can vaping cause gas and bloating

can vaping cause gas and bloating

Which im sure everyone on hear already knowsand thats why this forum even existsbecause people are noticing there health dwindling. I was happy that I finally said bye-bye to my Camel light. They makes excuses and refuse to accept facts. I just recently had an experience with starting vaping. Always educate your children or younger siblings about possible health dangers and risks of addiction. My son has been smoking for many years. Please do yourself a favor, stop wasting your money and abusing your body. I switched to vaping two years ago. this is simply motivating for me vaping 2 months after quitting from-a-pack-for-25-years. I have not had any side effects from vaping. Wont even notice. I initially stared vaping with JUUL,but since you buy pods that contain a fixed amount of nicotine, you cannot taper down. Im just judging based on my experience i hope this helps. Of course you are. Either way, they can both be used with premade coils now. Headaches, high blood pressure, diarrhea. Scientist could discover how to make vapping safe for vapper by removing the toxic chemical that makes it dangerous or add some chemical to kill the toxic that makes it harmful to our children , YES Someone will discover and is very close by the GODS GRACE , Please do not take GOD for GRANTED. Then use the 0.3 tank just the once or twice a day.. People typically belch up to 30 times a day. Its not. Stomach: Vomiting and nausea. Ive heard of oils being used in vapes and I just want to be sure thats not the case here with my disposable vape. I am vaping for about 2 months now but I also smoke ciggarettes! Perhaps in 10-15 years, the jury will be out about the risks of vaping, although, nothing is as bad as smoking butts for 38 years. Started out at 21 mg. this helped me get over smoking 6 to 8 months best part I lost 30 pounds doing it, Later I began stepping it down to my current 3mg. LOL thank you for that I needed the laugh. Or do you just smoke like a ml or 2 per day.? Now I know that it was from a bad atomizer. I have copd and when vapour from e-cigarettes is around me. Love it, I have been vaping for a month. i thought nothing of itbut after another six months this pain increased to the point where id have to take pain killers every morning at 3:00 am, like clock work every day So needless to say Ive quite cold turkey, I feel allot better, I also have started working out again, which gives me a real sense of stress relief and one that lasts. I no longer hear him wheezing on the couch next to me, or at night in bed. Of course, the more you vape, the more water you have to reintroduce. I wish the best for you and stay away from the cigs! Nicotine is one of the strongest drugs around, supposedly weird that its legal compared with some illegal drugs. 1. BUT if u smoked a pack a day of cigarettes; like me. This may be because the gas gets trapped behind the excessive amounts of stool stored in the bottom parts of your colon. I no longer wake up in the morning feeling like total crap. Do the same and STFU. I went from a pack a day to 100mg nicotine a day, vaping. Patients come in with severe nausea and vomiting for several days. Abdominal pain has been observed in many individuals who take statins. Yes my Boyfriend every 3 to 4 2weeks.he gets deathly Ill. The smokers drew shorter lighter puffs. I also get hiccups, but the moment I drink something it goes away. Vapor has the nature to attract water molecules from the surroundings, and you will feel it in your mouth. "Vaping causes inflammation of the mouth and throat which may lead to other health problems," says Dr. Magid. the nasal cavity thing might (and thats a big might) be caused by an allergic reaction you may have. I have been vaping about two tanks a day so far and I plan to reduce the nicotine to 6mg in a couple weeks, then half that, then nicotine free at some point. Burning eyes etc. Many people who switch to vaping, feel subtle withdrawals and tend to drink more coffee or other caffeinated drinks. What about Nic salt? But of course he encouraged me to give it all up. I know your comment is a few months old, but did you ever find an answer to your question? I now run a .5 ohm coil at only 18watts. What i also noticed was that i mostly coughed when the vape was used after powering it up then after a a few minuets i stopped coughing .. my brother told me about vape so i switched. I walked a great distance for the first time in years and wasnt out of breath or sweating profusely. Try something like 3-6 mg. I think if u make your own that u are suppose to heat the flasks so the ingridients mix properly and i dont think most homebrews do ! Quitting smoking can sometimes cause constipation and other intestinal difficulties. The symptoms include unremitting pain in the upper abdomen, persistent nausea and vomiting, and a hot shower or bath is the only thing that brings them relief. I use 0 nic. Look at how you behave towards your temple; your human body. Another 2016 study reported that 92 percent of the tested flavors contained diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, or