the flow state has to do with the quality of work he's doing. He has created a corporate culture that sets SpaceX and Tesla Motors apart from other companies in the industry. This kind of thinking makes many companies mediocre. Works on Ground Level. What is your vision? Skip to document. Today, Musk is regarded as one of most revolutionary and visionary entrepreneurs of his generation. He loves what he's doing because he does what he loves. Give the obvious answers, then put your spin on those answers and pursue them with tenacity. 1 Introductory Paragraph 1.1 In this essay I will discuss a well-known contemporary person that is in a position of leadership which will be Elon musk who is a businessman and investor. It's natural to feel afraid when faced with new challenges, but understanding the danger of complacency can help employees overcome the fear and trepidation around failure. accessed November 11, 2017. https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/50-innovation-amp;-successquotes-from-spacex-founder-elon-musk.html. Internalized moral perspective is describes an internal understanding of ones morals and living by those in everyday leadership practice (Northouse, 2019). Many leaders share the mindset to "just get it done" or accept it's good enough even when it's not. His other ventures include Hyperloop (his design for a high-speed transportation system that would drastically reduce travel times) and OpenAI (a non-for-profit research company dedicated to artificial intelligence). [3] It could be a good exercise to think of ways you can distill these traits as usable leadership skills. SpaceX was an idea, a very risky idea, that was successful against all expectations, but Elon Musk inspired many with his great ideas and made everyone look beyond. Musk was attracted by the possibilities brought about by the rise of the Internet and saw how it could potentially change the world. Give the obvious answers, then put your spin on those answers and pursue them with tenacity. The ability to face facts. Here's how to incorporate them into your own entrepreneurial journey. Companies that pay the price to cultivate a strong office culture will increasingly set themselves apart and experience substantial organic growth as employees step up to become effective managers and branch out the organization. Guided by a strong sense of personal values has earned him/her great respect from staff, competitors, advisers, family and wider community. Errol shot and killed . You have two choices in life - to see the world as a pessimist, or . With all said and done, most chief executive officers are only after bolstering bottom lines and keeping investors happy. (PDF) LEADERSHIP STYLES Elon Musk Tesla founder and CEO of SpaceX LEADERSHIP STYLES Elon Musk Tesla founder and CEO of SpaceX Authors: Mohammed Elnour University of Salford Abstract. Opinionated But Humble Apple's Steve Jobs, like Musk, lived in the bottom right . You see, the 2% that separated Musk from his current score and perfection sounded to him like a giant "no." In fact, each of thefour traits we've described above are only cultivated by those who have a certain amount of intensity. How often are you distracted? Elon Musk's Leadership Style: The Top 3 Leadership Qualities of the man behind Tesla, SpaceX, and Paypal 1. His leadership style is transformational and transactional, aimed at attaining results. In a strong response to a recent Twitter poll posted by Elon Musk, users of the platform have called for him to relinquish his position as CEO. It turns into a mission or game, and we find ourselves enjoying what we're doing. Northouse, P. G. (2018). Confidence and independence. Relinquish CEO duties to a qualified candidate Accept an alternative leadership role that aligns with the expertise and time availability Restructure Tesla's board of directors without conflicts of interest or dependencies This event makes him a charismatic leader. Managing other people probably puts a lot of strain on him. If we can overcome the initial fear of being told "no" and understand that no truly means nothing, we'll be better for it. A Quick Whiff Of Elon's Musk The 45-year-old is best known for being the founder of X.Com which later became PayPal, one of the largest Internet payment companies. Together with his brother, he founded Zip2 which was an online directory for businesses. Elon Musk has revealed the personal price he has had to pay to keep his business dreams alive. 3. Here are five leadership qualities that make Musk an exceptional leader. 2017 BluePointe Capital Management, LLC. Since his parents were divorced when he was only nine years old, Elon and his younger brother Kimbal were left much of the time to explore the world on their own. Musk, as a leader, has the capability to create balance between who he is, the vision he has created for the world, and acknowledging the importance of the strength of his team (Cole, 2021). He began building up shares in the company in January 2022 and his US$44 billion (36 billion) bid to buy the platform was accepted in April. Leadership Qualities of Elon Musk and Learnings Oct. 20, 2018 6 likes 7,153 views Download Now Download to read offline Leadership & Management Business Leadership presentation prepared by Md. By S, As Millennials financial position has deteri, Up to 20% of hires leave within their first 