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rising sign appearance tumblr

Their skin is almost always soft and may tend to be pearl-like (not white just light and soft probably). As soon as you do that, theyll forgive you, but they will deem you as someone who they should be wary around- and of course theyll bottle up their emotions about it. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. Capricorn:Capricornascending Regardless, the basic essence of the sign on the Ascendant will still be there. Their motivation is to find an anchor point - a place to settle. Small noses with a prominent tip, round chin, and fair complexion. Theyll do it themselves and can come on quite strong. These people don't come off as very intense or aggressive. Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. usually gives distinct, lovely facial traits ( bright big eyes, really long lashes, proeminent square shaped eyebrows, great skin, upper lip is thin, wide smile etc.). Still, they convey what they need to convey very effectively, giving you the bottom line response. More than the average person, these people become very different once they are familiar with you. ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. This part of the birth chart that . Your ascendant sign shows how you appear to others and your outlook on situations and other people. You have many varied opportunities, but you feel that you have a hard time with everything. The Decans of Scorpio. High cheekbones and a prominent brow compliment the look. They may be fat. It could also be that they give very simple responses to whatever youre saying, to the point that it pares down the discussion to the basics. But, there is a lot of emphasis on agreeing with people. Their hair may be red or blonde (sandy blonde or platinum blonde). They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build, but can become plump due to their love of food, drink and (due to their ruler, Jupiter) excesses. The skin tends to be darker and the hair is usually dark colored and straight. This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. To start, everyone knows their sun sign; if you were born between August 23 and . the ascendant, along with planets which fall in the first house and the signature sign, is one of the most significant astrological indicators for physical appearance*. They may have interest in the occult or stranger sides of spirituality. This is will cover their break downs and subinfluences. They will often naturally speak very fast. But, they act as if they have these important things they have to teach people. Typically your karma as well. Their hair is smooth, light, wavy sometimes curly and their skin is usually light. A Pisces stellium in the eleventh house would often jive with others on a spiritual level. They are often intelligent and unusual, and sometimes intense. 10th house -Having a stellium in the tenth house will give you a solid foundation on which to stand. Their hair is fair, often dark and smooth. April 20, 2022. 4th house -Fourth house stellium people are intensely shaped by their home environment, either in childhood or in adulthood (or both). According to astrologer Liz Greene, during our time in the womb, the universe is simply the self. ARIES RISING: 0-959 Aries / 10-1959 Leo / 20-2959 Sagittarius. Look for a face that is sober, strongly observant and critical, to the point where you undeniably feel judged. Most undoubtedly possess Taurus qualities with a noticeable blend of his or her rising sign.) Someone with a Taurus stellium in the eleventh house would be all about living with friends, or maybe even starting a community living situation. moon sign: Libra Rising. The ascendant changes zodiac signs about every two hours. And in spite of their intelligence, they can come off as airheaded because of it. Theyd rather give to everyone and show their cards than find themselves feeling in debt to others, or like people are angry with them or anything. An Aries stellium, for instance, might be driven to be even more independent, and would perhaps excel in an arena that would bring the native fame. But, at other times, they can seem mysteriously distracted by something else. noticeable (thick or long yet elengant). These people tend to have strong bone structure, and often powerful-looking physiques. There is something very unperturbed about them, as if they have their own special form of peace or pleasure that no one else can ruin. Ascendant/Rising Signs and your appearance & style. If you look at what sign the stellium appears in you will see what their focus is primarily. Psychic ability could manifest here. birth chart For more info about what a stellium is see my post here. Piscesascending Your rising sign is Leo if Leo zodiac was present in the 1st house (the eastern horizon from where the sun rises) at the time of your birth. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. CANCER RISING There is an undeniable soft touch to this placement. Also known as the ascendant, the rising sign in your natal birth chart is how others see you, sort of like the mask you wear and how you present yourself to the world. But, they are known for their sly, subtle looks, especially by looking at you sideways or avoiding eye contact altogether. They also love to wax philosophical, so there will be many recurring talks about the journey and how much theyve grown as a person. On the opposing end, someone with a Virgo stellium in the fifth house would express themselves a bit more subtly, and would work very hard on their individual creative contributions. Its also why they really lead with their achievements and seem proudest of what theyve accomplished. In this guide, we have listed all Leo ascendant traits. It will be obvious how much they are responding to what you think of them, even if this is just what they think that you think of them. Not only your venus or moon sign! Frequently they have naturally straight hair, and dark or olive complexions. Posted