acetoin, which can be potentially harmful. Last week started vaping and symptoms returned. Are you talking ENTIRELY about vaping tobacco and derivatives or also cannabis??? Eating rapidly, which can occur when you eat hot foods, gulping food and drink, drinking a lot of liquid with meals, chewing gum, smoking or wearing loose dentures all promote air swallowing. Could be a lot of things, from allergic reaction to VG, PG, the flavorings used. Plus I have had a T. I A before. Chest pain was the most dominant side affect. Megan, probably youve experienced so-called Vaping Throat. Those who want to use cannabis oils to ease the symptoms of a medical condition should see a doctor before self-medicating. Barium was the least of my worries. I swore off going back through the torture until I had to. Ur killing us, the least we could do is be compensated for the damage ur causing our bodies!! I feel very lucky to have been able to quit cigs and switch the habit to something that makes me feel a lot better than smoking did. 1 Instead, bloating is often caused by eating a large meal or excessive gas. The majority of users with chronic diseases report improvement in their condition after switching from smoking to vaping. been vape choice a while now and only notice certain upset stomach reactions from certain flavors you over use like candy sour and fruit flavors but same Result from over chugging the cool aid or fat smashing some jolly ranchers and candies related. They said vaping helps smokers quit if not cautious its an addiction replacement went up to 12 mg then back to 6mg and what noone tells you is you can get addicted to the throat hit I know doesnt make sense but use it long enough and youll figure out that in some ways the addiction can be worse. What might irritate me might have no effect what so ever on you. particulary the copd guy ! Hey, thanks for that. my 15 year old granddaughter wants her mother to buy her this mot vapor thing. Amen. Soo stupid. Wanted me on pills to quit I tried those and it was a nightmare literally. The high mg would make me cough and feel sick. Can someone please tell me how much juice you are supposed to vape at one time? Nausea Substantial Weight Loss Bloating for hours after eating Constipation Right shoulder blade pain Intermittent aching bowel Limited food tolerance You can see from my gallbladder diet food list here that the choice of foods I can eat is limited to what does not exacerbate my symptoms. I feel better and my house doesnt smell like cigarettes. Constipation results when you have difficulty passing a. Hi Im 58 years old I had 3rd stage colon rectal cancer in 2010 from smoking 3-4 pks of cigarettes a day I couldnt breath, didnt know if I would sleep or wake up the next morning, I know this will sound very stupid because it was. Never thought I would ever be able to say that!! Caffeine is one of the worst foods that cause anxiety attacks if you drink too much. Thats why always keep your vaporizers away from kids and pets. A 2016 study showed that the flavoring agents in some liquids are at potentially harmful concentrations. same thing different era. Just like most things you have to find what works for you. As we mentioned earlier, almost all e-juices come with a PG/VG base. Dont Eat Foods That Give You Gas. Vaping generally affects three main systems: Mouth and airways: Irritation, cough and increased airway resistance. Reflux pertains to stomach contents, such as food and acids that flow back . Small price to pay right now since I smoked for 25 years. Just a thought. I did have bp out of control for a couple yrs even on bp medicine but am now on an additional pill and its under control thank God. Being a human being is bad for ya also. 4 Reasons Why Nuts Make You Gassy And Bloated. example a pen vape at 18mg will atomize less nicotine than a 150 watt sub ohm tank with 6mg. My wife raised some concerns recently after various TV medical dramas, like New Amsterdam and Chicago Med, showed youngsters having irreversible damage and possibly fatal outcomes after vaping. so I am not sure why? Yes, my husband is an idiot. My symptoms have improved at least 50-60% since first diagnosed, but there's still symptoms I can't seem to get ahold of. I did and no problems e-bay best bet you can get bundles of 6 30mill different brands good luck. Good luck to all and I hope for a brighter future-, I get the same symptoms. Its time for me to start loving myself. This would be 2-3 months after quitting smoking. Stop the corruption in govt. Hi Andre, thanks for writing. Wow this is scary stuff how bout yall google popcorn lung from vaping not pretty! just wait though, eventually, some REAL research will pop up, go viral, and put these pigs into bankruptcy. Cut him some slack. Side effects on young adults, please help. I couldnt breathe, my lungs were wet like a swamp, had to go on antibiotics. Best doing your own research than reading this garbage. Think about it. I cant even stand the smell of them now ( yea Im one of those people lol) but when I quit I had a bad cough for like 6 months, your lungs are clearing the crap out Id cough so hard Id almost be sickthis does get better. Why Im researching is cause about 3 months ago my husband started vaping after giving up cigar smoking and he thought it was great but since his health has made a dramatic turn around. This past Friday my body went into total combative mode.I had a fever of 101.8 and body aches from hell. Like with any other habit, vaping can lead to addiction. Late. Does vaping induce gas to everyone? 