45, Join Spencer and Grant as they talk to BYU student, In this past weekends Saturday Read, Hayden Low, This week on our issue highlight article, Melissa, Quantum Computing: Expanding Future Possibility, Study Abroad: The Key to Being a Top Hire, Dont Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: Diversify Your Supply Chain for Future Stabilit, Now Is The Time: How Business Leaders Can Better Address Mental Health, Have Nothing to Hide? Elon Musk's leadership style makes him unique and better than almost anyone. Who Will Win? Adib Ibne Yousuf, MBA student of BUP. Im lucky I have all my fingers.2 A pattern of learning and experimentation continued for Musk into his adult career. Musks business practices create an environment that makes employees feel valued and helps them to reach their potential. Elon Musk Responds to a Request From a Tweeter Who Sent Him the Same Message 154 Times, Stayed True to His Triple 'Win' Strategy to Build a $1 Billion Business, the 10 Most Difficult Conversations to Have in the Workplace. Musk is a serial entrepreneur who has created and sold several successful companies. Some of Musk's characteristics are by chance--like being. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. While Musks resume is pages long, this is the side of Elon Musk that can be easily seen through Google searches and records. Elon Musk's current net worth is a whopping $152 Billion. An authentic leader creates better relationships with colleagues, creates higher levels of trust, increased productivity, and a more positive working environment (Gavin, 2019). Because managers generally interact with a large number of employees, they have a tremendous opportunity to influence office culture. 1 Ashlee Vance, Elon Musk, Man of Tomorrow. Bloomberg Businessweek no. He possesses illustrious leadership qualities, skills, and styles, some of which are being discussed here. Musk doesnt create and lead in a vacuum: Hes surrounded by employees, board members and stockholders who look to him to guide their next move. Adib Ibne Yousuf Follow Elon Musk joins the ranks of Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos for many when considering the 21st century's most influential CEOs, and like the respective founders of Apple and Amazon, is often cited as having a "transformational leadership" style. I've spent much of my professional life working with incredibly high performers, and although they all impress me to no end with their talents, habits, and hard work ethic, they don't quite reach Musk's level. And the commitment to bettering ones self in conjunction with honing leadership skills, and embracing a mission we put ourselves in a position to be great leaders. Unwilling to support apartheid through military service, Musk moved from South Africa to the United States (Cole, 2021). The values that our award is based upon are as follows: We define entrepreneurial spirit as the following: Embodies commitment, vision, calculated risk-taking and capacity for personal growth. For some time now, I've been assessing Musk and have outlined five different reasons that explain why he's so successful. Entrepreneur and its related marks are registered trademarks of Entrepreneur Media Inc. Think of your own work-life and the way you go about your day-to-day tasks. Elon Musk is the billionaire entrepreneur and business magnate responsible for co-founding the cutting-edge companies PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX, amongst others. His electric supercars seat seven. Why? Had he been afraid of failure, two of the most recognizable companies in the United States may no longer exist. Fortunately, his mothers Canadian citizenship enabled him to obtain a Canadian passport and a one-way flight to Montreal. A railroad. How often does something small in scale pull your attention away, making you less productive and less effective? How often does something small in scale pull your attention away, making you less productive and less effective? This flow state is only achieved when the person can perform undistracted by other, less-significant tasks. All three of these components together are what make an authentic leader and are what makes Elon Musk an authentic leader. Leading From Front. The reason that we feel Elon Musk is an outstanding example of the entrepreneurial spirit is his ability to overcoming disappointment. We'd, Thanks for all the support! His intrapersonal qualities are a major component of what makes Elon Musk a more outstanding type of leader, as he has the education and drive an authentic leader needs. 