by Wayman Stewart to visit his new site click here. They wont flaunt their emotions all out in the open but they usually speak in extreme language or even with a certain severity. The height tends to be short to average. A lot of talks can revolve around memories and nostalgia. Virgoascending Taurus: Ive noticed Sagittarius risings often dont show up to social events either for mysterious reasons- they wont really explain why or itll seem mysterious in nature but they wont show up, and people tend to miss them/worry about them because of it. Mars-ruled, the ascendant sign shows itself in both appearance and physical attitude. They will usually have full cheekbones, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, attractive smiles and luscious hair. Rising Signs Physical Descriptions "In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. The sign the stellium is in will show the type of home base the individual is seeking out. Theyre not exactly. Creative energy is heightened, and these people often love children and animals. button nose, great skin, the eyes are often dark and rounded, long lashes, delicate bone structure, etc.). best hair of the rising signs, stunning lips and smiles, intense eyes, kinda perfect tbh Attracted to/attracts fire risings, libra, scorpio, pisces risings Taurus rising Lovely necks and collar bones, tired eyes, odd shaped noses and rough around the edges, but this just adds to their sex appeal Also, they can be bawdy and tell the truth almost compulsively, as if theyve had some sort of truth serum. A Gemini stellium in the eighth house will manifest as a lightener for the Scorpio energy of the eighth house, and will allow the native to communicate their ideas. LIBRA RISING These individuals arent the types to stand out that much. Prominent chests. They will do thenormal stuff like go to school/work, do normal every day stuff but theyll often not fully divulge whats going on emotionally (which is why to me it makes sense that Sagittarius becomes Scorpio in most cases in Vedic). Sport a tranquil expression, along with beautiful smiles, mischievous grins and tinkling laughter.. A strong, upright bone structure paired with quick movements is characteristic of Aries rising. Aquarius: Aamir Khan, Tiger Shroff, and Alia Bhatt are a few famous personalities belonging to Pisces zodiac sign. They seek out connection wherever they go, and while it may not always be a romantic partner they are trying to find, they still are looking for a partner in anything they do. An insistence on not being that sensitive is a dead giveaway. .VIRGO risings have such a distinct energy! They may have small, pretty hands and feet. the significance of the rising (also known as the ascendant): your rising sign is the zodiac sign which was ascending on the horizon at the time of your birth, the sign that your 1st house falls in. They like big ticket issues and enjoy thinking about things on a grand, Uranian scale. SCORPIO RISING You will notice something quietly dramatic in the demeanor. It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. Rising Sign & Appearance An idea common to many schools of astrology is that the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth imparts it's qualities to the physical appearance, as well as making it's mark on personality. In general, they can seem very youthful well into adulthood. Rounded eyes tend to give a moony or dreamy expression. Fun fact: If you were born at sunrise (or within two hours of it), your ascendant will likely . cazzidy; Aug 22, 2014 . Otherwise, they are noticeably hard to pin down. A planet becomes dominant in the natal chart when it is posited in a sign of its rulership, when it is posited near an angle on the natal chart, when it rules the Sun or Ascendant, or when it forms numerous aspects in the natal chart. AQUARIUS RISING The uniqueness of those with this placement is most noticeable. This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. Bright, clear eyes with a gentle but direct expression, delicate noses, and well-shaped, curvy lips. They dont have to get emotional to do this, and dont have this inner fire to pursue deep thinking like Scorpio Sun would, they just do immediately and instinctively and it can be very crazy making for us. Instead, they will spend a lot of time teaching you things. Taurus rising / Taurus ascendant. For instance, a Pisces stellium in the first house will make a person want to come across as sensitive and charitable, while an Aries stellium in the first house will want to come across as independent and a go-getter. Magnetic and mysterious, sensual and compelling is their natural gift. They are often super creative but their creativity always has purpose- like making a bookmark to use for the book theyre reading, or doing an artwork with the clear intention of giving it to someone, or putting it in a certain place on the wall they want to fill. Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the public-facing visage you present to the world. high cheekbones, moony look, arched thin proeminent eyebrows, small mouth with full lips and wide smile, upper lip is fuller, beautiful skin, etc.). Correlations in rising sign appearance. GEMINI: Gemini risings are the kind of people whose faces are an open book, you can often tell what theyre feeling just by the look on their face. As per the rising sign predictions, the Ram rules the head and eyes, you may find problems with headaches and eye problems. The way that they make conversation is very distinct. Also, they make an impression as being very simple, in a good way. There is something very precise, specific, and detailed about how they speak, even though nervous tension and over-analyzing can distinctly throw off their articulate nature, at times. The decans are divided into 3 sections of 10 degrees each, into a total of 30 degrees. While this signs symbol is the Virgin, this doesnt mean they are cold or asexual, but they do tend to be modest. The forehead area rounds or