3 Some people may feel they belch more often than normal. Nuts have tannins. Who knows? started using blue 2.5mg my breathing is heavy as its getting better with time a little. i never had that issue though. Where is all the people that are getting chemical burns? All I mentioned in my initial post was that I have a sensitive stomach, but yes I've been through the GI doc swing, and was left with a functional diagnosis of IBS-A (pain predominant). I used to smoke and I quit. It has never made me cough ever. Is one of them a knock off or is it because of the flavor color. The juice runs about $11.00 a week. Thanks in advance. These are either chemicals or substances derived through chemical processes. I will not buy dark ones because they fey your coil right away and taste like trash. There are a lot of factors and variables with vapors since there are many e-liquids and devices available. Its just that i dont like the conclusion lol. I was given a shot of penicillin and a regiment of two antibiotics to take for a week. A lot cheaper that smoking and better for me. Ive been trying to find other people with the same side effects as me, I thought I was going crazy. Methane is the main component of the natural gas you might use to power your stove or furnace. vaping is more healthy. Some may be allergic some may have reactions its normal not everyone is the same and not everyones body accepts things the same. I just vape as a replacement to smoking. Something strange here because there is no way possible to make 99% VG at 3MG because if you do the math with 48MG/ML in VG base the most you can get is 95% VG. I would think it would be immediately after. I had been vaping for a year and a half, still smoking butts too. ( , ). I just developed sjogrens and this would be my third year of vaping. Im not sure about all these side effects they talk about Im 28 and I smoked ciggarettes since I was 12 and I noticed when I was 24 that my chest hurt really bad every morning the first few deep breaths after waking up and I switched to vaping after a friend gave me his old mod and I swear after 2 weeks the chest pains were gone and my vocal range increased dramatically (I sing and perform) and I love hiking and all that crap you spit out in the morning when you smoke cigs that was completely gone out of my lungs after one month and I have never had side effects from the vape can go a day without and not worry about it. They didnt say Vaping is more harmful than smoking. I understand your frustration. Hart burn at night has all but vanished. Just reduce your intake of caffeine, and all these symptoms will quickly dissipate. Honestly I love vaping in what you said is all true like it gets you in a good feeling dizziness lol but walking up stairs while dizzy is a job. Vaping: I have been vaping for over 3 years now after smoking for 20 years. I was a smoker for 25 years 1 1 1/2 packs a day. It's all in the name. I been vapor since it first came out and never experience any side effect what so ever most of the stuff you read on the internet of side effects is Not true. My first day I committed to quit using a vape was a cakewalk. I am a newbie to vaping after 40 years of smoking. DYOR!! In the last week removing the nicotine from my Vape has had the following changes.. My skin is visibly clearer. Hey chris,I started vaping just before i went to college, im 21 and I was 18 when I started. 3 months off cigarettes (20 year pack a day) using a vape Im using a 45w device sub tank gets me sensation I need, was difficult to find right juice but I have now use Charlie noble and love it First week or so had difficulty coughing breathing but now used to it and is absolutely great not at interested in cigarettes and feel loads better and can do way more exercise so it cant be bad or if it is bad then Ill go happier. Youre body is going through change period, it may have nothing to do with vaping, it may have to do with youre body and the withdrawals from the ciggerets. Ive been back to smoking 6 months now and redness/flakyness is gone. You can simply up your fiber intake through food, but it's important to note that the natural fiber in foods like prunes and beans can cause gas and bloating for some people. F* that. But Im trying to piece together why he is so sick all the sudden that would be a massive coincidence to happen right when he started using his Vapour. The side effects of vapingcan be many things from a cough, dry mouth, and even shortness of breath. Its now almost August 2019 and Ive been sick since the end of May. Might be more of that than symptoms of vaping. I quit smoking for 3 weeks and started vaping. Vape explosions are some of the common incidents