1. Purpose: To learn and understand the qualities of Elon Musk as a leader that make him so successful. He has a vision of a world that is no longer reliant on fossil fuels, is maximizing their use of green energy, and is exploring space and building colonies on Mars (Jacoby, 2011). He received a 98% on one of his tests. Do what Musk did in the same situations: Read biographies and books about leaders you look up to. Musk also co-founded Tesla Motors, which aims to build low-cost electric vehicles and revolutionize the automobile industry. You dont found the first private company to successfully launch spacecraft to the International Space Station without learning a thing or two along the way. The developmental authenticity of Elon Musks leadership was created throughout his childhood. April 21, 2017. accessed November 23, 2017. https://hbr.org/2016/10/like-it-or-notyou-are-always-leading-by-example?referral=03758&cm_vc=rr_item_page.top_right. He wasn't distracted by other, tedious tasks. He has been criticised and abused, both online and in real life and now 57.5% of more than 17.5 million Twitter users have voted for him to stand down as its CEO. Not only do these three specific qualities identify the definition of an authentic leader, but they help define Elon Musk and his rise to leader status and fame. 11 Duane Ireland, and Michael A. Hitt, Mission Statements: Importance, Challenge, and Recommendations for Development, Business Horizons, vol. Elon Musk is a true visionary using his entrepreneurial mindset, passion for innovation, personal integrity, empathy, and boldness to create an exceptional business. It could have global impact. And can we not only quantify those things that make Musk so successful, but also begin to embody themin our own lives? As of October 2016, his estimated net worth is US$11.5 billion. In an ideal world, he could do all of the work himself. . The novel led Musk to deduce that the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.9 Musks vision of a better future for humanity is the driving power behind his success. It turns into a mission or game, and we find ourselves enjoying what we're doing. August 10, 2016. accessed November 23, 2017. https://www. Conclusion. Visionary Leadership Elon Musk is an example of the visionary leader. He was also a man with a wonderful vision. Later, he said, advice I would give is to not blindly follow trends. Musk is a longtime CEO who has never been afraid of risk. His integrity helps him make bold decisions that others may be unable to make. In the end, he got his way. The Ugly: At SpaceX Elon quickly gained a reputation as a staunch leader. Learn to say no.. When PayPal was sold to eBay, Musk began to focus on what he's best known for today: SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity. Heres part 1. Musk may have imagined that owning the website would be fun and make him feel powerful. I feel the same way. Why that would be exactly what I, and millions of other young men, would do if we had the moolah to throw around. Elon Musk was born on June 28th, 1971 in South Africa, where he grew up with his father after his parents divorced in 1980. He's quite possibly a genius. This mightbe a little bit more difficult to do, but I think it's possible. Musk has described his estranged father Errol as "evil.". Leveraging Digital Towards Improving Sustainability. His passion for innovation keeps him motivated and excited about what he does, leading to better business decisions. Hes on a mission to save humanity. Musk summarizes his emotional response to being bullied as a child, If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. In Musk's version of optimism, he does everything possible to ensure that things work out for the best instead of relying on hope. Read our privacy policy for more information. Musk is the. Stay laser focused and don't procrastinate. But this small, simple detail is a defining one. Originally published He is also the CEO of Tesla Motors, the SpaceX Corporation, and SolarCity. 6 Authentic Ways to Inspire Other People When Youre Not Great With Words. Tesla Motors is a maker of electric cars. 3 Andrew L. Cooper, Joseph R. Huscroft, Robert E. Overstreet, and Benjamin T. Hazen. For some time now, I've been assessing Musk and have outlined five different reasons that explain why he's found such success. Elon Musk. Musks innate sense of curiosity stems largely from the unusual amount of independence he experienced as a child. They push people out, spiral out of control, or end up underperforming dramatically. 1. Come make new friends with ot, Check out "3 Ways to Support Worker Mental Health". Musk once said, "I'd rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right.". According to published work by Walumba and associates (2008) as discussed by Northouse (2019), the four components of authentic leadership are self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. Musk has perfected the art of remaining focused. In the process of launching hiscompany SpaceX, Musk would learn advanced levels of rocket science from his own personal study. His leadership qualities are helping shape a new way of thinking about sustainable energy and renewable resources. Since youre here, wed like to ask you to consider donating to the maintenance and upkeep of our site, which as it turns out is pretty expensive. Elon Musk does not have those qualities. City, University of London provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. This personality trait of Elon Musk resembles with Jeff Bezos traits, the founder of Amazon. What more noble cause is there? He understands the many challenges that lie ahead, but his commitment to making a difference in the world makes him determined to keep moving forward. He views these as experiments that didnt work out and simply moves on to the next step. Elon Musk is a business mogul, engineer and inventor, best known for founding and leading SpaceX (a company that aims to lower the costs of building rockets with the ultimate goal of multi-planetary colonization by humans) and Tesla Motors (a company that produces electric cars). In a capitalist society, it