atlantic beach zoning map
Adopted by Town Council this I Ith day of January, 2021 Likewise, zoning is a legal mechanism employed by local governments to prevent conflicting land use and promote orderly development by regulating the use of privately owned land through enforcement. uuid:d936ccdc-bdec-41b4-9556-060cc20981fe "A" rSd "A v%ly @:%&D0? a8m Zoning Map (amended March 22, 2021) Ordinances Unified Development Ordinance Flood Information Much of our population lives within a floodplain. Though the primary focus of this study was the area known as Old Atlantic Beach, the principles examined are appropriate for all residential areas of the City. Online GIS Mapping Please visit our Online Mapping Portal for access to public Carteret County GIS information. 0 2010-05-01T22:20:38-04:00 City of Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations (Chapter 24), as well as regulations pertaining to the Protection of Trees and Native Vegetation (Chapter 23) and Signs and Advertising Structures (Chapter 17) are accessible by selecting the links below. MoSkill ?RUii_Qz4F!(UiI7.=x+ZKK~yw8i8_`]~$N+lDIoEZj~H.W]H4=C6S+HV4IeY*Q*+60Y*1 +o)%:E~,hv79g6b7}-F, 4Zh/kl@= |V'{#Kj+n_^&h\zcpWD|T^t*8idjh rg-yN[O)W)1b#&CO-+3 Find the zoning of any property in Jacksonville, Florida with this latest zoning map and zoning code. Sign controls benefit communities in numerous ways, from protecting public health, safety and general welfare to creating a unique community identity, from protecting individual property rights to protecting free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Click the map icon to open the PDF map in a new window, or right-click to save it to a local desktop. The Zoning Map for the City of Atlantic Beach in Florida divides the city's real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. The department administers the Comprehensive Plan; Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations; Sign and Advertising Structure Regulations; and conservation programs, including trees and native vegetation regulations. City of Atlantic Beach comprehensive plan document 15.00 (11) Zoning and comprehensive plan maps (per page) 5.00 (b) Engineering and review fees. 2 Baths. S Welcome to the City of Atlantic Beach Map Gallery. Address and Phone Number for Atlantic Beach Zoning, a Building Department, at Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach FL. pE1w3vFFhUT%(r5`R70- 2:)7(nyZojG08FR07&qZN.sblu#ziQkzXv7" v[{uqq: e iMo_VWrFrWf}zkTV.HQy:C 3ni7h2~lg\? r+XI~n #rO8LW=D A. Staff of the Community Development Department coordinates with surrounding local governments as well as regional, state and federal agencies to ensure that the City's planning, zoning and development policies and practices are contemporary, progressive and well-informed. hb``g``0D81A-}e6 Krk ms The Community Development Department works with the Town Manager and the Town Council to plan for the growth and evolution of Atlantic Beach, and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of property owners and the general public through effective building code inspections. %PDF-1.6 AB Centerlines T ow nf AB Z i g Zone CIR Commercial Circle COR Commercial Corridor CPY Commercial Periphery MHI Mixed Use High Intensity MUN Mixed Use Neighborhood RM Fes id n t a lu -m y RSC Residential Single-Family Conservation ^@M/r18+exD|pCp|SN/7zrN)c,Jx%:%W-L(xO9J{|krLypzpe+ This map has been amended such that the parcel addressed 127/129 New Bern Street (PIN 638514420739000) is within the Residential Multi-Family (RMF) zoning district instead of the Residential Single-family Wide yard (RSW) zoning district. Ak#1"]z(y0:n=/_:#Q=GsVRTj}D"Fm:HV5XwcpF2kK|.lq'^` >RlX pH}Z3hJ` g~A^3VO1/{>nQ e-Z@$b7:5#h 1 %t4Om@WK8"HT,KnHTD^3k7FW%}D0QIw{V ET Generally, land uses are assigned to zoning districts according to type and intensity/density, while site development restricted by defined parameters such as height, lot size, setbacks, bulk/mass, and other development standards and controls. For frequently asked questions regarding map reviews and parcel mapping, click here. Map Scale: 1 inch = 21,000 feet Road Map Terrain Photography. -G4'Q d$%vFqGYV"b_ntqWr#9%D`*N-d&TzGO'\ Where Applied. It is one of the five communities located on Bogue Banks. The mission of the Planning, Zoning and InspectionsDepartment is (1) to work with the Town Manager and the Town Council to plan for the growth and evolution of the Town, (2) to manage the land use controls (land use plan, zoning code, subdivision code, sign code, etc. Maps Maps Geographic Information Services (GIS) and Mapping Services INTERACTIVE MAPS WORK BEST IN GOOGLE CHROME Interactive Maps: Downloadable PDF Maps Daytona Beach City Streets with Index REPort a Concern Agendas, Minutes & Archived videos Pay Utility Bill Activity Registration Watch DBTV Live Notify Me 55 0 obj <>stream !i:dw.'D?7~&fa8qa'BafOU) E;loTJzv8_; gsFR{6'gG.g.Nk$KsR#z)B?6AQJrP{XErE"f2Cd3jm]1Aq5[*8r>?=#r/P|JN(>Vi?y@0rc)%;uVA{}#p8^=(s2dN K GKV,{}uA2qqPpq6_3E$/s^n3*nI XA'&*wGbE}5"8fKC:x|Dom;@{97(qe;]3anrqC9/=*|DBV]>;B(EU\!f!=(}qx56\84ta Staff is available to provide procedural information to the public and support to the Community Development Board and the City Commission. Freedom of Information Request Form. Staff is available to provide procedural information to the public and support to the Community Development Board and the City Commission. All maps shown are available in Portable Document Format (PDF), and are free to view and download with Adobe Acrobat Reader. hbbd```b``"Hfs)"UA0KlZ I 1 iL!