slants inward more than the fixed or mutable faces.FIXED - RECTANGULAR OR SQUARISH/BLOCKY FACES. They have a casual and relaxed personality as individuals. rising signs + appearance. IM SCREAMING I WAS RIGHT I MADE THAT POST A YEAR AGO I PICKED THE RIGHT DAY!! Taurus: Solidly built and usually of average height. Your rising signaffects 50-60% of your look. Part 1 Part 2, some celebrities with aries rising: john lennon, heath ledger, stevie nicks and barbra streisand, some celebrities with taurus rising: ezra miller,robert pattinson, lana del rey and vivien leigh, some celebrities with gemini rising: matthew mcconaughey, will smith, lady gaga and amy winehouse, some celebrities with cancer rising: john travolta, richard gere, sharon tate and angelina jolie, some celebrities with leo rising: al pacino, johnny depp, marilyn monroe and beyonc, some celebrities with virgo rising: steve jobs (he is a classical virgo rising), kurt cobain, uma thurman and emma watson (AND I SWEAR I DIDNT PICK THE PICTURES IN PURPOSE, ALL OF THEIR PICTURES INVOLVED THEIR HANDS??? Humans are complicated, and as much as we like to simplify our horoscopes, astrology can be quite complicated, too. They have beautiful hands with long and lean. ascendants You are not only your rising sign! They are also open about their failures or their struggles. almost like a habit, fixing it), do anything to achieve their true heart desire, quite observational thats why they stay quiet and with no expression, they are the type to be very present but at the same time they blend really well in the middle of the crowd (being a mutable sign), clean appearance, for ex their clothes are simples with earth tones, their hair is always in the same way, if not in earth tones, they will always wear the same style of outfit (or they create a whole type of style just for themlseves), not the touchy type, the usually dont like other people putting their hands on them, very strong eyes, is like their are analyzing every single piece of you, very defined face features with very smoothing details to it (some say they all look the same). Broad foreheads and cheerful expressions are the norm, as are quick movements and dramatic gestures. In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. rising sign+ physical appearance. These people will often support others creativity over their own. Their response to compliments can be quite dramatic, either through being wildly flattered and amused or going to great lengths to deny it, which is really just them fishing for more flattery. These people give off a feeling of energy, even when at rest. In fact, not being funny will really, really lose them. There are distinct moments where youll feel them resisting or cautiously approaching the subject or answer. In fact, they may overdo it just a bit. Saturn will show a lot of responsibility in the home, or even someone who is not free to move because of obligations (i.e. These people are great listeners and equally known as great story-tellers. They may have short limbs, big breast. They are often too humble for that. Your IC, or Immum Coeli, just as much as your Ascendant (Rising Sign), shows your appearance. What is a rising sign? How do they go about sharing their message? We can zone out at the grocery store thinking about something super dark or something dark that happened from the past and really get trapped in our own bubble there. "Benjamin Disraeli, Marilyn Monroe, Neptune in Leo conjunct the Ascendant. To find your dominant planet, go here. Whether they are seemingly extroverted and light or not, these people always betray their intensity and seriousness when theyre not speaking. An Aquarius stellium in the sixth house will manifest as someone who is always there for their friends, or who works tirelessly to help humanity in general. Not a canon birthday, but we know she mustve been born either in 1981 or between September 1 - December 31 1980. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. usually gives great, regular facial traits (well defined long and narrow nose, long face usually heart shaped, heart shaped lips, defined cupids bow, soft eyes, facial dimples, etc.). So thats the end of my post on my observations about the Rising signs Subscribe to my YT Channel for videos on Astrology :), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRlHfp9V-Re62OmTwh5SROg, astrology aquarius Via rising sign+ physical appearance Aries: Taller than average, spindly body, elongated face and neck. They will be more vocal about their need to create. Graceful, quick movements that resemble the fish that represents their sign are common. Don't take your personal charm for granted, however, because you may also seem vain or too needy for approval. Rising Signs by Appearance CONTENT TAKEN FROM: http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=920 "Your ascendant will often designate how you look, and if you have any particularly strong dominants or large planets very close to your sun, they will also have an influence on your physique. The exception is a Pisces sixth house stellium. GEMINI RISING A lot of nervous energy surrounds these people. Scorpio ascending Check the sign. Their demeanor will clearly change when the topic of discussion isnt them and a lot of them find significant ways to inject me or I back into it. They are are often medium height and nicely curved. Their hair is thick and shiny, usually wavy and tends to be in darker shades of blonde or lighter shades of brown. They may have crooked legs or scoliosis. They are supportive, kind and spiritual. TAURUS RISINGThese folks really slow things down. The overall presence of a third house stellium is someone who is chatty with varied interests and a restless mind. Of course out of the kindness of their Venusian hearts as well, but also just for peace. With flowing movements like the ocean or a dancer, they always seem small, even the very tall ones. They may be artistic or enjoy fashion, design or other Venus-ruled activities. They usually have youthful and innocent features. western astrology Your Rising Sign determines your physical features as well (not just face but body as well.) Scorpio: Compliment . The Pisces rising tend to have a quite charming manner and a lovely smile. SAGITTARIUS risings (heart emoji because I think Sagittarius risings need love, especially if youre Jyeshta in Vedic) tend to be very secretive. Maybe laterSign me up Instead, there is something just nice, cool, and easy about them. Average height, can be stout or even prone to weight gain. Sorry Libra, you got the rant xD. They can feel very isolated and alienated and the infamouscharming awkwardness Pisces can have definitely comes from this feeling of being thelocal weirdo lol. These rising signs may lean forward when conversing with you, getting physically closer to engage emotional closeness. Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. pisces Smart cookies O_o. This is a very calm and easy going rising sign. In astrology, you will commonly read that your Ascendant (ASC) or Rising Sign describes your appearance. Their height tends from medium to high. Extra points for talk of a split personality or alter ego. The expansive energy of Jupiter will make it difficult for the person to teach or share their knowledge; instead they will continually be seeking information, not feeling like they are ready to communicate. Taurus It seems as if theyre constantly crossing things off their bucket list. The opposite will be apparent in Gemini stelliums in the ninth house. Mar 26, 2017. In addition to the 12 signs, an astrology chart is sliced up into 12 houses, that. The Leo rising sign is strong and confident. 2nd house -Second house stelliums are always out for security. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. taurus Nostalgia in general, attraction to the past, and emotions are heightened for all fourth house stellium natives. I feel like she should have an Aqua or Pisces Rising (or maybe Uranus or Neptune Rising.). Pisces Rising Appearance The Pisces rising people are one of the most beautiful in the zodiac. Regardless, there is a clear restlessness or high-strung energy that is present. Aries ascending usually givesextremely masculine traits (Thick eyebrows,high cheekbones,wide forehead, pointed chin, The what do you do question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. They are usually tall and lean. The "what do you do" question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. Their hair is usually curly and may be dark brown. They may have a tendency toward pain in the back, neck, and sometimes the shoulder area, although the shoulders themselves tend to be strong and broad. The calf muscles are nicely sized and well defined and the neck is They may have a flair that shows up in their career, or perhaps they are occupied with their children. Since there is an opposition to the seventh house (Libras home) you may see the opposite effect here, where the native is obsessively trying to draw attention away from themselves to others. LEO: a Leo rising will frequently have mane-like hair, framing their keen-eyed, well-shaped faces. Once Capricorn risings get past their discomfort, they will appear fresh and warm. the 1st house is the house most closely associated with the self, particularly our identity; appearance, style, mannerisms, and other, more symbolic things such as new . One is the sign rising, and the other is the position and condition of the ruler of that sign in the chart. But, it wont last long, especially since they are in control of that. usually gives androgynous, youthful facial traits (Wide forehead, sparkly bright eyes, aquiline nose, narrow V shaped chin, thin lips, high cheekbones etc.). So while Leo Cancer romances might not be a match made in heaven personality wise, their Ascendant physical traits could create an undeniable attraction. Aries. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant. Thus, at the moment of birth, the ascendant sign appears as we are. And you can often walk away from them totally buying into whatever they said until you stop and think some more. Generally soft-spoken and polite, this sign can fly off at a moments notice into eccentricity. Square faces and short necks. but in some circumstances it is understandable. A lot of the Scorpio risings who relate to that are probably Swati in Vedic astrology- Swati struggles with this because Swati is the ultimate middle Nakshatra, so it is always attuned to the hidden world andspace inbetween. The height is usually above average. Also watch out for theatrical facial expressions (when theyre not looking rather haughty or proud) and a dramatization of the simplest statements. They will come up with inside jokes with people they meet, will network, and find a uniting factor between themselves and any given person. Square faces and short necks. The Descendant. You may notice how much they change or light up when talking about family or their mother. Teeth are noticeable for being either a dentists dream in the good way or a dentists dream in the bad way. 6th house -You often see sixth house stelliums in the charts of service industry types, like doctors, nurses, etc (this is especially true if the moon is part of the stellium). The sign the stellium is in will indicate what image the person wants to show others. Whatever sign the stellium is in will show us what they are trying to express and how they go about it. Before I start listing placements I want to make clear that our dominant sign and planet has a strong influence no matter what. With Capricorn rising, you think that you will not get anything you want. This will create that oppositional energy Ive mentioned above, and will result in someone whose ambitions are focused on their family. You are not only your sun sign! Libra: Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. They probably wont need to be introduced by their friend when meeting you.

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