that can be very dangerous. Speaking out the view of an adolescent and out of the experience, i dont think the problem is the juul, he is probably under alot of pressure at school, going though a change, i know i had a hard time adjust to the pressure, responsibly, making friends, making my parents proud, allocating time to things we didnt have to before collage, money, figuring out life, adulting. That answer depends on whether someone is vaping nicotine liquid or cannabis oils. If you experience any of these issues, drinking plenty of fluids can dramatically minimize the condition. My family still can not believe that overnight I became a no-smoker. I no longer have a cough or get shortness of breathif there are negative and harmful health risks with vaping Id still vape as opposed to smoking. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. Not ok. Hope baby and elderly lady are doing better. You can vape in a home or apartment for years and none can tell you have ever vaped. If one of those is OK and the other one is not, then you found your cause. I quit smoking 7 months ago by vaping believe it or not my pulmonologist told me to vape. Oh, and I have COPD as well, so I cant say that vaping has done anything but help my health so far. How much is bad? I've been away from forums for a few years (since diagnosis really, been focused on learning from IBD specialists so I could make sure my GI was up to date on quickly evolving treatments). Why not conclude that youll look more into the good and bad effects of vaping and how to make it better or something like that.Other than this I have no more to say to the whole thing. 3. I found a brand called Mrkt Plce (yes spell like this) for sale in USA ONLY ~ it has better ingredients. Hi Janette, thanks for writing in and for your inspirational words. WTF. I have none of the side effects from vaping that I had from smoking, although I smoked a lot, and because of what I went through with the cancer, I dont vape half as often as I smoked also I keep my mod on about 22 as most teen and young adults use nicotine. Chronic gallbladder disease involves gallstones and mild inflammation. Im not sure how to answer that question. The Cue had disposable cartridges with oil in them & I loved the Fresh Melon 6 mg. But you'll also notice fatigue, bloating, dry eyes, and extreme thirst. After listening to my chest and lungs, my DOCTOR said you quit smoking? And i would recommend that he stops using just becuse we dont know long term effects, but dont force it or make him feel bad because thats probably the last thing he needs just let him know you dont mind it aslong quits one day/ or starting using occasionally, anyways do whatever im just talking from what my experience is and how i would of loved my parents to have handled the whole thing, and im sure he is feeling the same way but good luke message me back if this helped at all. Despite being considered generally safe by the FDA, PG can trigger a few allergies. Maybe their body is too special and need to have extra care. The reason is that some patients may not tolerate cannabis well, or the current medications they are using may react badly with THC or CBD. As far as side effects..I do feel somewhat congested at times but not much. Vaping can cause you to have gas, or hiccups, or <insert just about anything here>. I think I will have to switch to a different type of pod to go lower on the nic level though. Thanks. I have smoked a pack of smokes every two days for years. 1. Someone please make my anxiety of throat cancer or something else go away! This. But vaping is not perfect either, I have a mint flavored air bar lux and a mixed berry. Especially anyone with underlying conditions. I can see how it would help. Im doing good. Getting rid of your bloating mainly depends on what causes your bloating. The Juul is a portable e-cigarette that looks like a USB flash drive. Maybe your nicotine dose in the juice is too high. These are the most commonly reported side effects from long-term vapers, although some vapers never experience these side effects. What i want to know is: has anybody else had problems breathing after switching to vaping? The side effects of CBD are usually fatigue, nausea, and irritability. This is very slanted information. Tried vaping for the 1st time 4/30/18. Add foods back into your diet one at a time after 1 week. I quit smoking and been vaping for years side effects dry mouth sometimes a dry throat because I try new juice and that has alot to do with it also sometimes fast heart rate because sometimes I get carried away and puff like crazy but overall me and my girlfriend vape and Ill tell you the smell the hacking the gunk in my lungs all that is gone it takes years for youre lungs to heal dont forget and alot of the side effects and even sickness many go through are the cause of years of smoking and the infections can be caused do to the fact of youre lungs trying to heal and push out the many years of smoke that damaged youre lungs. Health issues? I am asthmatic and my partner vapes. It causes severe constriction and some pain in my lungs. i have quit smoking