`` Xbo $>"]|\$ ?L@ & Figure 1-1 -Atlantic Beach Zoning Map Atlantic Beach contains two commercial corridors: the north side of Atlantic Boulevard (SR10) 8)V;{/C "}se{Dp3IH1ih'-G:Ql9J`f& VTI stream Tax Mapping GIS maintains land records for the Carteret County Tax Department. endstream endobj startxref << Download required forms here, and contact our staff prior to beginning any residential or commercial projects. Staff of the Community Development Department coordinates with surrounding local governments as well as regional, state and federal agencies to ensure that the City's planning, zoning and development policies and practices are contemporary, progressive and well-informed. Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. QCKFI4k&U\-*PA*%&F6R*:auD(-7*]Px%1aEz7\o?$~`.4>n3&S}-ff2CBK3zkc+DxCK8d4lCh!>[q2NzVlBq{Dm=jURyUj$2u4}$lb 6 mp=fz6Ljqv#"k{J^pyjc72v#KmjZVl)+`D+mcQ&86hVimYv~IYt/c#nl(xoQZ|J1J{Zel2BV`G}P(D;gF zPGO0 #-q5tbh.oXmp%+F]M0L3C Id CaYiHh&ua7WK"5lJlm hbbd```b``Z"I9qD0H R$"lA)7D6@" d "sAyi Ri$t48%@ m Hi-Lites/Atlantic Beach BTS Redevelopment Major Site Plan, The Gateway Project Causeway Small Area Plan, Circle/Grove Redevelopment Master Plan (by developer Fred Bunn), Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020, PO Box 10 125 West Fort Macon Rd Atlantic Beach, NC 28512. Additionally, staff works closely with staff from the Building, Public Works and Public Utilities Departments to review applications for various types of development permits. ;xwV3Lfi1&D@;dsr8LfFL:hFOcm8 P{l ]E5DvxCzk]pd]iU/8~ .Jwv@M;MlWtDvy$tK k n=`\! Depending on the speed of internet connection, some maps may take a significant amount of time to download. The population was 1,815 at the 2008 census. Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. 7 0 obj <> endobj Staff is available to provide procedural information to the public and support to the Community Development Board and the City Commission. Land Development regulations serve as tools to prescribe means and methods for orderly development, thereby regulating the use of private land in the public interest to avoid numerous problems such as life-endangering congestion and lack of essential services as experienced during the chaotic land speculation days of the early 1900s. /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 2 0 R Special treatment of lawfully existing two-family dwellings or townhouses affected by future amendments to the official zoning map or the land development . 1gdsVG0z0o6M&dH8]MEW_5& mq A number of the maps are very detailed, poster-sized documents and thus some files are large. Environmental controls, such as tree and native vegetation protection, add value to the economic, ecological and social aspects of a community. Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Town of Atlantic Beach South Carolina Zoning Map rys STREET ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN LIMITS . lLL -( Welcome, enjoy your stay, and help us keep Atlantic Beach beautiful! OFFICIAL ZONING MAP A. Where a zoning district boundary line as appearing on the zoning map divides a lot, which is in single ownership, the zoning district classification of the larger portion may be extended . Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. Adopted by Town Council this I Ith day of January, 2021 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER AND ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR, Coastal Vulnerability, Resiliency, and Adaptation, Aquatic Gardens-Hopkins Creek Stormwater Project. 7 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>stream City of Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations (Chapter 24), as well as regulations pertaining to the Protection of Trees and Native Vegetation (Chapter 23) and Signs and Advertising Structures (Chapter 17) are accessible by selecting the links below. Known for our abundance of public beaches and . Additionally, staff works closely with staff from the Building, Public Works and Public Utilities Departments to review applications for various types of development permits. 1,596 Sq. 3 Beds. Official Zoning Map 05.26.2022 Summary of Lot and Site Requirements for Each Zoning District Residential Design Guidelines (Old Atlantic Beach) Residential Design Guidelines were developed through a series of public participation events and workshops, as an attempt to define the most desirable characteristics of the community. . Links to the guidelines are provided below. Florida City, Florida Zoning Districts Explained. %PDF-1.6 % While these areas are especially at risk, flooding can occur virtually anywhere in Atlantic Beach. Adobe Acrobat 8.1 Paper Capture Plug-in Name New Smyrna Beach Zoning Address 210 Sams Avenue New Smyrna Beach, Florida, 32168 Phone 386-424-2185 Fax 386-424-2143 Zoning Map.jpg The department also administers several grants, including the Community Development Block Grant, and various economic redevelopment initiatives. >> Official Zoning Map 05.26. . City of Atlantic Beach comprehensive plan document 15.00 (11) Zoning and comprehensive plan maps (per page) 5.00 (b) Engineering and review fees. 2010-05-01T22:19:47-04:00 2021 Aerial; 2020 Aerial; 2019 Aerial; 2017 Aerial; 2015 Aerial; 2013 Aerial Zoning Contact List.
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atlantic beach zoning map