is easy to become disillusioned with leaders and leadership. Why? He is honest, hard-working, and a leader who has influenced many. Otherwise, its not.16 For Musk, the only viable option was to hold on firmly to hope. Elon Musk is a true visionary using his entrepreneurial mindset, passion for innovation, personal integrity, empathy, and boldness to create an exceptional business. He is the co-founder of PayPal, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, and CEO and product architect at Tesla Motors (Cole, 2021). However, Musk does it in a healthy, constructive way. Musk has a preternatural ability to see past the current trends and statuses to see what could be. They have a strong sense of themselves and what they stand for (Northouse, 2019). The values that our award is based upon are as follows: Entrepreneurial Spirit Passion for Innovation Positive Energy Strategic Direction Personal Integrity/Influence Entrepreneurial Spirit We define entrepreneurial spirit as the following: Why Data Privacy Is Still Important for You, Where Accounting Meets Crimefighting: A more exciting career option for accounting students. In encouraging the widespread use of clean energy, Musk wrote, Tesla Motors was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport.If we clear a path to the creation of compelling electric vehicles, but then lay intellectual property landmines behind us to inhibit others, we are acting in a manner contrary to that goal. Elon was not born into success, not was he born in the spotlight he has acquired for himself today, but instead he spent years expanding and building his interpersonal, intrapersonal, and developmental capabilities so that he could be in the position of leadership and futuristic drive. Dolly Singh, former HR head at SpaceX, says about Elon Musk, "The thing that makes Elon Elon is his ability to make people believe in his vision.". In his teen years, Musk spent a significant amount of time pouring over religious and philosophical texts. Perhaps the imaginative leap the new CEO has to make will be to turn Twitter into a viable not-for-profit organisation, one that has enormous utility and value, if not the ability to easily make money for its owners and for advertisers. Instead, simply asking how things work or inviting others to share can be foundational for building a love of learning. He has had many failures in the course of his career, ranging from mechanical failures in his Tesla brand to rockets crashing. 35, no. Elon Musk has married thrice and twice to the same woman. How can you and your organization make a positive difference in the world? Do you stand firm in defence of your vision? When combined with transformational leadership such as Musks, a wellthought-out mission statement energizes and inspires employees.11 Like Steve Jobs, Musks ability to share his vision with his employees enables him to recruit top-tier talent, even when other companies are more established or offering significantly more pay. Tesla balance. Bill Gates. An electric railroad. You see, the 2% that separated Muskfrom his current score and perfection sounded to him like a giant "no." 15 Sunny Bonnell, Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From These 5 Leadership Traits of Elon Musk. Entrepreneur. Confidence and independence A new Twitter CEO will want. However, Musk does it in a healthy, constructive way. He never takes "no" for an answer, he's extremely focused, and his passion fuels his work ethic. For better or worse, here are five things weve learned about leadership from Elon Musk. The initial question is always small, then the answers grow progressively bigger. What can you do to set the standard in your industry? After the sale of PayPal, he had enough money to live more than comfortably several lifetimes over.And yet, he invested nearly all those funds into SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity. The retail giant's tech wing also warned against sharing customer info with AI bots. No is obviously a negative word, but its the ideal opportunity to clarify your intentions and redirect employees to a more positive path. Its one thing to know when to say no; knowing how to cushion that statement with a better option is an example of masterful leadership skills. A new Twitter CEO will want assurances that they will be free to take decisions about the direction of the business without being second-guessed by Musk as the . Management at many different companies underestimate the importance of developing a mission statement. He read everything he could find about space travel and rocket technology. Builds and rebuilds the teams commitment to the common goals. Big ideas always come from small thinking. 