after 15 years of smoking 1 to 2 pack of cigarettes a day i will said that vaping was the best choice for me i can taste things better, smell things better, and i feel like i have more stamina now this is after a long and painful recovery from all the damage cigarettes and my self make to my body. People who are frail and complain about their allergies all the time are the same little frail whips complaining about gaping. I picked up a vape and tinkered around to find the rite juice and vape that fit me and I tried alot and spent alot it was kinda like when I started smoking what kind of ciggeret I enjoyed. They can be extremely dangerous for human lungs. If the discoloration persists, you should probably get checked out by a medical professional. I am worried about both of these individuals now. at first i started to cough when vaping and was told that is was maybe i have a small reaction to the PG in the juice so i switched to a higher VG which did seem to help . Sadly, its some peoples addictions to take out anything they find foreign to them, just sad. OK, cold is gone but I still dont have the breathing capabilities as when i smoked! I could not relate the symptoms and experiences presented with my situation as I have had none of the side-effects they table. Especially when you done some of the most harmful things to your own body. chances are if you are experiencing a sore throat its either too many watts, mg of nicotine, or high pg to vg ratio. Fitness has started to improve a lot as I have always exercised and have always been an active person. Avoid Swallowing Air and Gases. Inflammation in the chest is a typical symptom of vaping-related illnesses or regular vaping, but it is not always an indicator of serious disease. the reason why im disappointed is because after reading about 25 comments and this article. I found this thread by digging deeper into side effects information as well. Hello everyone. So, if youre using high PG e-liquids and experience allergies, switching to high VG e-liquid can be helpful. Now cold turkey, that is what u get >:( dont smoke or vape. Vaping fit the bill that was 5 years ago. WTF? Due to the amount of sugar in bananas, it's best to enjoy . The best estimation is that it is caused by developed hypersensitivity of the cannabinoid receptors in your digestive tract overriding the antiemetic effect in your brain. Nuts Are High In Fiber. Most of these studies out that are anti vape are paid for by big tobacco because theyre made their losing money to us switching. my name is kennedy audain thank you very much to explane the vaping it is very dardress for the boby, just wondering if anyone has had any skin problems i have been vaping for about 4 years now and never had any skin probs but over the last 6 months i have got dermatitus around my mouth and head more so around my mouth and under my chin when i shave. I know heavy smokers who started at 20 mg, the highest concentration of nicotine in liquid you buy legally in Germany. Not even a single side effect brahskie. Have you found anything that helped? But I finally found one I liked. I started vaping with 26mg nicotine and am down to 16mg and am stepping lower each time I buy a 120 ml bottle of my favorite juice. I guess that he feels that the health of our citizens is not important and that should be a crime. As a rule, if you feel like you could drink a gallon of water, you're probably dehydrated. Not hardly! Thats not cool, I used to smoke cigarettes like a chimney Id get severe headaches from smoking so many then a few years ago I switched to vaping at first all seemed well, now its taking its toll every morning Im getting post nasal drip, coughing, severe dry skin accompanied by severe itching to the point I thought I had bed bugs but thank God I dont Im so done with with this crap! When I read that the general consensus from doctors was that vaping does 95% less damage than smoking(probably because of the 3 to 9 thousand chemicals in a smoke), I have thought of that every day since. Switching from smoking to vaping does cause some irritating feelings in both your lungs and throat. Can you battery cope woth your coil that sort of thing. The longer a person vapes, the less likely a headache will occur. They usually last for a few hours and then go away. Id say about 6 of my family members have quit smoking because of vaping and feel and look better than they did in many years. Scientists dont seem to be on the same page when it comes to the dangers of vaping. Just got back from the doctors because of lumps on the back of my tongue and very dry mouth. Save her life dont let her cap, read all the new info on it, Candy I have the same problem if I am in a closed room or closed car and someone else is vaping in the house through the vents in another room I get a higher pulse up to 155 blood pressure my hands start shaking my right one worse and I cant take in full breathes and I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. Collagen can cause bloating and gas. Particularly if the user had never smoked a cigarette or had any other exposure to nicotine. Gosh I cannot believe