8 Simon Sinek. The fast-talking 'Suits' attorney has a lot to say about what it takes to succeed in business and life. Promoting life-long learning among a companys employees is essential to maintaining its competitive edge. When It Comes to Investing, Do You Think Like Warren Buffett or Elon Musk? Twitter is struggling financially. entrepreneur.com/article/279971. Know an entrepreneur that embodies these values? As part of this initiative, were taking a closer look at the people and leaders who we feel embody the values that our award is based upon. Co-founder, PayPal. Relies on trusted individuals while showing ability to be an independent thinker and take risks in the face of uncertainty. Musk appears to have the giddy excitement of a schoolboy for the fields his companies drive forward. I've known too many people who attempt to bring a certain amount of intensity to their work and burnout, break down, or go too far. Your email address will not be published. There has been some speculation that Musk has come under pressure from other Twitter shareholders and lenders to move on. In this segment we're looking at Elon Musk, the creator of brands such as PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla. This is a BETA experience. However, businesses can breed leadership qualities (such as those exemplified by Musk) in their employees by (1) developing a learning culture, (2) leading from the front, (3) abiding by a mission statement, and (4) fostering positivity in the workplace. The Bad: While SpaceX was in full startup mode, Elon's first son, Nevada, was born. Here are a few considerations that Musk should pursue to get Tesla back on track. The company was sold to eBay in 2002 and netted Musk US$180 million in the process. Elon Musk is widely admired for visible entrepreneurship. He may rethink stepping down, or even appoint someone only to sack them. After lengthy development of a new model of his all-electric Tesla car, the vehicle burst into flames during a test run. Watch this TED Talk interview with Elon Musk: Wait But Why did anamazingseries on Elon Musk. Now She Partners With Target and Uses Her Platform to Combat Medical Racism in the U.S. You Need to Ask Yourself This One Key Question, Mark Cuban's Grocery Store Hack Will Help You Score Cheaper Produce, 5 Types of Toxic Employees and How to Deal With Them (Infographic), Walmart Leaked Memo Warns Against Employees Sharing Corporate Information With ChatGPT, 5 Harvey Specter Quotes to Inspire Your Inner Baller. Musk is undoubtedly a visionary. accessed November 23, 2017. http://fortune.com/2016/03/04/ companies-employees-tuition-reimbursement/. Elon Musk is a South Africa-born inventor and investor. elon musk leadership style What is the Elon Musk leadership style (and should you use it)? Elon Musk possesses the ability to think at the system level of design. Whats remarkable about Musk is that he never lets it stop him from fighting through and progressing. This merged with Confinity to become Paypal. A clear indicator of his innate capacity for technology. A great leader must have a vision and it is not about just knowing where you are but also where you want to be. He has borrowed huge sums and sold large tranches of Tesla stock to help fund the acquisition. But the reality has been rather different. Find out why in this fantastic piece (also from Wait But Why). I've known too many people who attempt to bring a certain amount of intensity to their work and burn out, break down or go too far. Has potential to influence by contributing something to the world that improves it in a new and different way and creates a social impact. After 2 years, he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania. When a leader exhibits these qualities, it creates a sense of trust and authenticity in followers. This makes him the 2nd richest person in the World, just behind Jeff Bezos. We'll be in your inbox every morning Monday-Saturday with all the days top business news, inspiring stories, best advice and exclusive reporting from Entrepreneur. 4. Sign up for notifications from Insider! We can rattle off Elon Musk's accomplishments in our sleep: cofounder of monetary giant PayPal; founder of Tesla, the electric car company that is literally changing the world; and founder of SpaceX, the company that is trying to take us out of this world and colonize another. Has learned from disappointing experiences. Fowler explains, I know that Im not just having an impact on my son, Im potentially having an impact on my sons best friends mother.19 Managers have the opportunity and responsibility to greatly impact office culture through consistent personal optimism. 5 Leadership Qualities of Elon Musk that We Admire, Interview with Ram Menon, Founder and CEO of Avaamo, BluePointe Capital Technology Entrepreneur of the Year Award, BluePointe Capital Management, LLC, 1300 El Camino Real, Suite 100, Menlo Park, CA, 94025. Confidence and independence. 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Has married thrice and twice to the University of London provides funding as a pessimist, or up... Perseverance in the process of launching hiscompany SpaceX, founder of the most recognizable companies the! That list 10, 2016. accessed November 23, 2017. https: //search-proquest-com.erl.lib.byu.edu/docview/1652311317? accountid=4488 our own lives all... Then the answers grow progressively bigger and what they stand for ( Northouse, )... Of a new Twitter CEO will want does something small in scale pull attention... To embody themin our own lives, Nevada, was born: biographies. 152 Billion borrowed huge sums and sold several successful companies the personal price he has created a corporate that... And sold large tranches of Tesla Motors apart from other Twitter shareholders and to! Commitment to the same situations: Read biographies and books about leaders you look to! Firm in defence of your own work-life and the way you go about your day-to-day tasks most... 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