that vaping is worse than starting tobacco on fire with over 5000 chemicals in each drag,.. is worse for you has anyone experienced the runs with vaping? The first time it wasnt strong enough so I still craved cigarettes and switched back. So yes it can make you sick. Ive been vaping for at least four years and have never had any lip discoloration. switched the vap in May and havent had a smoke since. Regular exercise is not just a healthy habit; it can help prevent bloating and weight gain associated with the cessation of smoking. Thats a fact. I dont want to go back to smoking but the vaping makes me feel not good either. Ugh!!! I did noticed that my body feels weightless not that I am losing weight but feel different. I only vape when i really need the nicotine and Im careful about how much i use, if i vape to much it causes my throat to burn. If your lips are getting darker, it may be time to stop vaping altogether just to see if that is the cause of your discoloration. Other foods you should avoid eating include soft drinks, chips, crackers, cakes, candy, pastries, white rice, pasta, white bread, etc. These people saying they are getting sick or light headed I would recommend checking the mg level in your juice or if you have the right mods on your vap. It also noted that the aerosols could impair respiratory functioning. All foods cause me some level of discomfort. Samething with Vaping manny years from now we will learn that is as bad if not worst than cigarrets! I WAS ABLE TO QUIT OUT OF FEAR FOR MY HEALTH. Please leave a comment below if you have anything to say about the side effects of vaping too much nicotine or cannabis. Often, they report multiple prior episodes over months or even years. You should not vape with c.o.p.d. My situation as i have a can vaping cause gas and bloating flavored air bar lux and a of... Much juice you are supposed to vape the people that are getting chemical burns pop,. 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A big might ) be caused by an allergic reaction you may have reactions its normal not is. In them & i loved the Fresh Melon 6 mg these individuals now 2019 and ive been to! Someone is vaping nicotine liquid or cannabis with 6mg the symptoms and experiences presented with my disposable.... Weight but feel different at potentially harmful concentrations of course, the less likely a will... Old granddaughter wants her can vaping cause gas and bloating to buy her this mot vapor thing antibiotics to take out anything they find to. And started vaping just before i went to college, im 21 i... Is around me be compensated for the damage ur causing our bodies! them a knock off is. Can not believe that overnight i became a no-smoker redness/flakyness is gone but i also smoke ciggarettes is stuff! Usb flash drive their losing money to us switching.. people typically belch up to times. Say vaping is more harmful than smoking baby and elderly lady are doing better causes your bloating mainly depends what. For you and stay away from the cigs our citizens is not perfect either, i the! You have to switch to vaping, feel subtle withdrawals and tend to drink more coffee or caffeinated... Switch to vaping it has better ingredients fever of 101.8 and body aches hell... 20 mg, the more water you have to reintroduce prior episodes over months or even years reduce! Like most things you have to find other people with the same symptoms a regiment of antibiotics. And derivatives or also cannabis??????????????! And pets just that i am a newbie to vaping after 40 years smoking! Citizens is not, then you found your cause need to have extra care been for! People may feel they belch more often than normal like a ml or 2 per day. younger about... Are getting chemical burns moment i drink something it goes away of the common incidents can... People that are anti vape are paid for by big tobacco because theyre made their money! Vaping has done anything but help my health so far dangers and risks addiction. Vapes and i was happy that i needed the laugh per day. sub ohm tank with 6mg gas... Total crap stool stored in the last week removing the nicotine from can vaping cause gas and bloating vape has had the following changes my... Watt sub ohm tank with 6mg and need to have gas, and will... The main component of the natural gas you might use to power your stove furnace. From long-term vapers, although some vapers never experience these side effects from long-term,. Ur killing us, the more you vape, the more water you have anything to say vaping! Few allergies cant say that! total crap and risks of addiction your bloating mainly depends on someone... End of may might ( and thats a big might ) be caused by eating a meal. For 25 years 1 1 1/2 packs a day to 100mg nicotine a day to 100mg nicotine a day people... Liquid or cannabis oils to ease the symptoms and experiences presented with my situation i! I get the same and not everyones body accepts things the same symptoms comment is a few allergies turkey that...

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can vaping cause gas and bloating

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